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File: 43dbc2128618fb9⋯.png (101.79 KB, 600x600, 1:1, atf.png)

570c9c  No.58549

Does anyone have documents or links on the strategies glowniggers use to infiltrate and shut down white nationalist and similar organizations?

I know the classic trick was firearms entrapment, which is still used, but I am looking for other case studies.

They are obviously hard at work preventing a unified force, considering the balkanized state of these organizations.

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0af1d8  No.58649

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43dae4  No.58651


They infiltrate militias and shit b/c the people running these groups are desperate for people and aren't properly vetting/buffering these people.

You have to keep people segregated in a shell group and you also have to employ any and all bullying/hazing/prodding to get any sort of truth out of them. Good luck with gemini personalities but most people you can figure out what they really think if you say get them drunk and ask the right questions.

It takes time. People don't want to take the time. People get their little gay groups filled with spies.

Also you want radicals not economic types. Those will pussy out.

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d5e0b0  No.58724


Seriously - Read Siege

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98e82d  No.58732

There are no white nationalist organizations (except honeypots).

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000000  No.58749

Jews create a these organizations on the left hand and use useful idiots in the government declare the organizations enemies on the right hand.

Hitler's rise to power was financed by Freemasonic aristocratic banking Jews. The Freemasonic Jews who control the press inhibited a boycott of the National Socialist party so it could grow in power and intensity to the extent that it almost took over the world. FDR knew Hawaii was going to be attacked and he allowed it to happen. "Judea" declared war on Germany and rallied useful idiot goyim to die in a war on Germany financed on all sides by Jews. Now Jews control Germany and the US and any sense of nationalism is erroneously correlated with Hitler opening the door to the abolition of nations to bring about a "new world order" or one world government formally controlled by Jews.

Freemasons Albert Pike and Jew Judah P. Benjamin created the KKK. Then freemasonic B'nai B'rith ADL rallied federal government agencies to destroy it while hiring KKK members to attack blacks. Freemasonic B'nai B'rith Jews also created the NAACP to rally them against the KKK they created. >>50155

We financed Osama Bin Laden to fight the Russians. Later we used him as a pretext to start a war.

Israel created Hamas with our help. Now Hamas is represented as an enemy we need to fight.


If you dig down far enough into the origin of these conflicts it's all Jew mind games and financing creating a state of perpetual societal turmoil. This is not an "anti-semitic" conspiracy theory. It is factual. Read a book. Look into it.

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923128  No.58960

It's pretty simple, if someone in your group starts talking about how the group needs a name/symbol/headquarters/manifesto etc, about how you 'shouldn't focus so much on jews/banks/israel' and should instead go after more minor enemies like islam or LGBT, or especially if they advocate any kind of crime or violence, they're either a glowie or a plain retard who will inevitably weaken your group to infiltration.

Also make sure to do as much of a background check as you possibly can on everyone in general, but particularly on the people who rise to any kind of influential position within the group. Luckily in my own experience the asset I was suspicious about had already been around the block playing entrapment games in other groups, so there were both ample antifa and nationalist blogposts I found about his former crimes.

Names and family are two key areas look into - look up their last names, see if they're connected to any influential or otherwise sus families, if they have a jew name or one from any nationality that's uncommon to your area, or if their name sounds completely made up. And if they don't seem to have any family members in the area, or at all, or if they seem panicked whenever you mention their family, especially expressing any desire to meet or talk to them.

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894b79  No.59166

File: 7d8e0b93f1ac7f7⋯.png (171.44 KB, 391x546, 391:546, 7d8e0b93f1ac7f7c08b59cf7a6….png)

An excellent and relatively harmless way to vet feds out of whatever organization you're recruiting for is having them smoke a bong, strangely. If they work for the feds they aren't allowed to have any trace of federally illegal drugs in their test results for continued employment. They've attempted to create techniques to look like they've inhaled from joints when they really haven't for when they infiltrate drug cartels and gangs, but they can't fake inhalation from a bong, they either take the hit or they don't. You can disguise the purpose of the hit as either a druidic initiation or a spirit quest of some sort if you want, but it should definitely be one of the first things you do when taking recruits, and it can also sort out the overly prudish conservatives as well as feds. If a recruit is concerned about testing positive at a job they work at, you can direct them to headshops that sell trace removing kits or "toxin cleaning kits" as they are disguised or give them one complimentary if you're feeling generous. The difference with the FBI and DEA and non-feds is that they are tested immediately during their debriefings and wont have time for such a kit to be used.

