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File: 48ae94d01b27346⋯.png (32.79 KB, 651x501, 217:167, worker pay straight.png)

61bdd6  No.46150[Last 50 Posts]

The kikes are stealing a metric fuckton of your money.


From WWII until 1970, we had non-kike Fed chairs and worker pay rose at the same rate as productivity every year. Since 1970, we have had a kike Fed chair for 45+ of the last 50 years (if you count Volcker who was hereditarily but not religiously a kike). During that time worker pay has only barely increased while worker productivity has increased massively. During that time kikes also grew as a percent of the billionaire class and are now over 1/3 of American billionaires DESPITE being 2% of the population, making you about 20x as likely to be a billionaire if you're a kike.

You're the most educated, tech savvy, productive generation of workers in history, and yet half of you are morbidly obese because you can't afford to eat anything but cheap overprocessed garbage and you couldn't afford kids even if you weren't too fat to fit your dick in some fatty's holes. If you think this is a natural result of capitalism which doubled the average worker's pay in kike hater Henry Ford's day, you're fucking retarded.

This is being done by the kikes who spent the last few decades raping children to take over the world (Epstein, NXIVM, Assi Ben-Mosh (Colombian pedo resort), etc.). They didn't just rape kids to drag us into half a dozen useless wars on the other side of the world. They did it to turn us into perpetual debt slaves they can leech off of while they replace us with low IQ cattle who are less likely to NOTICE them.

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b9f08b  No.46170


I recognized something was very wrong pretty early on but really woke up after the the 9-11 inside job which I predicted massive endless wars and increasing military budgets would turn this nation fiscally insolvent (much like it did to the USSR). Things are all falling into place today and it makes sense why they have been robbing hard workers for so long. I've been slowly removing my life savings over the years and stocking up on basic essentials, arms/ammo and equip to be able to survive off-grid during major crisis. If anyone here is older and has savings in a bank I'd recommend they start doing the same (be careful not to remove too much cash all at once because they have FINCEN laws against that now - yes seriously they still call this governmental ensnarement 'capitalism' lol). Those laws do not effect credit card purchases however (at least they don't yet). Just remember cities are death traps and to never trust the government or their lying kike-run media. Expect in two to three months we start to see major supply disruptions due to what is going on in China and no doubt I expect this was a bio-weapon released for their global financial reset and NWO / mark of the beast technocracy / bio-tech slave 5G kill grid.

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5a5211  No.46185

File: a8088e7afafe364⋯.png (58.85 KB, 670x893, 670:893, mefobillsunzcapitaloverlab….png)

File: ea2f579c34091ad⋯.png (124.09 KB, 676x1738, 338:869, mefobillsunzpublicinternal….png)

File: 9b98df4d837b977⋯.png (151.37 KB, 655x2200, 131:440, mefobillsunzamericavschina.png)

File: 9b2ed1feb448be6⋯.png (41.39 KB, 671x686, 671:686, mefobillsunzchina.png)

Understand the mechanisms.

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5a5211  No.46186


>You're the most educated, tech savvy, productive generation of workers in history

This doesn't actually apply to America. America is very skill poor by design. It's a bit of a pep talk from people who are on the right track and want to fight for worker's rights, but America's work force is largely useless because taking the wage arbitrage of foreign labor is more beneficial to capital. Letting the domestic, who present the possibility of revolt, atrophy is done deliberately.

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3ec628  No.46207


America used to be full of educated, tech savvy, productive, skilled workers. Thanks to the government-infested takeover by the DOE of our educational system they turned it into a brainwashing-indoctrination student loan racket which robs the youth blind and dumbs them down on purpose. It all began with the start of outsourcing jobs in the 80s and, soon after, the subversion of education.

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e32914  No.46221


>America used to be full of

slaves to freemasonry!

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18ffb8  No.46234

Try well over half.

Add petrol tax, gst/vat, re-taxation of money you gift/give to people (the eternal triple coin clip), rates, levies etc.

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e32914  No.46244


Look at the bright side.

It's over 60% on average in Germoney.

