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File: 9208c5fa4a821b9⋯.jpg (111.64 KB, 308x842, 154:421, 9463827640.jpg)

File: 5bb706c8f1d4549⋯.jpg (123.55 KB, 519x699, 173:233, 0958234769834.jpg)

File: 1aa80f577d3ccf9⋯.jpg (212.82 KB, 1240x623, 1240:623, 1492997318766.jpg)

File: c545d8de4f37f14⋯.jpg (50.67 KB, 480x600, 4:5, bruder.jpg)

File: 890362f10ad9d49⋯.png (23.01 KB, 675x442, 675:442, joooooos.png)

563654  No.435[Last 50 Posts]

Post your Redpills on Jews thank you very much

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563654  No.436

File: c01cecf51142ab0⋯.jpg (170.71 KB, 813x675, 271:225, com (2).jpg)

File: e41d4909f59ed0d⋯.png (3.01 MB, 2225x961, 2225:961, com (2).png)

File: 8544a0fd6f3f2db⋯.jpg (613.81 KB, 1481x678, 1481:678, com (3).jpg)

File: 6cca850290676b8⋯.jpg (58.88 KB, 600x450, 4:3, com (4).jpg)

File: 250d02d78651955⋯.jpg (588.57 KB, 1452x1448, 363:362, com (5).jpg)

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563654  No.437

File: ff7461bf314631c⋯.jpg (94.42 KB, 656x960, 41:60, com (6).jpg)

File: faca79bf9f85c87⋯.jpg (118.39 KB, 800x600, 4:3, com (7).jpg)

File: 8f919b190486574⋯.jpg (90.39 KB, 480x590, 48:59, com (8).jpg)

File: 16dcb7273c93b96⋯.jpg (3.62 MB, 3884x7735, 3884:7735, Jewish Question rundown.jpg)

File: f52bace04da045b⋯.png (161.93 KB, 656x799, 656:799, Screen Shot 2019-08-24 at ….png)


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563654  No.438

File: 0fbe3393c85bff2⋯.jpg (2.76 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, 6million.jpg)

File: 3c1cd019408d7a3⋯.png (105.94 KB, 853x1432, 853:1432, 1485345485366.png)

File: 7de12a8bd749053⋯.png (135.51 KB, 883x393, 883:393, 1512413017601.png)

File: 985129ed91d1f8b⋯.jpg (153.33 KB, 565x502, 565:502, 1539412379117.jpg)

File: cc290dcc9c374d3⋯.jpg (2.99 MB, 3464x3996, 866:999, 1540735997067.jpg)


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563654  No.439

File: b3915b4e4e30432⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 1550347953817.png)

File: d88d780ed895a01⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1901x1119, 1901:1119, 1551254422595.png)

File: 46893fc041dcf5b⋯.jpg (63.88 KB, 600x703, 600:703, com.jpg)

File: 887ab701ab566ed⋯.png (238.63 KB, 700x467, 700:467, com.png)

File: bcaea3480605c9f⋯.jpg (195.11 KB, 800x576, 25:18, com (9).jpg)

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563654  No.440

File: 9208c5fa4a821b9⋯.jpg (111.64 KB, 308x842, 154:421, com (10).jpg)

File: 6bc909e04bc956e⋯.jpg (123.95 KB, 1045x860, 209:172, com (11).jpg)

File: 4c2710b777cfd16⋯.jpg (216.79 KB, 1200x697, 1200:697, com (12).jpg)

File: 9fed3b59739a1a4⋯.jpg (101.3 KB, 710x502, 355:251, com (13).jpg)

File: ec3c78877091526⋯.jpg (77.63 KB, 640x640, 1:1, com (14).jpg)


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563654  No.441

File: 46893fc041dcf5b⋯.jpg (63.88 KB, 600x703, 600:703, com(1).jpg)

File: d2f935ff7e4d544⋯.png (69.2 KB, 1207x536, 1207:536, Holocaust (5).png)

File: 162f4f63ce6912b⋯.png (144.44 KB, 1049x333, 1049:333, Holocaust (6).png)

File: e6fcd15b687ebec⋯.jpg (132.29 KB, 1349x734, 1349:734, Holocost 8.jpg)

