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File: c9f3b175cd06f31⋯.jpg (22.81 KB, 431x415, 431:415, ferret.jpg)

b9d90e  No.49[Last 50 Posts]

Black people literally disgust me.

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a4c8f2  No.50

I walked by a nigger another day and instantly caught a whiff of the same scent that you get when you visit the zoo or a barn that hasnt been cleaned in weeks. Holy shit gorillas dont fucking bathe and the smell of shit is normal to them so they dont make any consideration to other people

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31bfe3  No.81

File: fa479daed7187e6⋯.gif (867.49 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Bullets.gif)


That's not really a political position anon.

At least try something like:

1. Liberian repatriation of black americans should have been more well funded and never stop

2. "Mandatory spending" aka "gibs" should never surpass 1/3rd of the total budget.

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948e95  No.89

File: ee050d5b58b66b0⋯.mp4 (403.08 KB, 368x288, 23:18, darkies.mp4)


Are you including aboriginals or just the african breeds? What about the various browns?

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a4c8f2  No.94


mandatory spending aka gibs should not exist. Providing money to the lower class goes far beyond the purpose of the government and the founding fathers are rolling in their graves

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646066  No.100

I wouldn't want to live round them but they're tremendous entertainment. This is the trad and lindy (google lindy effect fuck you) point of view to have. If you love or hate niggers you're basically an amerimutt.

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b9d90e  No.102



Niggers are anything but entertaining. They can't act, they can't sing, they can't into complex strategies in sports, they talk like retards, and they're searingly unpleasant to look at. Every trend that comes out of the nigger community and gets forced on everyone else by the kike media is fucking retarded, and seeing them shoved into absolutely every piece of media gets real old real quick. Fuck niggers and fuck you, nigger.

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646066  No.104



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1925f2  No.117

File: 3ab276c558de975⋯.jpg (3.06 MB, 1276x3200, 319:800, niggerbook.jpg)

Posting a classic. Goddamn it's good to be back.

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ccff0f  No.119


I know dat feel bro

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315020  No.122

good thing niggers are almost nonexistent in my homeland

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d0d756  No.124

Niggs are just the tool of the jew. I feel sorry for them tbh, their culture and traditions have been erased and now they have no sense of who they are beyond "muh Dick" and demanding gibs.

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4e62a0  No.130

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af310c  No.137

File: 0291d779565ffed⋯.jpg (65.59 KB, 420x800, 21:40, b_163940_jpg.jpg)

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b9d90e  No.163


>you will never read this as a completed work

Why live?

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6fa505  No.292

They are so fucking nasty and disgusting everyhting about them i hate. i would rather dump out a vaccum cleaner, rub the contents on the skin of my face and leave it on there for an hour than have to breathe the same air as a nigger for 5 minutes.

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6fa505  No.293


dont feel sorry for niggers. go kill yourself centrist.

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354566  No.395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Black people

Apparently even the college educated ones have trouble with folding tables. btw this jewtouber needs to be educated on what fascism is.

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3aebb3  No.406


she looks white. Is she the female version of Shawn King?

She got her hair did'd but has alot of work on the ears left.

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e90eeb  No.408

File: 07e17124de87356⋯.png (145.83 KB, 295x297, 295:297, stupid ppl.png)

hurr i hate ppl, amirite?

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e0c738  No.409


or how about wipe out all nigger parasites?

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e90eeb  No.410

File: f44bb53b12cbf4f⋯.png (205.09 KB, 345x477, 115:159, minority.png)


hey did you know that white people are a minority, globally speaking? Are you posting in good faith, FrIeNd? Are you jewish or a commie?

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e0c738  No.412


I'm talking about the context of America. Of course removing niggers globally would be desirable but practically infeasible unfortunatley

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e90eeb  No.414

File: 473c8869bf607a5⋯.png (204.57 KB, 395x393, 395:393, per capita.png)


You're an unreasonable lunatic. How about you learn to be useful, or shut the f up. Goes for the rest of you retards talking global genocide. Get real already.

