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File: 43c196d020b87b9⋯.jpg (38 KB, 400x400, 1:1, SpgKyk2x_400x400.jpg)

File: 5d0d638d9c13430⋯.jpeg (61.99 KB, 1055x587, 1055:587, ERy7CZrUwAEVzif.jpeg)

d00f66  No.56416

Sup goys

This is the real identity of a prominent antifa doxxer on twitter, "Emily" Gorcenski, a.k.a Edward James Gorcenski. His address is 319 5th St SW Charlottesville 22903-5525 and his personal email address is gorcee@hotmail.com , associated with many data breaches but didn't give out many passwords (although it gave out plenty of data)

Possible relatives: Michael Gorcenski, Florence Gorcenski, Loretta Gorcenski, Robert Gorcenski, Tyler Gorcenski

His age is 37

His phone number: (434) 973-1215

International: +14349731215

Former IP, might still be his since it's close to the location:

98. 244. 84. 176

ISP: Comcast

Here are some videos of him talking:





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a5d2af  No.57691


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31ef43  No.58474

How dumb must you be to use your own surname on the internet? Twice as dumb if you make yourself a target.

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b2c864  No.58554


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508cd8  No.58607



Clearly you failed. Fuck off.

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000000  No.58627


lol mad nigger lover

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f4620b  No.58635

This is the tranny trying to get everyone banned from tweeter for not playing along with his pronouns.

Be a shame if people pointed out the emperor's new dress till it 43%ed

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808c53  No.58646


>you love niggers because you hate my spam thread about niggers

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fe030e  No.58711

File: 73af12e2c879817⋯.png (229.64 KB, 400x745, 80:149, 73af12e2c879817b4c2fae5b4d….png)


Bumping some more.

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83b22f  No.58712


I knew his real name since Charlottesville, he doesn't live in there anymore though. He claims to live in Berlin. Normally I'd feel bad about dox being released, but he had zero regrets about doxing and firing people for their rhetoric. So I'll treat him the same way he treated others.


He's been a nuisance since Charlottesville, but it just goes to show that that submitting to those people never makes them happy.

I thank him for redpilling me about the true nature of trannies. I'm no longer in by lolberg phase anymore.

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1f3f4b  No.59056


You mad tranny?

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e67528  No.59152

File: a034be23e374d54⋯.png (479.43 KB, 720x954, 40:53, c243500.png)

File: e5dac7b5f11bd3b⋯.jpeg (565.32 KB, 995x720, 199:144, 8A7F62D1-F7F2-47B3-AB8E-7….jpeg)

File: 8767d6b063c0b37⋯.jpg (191.82 KB, 1110x721, 1110:721, TW.jpg)

File: caffb36558bba36⋯.jpg (84.22 KB, 600x567, 200:189, CaptainEddy.jpg)

He moved to Berlin, Germany for almost 2y now.

His current employer is ThoughtWorks.com

A SJW consulting company that specializes in hiring LBGT/POC

For keks: attached a tweet where he says he did more for the defense of America than Trump. I'm curious how his antifa buddies will defend this. Eddy saying he wrote software for the US military.

Also: He's very ugly and will never pass a a woman. Never!

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e67528  No.59164

File: b050257600bdf28⋯.jpeg (115.71 KB, 750x563, 750:563, CaptainEddy.jpeg)

Eddy hates this picture because it reminds him too much of what he really is.

So don't save & spread this, anons

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83b22f  No.59171


>When exactly did the alt-right try submitting to Emily, again?

By "submission", it's in the context of not considering Edward a serious threat. I don't blame them though. Most people like Patrick Casey and Shawn just shrugged the dox/leaks off despite being fired because they felt pity for him being an ugly crossdresser with the voice of a sissy boomer.

They all got jobs afterwards too, so his leaks didn't make any impact.

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83b22f  No.59179

File: 92058261f2a8024⋯.jpg (18.41 KB, 611x284, 611:284, D43gfhKWwAUwUb3.jpg)


Funny thing about that. In 2019, Edward stated that tankies should get the drone in response to a tankie calling him a fascist for his participation in creating software for drones. He left temporarily left twitter because he got bullied by the commies.

According to Eddie's non-Christian leftist "morality":

>writing software specifically designed to bomb brown people in failed wars for Israel = GOOD

<insulting brown people, attending right-wing rallies, using "dude" = BAD

Only one gets you permanently banned from services. Can you guess what it is?

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83b22f  No.59398


>But, the alt-righties I actually notice her mocking are the ones who keep filing bullshit legal motions against her.

We're not "deradicalized" low IQ obese grifters like Kessler.

>If you define "accepting getting fired for being a fucking nazi and moving on with your life" as "submission", then it seems like submission DOES actually benefit you and it's the ones who keep fighting who suffer.

They don't really move on with their lives as they're still activists from the opposite extreme. They're low IQ fat retards like Christopher Piccolini or ugly communist trannies with superiority complex despite saying and doing edgier shit than the people that they dox.

No one suffers from fighting for the right cause as it filters you from useless subhumans that only serve as a roadblock in your life. That's why people like Patrick Casey adapted without those deadweights. If Edward was legitimately happy with his life, he wouldn't be leaving Charlottesville and enraged over people calling him a dude.

He got everything he wanted in silver platter and he's still miserable. And frankly, it's a fitting punishment for ugly commies like him.

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d5ee6d  No.59409

File: f4c7a400a7f0550⋯.mp4 (2.65 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, gas.mp4)




Stay mad Eddy

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7bb368  No.59619


is he a hapa?

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