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File: a2dcfabb845f96f⋯.png (186.52 KB, 585x300, 39:20, thots-cannot-compete-with-….png)

43f080  No.49573



Women cucking/cheating their boyfriends/husbands and milking money from random men without even having sex with them? Empowering. Men using sex robots? Moral threat.

Fuck yeah double standards!

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43f080  No.49575

It really says a lot about society when thots feel threatened over Transformers toys.

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e93423  No.49588


Nobody cares about your sexual failures and your e-thot drama, faggot.

This is big boy board.

Get out.

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43f080  No.49601


Nobody cares about your fragile feelings, faggot

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591c2d  No.49614

I bet that article was using reversed psychology to promote sex-robots just so feminist cunts wouldn't protest. The porn industry isnt stupid.

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000000  No.49616


That is the natural and best outcome from all of this. Women are tools. Defective, natural tools. Men, being the superior beings that we are, are creating artificial tools that are better than women. Both to carve to our desires, and to improve on reproduction.

Women never had any saying on anything, ever, in the world. They only thought that they had because beta enablers and jews were lying to them about it, to make them feel empowered and liberated. Once real men started working means to fix this problem, we reached in the current development of sexbots and artificial wombs, that are superior in all aspects to any living woman.

women didn't obey us, as it is their obligation. Now they will be replaced permanently, while we will rejoice and have fun all the time and have many kids, keeping both our sexual urges and reproductive instincts pleased in a perfect way without any shortcome, all without any interference from any woman.

The future is bright for men, as it always is.

There is no future for women. As they didn't fulfill their obligations, they became obsolete tools and will all be completely replaced in a short time, without ever gaining anything.

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f1bbcc  No.49845


>Fuck yeah double standards!

<Expecting rationality from children like a retard

Come on man. You're going to fuck a doll. Just masturbate and live alone like a goddamn Man.

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ee63e8  No.49880


Women have made it illegal for you to fuck anything but other women that are old enough to not have any competitive edge anymore and brainwashed you into believing its a good idea. Why on earth would they allow you a robotic replacement to them when they can just push for robot rights and then ironically brainwash your children into thinking that stripping robots of their right to choose who they want to fuck is a good idea just like they've brainwashed you into thinking that stripping anyone under 18 of their right to choose who they want to fuck is a good idea?

Like it or not women do have the power to have a say in things now and they'll use that power to ensure they're never obsolete in the future just like they've done in the past and theres nothing you can do about it now aside from moving to the shrinking number of countries that has yet to make that mistake.

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000000  No.50421


What women allows or not, and what any law says, is irrelevant. The will of men always made the world revolve around men's necessities. It will be no different this time. Women will be replaced en masse by artificial tools, whether they like it or not, and regardless of any law from any country, because that is men's will. And there is nothing that anyone can do about it.

Anytime that natural means became a shore, we developed artificial means to replace them. With the natural resource called women, it will be no different.

There is no future for women.

The future is bright for men. No law will stop our will to be implemented in the whole world.

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521234  No.50437


The will of men is what you see in middle eastern countries, the will of feminists is what you see in western countries like the U.S. If you think you're above the law then enjoy spending the rest of your life behind bars in the future for buying a robot waifu off the black market while sand niggers enjoy their harem of sex robots just like they're enjoying their harem of child brides right now.

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840cde  No.50704


>without even having sex with them

Oh honey, you poor dear; people aren’t desperate enough IRL to emit that phrase in honesty. Real sincere interests to that effect are less overt even in the typing fingers of the irrationally desperate.

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840cde  No.50705


Are you saying sex bots could make reproductively successful Islamic pedophiles spend happy lives indulging their destructive fetishes *and then not breed*?!

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57cf8d  No.51548


No because in that anons hypothetical future we were talking about the sex robots would have artifical wombs, you'd know that if you bothered to read reply chains. Also if their "fetishes" are so destructive then why are they so reproductively successful by your own admission?

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430f47  No.63309

Who cares about women. Just become rich and use prostitutes instead. It is much safer and much more fun.

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