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e0c738  No.416


>censoring "fuck"

How about you have another community barbecue you fucking nigger-lover boomer trash.

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e90eeb  No.419


you are so dumb

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e0c738  No.420


And you're not white and never will be

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e90eeb  No.422


wrong, you moron

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e0c738  No.424


You're 50y/o+

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e90eeb  No.426

File: f0e9aa3f32319d3⋯.jpg (21.8 KB, 418x337, 418:337, 78.jpg)


Wrong again, idiot.

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e90eeb  No.432

File: 62e132ae487f139⋯.png (376.54 KB, 582x595, 582:595, is he dead.png)


Did you get dropped on your head during your formative years?

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e0c738  No.444


you really love defending niggers, you fucking degenerate

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e90eeb  No.456

File: 52ec637a8b9c029⋯.png (426.99 KB, 552x838, 276:419, tourist of idiotville.png)


you no good, stupid liar. you are your own worst enemy and aren't even aware of it. You should be deported to Liberia.

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e90eeb  No.471

File: 65ec0c098be4b39⋯.png (16.77 KB, 400x300, 4:3, troll it imma cool racist.png)


>how about wipe out all nigger parasites

hurr durr the idiot says

how about wipe out all durrr

how about wipe all them out hurrrr


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c57113  No.571


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a4d674  No.607


Actually, they make pretty decent subject material for documentaries. For instance, how differently the groups from the north and south banks of the Congo River act, since they can't swim and haven't interacted for thousands of years.

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ae08af  No.638

File: 1b110b3c6ee1ff9⋯.gif (140.19 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 4f61368885bfb3b3b567b829da….gif)

Some idiot playing nigger trap music through his speaker like a PA.

Stupid single black mother speaking ebonics and poorly parenting her one female child who is visibly displeased.

Turns out aforementioned DJ is this negress' other crotchfruit.

Mother only threatening violence and yelling.

Daughter is throwing tantrum off and on including throwing self on floor.

Oh the rap american jr. is not just playing music he's watching music videos (postscript: not entirely his fault, he's a young kid)

Daughter is alternating between laughing and crying.

Mother repeatedly telling daughter to "keep your hands to yourself" while touching and hitting daughter.

Mother: "I'm gonna beat you down on the bus. Ohh I'm going to jail today. I'm going to jail today."

Like watching a trainwreck as, during, and before it happens.

But you know what I did? I decided to connect and wrote her a short screed on the back of a piece of paper that said, iirc:

"Find and read a book called Seeds of Deception to learn how what you are feeding your kids may be responsible for their behavior"

And I added, as an afteredit, 'partly'.

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7faa62  No.647

File: 16689555d6e1a75⋯.jpg (12.55 KB, 422x292, 211:146, 1574769843844.jpg)


Kudos to you dear friend for figuring it out

You are either 12 and dont know what is this or masive fucking retard or newfriend or all 3 of them at the same time

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a4c8f2  No.651


I actually just read an interesting paper that was about the same thing but for lizards. Interesting to see that ecology can apply so well to niggers, too

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5cf68f  No.745

I hate stank niggers. Fuck the nigger race and Mexicans. Brown people just look like used toilet paper to me.

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5cf68f  No.752

File: 83cf41906258fa9⋯.jpg (76.87 KB, 728x546, 4:3, aid103532-v4-728px-Fight-C….jpg)

File: 66c12af4c40d334⋯.jpg (61.2 KB, 728x546, 4:3, aid139237-v4-728px-Play-Bl….jpg)

File: 144d16d4a037764⋯.jpg (34.94 KB, 728x546, 4:3, aid478058-v4-728px-Make-a-….jpg)

File: 8e765ee1e9a7113⋯.jpg (33.03 KB, 728x546, 4:3, aid2723302-v4-728px-Get-Ri….jpg)

Make America white again!