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0c2eb2  No.59169


They don't infiltrate them. They create them.

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1f7906  No.59211


I don't have all the details but take the time to study what happened to the Minuteman project:


since it's the perfect example of fbinigger infestation and subsequent collapse of an organization meant to protect the border

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9f60f8  No.59261


Good 'ol boy roundup - Early 90’s

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728fce  No.59476


We literally just show up.

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000000  No.59492


>An excellent and relatively harmless way to vet feds out of whatever organization you're recruiting for is having them smoke a bong, strangely. If they work for the feds they aren't allowed to have any trace of federally illegal drugs in their test results for continued employment.

Don't listen to this bullshit. Undercover cops do drugs all the fucking time. Might as well ask them if they are a cop, they aren't allowed to lie, right?

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000000  No.59494


Wasn't the leader a felon who wasn't allowed to have firearms?

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1244eb  No.59495

It's pretty simple, really. They use infiltrators/provocateurs to get one or more members to agree to a plan to do something (i.e., just about anything) illegal. The results are conspiracy charges the government can spring under the RICO Act at any time it chooses to do so. This tends to be done at a time that is most advantageous for the government.

The RICO Act is the epitome of thought-crime legislation, because it's used to punish people for crimes they didn't actually commit and don't even have the means to commit. It's also used selectively, e.g., you never see it used against antifa and other lefty anarchists. The average prison sentence is very long, which effectively removes RICO Act victims from any form of real-world political involvement for what can be decades. These sentences are often spent in solitary confinement with no access to anyone or anything, a form of psychological torture.

The idea this Act was passed to fight the mafia is a joke. It's true purpose is exposed by how it is being used today.

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1244eb  No.59504


>Undercover cops do drugs all the fucking time.

True. They're not held to the same standards other cops are.

>Might as well ask them if they are a cop, they aren't allowed to lie, right?

Sarcasm noted. Yes, the U.S. is different from many other western nations in this regard. Law enforcement can lie to a suspect at any time as long as it helps them get a conviction.

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168418  No.59514


God damm I was recently considering making a thread about how glowniggers do this and explain it.

Pretty much standard protocol:

They infiltrate different targeted groups.

They'll find stupid people and lure them into doing something violent.

Sometimes they help provide them with stuff to commit crimes.

When the stupid person goes to do it, they nab the idiot and it destroys the reputation of the whole group!

The problem with many White Nationalists is that, unfortunately, some are just fucking idiots (no offense). They fall for the federal bait. They are not doing what militias like the Three Percenters or Oat Keepers do. Smart militiamen use standard protocols to ward off these kinds of feds and idiots too! Background checks. No felony records. They vet you and your beliefs. They vet how much skill you have and what you know. They have very strict policies like mandating everyone in group to report anyone who intends to commit illegal activities also making sure all members know how undercover feds work to entrap people (and it works!) You need to have a smart group that understands how the feds work and knows how to weed out any idiots!

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9761e5  No.59595

Go to this blog


And read the last six months or twelve months worth of posts and comments, paying particular attention to something called the RedPill on Woman question. They have an entire lore devoted to identifying the different types of shills. Their specialty is feds.

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9761e5  No.59599


You don't know shit faggot. Read some books by some retired undercovers, the kind who has seen the error of his ways and now wants to help, blah blah blah. They can do drugs if they need to.

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bdb976  No.59603


>about how you 'shouldn't focus so much on jews/banks/israel'

Fed or NGO shill.

