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File: ce7ba3e42c9034c⋯.jpeg (46.76 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 8AAE7E4E-0225-4C20-B396-B….jpeg)

d585d7  No.46648

We need Catalonian independence from spain because the more nations that are independent the better we can hold companies accountable to law and the communities they are serving.

With the refurbished USA system and England out of the EU with France to soon follow, Catalonia should have their refferendum in the current year; 2020!!

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0b2713  No.46658


>balkanization is good, goyim


>somehow balkanization means you can stop monopolies


>Catalonia TOTALLY doesn't want to be in the EU

Come on, man. The separatists are literally communists, and they intend to join the EU immediately after separation.

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cf42ac  No.46661

Catalonians are liberal fags that want an independent pozhell, so I'm with the Spanish king.

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d585d7  No.46734


Yes it can benefit to demand better services for your community and accept business from others willing to work with you.


Monarchs suck bro… Elect your leaders you subservient soy cucks.

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8275c5  No.46735

Catalonians are openly communist. Get fucked beanerboo.

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bcc9e5  No.46741

We can worry about that after the US is independent from Israel, which isn't going to happen anytime soon.

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8275c5  No.46753


>muh democracy

You are calling us soy cucks yet I bet you think women should vote too. Is that the case?

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b9daef  No.46816


Spain does elect its leaders. The King is a figure head similar to the Queen of England.

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b7d7e7  No.46818


>oy vey goyim support democracy

>oy vey the only way to get what I want is to become communist

Uh huh. Leave.

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0e6f07  No.46833

File: 89de757941e16be⋯.jpg (26.84 KB, 319x319, 1:1, narnia.jpg)

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cf42ac  No.46847


I know, there are no genuine monarchies left, the kikes would never allow it, but I still prefer the king to the politicians.

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913eed  No.46891


The nobility sold the west to its current owners, they don't deserve the loyalty or admiration of the masses. Every remaining western monarch supports the nu-age instutions which are killing the west.

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4f148e  No.46913


>Help the commies goyim

Gas yourself kike

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a6f3e2  No.54144

File: 954e86bd16ff537⋯.png (318.12 KB, 960x684, 80:57, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 416fb26ce876df8⋯.png (11.83 KB, 290x290, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13520223afc422f⋯.png (253.49 KB, 544x590, 272:295, ClipboardImage.png)



The thing is, Spain is not better a single bit.

It is the most liberal shithole of Europe, even more than Sweden.

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5ce487  No.54152


Those are some hella old charts or some nice propaganda. I highly doubt that only 16% oppose refugees in Germany/Sweden.

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7304e0  No.54866


We're crypto-kikes anon. My family told me we were French from Breton. Orwell found out and nearly died.

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7bff37  No.55907

File: 67417a71933bf7e⋯.webm (3.73 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Anarchist reeducation cam….webm)

I would wholeheartedly support it if they weren't so overwhelmingly communist

<"b-but they are anarcho-communists, not tankies"

A communist is still a communist no matter how many titles they put on themselves


>Monarchs suck bro… Elect your leaders you subservient soy cucks.

Fuck off back to bunkerchan

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2bdcee  No.59286


Free Brittnany in France too

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a8005d  No.66559

File: 02bd0a1743c7ce3⋯.png (149.76 KB, 362x459, 362:459, badia_miquel.png)

File: 1b09a95fd8e9950⋯.jpg (71.95 KB, 640x585, 128:117, hitler_not_amused.jpg)

Catalan nationalist reporting, this site is good for having some fun but I prefer not to talk about our stuff here because it's not really our public

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a8005d  No.66560

File: 1b4bedf19b8048c⋯.jpg (38.42 KB, 720x726, 120:121, HP_Lovecraft.jpg)


and beaner your mother

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