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File: ade2ee1556050db⋯.jpg (195.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, antifarts.jpg)

0dd60d  No.47084

Suspect 1 (AKA: Chinked Helmet)

>Is asian

>Wears a helmet with\ a red symbol on the front and the number "161" on the back.

>Owns goggles/visor

>Uses pepper spray that looks like an orange scented lysol can

>Wears adidas apparel

>Wears a small, messengerbag-like backpack

Suspect 2 (AKA: Redhead)

>Light skin, probably caucasian, eye shape also points to whiteness

>Wears a bright red three-hole ski mask

>Wears a black hoodie with a red interior trim.

>Might not be wearing gloves all the time as one of the police pictures has him bare handed.

Suspect 3 (Bike Lock Guy???)

>Definitely white.

>Wears black hoodie

>Wears a black bandana with white spots.

>Eyebrows, eyes, and general upper face shape look extremely suspicously like Clanton.

Suspect 4 (Blind Catcher)

>Light skinned, probably white.

>Wears a padded black vest that looks a lot like a baseball catcher's chest protector.

>Wears a black beanie

>Wears goggles that look like a blind man's glasses.


They're wanted for attacking police and civilians.

All of you terrorists are going to end up in jail sooner or later.


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08a1fe  No.47094

>so far:

chinked helmet might be this guy named alex xu in Portland uni

>Has same droopy eyes

>works in sports department and antifa guy has adidas hoodie

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0dd60d  No.47098


Is there some way to get the guys come here from the other threads the jannies deleted??

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0dd60d  No.47099

File: 278556e47baa101⋯.png (304.8 KB, 499x542, 499:542, ERAv322XUAEFp2A.png)

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db7a8c  No.47621

File: c2b684d1287dfdb⋯.png (600.58 KB, 500x628, 125:157, chink1.png)



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a00d5b  No.47699

This reminds me that my highschool had a least likely to succeed award.

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aa150e  No.47705


There was a vid of these guys in a small group sharing a cig together like tryhard faggots.

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56d5be  No.47725

I actually favor antifa more than I used to. Now, if only artists would get more honest… I know an artist who claims to be dying in poverty and it’s kinda funny. He’s got a crowd of stalker-types around him; if he betrays them he’ll lose his last lines of support. His life has either stuck him telling obligatory lies all the time or else it’s stuck him relying on creeps and untrustworthy people. He doesn’t have as much freedom as he’d have if he’d been honest over years.

I couldn’t support him solo, and I bet he wouldn’t take a lifeline thrown by me anyways, but I do keep hoping for a miracle, eh. Don’t mind me laughing at his troubles; he’s either an okay person or good at pretending to be, and I like the guy’s art.

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bcaee0  No.47740

File: 432e252cace3231⋯.jpg (178.97 KB, 1140x798, 10:7, Allegheny-County-jail-riot….jpg)



They really do look alike.

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3c106a  No.47759


Goy slave chump squad.

Junkie loser edition.

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ad7ad3  No.47770

File: c2ff3923aacec47⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 3512x2320, 439:290, 9d0965f8683cdb24625ec1e12f….jpg)


Don't know if this is old news or if some of these fags are just repeat offenders.

This image has to at least be two or three years old.

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f197eb  No.47798


Maybe its just being compared to the fucking ugly creatures around her but 60 is cute. Id fug her until she saw the error of her ways

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396780  No.47816

File: cac6ebec29a8d09⋯.jpeg (8.51 KB, 232x217, 232:217, download (1).jpeg)

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0ecce0  No.47835

File: 9614e87d203a8de⋯.jpg (77.28 KB, 586x800, 293:400, finnish criminal.jpg)


if u roll 1-16 then thats ur new gf

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0ecce0  No.47836

sry meant 1-62

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ff4fdc  No.48011

What the fuck are these California rapefugees doing in the Pacific Northwest? They need to get the FUCK out of they turn it into California 2.0.

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000000  No.48089


Jail is useless. Torture and murder them all.

