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File: 67c46faca7d276c⋯.png (219.82 KB, 872x886, 436:443, why gun rights.png)

f00f40  No.53963

> be me

> have nothing on my mind except the word NIGGER echoing in my mind

> otherwise bored

> try to distill tobacco-flavored moonshine through my short-barreled machine shotgun, but mr Atfman says no

> decide to take on the glorious goal of REVIVING 8CHAN

This board was kil for quite a while, so naturally people fell out of the habit of coming here. The ones that are here are trying to continue as if nothing happened, but that's not going to work.

Instead, let's start from the beginning. I'm going to post a ton of shit- and effortposts that make up the Constitution of the Based and Retarded. All People, and coloreds, are welcome to post their contributions.

Contribute screens on:

> guns

> nationalism

> race reality

> gender reality

> organizing and planning

> non-mainstream ideologies

Also put up stories from Anons that illustrate those topics. The (((media, universities, and governments))) can't explain away a million people from all over the world telling the exact same stories about jews, broads, and negroes.

> bonus points for stories from sedeffrica or rhodesia

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f00f40  No.53965

File: 6cd3b06cc30bc14⋯.png (99.62 KB, 1254x261, 418:87, tits or gtfo explanation r….png)

File: 32f786c7de3ff46⋯.png (333.61 KB, 1283x1275, 1283:1275, man woman child innocent c….png)

File: c69186c81b0954e⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 1860x1880, 93:94, women in the army low stan….jpg)

Here's some on wimminz. Remember, just cause they're retarded and gay doesn't mean boobies and marriage are bad things.

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f00f40  No.53966

File: 301c1046527effc⋯.jpg (135.38 KB, 1156x1140, 289:285, death of sweden multicultu….jpg)

File: c1f700f8ef9755c⋯.png (78.16 KB, 565x1204, 565:1204, aboriginal living drink we….png)

File: add149df3fc67d5⋯.jpg (2.45 MB, 1580x4708, 395:1177, hart celler america white ….jpg)

Here's some on immigration and non-White occupants - doctrine and some stories.

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f00f40  No.53968

File: 78e1ee1a733fd04⋯.jpg (701.02 KB, 1858x320, 929:160, voldemort magic purity rep….jpg)

File: 51224088519a725⋯.jpg (82.08 KB, 860x960, 43:48, civic nationalism cow farm….jpg)

File: 39fc7d96897b474⋯.jpg (314.5 KB, 1008x1260, 4:5, chimp out nigger gun rifle….jpg)

A little kekage on Diversity (TM)

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f00f40  No.53969

Here's a nifty little command some anon posted God knows when. Plug it into twitter search to find out if your immigraiton-promoting "fellow" is a (((fellow)))

jewish OR jew OR mensch OR yom OR kippur OR passover OR yenta OR kippah OR antisemitism OR anti OR semitism OR semite OR semitism OR holocaust OR gas OR chambers OR auschwitz OR kosher OR yeshiva from:INSERT_HANDLE_HERE

I got this string saved as "early_lifeinator.txt"

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f00f40  No.53970

File: 697f2de21011958⋯.jpg (96.44 KB, 1040x510, 104:51, women men smv age.jpg)

File: 62355ac64f7da1b⋯.jpg (125.62 KB, 596x544, 149:136, men born hard to easy wome….jpg)

File: 1dadb8837dc7ac3⋯.jpg (2.08 MB, 1236x3473, 1236:3473, were fucked.jpg)

Some stuff on women's maturity (fun to talk about) and, naturally, age of consent (not as much fun to talk about). This stuff has a point, but it does attract the glowing ones, so tread carefully.

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f00f40  No.53978

File: 5a38f0253cd489b⋯.png (202.78 KB, 1802x905, 1802:905, red team planner defector ….png)

File: 74bad4da958ebbf⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1875x1777, 1875:1777, beaver revolution.png)

File: 998466a4c603d95⋯.png (136.95 KB, 1158x1393, 1158:1393, us rebellion war military.png)

Some pretty white-pilling posts on the never-to-ever happen civil wars that will never hit the Western Nations (inb4 "nations of immigrants" - I mean the WHITE NATIONS, you communist faggots)

These are theory posts, the fun ones come after

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f00f40  No.53984

File: 6ac077f3a250ce4⋯.jpg (199.58 KB, 710x890, 71:89, revolutionary war larp.jpg)