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5cf68f  No.755

File: 4fd448addf57708⋯.jpg (43.95 KB, 728x546, 4:3, aid27629-v4-728px-Tell-if-….jpg)

File: 9bda66eeff04336⋯.jpg (48.57 KB, 728x546, 4:3, aid328955-v4-728px-Train-Y….jpg)

File: 105a8396aa017aa⋯.jpg (47.36 KB, 728x546, 4:3, aid3327629-v4-728px-Deacti….jpg)

File: 931d240d2ea6830⋯.jpg (51.41 KB, 728x546, 4:3, aid2579354-v4-728px-Check-….jpg)

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9d6db7  No.797


can you post a coherent sentence next time please? thanks

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40a9e9  No.808


pretty much this, they are nature's clowns designed only for witnessing shit go wrong in hilarious fashions

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38b351  No.1499

File: 312f4e07da5ca29⋯.webm (1022.88 KB, 288x360, 4:5, Pavement apes.webm)


Black people is a social construct.

The correct way of referring to them is nigger.

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445fe0  No.1501


is this the new Ghostbusters movie?

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994fc8  No.5866

Black people are smelly and dirty. I hate them.

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cb62ac  No.5929

File: b79cd4c42b71708⋯.jpg (63.01 KB, 709x538, 709:538, 1432842447724.jpg)


Fun fact: Niggers are terrified of ferrets.

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df1e76  No.5999

OP people are going to call you a racist. ARE YOU OK WITH THAT?

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959ee4  No.6009


Shut up nigger,

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497aa7  No.6218

File: 23d8da60bf7bafe⋯.jpg (357.38 KB, 1300x843, 1300:843, ancient-world-germanic-acc….jpg)


Looks like a Germanic hut from Roman times to me.

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effda0  No.6233

File: 91d35a73a9079f1⋯.jpg (38.65 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1548200366171.jpg)

I strongly dislike being forced to live around darkies but I don't hate them.

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465951  No.6264

File: 8f2c015450c3854⋯.jpg (32.88 KB, 342x304, 9:8, ugg2.jpg)

File: 3b83bd1dde972df⋯.jpg (35.92 KB, 360x299, 360:299, ugg1.jpg)

File: c12c2d47bd72341⋯.jpeg (26.97 KB, 870x340, 87:34, ugg.jpeg)




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2be39a  No.6281


I know the feel, I've had to smell them too.

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7cf793  No.6282

>t. buzzfeed author

Go find "sources" somewhere else

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3288a7  No.6961

File: 790edb7d3801722⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, b9fd3202-8039-453a-a20b-a4….png)

File: 288ee4e60b8aa10⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 54525621-734c-4ac3-9a2f-c4….png)

File: d4216f541540e6a⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 35fd89a0-7724-4a32-9267-5c….png)

File: 24d3a561aa62e32⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 874a21e5-4a4e-4c0f-97a9-40….png)

For you

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81fd8f  No.6963


not gonna lie but that is pretty racist tbh fam

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919019  No.6974


Yeah sadly niggers never invented jets, rocketry, or pioneered modern medicine like germanics.

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3288a7  No.6975

File: 87f4081b396e4f2⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1792x1200, 112:75, 1576467444892.png)


Picture 5

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2d10d7  No.7095


No, that is a mongrel

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2f74d6  No.20000


welcome to the club

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ee2d3d  No.20016

File: 6e8c70ffb2262fa⋯.jpg (23.11 KB, 280x390, 28:39, sippsonstarbucks.jpg)



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44d15e  No.20138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>they cant act or sing

I dont like niggers either but that is bullshit, have you heard Nat King Cole at least?

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8b0d34  No.20151


One out of billions

>"muh tacos"

Because this is totally worth the death and brutal torture/beating of 47,000 European people per year…

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209ea1  No.20154

Umm. Wow. Okay so like, Brown people literally created most of the music you like and are actually SUPER intelligent in terms of their development. Wow. It's fucking 2020.

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8b0d34  No.20158


ironic shitposting is still shitposting anon.

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0a9d28  No.63275

Bump for best thread in the catalog.

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c82e1e  No.64127


If you're a mutt your mother was banged by thousands of niggery and you fapped to your moms blacked porn.

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919019  No.64608

File: 39913b4e60f6879⋯.jpg (25.18 KB, 500x394, 250:197, das it mane.jpg)

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1e826f  No.64636

>Black people literally disgust me.