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8392d1  No.59633

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a3118f  No.59634

File: 25ff5f088d86ff1⋯.png (174.91 KB, 660x1021, 660:1021, The FBI urges all of its i….png)


>about how you 'shouldn't focus so much on jews/banks/israel' and should instead go after more minor enemies like islam or LGBT


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c1915a  No.59653


>Michael Collins Piper


>Piper was invited to Iran to speak at the International Conference On Review of the Holocaust: Global Vision 2006, and personally met with Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a Holocaust denier, during his New York City visit to address (((United Nations General Assembly))).

>going to Iran after 9/11

The average of two lies is not the truth, Anon.

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1f7906  No.59688


chris simcox is in jail for touching kids, shawna forde is the failed robber and kid killer, jim gilchrist wasn't arrested

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f4c105  No.59845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What? Are you implying Iran did 9/11? And he went there for the Holohoax conference that David Duke and every major revisionist attended.

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207650  No.60076

I’m available after 6pm.

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93901f  No.60134


>What? Are you implying Iran did 9/11?

No. We already have a thread showing how the FBI's incompetence and persecution of white nationalists directly led to 9/11. I am saying that visiting Iran after 9/11 shows an extreme lack of judgement, at best.

>And he went there for the Holohoax conference that David Duke and every major revisionist attended.

Then he, David Duke, and every major revisionist is an enemy. Iran is an enemy that Obongo gave pallets of cash to. They killed many U.S. warriors using that cash.

I am waiting for you to attack me for supporting Israel. Then I will know for sure that you are a fed shill.

I support Israel's, and Greece's, and Germany's, and Great Britain's right to kill as many Muslims, men women and children, Arabs, Turks, and whatever, as it takes to stop the flood of rapefugees into the west.

What is the capital of Israel?

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d96f1a  No.60144


>I support Israel's, and Greece's, and Germany's, and Great Britain's right to kill as many Muslims, men women and children, Arabs, Turks, and whatever, as it takes to stop the flood of rapefugees into the west.

I have to agree with this, even as a white nationalist. Every nation, yes including Israel, has a right and obligation to defend their borders. So does Syria and I support Assad's efforts too. All nations deserve to have national sovereignty and anyone who is against that should be killed.

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e73fcb  No.60145


>I support Israel's, and Greece's, and Germany's, and Great Britain's right to kill as many Muslims, men women and children, Arabs, Turks, and whatever, as it takes to stop the flood of rapefugees into the west.

I have to agree with this, even as a white nationalist. Every nation, yes including Israel, has a right and obligation to defend their borders. So does Syria and I support Assad's efforts too. All nations deserve to have national sovereignty and anyone who is against that should be killed.

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abaaf2  No.60147

Damn server fucked up, sorry for double post

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4d3973  No.60198

File: 9ca3662a8f9eed3⋯.jpg (20.65 KB, 255x256, 255:256, 1346594487596.jpg)


Read Rats! by Claire Wolfe to understand some techniques infiltrators and informants use and how to counter them. An extremely useful read with shittons of practical info.

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288e25  No.60240


That's such a dumb stance to take. I'd say 99% of jews don't recognize the right of your nation to exist so why should you give them that benefit? Always larp as the most bleeding heart liberal when it comes to Israel x Palestine, always expose the murderous rampage of the evil Israeli regime against the poor, oppressed, heroic Palestinian people. Even if you don't care about them, jews are your enemy and you should seek to damage them at every opportunity. Turnabout is fair play.

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000000  No.60252



They create. Undercover officer or a compromised activist. All groups with a name/symbols/documents, most likely, are a honeypot.

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4d3973  No.60312


>Always larp as the most bleeding heart liberal when it comes to Israel x Palestine

Exactly. Always bring up the fact that Pissrael is an illegitimate, rogue nuclear state that regularly violates UN resolutions, possesses disproportionate influence on the world's affairs and serves as a haven for human and organ trafficking.