File: 9bc3271d814bb49⋯.jpg (93.81 KB, 610x610, 1:1, war athens tn.jpg)

File: 9948dfb1df53d04⋯.png (107.05 KB, 1775x811, 1775:811, drones dont work give me l….png)

File: 70ceb8d03dac69c⋯.jpg (66.3 KB, 1024x607, 1024:607, tanks and drones fail.jpg)

Future impossible civil war screens continued - chanified edition

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f00f40  No.53993

File: d9fe0e630965cfe⋯.jpg (26.99 KB, 800x850, 16:17, wojak gun here we go.jpg)

File: cc627685709910d⋯.jpg (629.42 KB, 500x629, 500:629, skeleton generation of rev….jpg)

File: 36b0cbb0290e817⋯.png (1023.69 KB, 700x1000, 7:10, whiskey warrior fash.png)

File: c4e6d8b26ab7474⋯.png (1.75 MB, 861x1280, 861:1280, whiskey warrior no peacefu….png)

File: 382d85fe8e342a5⋯.jpg (118.62 KB, 750x730, 75:73, its not funny anymore joke….jpg)

Future impossible civil war screens continued - "why isn't op trying to sell me an unregistered sbr yet" edition

I call these pics posters because they're just so aesthetic and if mom gives me enough GBP, I'm totally going to print these off and stick em next to my Taylor Swift ones.

PS: Remember when whiskey warrior almost kicked it off in New York? Half of the New England Republic went over to kick ass. OF course, they gathered a mile from whiskey's place and surrendered to the police, but I did notice the state didn't have the balls to charge anyone with anything.

We may be all talk and no bite, but how would a nogunz libtard know that?

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f00f40  No.53996

File: be41173087c9fbb⋯.jpg (156.65 KB, 1080x1256, 135:157, how do i bring guns into t….jpg)

File: 7b25acaba374205⋯.jpg (36.97 KB, 599x475, 599:475, i am not scared tornado.jpg)

File: 84b2f3197bb7579⋯.png (364.68 KB, 1914x2000, 957:1000, musket gang nigger crips b….png)

File: 84ebc4a9987aacb⋯.jpg (573.8 KB, 1206x1228, 603:614, nazi confederate moon man ….jpg)

File: 3f257b768aab7f0⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, young patriot girl sniper ….jpg)

I see most of my posts are either pol on guns, or pol on civil war, or pol art about guns and civil war, so fuck it, boog larp thread.

My favorite meems.

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f00f40  No.54000

File: e271b9a8c9019e4⋯.png (185.25 KB, 400x652, 100:163, based twain.png)

File: 86882da2a5f7e6f⋯.jpg (149.35 KB, 1310x392, 655:196, be atf agent virginia red ….jpg)

File: e8ba513866b2f40⋯.png (145.96 KB, 1216x373, 1216:373, virginia immigration democ….png)

File: 815290a7b2f44a3⋯.jpg (80 KB, 806x960, 403:480, virginia booj yoted yeet d….jpg)

File: e8ba513866b2f40⋯.png (145.96 KB, 1216x373, 1216:373, virginia immigration democ….png)

Boogity Part Dos - Virginia "Why da fuckity fuck did yew do nothin', boah?" Edition, aka Thank God We Just LARPed and Went Home Memes

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65427f  No.54061

File: 4160e98f2719fe5⋯.png (330.41 KB, 1209x551, 1209:551, 4160e98f2719fe5bcc1c73c584….png)

File: bfb20eaee1f1744⋯.png (564.76 KB, 1280x623, 1280:623, 1470322910440.png)

File: 16d3a82f90c1398⋯.png (103.45 KB, 1269x593, 1269:593, denial.png)

File: bedaab9ed656c2a⋯.png (253.79 KB, 1884x1124, 471:281, Planned African genocide.png)

File: 908464a4b5b0d6c⋯.png (2 MB, 1809x4531, 1809:4531, africa hell on earth.png)

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f00f40  No.54077

File: 5232a617bb5da70⋯.jpg (682.77 KB, 2048x1438, 1024:719, why pol is a nazi board.jpg)

File: 639584e138e8297⋯.png (490.05 KB, 2518x750, 1259:375, timeline pol trump electio….png)

File: f4fb9677be299ce⋯.jpg (190.79 KB, 768x768, 1:1, pol saves the world.jpg)

Looks like I'm not alone in this thread. Based.