File: 8b5c08b398d01f5⋯.jpg (62.26 KB, 750x750, 1:1, words.jpg)


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563654  No.442

File: d2824a026477a20⋯.jpg (429.25 KB, 1498x1663, 1498:1663, wow.jpg)

File: 7ef9d676b5f610a⋯.jpg (238.59 KB, 437x722, 23:38, 911 jew rabbi.jpg)

File: b52616d1e807863⋯.jpg (932.26 KB, 1080x1265, 216:253, 1497472591278.jpg)

File: 98e0fd1189bb3d3⋯.jpg (662.88 KB, 560x5800, 14:145, 1511922244526.jpg)

File: 5619dbfd38dac70⋯.png (104.52 KB, 1171x423, 1171:423, Big_Mouth_Jew.png)


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563654  No.443

File: 00775052e6ec7ef⋯.png (165.62 KB, 1738x485, 1738:485, Halocaust.png)

File: 4c2993fc95ca923⋯.png (20.63 KB, 1319x439, 1319:439, Holocost 7.png)

File: 6a5fd9ace675c67⋯.jpg (25.27 KB, 511x338, 511:338, jew priv.jpg)

File: b7a260e8369996e⋯.png (80.06 KB, 1183x417, 1183:417, Jews Push Racemixing.png)

File: 1f31af828bc9a0a⋯.jpg (95.94 KB, 575x604, 575:604, 2C0DBCCA-6EAD-4615-AEE0-A6….jpg)


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563654  No.445

File: 0a8fef547462336⋯.png (156.1 KB, 500x870, 50:87, All about that Jew.png)

File: f3907990313d967⋯.jpg (2.11 MB, 1256x3561, 1256:3561, Comics are Jewish.jpg)

File: 4e88570831c0117⋯.jpg (370.97 KB, 1357x1600, 1357:1600, CRYPTO-JEW 001.jpg)

File: 8ce349761e91111⋯.jpg (116.9 KB, 640x406, 320:203, Dostoyevsky on Jews.jpg)

File: 72c686cb6a5195f⋯.jpg (74.55 KB, 621x711, 69:79, hey rabbi wacha doing in A….jpg)


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563654  No.446

File: aab1428092d7d80⋯.png (672.87 KB, 755x1777, 755:1777, Hypocrisy in Jewish childr….png)

File: 5b3c59f6d5889cd⋯.png (188.08 KB, 611x524, 611:524, Jew against marriage.png)

File: a2ae9e8f3730852⋯.jpg (801.58 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Jewish Bookshelf.jpg)

File: e7e659ba48b7979⋯.jpg (242.88 KB, 620x575, 124:115, Jewish slavery.jpg)

File: ed54ab1527263b3⋯.png (56.31 KB, 886x398, 443:199, Jew makes bomb threats aga….png)


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563654  No.447

File: 5208527e89db073⋯.jpg (3.89 MB, 4602x4382, 2301:2191, Jews_comic_books.jpg)

File: 15d93d48d9f6e36⋯.jpg (141.28 KB, 500x679, 500:679, latimes-is_hollywood_run_b….jpg)

File: 4fc7a9f0cb871a8⋯.jpg (109.11 KB, 720x563, 720:563, Malcolm X flaunts his Jewd….jpg)

File: 8440b4e2723b6d6⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1410x1136, 705:568, Really prolific Jew coming….png)

File: 9b3cfb778eb0d4c⋯.jpg (91.89 KB, 644x447, 644:447, The Jew cries out in pain ….jpg)


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563654  No.448

File: 132c40e474173aa⋯.png (32.08 KB, 661x213, 661:213, 200 years together.png)

File: c06de590e8e8799⋯.jpg (354.99 KB, 1897x746, 1897:746, 911 and Tisha Bav.jpg)

File: e9eb237c644ba29⋯.jpg (164.75 KB, 960x906, 160:151, 911 Predictive Programming.jpg)

File: 660590795f203e9⋯.png (3.76 MB, 2032x1637, 2032:1637, 660590795f203e9b1acb8dbaf8….png)

File: 03f3a0f711bc143⋯.png (701.46 KB, 1900x2050, 38:41, 1387303026473.png)


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563654  No.449

File: be52effff3fce1a⋯.png (920.2 KB, 949x1103, 949:1103, 1493893236137.png)