The niggers you hate were the ones that invented the ideology that you fully identify with today, Fascism.

It's the hypocrisy paradox, you despise them yet you adopted their work.

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f0e7fb  No.64680


>kike wingers still mad

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258387  No.64694


We Wuz Fascist.

Hahaha, what a fucking kike.

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1e826f  No.64708


I'm neither a Jew nor a Nigger you fucking weetard

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7f35b0  No.64718

File: 4517b96487230bb⋯.gif (3.15 MB, 366x231, 122:77, that was just weird.gif)


Hi fellow white person who is not a boomer. Please explain your groundbreaking theory of the negro creation of fascism?

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899582  No.65072

File: 3337381a9fd7789⋯.jpg (11.66 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault_1_.jpg)


Marcus Garvey, literally Marcus Garvey.

Google "black fascism" or "marcus garvey".

Black fascism was the first form of fascism to ever exist.

Marcus invented ultra nationalism, afro-centrism, and pan africanism

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899582  No.65073

File: f7c7a54aade4f8a⋯.png (52.43 KB, 218x449, 218:449, garveyy.PNG)

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919019  No.65091

File: bbff37ae15be5d3⋯.png (721.62 KB, 512x512, 1:1, thisdoesnotexist.png)



The first form of Fascism was the Jocobin movement in France during the late 1700's. Nice try.

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7d5b29  No.65092


>Jocobin movement in France

assuming this is not a bait, explain how a radical left-wing movement is fascist.

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919019  No.65096


It wasn't Fascism yet but it was close. Basically proto Fascism. There was also something close to Fascism going on during the Italian Reunification of the mid 1800's. This nig was late to the party. We wuz not fuhrers n' shit.

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8f369b  No.65101


I am afraid I'd have to disagree, it wasn't even proto fascist.

I'd like it if you explained what "fascistic" traits did the the Jocobin movement embrace that makes it "proto fascist" instead of "radical revolutionary leftist"

>There was also something close to Fascism going on during the Italian Reunification of the mid 1800's

can't wait to know, please explain

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919019  No.65192


>can't wait to know, please explain

I'm not a history book. Search engines exist.

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dca71e  No.65290


>it's a cosmopolitan movement for human right, stop saying bullshit, The Jacobina is a proto-Bolshevik who organised a lot of purge during the "terreur".

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ebafcc  No.84440

File: c0da48ee8d44c06⋯.webm (1.88 MB, 202x360, 101:180, Mutant.webm)

Fuck niggers lol

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e06981  No.84516


don't post shit without being able to back it up

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85a966  No.88291


ye im brown, trying to drop all the negro infected parts of my culture. Turning to Christ, reading up on classical philosophy, learning music and working out. i always wondered why do white people seem obsessed with blacks, and my conclusion is they are the complete opposites of white people. The obsession is like a ying-yang phenomena, where as middle easterners, spanish people, are malformed inbetweens with no real notable traits.

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4737dd  No.94270

<1 hate all niggers

<2 hate all jews

<3 hate all rotten western civilisation

peaceful solution? i dont see any.

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aeb0d3  No.94482


>pissing contest between who was the first person to implement a system of government doomed to fail unless it succeeds in identifying and destroying the jew a.k.a. defeating literally every relevant military on planet earth once it rises to prominence, as they will unite against you and try to overthrow you assuming you make any notable progress

>not mentioning how essentially 99.9% of all societies pre 21st century could be considered far right extremism, and how America was founded by white supremacists who didn't give women or niggers any rights at all and lived in time where there was no actual leftism to fight against, only monarchies, which they successfully built an entire system of government from the ground up to abolish

>citing some autistic nigger that isn't even from Africa that only became a nationalist because "fuk whitey", then went on to literally join the KKK and learn how to be racist from whites

can you please get the fuck off this website, thanks

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ed13b0  No.102322

They really smell of summer outhouse. The reason is gastroenterological (intestinal). Their intestines are function less efficiently since cold and energy loss is not an issue in equatorial jungles. Fecal and Urea particle compounds permeate out of the GI tract and toward the skin, where a significant portion of it is excreted to noticeable extreme. At first blush, the colloquial epithet 'shitskin' seems harsh for mere colour; but the reality is that their skin actually has a fecal and urine excretion function.

