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File: 2719c5a623d8181⋯.jpg (11 KB, 300x225, 4:3, thoughtalarm.jpg)

2df29d  No.56359

Having philosophy and sociology on the same campus as astronomy and chemical engineering, gives the humanities a legitimacy they do not deserve.

Or… what kind of responses can you expect to here after presenting this idea, and how can you defuse them? Is it even worth it?

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4f0a23  No.56402

>philosophy bad

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823420  No.56413


You present that idea by killing yourself in the most brutal way possible on livestream.

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2df29d  No.56504


But how do you present this idea succesfully?

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d7271b  No.56508

Philosophy is pretty much named after a jew, and thus is a jew itself, much like my wallpaper.

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e0035a  No.56512

You asked the question. You are the experimenter. Run the experiment.

Report findings in this thread if the mods haven't done their job and deleted it as low effort.

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4f0a23  No.56542




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d7271b  No.56553


Um no, you fucking jew, Philo, the jew. Literally Philo lover, aka jew lover. Get educated.

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4f0a23  No.56560


Philio - love/loving

Sophie - wisdom

Literally translates to Love of Wisdom from Greek, etymologically speaking it has absolutely fucking nothing to do with jews and was probably coined by Pythagoras.

You calling me a jew is like a nigger calling a pot black.

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d7271b  No.56565


Only a jew would say such a thing, of course.

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4f0a23  No.56566


Pythagoras was born centuries before Philio you retard. Philio is also Greek, regardless if a jew held it as a name.

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ef483b  No.56582

File: 55b36491fed216a⋯.jpg (16.33 KB, 300x220, 15:11, medicateyourself.jpg)

Do not EVER put philosophy in the same category as sociology. Kill yourself by diving feet first into a wood-chipper, post haste.

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c04e5c  No.57372

File: dde0dc2aae81779⋯.jpg (340.15 KB, 1242x1260, 69:70, 1566031242872.jpg)


>philosophy is bad

You are uneducated swine.

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8e042c  No.57389


So many comments of fags with philosophy majors

You can argue all day what is a rock from any sort of perspective yet is useless if you cant do something with it

His point is Exact Sciences>Humanities

The only use of Humanities and Social Sciences is to manipulate the population into doing/buying stuff, it makes profit in a low way

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80525d  No.57393


I applaud brutality of this.

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c04e5c  No.57413


Philosophy is an exact science. Its the science of logical thinking. Just because you dont know what philosophy is, don't hate on it.

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0b3207  No.57424


it's not.

Kikes use this to call everything subjective.


>calling a pot black

Pot is black

So you are a jew?

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9e4bb5  No.57434

Philosophy can save humanity.

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a0d31e  No.57454

File: 799017b5746e8f6⋯.png (250.74 KB, 592x678, 296:339, get in the box.png)


This man is correct. All others are left-brained Rockefeller-indoctrinated fools. Most leaders are left handed because they haven't had their right-brain systematically shut down do they can be nice functional robots in the Rockefeller economy.

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