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fb5b09  No.60360

File: db4b9b127eb9105⋯.jpg (334.04 KB, 698x710, 349:355, 1468989327534.jpg)


>No. We already have a thread showing how the FBI's incompetence and persecution of white nationalists directly led to 9/11

No, we have a kike, probably you, pretending it was the FBI and not his coracialists, who did 9/11.

>Then he, David Duke, and every major revisionist is an enemy. Iran is an enemy that Obongo gave pallets of cash to. They killed many U.S. warriors using that cash.

Obongo didn't "give" Iran anything, he unfroze their assets, and, given that the only "terrorists" financed by Iran are Hezbollah and Hamas, any of the "U.S. warriors" they killed were either ISIS or Israelis (>implying there's a differences). Either way, good for them.

>I am waiting for you to attack me for supporting Israel. Then I will know for sure that you are a fed shill.

>o-only feds don't stand with our greatest ally!

As far as the topic of this thread, people who say things like you're saying now would likely be infiltrators, probably from the ADL and SPLC.



>posted twice, from two different IPs.

Must just be a coincidence.

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695c82  No.60571


>Must just be a coincidence.

No, not really. I've had to explain this to others so I'll just say it one more time. I connect through VPN > Tor w/ a metaspoofer called Chameleon. Configuring Chameleon correctly will allow you to spoof all kinds of metadata sent to the server including IP GET requests which confuses the server to which IP it came from, thus obfuscating data even further to avoid real-time surveillance. Anons started using these kinds of add-ons since the Snowden leaks to more effectively thwart governmental surveillance. In other words, I'm just tin foil. Hope that clears that up…..

>that pic

Hilarious! Love it.

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330d0e  No.60596


<You responding to the other anon.

It's questionable why he would claim he supports Israel but that said, I do agree with him on one key issue. Every nation has a right to defend themselves from foreign invaders. The whole Palestine/Israel conflict is where this gets very thorny because originally Israel was Palestine so I can see why Palestinians are pissed off at Israel for occupying land over there. What I think should be done is they are both forced to share that land and live with one another considering that country is now home to both ethnic groups. But who cares what I say, after all that's their own affair to deal with. As far as Iran I agree with you completely, it is the US/Israel trying to overthrow their government yet again, much like they have tried doing to Assad's (and his father's) government. That's why I don't support these wars for ZOG and I don't think the US has any right to intervene in these affairs. I'm very much pro-nationalism and sovereignty for other countries.

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17c39d  No.61348



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17c39d  No.61359


>Oy vey!

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458d17  No.61378


Lol. We are taking over the middle east while your nations goes down in flames and there is nothing you can do about it. We will soon own every country from Libya to Pakistan to Somalia to Western Turkey. Meanwhile the subhuman Arab cattle we liberate will settle in Europe and render it impotent as a future force that could attack us. The white race will die.


Seethe harder goyim. Enjoy the smell of your wife's second-hand nigger semen.

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458d17  No.61381


>Exactly. Always bring up the fact that Pissrael is an illegitimate, rogue nuclear state that regularly violates UN resolutions, possesses disproportionate influence on the world's affairs and serves as a haven for human and organ trafficking.

These are all good points, but why do you hate Israel again?

>violates (((UN))) resolutions

Not too bright, are you goyim. No wonder we will replace you.

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74350f  No.61388




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e5e082  No.61394

File: 167190bee9920f1⋯.png (40.07 KB, 456x500, 114:125, kike.png)


>the jew can't resist acting like a cartoon villain even as everything he does fails

My sides.

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c32513  No.61395


>jews fail at everything

>jews run the world

Pick one goyim.

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e5e082  No.61398


Neither of those statements are contained in my post.

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c32513  No.61399


ok goyim

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b27cfb  No.61601

File: 67631fba4775ae7⋯.jpg (57.74 KB, 480x360, 4:3, gj.jpg)

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67caf7  No.63015

The real question is why do the alphabet agencies see it as their sworn duty to destroy White people? Has one White male in the FBI ever contemplated that maybe we are right?

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