Here's some /pol/ threads about /pol/ itself (plus mem)

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f00f40  No.54079

File: 700476eb0ffeacf⋯.jpg (110.93 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, donald trump fake quote sh….jpg)

File: 953ff47c9a25606⋯.jpg (65.97 KB, 936x960, 39:40, doomer wojak rape wait.jpg)

File: 1c117ba0ec55ad3⋯.jpg (113.16 KB, 683x690, 683:690, black monopoly go to jail.jpg)

File: 5f49a72b38f8dae⋯.jpg (305.14 KB, 900x675, 4:3, 13 50 nubians hebrews.jpg)

File: 2ccfbe7e1b0e212⋯.jpg (139.4 KB, 1024x668, 256:167, first they came blacks jew….jpg)

This set of memes is just balls out, pol's out NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER - tier. If the other threads are the recruitment posters, this is the retardation that keeps you here after you've enlisted.

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f00f40  No.54085

File: e927d644f2f2d5c⋯.jpg (47.33 KB, 618x828, 103:138, wooden doors tv show.jpg)

File: fa7c34fe3485d32⋯.png (118.73 KB, 500x497, 500:497, why so anti semitic long l….png)

File: 2cb52c3b0f35c33⋯.jpg (368.8 KB, 1197x614, 1197:614, orcs shire will not surviv….jpg)

File: b09c440d1b23cc4⋯.png (106.84 KB, 479x506, 479:506, grug doubt holobunga.png)

File: d4f9d6ee16d273b⋯.jpg (70.27 KB, 1000x524, 250:131, anti semitic racist nazi b….jpg)

These are about putting holes in jewish trickery.

Who the fuck installs a train system and prison and hospitals, redirects all available trains right when you need them, expends valuable fuel on these trains, and then takes months and months after a dude's arrest to finally get around to killing him - in the most absurd way?

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f00f40  No.54086

File: 35c0d7e12e26423⋯.png (335.05 KB, 927x2380, 927:2380, waco summary.png)

File: 3f81094806aa1ec⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 1250x10000, 1:8, tarrant letter russia.jpg)

File: bd21c010e6581a4⋯.jpg (142.48 KB, 1024x857, 1024:857, tarrant s ride christchurc….jpg)

File: e4a9ee6df126c19⋯.jpg (95.36 KB, 749x713, 749:713, no country future for whit….jpg)

Let's reaaaaally ramp it up. Edginesserino 100

I'll be back, folks. Keep posting in the meantime

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65427f  No.56090

File: 4895b756f6b10ec⋯.png (70.11 KB, 1882x340, 941:170, Hitler's words.png)

File: 756b1d02385f092⋯.jpg (178.37 KB, 1532x546, 766:273, Pol and ideology.jpg)

File: 8755b8c123b2051⋯.png (320.79 KB, 1550x827, 1550:827, Irredemeable subhuman.png)

File: 35fa67e77e39dad⋯.png (449.04 KB, 1900x1068, 475:267, Liberalism study.png)

File: e9b798d48df7218⋯.png (250.08 KB, 793x725, 793:725, e9b798d48df7218a7897e4ba31….png)

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65427f  No.56092

File: 3710d9a94b26289⋯.png (79.71 KB, 1882x332, 941:166, Mark Potok.png)

File: 1f015412a33cf01⋯.png (1.94 MB, 2400x3090, 80:103, Why the National Socialist….png)

File: d2e72cd1b503307⋯.png (64.85 KB, 1844x160, 461:40, redpill teacher.png)

File: d9138dd5caf3e2d⋯.png (490.78 KB, 2476x1004, 619:251, truc.png)

File: d70b00ef65bd442⋯.png (329.43 KB, 1900x794, 950:397, Art and National Socialism….png)

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65427f  No.56095

File: 79049572d8af2b9⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1800x1974, 300:329, nazism.png)

File: b98f700ccd3660c⋯.jpeg (644.76 KB, 3571x1318, 3571:1318, White supremacist.jpeg)

File: 9534b04878b75c2⋯.png (382.15 KB, 549x1547, 549:1547, liberia.png)