You have it good.

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75743d  No.46247

File: 8156209366a0a95⋯.png (10.53 KB, 516x233, 516:233, British East India Company.png)


>the wage arbitrage of foreign labor is more beneficial to capital

Only because we don't have proper import taxes to offset the shitty conditions in those countries. This is purely due to the neocon/kochian tax structure. A true Republican tax structure such as under Lincoln would resolve this blatant inefficiency.

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5a5211  No.46251


Bleating on about taxes misses the larger point. Understand the mechanisms.

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75743d  No.46267


What are you talking about. You based your argument on the wage arbitrage, which is founded TOTALLY on the lack of correct import taxes.

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75743d  No.46271

File: ece484d54378285⋯.jpg (157.38 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, WATERGATE RESTAURANT.jpg)


>From WWII until 1970, we had non-kike Fed chairs


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5a5211  No.46281


No, it's not entirely founded on import taxes. The core problem is the issuance of money that takes from labor for its right to exist. Tariffs are a critical component of the American System, but are not enough to deal with the permanent efficiency that advantages a nation implementing the American System/state capitalism/National Socialism/socialism with Chinese characteristics. You have to understand the mechanism.

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ccca08  No.46285

File: cd4bc6cfeb0bb15⋯.jpg (15.67 KB, 207x243, 23:27, dd.jpg)


Best post on here tied with Coronachan.

What's more OP, due to the design of the FED, everyone will end up with nothing as the operation continues. Debt interest keeps accumulating until there is no more tax money in circulation,,, then they print more FED notes,,, which makes more interest debt, … to … pay … back…. endlessly.

Then you lose all your gold, real estate, rights, childrens formal education and homes.

Thank goodness we have all those leftists to keep this jewish scam running, and running, and running. At least they keep us all occupied searching for the intangible Nazis like ghosts and fairies.

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5a5211  No.46288


>Then you lose all your gold

Gold isn't money. Money is law.

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75743d  No.46304

File: ba4f6016051bf56⋯.png (286.05 KB, 750x400, 15:8, gold standard.png)


Fiat currency has been going on since day one. That debate was going on between Jefferson and Hamilton.

Now they are increasingly doing worse things with that money, and that's a fair point. But this country got along fine & white for almost 200 years with plenty of fiat issuance. "Gold standard" is a boomer solution, championed by no less than Alan Greenspan. You're wrong. Making white workers compete with obvious slaves who work above suicide nets, without leveling the playing field properly with tariffs is the most obvious problem is global economics.

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f9ac5a  No.46306


>The kikes are stealing a metric fuckton of your money.

Yeah, we know. No one is doing anything about it. Anyone who says to do anything about it is called a jew. Anyone who says no one will do anything about it is called a jew. Talking does nothing. This thread is meaningless.

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47ecb1  No.46307


>without leveling the playing field properly with tariffs is the most obvious problem is global economics.

So close yet so far.

Yes, tariffs would fix many problems with globalization.

Yes, fiat currency isn't the problem.

Yes, gold standard is a boomer solution.

But no, tariffs aren't the most obvious problem in global economics.

This anon is correct:


>What's more OP, due to the design of the FED, everyone will end up with nothing as the operation continues. Debt interest keeps accumulating until there is no more tax money in circulation,,, then they print more FED notes,,, which makes more interest debt, … to … pay … back…. endlessly.

All debt-backed currencies result in a feedback loop, because you cannot magically add more value to the base unit which defines value.

>I'll kindly give you a dollar if you give me two dollars next week!

<But where do I get the second dollar?

>Why you get that second dollar from me!

<But what if I don't take the second dollar from you?

>Why don't you want to take my second dollar?

The only solution to fiat currency is to base it's value on something which is infinite in supply and has a demand which exceeds the ability for any growing population to fully supply.

There are only two answers to this: Energy, and Manpower.

Eventually the human element will be eliminated if you base an economy on energy production because industry will quickly seek to eliminate human input as much as possible. You can see this process within tech giants.

Man-hours are limitless though.