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0e7a7a  No.102529

File: 558e805069fd2cd⋯.png (1.1 MB, 900x469, 900:469, ClipboardImage.png)


Look into their history. In West and Central Africa, they were once capable of building mighty empires that withstood the test of centuries.

Askia the Great of the Songhay Empire for example rose from rebel to emperor and during his reign promoted scientific exploration and literacy to all his subjects and ensured that no man was denied an audience.

In addition to educating his people and promoting an early form of democracy, he also balanced the interests of traditionalists and Muslims and pioneered a system of trade and taxation that brought prosperity to his kingdom.




The fact that they have regressed so far in such a short amount of time is a lesson to us all.


Ah. That would explain it.

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d92f61  No.102536

nobody cares lard ass

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cd871b  No.102755

File: b6052f227cf91aa⋯.jpg (58.86 KB, 586x800, 293:400, 1367656016834.jpg)


Get on the bus motherfuckers.

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3ca2b8  No.124179

File: 0722f3b55294dab⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB, 720x900, 4:5, Bonk.mp4)


Surely you jest, doctor?

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af407e  No.124507

File: 3d21e2f64e81e61⋯.webm (2.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, nigger_cheetos.webm)

It's funny but one aspect of niggers I never noticed till I started hanging out with you guys was that most of them subsist on junk food, and not even Burger King or Jack Off In The Box junk food but like cheetos (particularly the big round cheeto corn balls in those huge clear plastic jars) and bags of chips and pop…stuff a child would buy to eat if he was in charge of his own diet. I remember the exact thread in fact. It was a discussion of this very disgusting video post and someone pointed out that the nigger mammy was feeding the baby nothing buy cheetos, so the kid naturally puked that garbage up and received a dreadful beating for it.

When the panic hit in mid March everyone was packed into Costco and all the whites and even the few chinks were buying really useful shit, necessary purchases for the most part. But thinking of that thread the few niggers stocking up had carts packed with nothing but junk calories. Cheetos seem to indeed be a staple of their diet, with pop, cheap bulk packs of canned beer and chips. Funny shit. It made me look at them differenty like you could see their IQ tattooed on their foreheads.

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af407e  No.124517

File: f3640c2f929b678⋯.jpg (64.53 KB, 750x923, 750:923, sweaty.jpg)


Damn…stink niggaz…the more you learn the more you get disgusted with life on this unhappy planet.

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b82e85  No.124548

File: e9bb11518806f8e⋯.png (11.67 KB, 230x197, 230:197, me_rn.png)

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64ddca  No.124947


you're 10y/o-

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64ddca  No.124951


Indian are the tropical brown skinned version of white people.

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f93f9d  No.124969

File: 971622ac1c093c3⋯.png (720.92 KB, 1205x827, 1205:827, we_wuz_aryans.png)


No they aren't. They are part nigger just like the spic are. That is why the southern part of India is so brown. Islamic slavers imported tons of nigger slaves there and the women and men bred with them to produce a race of street shitters.

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f0a9e7  No.125335

File: 2e4555eb363eb7d⋯.jpg (400.53 KB, 1080x1117, 1080:1117, real_anne.jpg)

In a world without jews i wouldn't have to hate niggers and muslims.

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eb3473  No.143665

File: d434b48882ea24a⋯.mp4 (494.21 KB, 854x480, 427:240, No_hands.mp4)

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aaccef  No.144305


This should be an entire operation. Black wash jews and jewish history.

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b39471  No.144363


man, if I had more pics like these

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702d25  No.144408


140 Audubon Ave

New York

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8e6cc0  No.164540

File: 2619341a858bb6b⋯.jpg (44.3 KB, 860x459, 860:459, ape_black_boy_.jpg)


Good but niggers are not human.

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