File: fdc39f894ac8211⋯.jpg (692.74 KB, 2000x3071, 2000:3071, 1494764695101.jpg)

File: abde3fac9cba414⋯.png (919.14 KB, 1279x1304, 1279:1304, 1494831167659.png)

File: fabfd41995ef558⋯.png (208.13 KB, 2092x1270, 1046:635, 1497487384970.png)

File: b154cda32afe8de⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1600x2004, 400:501, 1497490856610.png)


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563654  No.450

File: f8395495f23c9f9⋯.jpg (282.14 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1497943622019.jpg)

File: 83ee11825c3a5a7⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 2000x7008, 125:438, (((American))) as Apple Pi….jpg)

File: 0d46edf79252671⋯.jpg (2.01 MB, 3434x2959, 3434:2959, (((Bilderberg))).jpg)

File: 658586deae80cf9⋯.jpg (170.91 KB, 553x800, 553:800, Bill Nye The Jewish Guy.jpg)

File: 5f7bae535c86076⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 1471x4282, 1471:4282, Famous people discuss Jews.jpg)


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563654  No.451

File: 28e51e19519c7ad⋯.jpg (356.19 KB, 1600x2812, 400:703, (((Feminism))).jpg)

File: cbc32061f88a5da⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 2500x4420, 125:221, Fox Jews.jpg)

File: 61f10c674a821e9⋯.jpg (115.5 KB, 640x515, 128:103, (((Greatest Ally))).jpg)

File: 84c3ddc098a5af5⋯.jpg (32.06 KB, 441x345, 147:115, illuminati research.jpg)

File: 9ce1b023266618f⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1056x2880, 11:30, Jewish control of China.png)


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563654  No.452

File: 86d0a9a93be6bd6⋯.jpg (1.73 MB, 2472x3256, 309:407, Jewish control of the inte….jpg)

File: a6da615769e0327⋯.jpg (295.95 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Jewish leaders push for Is….jpg)

File: dac65565ade71b4⋯.jpg (2.97 MB, 4856x2272, 607:284, Jewish Privilege isn'….jpg)

File: 5242ebd99ab75d0⋯.jpg (229.2 KB, 1203x378, 401:126, Jews are literal vampires.jpg)

File: 1f1fa4764dfe571⋯.jpg (257.69 KB, 791x1080, 791:1080, Jews control porn.jpg)


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563654  No.453

File: 2a0534a767da102⋯.png (146.57 KB, 1304x856, 163:107, MindGeek.png)

File: a4d7cf6f571b9ff⋯.jpg (194.3 KB, 1262x988, 631:494, (((NAACP))).jpg)

File: b48c2226c30bd5a⋯.jpg (3.86 MB, 1805x2880, 361:576, (((NBC))).jpg)

File: 97275959d822d6a⋯.jpg (289.22 KB, 1920x824, 240:103, (((((Neil Druckmann))))).jpg)

File: 33031d85e4ab8ad⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 2111x3240, 2111:3240, (((New York Times))).jpg)


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563654  No.454

File: b4ebfeecc8c26d6⋯.png (67.88 KB, 743x269, 743:269, (((Soros))) is your friend.png)

File: ad818e23cb246c3⋯.jpg (224.99 KB, 1024x716, 256:179, Types of Jews.jpg)

File: 1967fbab8ed6af6⋯.jpg (85.65 KB, 552x716, 138:179, 1557196106207.jpg)

File: 8b177ab9684905a⋯.png (75.31 KB, 500x610, 50:61, attacking the 1 is attacki….png)

File: abe90f72f8f7ecb⋯.png (149.94 KB, 800x554, 400:277, cohencidence.png)


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563654  No.457

File: 9c89a3fdeb91d4a⋯.jpg (337.26 KB, 900x1046, 450:523, Jewish Council for Racial ….jpg)

File: a6da615769e0327⋯.jpg (295.95 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Jewish leaders push for Is….jpg)

File: 76274af2c3c9889⋯.jpg (3.88 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, Jewish media.jpg)

File: 65ff05fc1544cc4⋯.jpg (2.64 MB, 3434x4000, 1717:2000, Jewish World Order 1.jpg)