A single child takes thousands of man-hours to raise. It takes diapers, specialized food, medicine, toys, entertainment, etc. Each of those industries in turn require thousands of man-hours in resources.

The creation of each new child in turn drives all industry and ensures the continued survival of it's parent nation.

So why isn't the USD based on man-hours?

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75743d  No.46313

File: efff9b86681215b⋯.jpg (796.36 KB, 874x1416, 437:708, plato-the-republic.jpg)


>why isn't the USD based on [X]

Because they want to expand and contract the money supply and they aren't going to give that power up. Money expansion and contraction is a power that isn't going away. The only question is who has that power. Also fuck that "man-hours" concept anyway. My man-hours are far more valuable than the average murrican workers'. Fucking democracy-based idea.

I've seen so many people bark up the wrong tree for years, running around in circles chasing their own tail. There is science here; it's not a question of opinion.

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000000  No.46316


Quite true.

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99fb15  No.46319


>All debt-backed currencies result in a feedback loop, because you cannot magically add more value to the base unit which defines value.

Now you might say something along the lines of:

<But there's only one obvious instance of a debt-backed currency going into hyper-inflation

Maybe there's more, but I don't really care because the US is in the middle of the hyper-inflation stage.

Don't believe me?

The only reason it's not seen by the common man is because large financially focused corporations are absorbing the excess currency.

The US government is one of those corporations.



>"defense" spending

>cloud contracts



All of these things serve to offset the effects of hyper inflation. They put money in the hands of people who cannot directly obtain currency from the federal reserve to offset the increased costs of living.

The major banks also serve to absorb the tide of hyper-inflation by action like a tributary or river delta. Their numbers grow, their clients are made happy, but at the end of the day no one notices that the "growth" is just the same number from 10 years ago with some 0's tacked on as a facade.

The only places where the hyper-inflation can be seen are places where there are no effective government programs to offset the inflation: Permanent housing, proper education, private arms, and private transportation.


>My man-hours are far more valuable than the average murrican workers'. Fucking democracy-based idea.

Not once did I say "everyone is paid the same". In fact that's the exact opposite of the message of my post.

It would be a disgrace to say that the labor of an engineer is the same as the labor of a ditch digger. That in itself would largely be defined by the market.

What I'm saying is that the labor of a ditch digger has an intrinsic value which should be rewarded in such a way that ditch diggers can continue to exist.

The idea of an engineer cannot come into fruition without the labor of a ditch digger.

This concept cannot exist within any other economic model, and has been proven time and again for thousands of years.

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c617f3  No.46320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


America was built on a masonic and liberal foundation, but it can always get worse and it does.

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61bdd6  No.46322


Fair, this is really just the portion they steal through the Fed, not the portion they steal to pay for wars with Israel's enemies.

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000000  No.46324


Violence always solves all problems. If people won't kill jews, then jews will keep enslaving everyone.

If you want a change for the better, start killing your enemies. The problems that they create will die with them.

There are even redpilled people that don't want to resort to the sacred act of violence because deep down, they want to be a part of the jewish system. They want to keep the debt enslavement system and it's arm of brainwashing entertainment intact, and only want to replace the jews with themselves.

Those like that are also the enemy, along with the jews. A massive killing of all jews and all redpilled opportunists is what will solve all of those problems,

Kill the jews. Destroy their system. And kill anyone trying to be the next jews.

The murders must be massive, on all sides, until only the best are allowed to live. If you allow low-life scum to live, even if non-jewish and redpilled, they will simply maintain the jewish system and use it for their own benefit.

Kill them all.

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75743d  No.46340

File: 63c09feca407c81⋯.png (188.49 KB, 808x466, 404:233, menachem quote master race.png)


>the US is in the middle of the hyper-inflation stage

No question. But American and European industry and white workers need support to raise families NOW, not pie in the sky ramblings about abolishing muh Fed. Tariffs is something that could actually gain traction. Dealing with the Federal State and Local debt mountains is something else, and discussing any kind of monetary reform would have to come AFTER that, or you fall into Greenspan's obvious trap of repaying his bullshit monopoly money with some kind of real money. Get scientific about this stuff. There is a logic and reality to be dealt with.