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c69ba3  No.48123


I'm with you on that. I'd bang 18 too fwiw

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9d06e3  No.48147

File: dd1379245eaa914⋯.jpg (85.75 KB, 594x551, 594:551, PP_Wanted.jpg)

File: 02e66f5f27ed5f8⋯.jpg (257.65 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, jgcr.jpg)

File: fae4e579e0ef461⋯.jpg (125.58 KB, 908x908, 1:1, 64245037_468556283918483_6….jpg)

File: a8f3b7815b6f4b8⋯.jpg (116.72 KB, 908x960, 227:240, 64379949_467721387335306_3….jpg)

File: 438ae1dec95a7c1⋯.jpg (41.19 KB, 908x908, 1:1, 61820539_458400501600728_7….jpg)

This girl is/was also wanted. Don't have her name but some pics that might help identifying her.


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9d06e3  No.48151

File: 41468dea1beca34⋯.jpg (77.05 KB, 634x356, 317:178, 8110440-6556213-image-a-10….jpg)

File: 443e99651de1c46⋯.jpg (172.63 KB, 1300x958, 650:479, rose-city-antifa-protestor….jpg)

File: f27e94c88ef5c85⋯.jpg (80.82 KB, 634x355, 634:355, 8110436-6556213-image-a-11….jpg)

File: f5244d326425db1⋯.jpg (148.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, AntifaFlashes.jpg)


Same dyke that was flashing for a cop.

She's wearing the same vest as in the Portland Police Tweet

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81ea2e  No.48222


Pretty sure that's a lad.

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f80c77  No.48554

File: 287a8101ac3af8f⋯.png (177.65 KB, 235x292, 235:292, Capture.PNG)

literal neanderthal jew

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1c6d14  No.48592


>Pacific Northwest

>Not already California 2.0

Have you ever been to Portland or Seattle? Did you seriously think the NWF was real?

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eec6e0  No.48606

File: 460d75591b9b869⋯.jpg (40.94 KB, 464x565, 464:565, 460d75591b9b869b3d7f1d0b63….jpg)



That's not a lady

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4bbb71  No.56886

File: 7ef8932ffe75f08⋯.jpg (167.16 KB, 901x1200, 901:1200, D7Jx0YEX4AE8IaL.jpg)

Some based anon just posted Emily (Edward) Gorcenski's dox in another thread, which is STRANGELY unable to load right now (effectively 404'd). So here is the info once more:

>Sup goys

>This is the real identity of a prominent antifa doxxer on twitter, "Emily" Gorcenski, a.k.a Edward James Gorcenski. His address is 319 5th St SW Charlottesville 22903-5525 and his personal email address is gorcee@hotmail.com , associated with many data breaches but didn't give out many passwords (although it gave out plenty of data)

>Possible relatives: Michael Gorcenski, Florence Gorcenski, Loretta Gorcenski, Robert Gorcenski, Tyler Gorcenski

>His age is 37

>His phone number: (434) 973-1215

>International: +14349731215

>Former IP, might still be his since it's close to the location:

>98. 244. 84. 176

>ISP: Comcast

>Here are some videos of him talking:





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04fcb8  No.56909


I see (((you))) kikes are still pushing the jews = neanderthal D&C.

It's quite obvious.

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827583  No.57087


He moved to Berlin, Germany since almost 2 years now.

But his wife still lives in Charlottesville. Thanks for the info

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827583  No.57091


Also, a lot of times when pictures/info is posted about Eddy on 4ch then shit gets deleted pretty fast. Either the posts or the whole thread.

So the same might be true here. I wonder what's the reason for that

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0dd60d  No.57692


Antifa Doxxer Emily Gorcenski doxxed

Sup goys

This is the real identity of a prominent antifa doxxer on twitter, "Emily" Gorcenski, a.k.a Edward James Gorcenski. His address is 319 5th St SW Charlottesville 22903-5525 and his personal email address is gorcee@hotmail.com , associated with many data breaches but didn't give out many passwords (although it gave out plenty of data)

Possible relatives: Michael Gorcenski, Florence Gorcenski, Loretta Gorcenski, Robert Gorcenski, Tyler Gorcenski

His age is 37

His phone number: (434) 973-1215

International: +14349731215

Former IP, might still be his since it's close to the location:

98. 244. 84. 176

ISP: Comcast

Here are some videos of him talking:





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a99e46  No.57850


WTF - He moved to Germany a long time ago.

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