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File: fdc808f18280fa5⋯.png (463.37 KB, 1242x697, 1242:697, 16935.png)

246e09  No.56794

Want to support the best accelerationist candidate, and the one who will stand up to the international jew and end funding to Israel? Start using the Bernie Dialer and make calls across the country and let voters know how Bernie will fight the jew who has preyed upon the goyim for too long and how the money going to Israel right now could be used to pay for their healthcare and education instead of importation of third world cheap labor slaves and more weapons for Israel


Lets get everyone to know how much Bernie opposes the jewish cabal and its grip on America and the world

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130601  No.56820

File: cf15205823aec17⋯.gif (139.87 KB, 379x440, 379:440, cf15205823aec17f04eec8d169….gif)

>jewish millionaire with 3 mansions

>against jewish cabal

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16e1f2  No.56828

File: bdfb2b4f320c2e5⋯.jpg (383.19 KB, 846x1196, 423:598, 1582936041854.jpg)

He is literally a socialist jew advocating for open borders and banning assault weapons.

Do you even know what a Bolshevik is?

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000000  No.56833


All jews and all leftists will be killed.

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2121f2  No.56847

File: 60fd5e7cc48ea1b⋯.png (4.06 KB, 155x77, 155:77, NPC.png)

File: 0742085224541cf⋯.png (25.27 KB, 264x274, 132:137, npc jew.png)


>Want to stop rich jews.

>Vote in a rich jew.

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5ac7f9  No.56855

File: e0c833d3d5b98b4⋯.jpg (88.52 KB, 587x868, 587:868, bernie white nationalism.jpg)

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bfb7ef  No.56867


just start calling people, redpill them on accelerationism, and tell them to read siege

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31f97d  No.56877



the difference between this rich jew and the one we have now is that this one wont cuck to israel

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f0473e  No.56881

I don't know how so many people in this thread don't see it, but OP is obviously a Trumpnigger expecting people to false flag. I guess the obliviousness must be thanks to the plebbit invasion.

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75ca0d  No.56922

File: 1f6938dbf3f78a3⋯.jpg (63.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, get moni.jpg)


>the difference between this rich jew and the one we have now is that this one wont cuck to israel

sure, bernie is a jew after all and if you can't trust a jew when they promise not sacrifice american wealth and capital to engage in comic book tier messianic fantasy play in the middle east then who can you trust? vote for the jew, jews never lie!

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a75edf  No.57591

File: 2ebcbeecea7b1a0⋯.jpg (18.65 KB, 464x464, 1:1, 1403660998946.jpg)

> Vote in an anti-white marxist kike to own the anti-white marxist kikes, epic style! For the win!

2/10 made me post

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130601  No.57787


Only way Bernie can win over pol over Trump is to call for the complete and utter deaths of Isreal and Palestine. Nothing less will do.

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b69180  No.62446

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f37007  No.62448


Bump negated

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92d8bd  No.62452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is Styxhexenhammer666 right about Bernie?

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b69180  No.62454


I don't know. I didn't play the video.

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f9ecad  No.62498


Good thing this isn't /pol/.

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1e1bba  No.62507



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f9ecad  No.62510


I bet if you whine and cry and kvetch enough, surely mommy will give you a safe space and maybe a juice box.

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3d0db8  No.62512


If you didn't use your hugbox to turn people into murderers then maybe you'd still be allowed to have one.

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8ae51c  No.62515

>give your support to your enemies

Are accelerationists basically just cuckolds? A cuckold gives up his woman to the bull, an accelerationist gives up their nation, race, liberties, livelihood, women, children, future, etc. If you really think about it an accelerationists is just cuckoldry dialed up to far greater extremes.

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f9ecad  No.62518


I once read a story about a Lord who was besieged by an enemy that greatly outnumbered him. So, he decided to feed them all the best and richest foods in the kingdom. After several months of this, the enemy troops became so fat that they could no longer fight and the Lord's small army went out one morning and slaughtered every last one of them.

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225cc5  No.62524

File: 3782dc291d8dc66⋯.jpg (33.93 KB, 600x431, 600:431, 3829.jpg)


sounds dumb

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1e1bba  No.62525



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225cc5  No.62526



they actually have mods over there


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f9ecad  No.62530


sage negated

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1e1bba  No.62531



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a337ff  No.62543


good thing this actually is /pol/ because there is no /pol/

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5d7548  No.62656

File: 448e8c2ba875ab2⋯.jpg (27.71 KB, 323x318, 323:318, RarestMerchent.jpg)


A Jew fighting Jews

As likely as healthy meth

Bernie is a cuck

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388625  No.62675

File: 70916d6be4713ad⋯.png (190.71 KB, 786x253, 786:253, LVR.png)


It's no less believable than the grandfather of yidlets and protege of Roy Cohn, secretly playing 88D chess against the jews.

Votefags are retarded across the board.

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8f862d  No.62676


you can only negate a sage, saging a negational sage has no effect.

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f9ecad  No.62708


(((They))) don't know how sage works - even believing that using it causes the whole thread to permanently sage.

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718380  No.63029

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f9ecad  No.63064


I giggled

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