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5a5211  No.46361


No one is arguing against tariffs. We're just trying to explain that tariffs don't solve the underlying mechanism – money which takes from labor in order to exist.

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61bdd6  No.46399


It's called raising awareness. They use the left to do that kind of thing about bullshit issues when they want to push bullshit legislation. Maybe we should do it about real issues and see what happens.

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61bdd6  No.46401


Violence must be planned carefully when your enemy has the upper hand. And in the information war, they do have the upper hand. Our time will come, but first enough of the public must be made aware for them to want to overthrow the current system.

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21e7f3  No.46412

File: 47e5c9724266aaf⋯.jpg (166.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Mnuch.jpg)


Remember Goy talk is ok but if you actually try to fight for your fair share then you're a Communist.

You don't want to be known as a Bernie loving pinko faggot socialist do ya?

No sir.

Good Goy, don't forget Trump's draining the swamp.

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61bdd6  No.46420


I mean, he did give us the first non-kike Fed chair since before I was born and we saw Epstein, NXIVM, and the Colombian pedo resort go down under his watch. It's not like he's done nothing. But we can't expect him to fix everything when our government (not to mention his own family) is so infested.

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21e7f3  No.46426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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246f53  No.46436

File: a755ba3db9da1f5⋯.jpg (66.55 KB, 706x847, 706:847, Cohn mentor.jpg)


>he did give us the first non-kike Fed chair since before I was born

All that does is let the kikes see "see? we don't control the Fed, there's a goy in charge!"

>It's not like he's done nothing

He has nothing to do with any of that, aside from Epstein, in the roundabout way the people who disliked him drew attention to their relationship.

Trump is a product of jewish child-traffickers, going back to at least his mentoring from Roy Cohn.

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61bdd6  No.46440


Trump cut ties with Epstein years before Epstein got convicted the first time and helped Epstein's victims sue Epstein for damages. The lawyer for Epstein's victims credited Trump as being the only member of the elite who went out of his way to help with their case.

That said, it's hard to tell whether he's actually trying to dismantle the Jewish power structure or whether he's just taking out some of the most obviously corrupt among them to clean up their image while they continue fucking with us.

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246f53  No.46453

File: 1f7cc50c5825f1f⋯.jpg (297.64 KB, 710x440, 71:44, Epstein Banned from Mar-a-….jpg)

File: 9e512e446f5f60d⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1287x890, 1287:890, Trump Epstein Maximum Golf.jpg)


>b-but he cut ties with Epstein

The Mar-a-Lago ban story is dubious, but if it did indeed happen, it was over a year after his initial arrest, and the media coverage of it. At best, Epstein approached the wrong girl, and her dad had enough sway to get him banned.

>The lawyer for Epstein's victims credited Trump as being the only member of the elite who went out of his way to help with their case.

He said he's the only person who talked to them, which doesn't necessarily mean innocence. Just in general crimes, how many times is the "most co-operative witness" the guilty party?

The funniest thing about Trumpniggers always citing that video is that the interviewer himself is convinced of Trump's guilt - as any rational person would be.

Trump had a 20+ year friendship with Epstein, he compared him to himself, appointed Acosta who got him his sweetheart deal, and then hired two of his lawyers for his impeachment legal team. If any of the approved villains in the MAGA/Q mythology had those same connections we'd never hear the end of it, but since it's GEOTUS, none of it matters.

>it's hard to tell whether he's actually trying to dismantle the Jewish power structure

No, it's very, very easy. If he was any threat to world jewry, Sheldon Adelson wouldn't be so happy with his golem that his wife was comparing him to Queen Esther, and saying a "Book of Trump" should be added to the Torah. Nor would he be planning to spend at least $100 million in 2020.

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21e7f3  No.46474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What was Bernie up to?

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000000  No.46558

Gold redeemability is an absolute guarantee of monetary stability. Historically it has done pretty well on that score, but that’s not the main point.