File: 3af9e7164b8e48e⋯.jpg (3.66 MB, 3600x6044, 900:1511, Jewish World Order 1(1).jpg)

flood detected

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563654  No.458

File: d0e7ddd03c2dcc7⋯.jpg (991.17 KB, 2654x2908, 1327:1454, Jewish World Order 1(2).jpg)

File: bc93b9fbe410882⋯.jpg (187.87 KB, 868x1024, 217:256, Jews did WWII.jpg)

File: abdd802e5d4e95a⋯.jpg (203.15 KB, 1079x436, 1079:436, Our new bankers are Jews.jpg)

File: 937f5f817e4dd3b⋯.jpg (623.36 KB, 1561x858, 1561:858, 1553165835274.jpg)

File: cf73070b9876d02⋯.png (543.25 KB, 647x782, 647:782, 1571842931102.png)

you know, posting these images are slow

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563654  No.459

File: b3eed4a068caa9b⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1275x1650, 17:22, 1571843378222.png)

File: 9f173fdb243d6be⋯.jpg (202.64 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, 1571843718063.jpg)

File: 09c49adc968e14f⋯.jpg (55.14 KB, 607x223, 607:223, 1571845524824.jpg)

File: 5d21a86eb2e64c7⋯.jpg (103.63 KB, 602x437, 602:437, 1571845596527.jpg)

File: 7776a98753f4d18⋯.jpg (248.27 KB, 1399x1049, 1399:1049, 1571845857317.jpg)

slow as fuck - again - flood detected

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563654  No.461

File: 6caa4ac0115654d⋯.png (272.65 KB, 560x1432, 70:179, 1571845885656.png)

File: a3bbcc63cbe764b⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 4770x2654, 2385:1327, 1571845909358.jpg)

File: 2fe2fad262ea538⋯.png (216.06 KB, 775x784, 775:784, 1571845934423.png)

File: 5bfe4ba849ab5d0⋯.jpg (228.17 KB, 974x928, 487:464, 1571846066341.jpg)

File: 6cda961ba11a88d⋯.jpg (137.11 KB, 620x1429, 620:1429, 1571846106058.jpg)

No idea what to do to avoid the flood detected warning except post more text - again.

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563654  No.462

File: 8b8d77c5ae994b5⋯.jpg (322.98 KB, 1618x851, 1618:851, 1571846469446.jpg)

File: 6363f1eb707b493⋯.jpg (317.09 KB, 1684x605, 1684:605, 1571846418587.jpg)

File: 939a5169034671b⋯.jpg (225.39 KB, 1280x909, 1280:909, 1571846474231.jpg)

File: 369903fe6504f17⋯.jpg (115.81 KB, 910x1024, 455:512, 1571846827657.jpg)

File: b70d94bcdaa9e92⋯.jpg (187.2 KB, 1273x535, 1273:535, 1571847004230.jpg)

I'm starting to think its because of the upload speed of the images

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563654  No.463

File: efe2b4d5d98b382⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 3664x3527, 3664:3527, 1571847160566.jpg)

File: d2cdf710b19132e⋯.jpg (75.62 KB, 519x488, 519:488, 1571847263622.jpg)

don't thank me……….flood detected twice. three times….

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563654  No.464

Be Bold ! ! !

Use these on Twitter ! ! !

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44f797  No.466

File: da1323c89aecb6b⋯.png (825.75 KB, 955x650, 191:130, jew at work.png)

Jews are by and large anti-Christs, they do not have the same Christian standard of morality and ethics. They do not respect non-jews like Christians respect each other, or even non-Christians. Christians will afford non-Christians a measure of dignity and respect that jews will not extend to non jews. This is the stumbling block for most, where they cannot imagine people (jews) treating others with such a cold, callous, and utter disrespect and contempt that jews actually treat others with. Jews consider others to be cattle, slaves, sub-jew/humans to be treated like farm animals. They want to enslave the world.

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44f797  No.472

File: 5a15174a199b3ae⋯.webm (5.11 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ghost.webm)


invalid webm? what does that even mean?

