That is the natural and best outcome from all of this. Women are tools. Defective, natural tools. Men, being the superior beings that we are, are creating artificial tools that are better than women. Both to carve to our desires, and to improve on reproduction.
Women never had any saying on anything, ever, in the world. They only thought that they had because beta enablers and jews were lying to them about it, to make them feel empowered and liberated. Once real men started working means to fix this problem, we reached in the current development of sexbots and artificial wombs, that are superior in all aspects to any living woman.
women didn't obey us, as it is their obligation. Now they will be replaced permanently, while we will rejoice and have fun all the time and have many kids, keeping both our sexual urges and reproductive instincts pleased in a perfect way without any shortcome, all without any interference from any woman.
The future is bright for men, as it always is.
There is no future for women. As they didn't fulfill their obligations, they became obsolete tools and will all be completely replaced in a short time, without ever gaining anything.