The main point is that the absolute discretion to change the quantity of money, unconstrained by any underlying natural reality whatever, is effectively a conjuring power that will invariably reward those who seek to serve it while financially oppressing everyone else. It is so objectionable to natural reason that it must also disguise itself; thus there is always a pretend reality it claims to be observing: productivity and output and employment and so on, the measures of which become increasingly falsified and farcical as time goes on, because the brute fact of the system is absolute discretion to conjure “money”, and no underlying reality can be permitted to constrain it, otherwise it wouldn’t be what it is.

So where are we now? The system’s servants, a/k/a the 1%, have utterly monopolized the money supply. They have used the conjuring power to benefit themselves, inadvertently reducing the 99% to relative penury. The 99% can no longer borrow, being already saturated with debt; but the 1% – controlling money issuance as they do, which is what the system permits – will provide new money only on the condition that it is borrowed, and since their discretion is absolute their will prevails.

This is the nature of the thing: it is an impasse between the classes. If the 99%, in their naive and plaintive cries ask to be paid instead of lent to, the 1% respond that they can buy the same thing the 99% are offering cheaper elsewhere, like in China, owing to the very conjuring power they possess in the first place. And this, more than anything else, is why borrowing in the US has skyrocketed while incomes have declined. It is not the fault of the Chinese, who are as much victims of this dynamic as everyone else. It is the nature of the system itself, to systematically exploit the whole earth and its people on behalf of those who are willing to use power for that purpose. It benefits the worst among us.

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75743d  No.46564

File: 58763e2a93f785e⋯.png (198.57 KB, 401x578, 401:578, JEFFERSON EXPLAINS CENTRAL….png)


Nice to see you read the thread.

The main power of "changing the quantity of money" though is simply printing 4% of total USDs per year. The contraction part only happens occasionally, when they want to steal from the overextended people (who are overextended by design) and take their assets. Knowing WHEN they will do that is a big part of the trick. They can choose it, as Churchill was shown in 1929 when he visited the NYSE on Black Tuesday.

The ability to print 4% per year (doubling the money supply every 20 years, which has been determined as the level that people will tolerate without really noticing) is not a conjuring trick. It's the absolute fundamental point of paper money.

Fed "lends" it to "commercial banks" (i.e. themselves) at an extremely low rate. "Commercial banks" (i.e. themselves), buy up whatever shit they can with the free money. They pay Fed nominal "interest". Fed pays all "profit" to the treasury, while "commercial banks" (i.e. themselves) make all the money. This is why auditing is a wild goose chase. The books will be just fine. The trick is the rate at which they lend to banks is lower than the rate at which the commercial banks lend to the treasury, which is justified by the "rate curve" trick. It's designed to be obscure - Jefferson

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75743d  No.46568

File: d8d76f3ae2cf644⋯.png (201.39 KB, 622x726, 311:363, jewish groups decry cut in….png)


This is why the Obama neocon banker admin kept immigration at full force during the recession (which was unprecedented), because suppressing wages with immigration helps the banks to make whitey overextended so he loses his house.

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bc8a8c  No.46631


>It's called raising awareness.

Yeah, that does nothing.

>Maybe we should do it

Yeah, you don't get it. At all. You do not have any power. They will not let you have any power. What you say does not matter. They don't care. They will ignore you. YOU CANNOT TREAT THEM AS THOUGH THEY ARE LIKE YOU. You don't fucking comprehend this, which is why you have already failed.

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2ad71c  No.46982


>Gold is a boomer solution

Physicist here. Gold is the metal with the highest conductivity. In certain application like high-speed electronics (e.g. processors) gold is the ONLY metal that has low enough resistance to do the job. Do you think electronics is just a fad? Do you think we will be less reliant on electronics and computation in the future? If so, then don't invest in gold.

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1a3df0  No.46984


Gold is not money. Money is law. The utility of gold and its industrial value don't change this. Money is law. The king's stamp, not luster, is what gave gold its value. Gold is NOT money. Money is law.

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2ad71c  No.46986


>The king's stamp, not luster, is what gave gold its value.