File: bd291e28969b48c⋯.png (95.89 KB, 1886x482, 943:241, Mollie tibet.png)

File: d929bcffd44aca3⋯.png (231.67 KB, 1789x395, 1789:395, Art americanism.png)

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65427f  No.56100

File: 1acf08e17f7a43a⋯.png (357.56 KB, 1908x1464, 159:122, The power of the redpill.png)

File: e14702dd3ce2f85⋯.jpg (292.22 KB, 1045x1234, 1045:1234, when the redpill hit.jpg)

File: 17c74c25296cd5b⋯.png (214.25 KB, 1868x712, 467:178, redpill man.png)

File: c07be1f29a37937⋯.png (138.81 KB, 1257x585, 419:195, redpilled.png)

File: e1c493cb1954707⋯.png (212.79 KB, 1862x1324, 931:662, Pol curse is real.png)

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65427f  No.56102

File: c6229500032e6cf⋯.png (189.89 KB, 1920x965, 384:193, Pol curse.png)

File: 64424f532e646b5⋯.png (1.7 MB, 2040x1938, 20:19, pol was right.png)

File: 59e29f9ec4707a4⋯.png (151.71 KB, 1265x519, 1265:519, pol was right...again.png)

File: cb8910562dca393⋯.jpg (143.95 KB, 1860x372, 5:1, pol was right again.jpg)

File: 548dd675aa9e556⋯.png (17.84 KB, 766x239, 766:239, pol effect 3.png)

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42812e  No.56180


>be me

Sage and report, folks.

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65427f  No.61057




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65427f  No.61060

https:// files.catbox.moe/41ug4v.pdf

Here : 221 pages worth of redpill.

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27a9f0  No.65082


Right. Men are more 'mature'. Which also means they'll apparently pull a WACO and murder tens of children, tens of women and tens of men; all innocent; just to cover their asses and justify their institutions existence: >>54086

All because they started the lie so they have to end with the lie (no matter the cost). More mature. This narrative is such bullshit.

Stop believing every copypaste fucking idea and rant you read on the web. Or how about: >>53970

"you're all pedos own up to it" based on some fucking survey data, but >>53966 fuckin abbos fucking chicken spines, blaming whitey and whatever else that is "natural" is a nightmare. And dont' forget Jews raping your children.

I haven't gone through it all yet so I'm sure there are plenty of contradictions to find. Don't be a fucking mook absorbed into some collection of screenshots as gospel and your 'liberation' from the 'lies' of society or whatever the fuck you need liberation from (morals? standards? just listen to every piece of conflicting beliefs and rhetoric you can find until you get to believe WHATEVER you want! Hallelujah!)

Fuck. This thread is a great chance to shit on a large collection of views all in one place I guess.

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a78cc7  No.65202


That's life faggot. Sift through the haystack of lies for the few needles of truth. Who just goes with what they read without evaluating it anyways?

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a78cc7  No.65209


Also do you really think we believe half the shit posted here? Most people just lurk.

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01f22c  No.65271


Woman detected.


>oy vey goyim everything here is a lie oy vey the holocaust happened men and women are equal niggers and spics and slants are the same species as whites faggotry is normal oy fucking vey it’s all lies

This is why I said sage and report the thread, folks.

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4e8b94  No.66972


that second pic is the answer to the old question," if you replace the boards of wood on a boat one by one is it the same boat?"

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bc32e3  No.67042


A genuine sheep 100%, with strawman to go with it. Not a woman. Just think this thread is bullshit.

Maybe an agent of Mossad based on how trite the irrationality is. This content has to be gone through and the trash thrown out. We don't need you keeping the status quo of bullshit as if it's fucking quality.

The woman hate is fucking ridiculous. Men aren't your 'wolf pack' or your 'dogs'. Not all white men even. You don't even require intelligence to figure that out. Platitudes of "I'd rather handle the problems of my race than other races!" is fucking irrelevant. You can deal with the fucking 'problems of your race' today by not accepting whatever trash comes out of their fucking head. Do you think you help by supporting the disease in people? Fuck's sake.

We make sure women remain anonymous online for one reason: so they don't get special attention and discussion doesn't get derailed. It's to keep it a "male space" and develop some men's culture. Hating them because you can't keep the voice of your bitch of a mother or sister or whomever out of your head is just fucking retarded. Stop drinking coffee and meditate or something.

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