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03b83f  No.474

File: d2a8af1fdf8916a⋯.png (165.61 KB, 362x409, 362:409, idk any more.png)


harrow up thy soul

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1194b6  No.478

File: 51e20855d591780⋯.png (435.13 KB, 983x657, 983:657, hamlet wins.png)


Hamlet is a brutal lesson

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563654  No.479


> invalid webm

is it in VP8 or VP9 format?

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832644  No.486

File: e1ccdedf04c03db⋯.png (590.79 KB, 1367x2660, 1367:2660, dumb blondes.png)

File: 08ca1a16e04db28⋯.jpg (303.43 KB, 720x722, 360:361, jewish stake in america's ….jpg)

File: 686269562568aeb⋯.jpg (1.79 MB, 2824x3540, 706:885, jewish porn industry.jpg)

File: 3affa9d9583c157⋯.jpg (9.09 MB, 1500x10557, 500:3519, kinderladen.jpg)

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832644  No.490

File: 7915431c2387627⋯.png (2.83 MB, 775x7009, 775:7009, what is semitism.png)

File: bbd9ec4bdc76bbe⋯.jpg (5.26 MB, 1338x6212, 669:3106, weimar degeneracy.jpg)

File: d41f64000bb35a9⋯.png (69.09 KB, 621x936, 69:104, the christian massacre of ….png)

File: 46b549a53046015⋯.png (405.15 KB, 1158x1621, 1158:1621, talmud.png)

File: 826a1ec29a8aa0a⋯.png (1.13 MB, 2550x3299, 2550:3299, special notice to all jews.png)

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54e5b9  No.865

File: 3a2d54f7be1d621⋯.jpg (617.47 KB, 2004x1524, 167:127, 1566626390932.jpg)

File: 82dd1fe40ac3516⋯.png (2.86 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 1566874255673.png)

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dbde1b  No.946


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65d56c  No.1067

File: ab0cc3832e75fba⋯.jpg (51.72 KB, 640x737, 640:737, aryanjew.jpg)

In the future all jewish people will look like todays Germans, and the rest of the world will be of mixed race. Wake up white people

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4343ac  No.1081

Every enemy of the Jewish people is suffering today.

Europe = handed over to Muslims and being replaced.

Syria = destroyed by war

Egypt = political crisis

Iraq = destroyed by war and with the possibility of a new now

Iran = facing a political crisis

Turkey = facing political and international crisis

Muslims in general = killing each other, see ISIS.

Strangely, the Islamic state has never directly attacked Israel, neither Al Quaeda nor the Taliban.

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63f5fb  No.1214

File: 3f81c73de984456⋯.webm (3.96 MB, 480x320, 3:2, jewish doctors.webm)

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8c8d2b  No.4446

File: d00dda50f85a353⋯.jpg (2.73 MB, 1200x8960, 15:112, Pre-weimar.jpg)

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8c8d2b  No.4449

File: 9cec18d27a2ffc2⋯.jpg (2.48 MB, 1200x8916, 100:743, Weimar.jpg)

File: 38ed71afa5e853e⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 1200x7636, 300:1909, Weimar_2.jpg)

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8c8d2b  No.4451

File: e3f42d706577b7b⋯.jpg (2.08 MB, 1200x8624, 75:539, Weimar_3.jpg)

File: 7bc909c345a919d⋯.jpg (2.8 MB, 1200x8056, 150:1007, Weimar_4.jpg)

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8c8d2b  No.4452

File: 0d3cc402dfe44a0⋯.jpg (2.49 MB, 1200x9968, 75:623, Weimar_5.jpg)

File: 7f255353fd3c199⋯.jpg (1 MB, 972x4012, 243:1003, Weimar_6.jpg)

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e15aa2  No.4553


>fox news

so that's why Tucker hasn't been fired yet

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16052b  No.7060

File: fb50ca9821be1c8⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.06 MB, 1438x1018, 719:509, fb5 (1).png)

File: db30d8f96c26caf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 72.46 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ECgRFuuUEAAoMr2.jpg)

I've found some fake images, which should not be used.

"Iceland must do more for refugees" is a fake article which never existed.

Similary the 78% of slave owners is not true when looking at data.

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24a066  No.7062


And leftypol keeps refuse to admit it was the jews fucking shit up.