Really? So nobody really cared about gold until the king told people to care about it? huh. Weird that it became valuable all over the world in a magically synchronized way. (you're retarded)

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1a3df0  No.46988


It didn't become valuable all over the world in a magically synchronized way, but jews are very interested in making people believe this. Money is law.

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2ad71c  No.47010


So the bill that has FED written on it has real value. The element that is used to make valuable tech has a lesser form of value. No. USD is always being printed and so is becoming less valuable. Gold is always being used up and so is becoming more valuable. This is how value works in reality.

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1a3df0  No.47011

File: ab918b4e8f433fc⋯.png (55.62 KB, 662x821, 662:821, mefobillsunzgold.png)


>So the bill that has FED written on it has real value.

Money is law. Reserve notes are a form of money that takes rents for its right to exist. You're confusing people with your libertarian kike nonsense. Understand the mechanism.

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1a3df0  No.47243

i'm bumping this one because i have a feeling this is the slide target

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75743d  No.47290

File: 06286f939394a37⋯.png (801.66 KB, 1995x520, 399:104, BNL 911.png)


"Investing" in gold in America is stupid. They tax you ordinary income rates on any "gains", because they specifically don't want you doing this. Buying the paper gold on the stock market is obviously insane except as part of some hedging strategy.

Now if you hoard it for purposes of muh societal breakdown, you're even stupider, and could be doing more useful things with your money. It will be found with technology and stolen from you, at a minimum.

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4487f2  No.47298



lmao sage is not an anti-bump moron

You failing pitifully to shut down discussion and shouting 'shill' wouldn't get me angry unless I expected you to be effective with it.

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34cec9  No.47300

File: 8cb16c74eadb441⋯.jpg (45.18 KB, 408x347, 408:347, main-qimg-d02d67e6253e8477….jpg)


gold isn't the most conductive metal, it is used for its anti corrosive properties (and thermal conductivity).

I don't mean to insult you, but I doubt you're actually a physicist if a weed smoking NEET (myself) can correct you on such matters.

What about the other chemicals used in electronics?

acid, pumice, photoresist, nickel, copper, solder mask, epoxy, fiberglass, silicon?

all of these materials are equally important as gold in manufacturing.

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b946e2  No.47331


No one cares. Do you have an argument? Can you refute anything I said? Fuck off if you can't.

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61bdd6  No.47751


Thanks for giving us excuses to bump the thread by telling you how stupid you are Mr. Kike Shill.

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f39812  No.47761


>man hours are money

Yes and we can make a blockchain solution to implement this without waiting on the Fed. You don't even need legally enforced debt obligations to do it. Everyone can issue credit back by their own man hours and in turn can be paid by redeeming these credits. People's labor will then be determined both by their productivity (demand for their man hours to pay for their wages) and by their ability to maintain good credit. People who default on their debts simply rob from their own future.

We can do this now without seizing rotten old institutions. We can do it on blockchain. We can build a society in parallel without permission.

The State is a set of Technology and it's going obsolete.

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3610b0  No.47781

File: cd71341b8dff6b6⋯.jpg (87.93 KB, 720x737, 720:737, spectator index.jpg)

they can't steal your income if you don't earn taxable income.

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eba7a1  No.47874

File: a716d9098132991⋯.jpg (205.12 KB, 1703x1102, 1703:1102, EC1i0cAU4AAxgZb.jpg)

File: 82daad4de19c6fe⋯.png (124.87 KB, 1154x480, 577:240, Basel III: main features.png)

File: b12ea12496daeaa⋯.pdf (2.8 MB, Andrew Jackson and the Ban….pdf)

File: 45bd2fe30579d80⋯.pdf (1.9 MB, Treasure Islands: Tax Have….pdf)


>pls 'debate' the part where I said 'lol you do nothing'

kek keep squirming himey

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000000  No.47900


>they can't steal your income if you don't earn taxable income.

This. I keep more now that I've intentionally reduced my income levels to meet certain subsidy thresholds - AND I have more free time to spend with family.

>Free healthcare with basic dental

>Ridiculous tax return

My healthcare savings alone are nearly 20k per year if I factor in Rx prices (family of 3, with one having a chronic illness)

My next move is to figuring out homeschooling. My state makes it complicated, but there are vouchers available, so I'd be getting paid to teach my kid.

I'm through carrying a bunch of shitskin invaders

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f9ac5a  No.47901


Sage. No one cares. You don’t have an argument. You can't refute anything I said. You will never do a single goddamn thing to stop this. Your thread is preaching to the choir and has no new information regarding doing anything to stop this. You do not have any power. They will not let you have any power. What you say does not matter. They don't care. They will ignore you. YOU CANNOT TREAT THEM AS THOUGH THEY ARE LIKE YOU. You don't fucking comprehend this, which is why you have already failed.

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028674  No.47932


We can learn who is important enough to shoot here, and when done will draw massive attention to this and cause an unending shitstorm from kikes, which is exactly what we want. Nobody is going to be on the side of the jewish billionaire class and when they frantically try to collect all the guns to desperately attempt to stop people from assassinating them, its going to be all over for them. That said, thread is still worthy of being bumped if we realize that this is the only purpose of the thread; to identify those responsible for this and do the only option they have left us.

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f0ac37  No.50186

File: 98f368ddd2715a0⋯.png (25.75 KB, 656x437, 656:437, atlas_HkwiYiVS4@2x.png)


also not coincidentally, pic related. the best way to suppress wages is to flood the market with labor, even if it lowers the quality of the labor provided. after women entering the workforce en masse thanks to kike feminist propaganda, and kikes opening the immigration floodgates, there is no way to get ahead anymore.

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e89942  No.54349


You're not wrong, but you're looking past the primary mechanism: money the takes for its right to exist.

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c2fcc0  No.54849


>From WWII until 1970, we had non-kike Fed chairs a

The FED has ALWAYS been a zionist organization, goy, since 1913

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1f0707  No.57439

File: 39adccb3fc3b44c⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1766x2281, 1766:2281, econ1.png)


>>From WWII until 1970, we had non-kike Fed chairs a

>The FED has ALWAYS been a zionist organization, goy, since 1913

yah. what changed was the 1965 hart-cellar act kicking in hard, alongside the end of the gold standard. pic related is the outcome.

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1466fb  No.57449


>you’re a jew because you refute anyone who spams jewish hoaxes

Eat shit, yid. Prove me wrong or don’t reply.

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6713a4  No.57899

File: 621e353421b1440⋯.png (267.49 KB, 800x2350, 16:47, Behind the Libor Scandal (….png)

File: 4753e1dc05d8c4f⋯.jpg (600.59 KB, 885x1082, 885:1082, bailouts.jpg)

File: 1ee69a06439f40a⋯.jpeg (63.07 KB, 617x680, 617:680, EFJpdNEX4AAoyRH.jpeg)

File: 6e64bfe8843e184⋯.pdf (115.17 KB, Exporting corruption: priv….pdf)



lmao what? are you trying to build some kind of argument now?

I'll keep info-bumping as long as you stay an angry shill, sweetie.

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ec6158  No.57985

Money itself is a Jewish invention. Normal White people feel ill at the idea that you can put a monetary value on nature e.g. a tree

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7db144  No.58143

File: 99cbc612b6b3604⋯.jpg (58.35 KB, 474x378, 79:63, Colonial Script.jpg)


>But this country got along fine & white for almost 200 years with plenty of fiat issuance.

being this ignorant of the Colonial Script/Continental

> "Gold standard" is a boomer solution

another shining example of pure ignorance, the founding fathers used that "BOOMER SOLUTION" to fix the nation's money supply.

I already know you are a slave of jews without having to look at you

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7db144  No.58144


Babylonian money magic (aka fiat) came from ancient china but (((history))) has been rewritten to say it came much later (Tang dynasty 7th century).

The tribes that brought the concept to Mesopotamia, Middle East and Egypt were the same who created belief systems and religions as a fifth column attack vector.

They're the original jews

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993dff  No.58159


WTF are you babbling about? You don't seem smart by making vague claims about how you have totally solved everything and everyone is dumb for not doing it. You would seem smart if you explained your amazing discovery.

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b37966  No.58180


It's not the redemption in gold, it's the stamp.

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0d3dc7  No.58393


> If you think this is a natural result of capitalism which doubled the average worker's pay in kike hater Henry Ford's day, you're fucking retarded.

Ford turned people into machines too. To sell more shit on wheels. So there's much irony in him funding the research behind The Eternal Jew book.

Also, Capitalism will precisely do what you whine about: it allows the richest people to organize and buy everything: your house, your lands, your leaders, your army, your vote, your mind, your organs, etc.

Burgers defending (((Capitalism))) because of their fear of falling into (((Communism))) is tiring.

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a95036  No.58429


>There are only two answers to this: Energy, and Manpower.

They are absolutely note infinite in supply. Also, an infinite resource would inversely reduce the value of the fiat currency unit to nothing. If you truly lived in a society that mastered the access and exploitation of infinite energy and "manpower"—actually smart autonomous machines—you would probably not need money any longer. We'd be close to sustainably industrial post-scarcity.

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a4d123  No.58619

>Remember that it was Paul Volcker who was both instrumental in ending Bretton Woods, enabling the rise of the Fed’s dominance of the economy and redistribution of wealth, and who oversaw the largest decrease in worker pay in the past half century. There’s one other thing you need to know about Paul Volcker, something that will help answer the question of who controls Fed policy and where the money is going. Paul Volcker shares something in common with four other recent Federal Reserve chairs during the period of wage stagnation and with an extremely disproportionate number of billionaires – Volcker was hereditarily (though not religiously) Jewish.

>Last year, Trump appointed the first non-Jewish Fed chair since the 1970s, and that year was one of the best years for wage growth since the 1970s.


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a4d123  No.58623

>But it is possible, if unlikely, that there is no Jewish financial cartel. In that case, however, the resulting assumption seems much worse for the Jewish people – that five different Jewish Federal Reserve chairs simply happened to accidentally oversee the stagnation of the American working class’ pay as Jewish investment bankers capitalized on their fiscal policies after more than two decades of solid worker pay growth under non-Jewish Fed chairs. If that’s the case, a five for five record of screwing over the working class is more than enough evidence that Jews should never be allowed near the halls of financial power in the United States ever again.


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7db144  No.58626


btw, how do you steal from a debt slave?

that's what kikes/jews/freemason faggots consider everyone else.

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88903d  No.77166


With fiat currency.

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bd6127  No.102084


That half is woman, not kikes. In the late '70s woman started to "work". Men productivity kept growing as before. Since a women productivity is zero, but woman workforce kept growing with the same salary as man, the man salary halved.

It is just simple math

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bd6127  No.102085


Of course, this is instrumental for removing woman from household and population control. This way we get less children. This is why the Club of Rome and other Luddist think thanks pushed the woman working politics so hard. Not sure to raise productivity (that was already growing at the same pace as now).

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a56336  No.102086

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d8be72  No.102781


Read a book anon.

Any will do.

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b59556  No.103110

File: 4d6c548dfb86581⋯.jpeg (9.81 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images_1_.jpeg)



Silver is the most electrically and heat conductive metal. This is a very common myth. Which is why people invest in silver because of its actual application in high speed electronics.

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564110  No.103116


>From WWII until 1970, we had non-kike Fed chairs and worker pay rose at the same rate as productivity every year.

Lmao no you didn't.

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650312  No.105740


>Constant wave of immigration, providing millions of workers every year

>An ever growing percentage of women participating in the work force, providing millions more workers every year

hmm I wonder why wages haven't increased since the 70's.

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1d086b  No.126209

Quality threads must not dive.

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4ce31d  No.143196


welcome to the age of spin

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1a70e4  No.163119


bump for posterity

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2e44e4  No.163168


Come the fuck on.

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09edfd  No.163387

Kill all jews. Kill them now or your children have no future


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