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e5e858  No.7355

File: 374aa359d34d198⋯.jpg (69.34 KB, 600x508, 150:127, 1392477159319.jpg)


That last one is fake. If you find the original declassified document, it's actually about them investigating some "anti-Semite" who fabricated that to turn people against jews. Of course, that's not to say they didn't get special treatment, but things like that aren't put in writing.

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fbff0b  No.7379

I don't get it. How do the jews benefit from promoting degenerate ideology?

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220b20  No.7383

Ok I'll go. An over-emphasis on Jews as the cause of all the world's problems is the mark of FBI entryists. The person who responds to me with

>hur dur not just the jews

Is FBI. Gassing Jews, especially progressive Jews, would solve a lot of problems but not all of them.

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e5e858  No.7387

File: 25ff5f088d86ff1⋯.png (174.91 KB, 660x1021, 660:1021, The FBI urges all of its i….png)


Quite the opposite. FBI informants are instructed to do everything in their power to protect jews.

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c3c8e6  No.7391


Plot twist: they were both FBI.

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c3c8e6  No.7392


>FBI informants are instructed to do everything in their power to protect jews.

Why then did they push the dancing Israelis narrative in the wake of 9/11?

>inb4 real

Show me the video then.

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e5e858  No.7400

File: 48ffceb7c5fd48a⋯.jpg (163.94 KB, 945x1200, 63:80, D6Trn59XkAAgIak.jpg)

File: 823d6310123027d⋯.jpg (79.83 KB, 786x599, 786:599, 4ia.jpg)

File: c20cea08451393e⋯.jpg (51.04 KB, 547x589, 547:589, 'Dancing Israeli' married ….jpg)


The dancing Israelis weren't "pushed". The story was brushed under the rug and they were quietly released.

>denying the dancing Israelis


Are you a Jan Irvin fan or something? The dancing Israelis appeared on Israeli TV, and some heavily redacted photos were released after a recent FOIA request. You can even find some of them on faceberg.

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3d3caa  No.7417


Imagine coming to pol and using this much energy defending the most privileged mafia in the world who literally prints money at will and rigs every government and thinking you dont glow in the dark. As a victim of collateral damage considering I am just a golem who is to be used for the jewish agenda, I dont give a fuck if Harvey Weinstein was falsely accused. I dont care if a jew took a break from scheming to cure the cancer he caused. These people have LEGIONS of lawyers accountants personal assistants zogbots easily controlled masses celebrities and politicians to handle defending them against any criticism. Merely pointing out a wrongdoing by a jew on pol can only accomplish one thing , causing people to think. If you are using time in your day to discourage people THINKING about a potentially wrong act by a member of the kike mafia, plain and simple, you are a kike.

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3d3caa  No.7418


HEavily redacted photos, yet if you get charged with public intoxication and they did no lab test and you were just on a benadryl your name would be all over town the next week. But theres nothing to see here. The truth fears no investigation, but this doesnt apply to jews and investigations are biased against jews because hitler could be doing them, so not only are they the only mafia you cant openly criticize without being sent to prison , but they are also exempt from the laws for the goyim, and thats why you are a paranoid antisemite if you dont accept your slavery.

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ad36a0  No.7489


The dancing israelis, vans with pictures of the plane hitting the building, etc were just distractions to occupy police resources and allow the real evidence of the controlled demolition of the WTC to leave the scene. This is why you can be 100% sure that Israel was responsible for the demolition of the WTC.

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f49208  No.7514

The Jew is the eternal enemy of mankind

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b78441  No.8969

Proof of Jews dominating the slave trade or at least starting it?

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2f412d  No.9048

File: 357f0a9ed8601f2⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 9-11 Mural Van Spotted.mp4)

File: 1e237c2e7408aac⋯.pdf (1.78 MB, The Nation of Islam - The ….pdf)

File: 5e1b99413070034⋯.png (486.25 KB, 744x723, 248:241, Ice Cube - I want everybod….png)


I'd say the infamous "mural van" (vid related) was, but the dancing Israelis were never meant to be caught, and are moreso an example of that famous Ahskenazi IQ in action.


The Nation of Islam's 'Secret Relationship Between Blacks and jews' is probably the best resource on that, primarily citing jewish sources. The NOI also compiled a book of jewish slave sale announcements, 'Jews Selling Blacks'.

The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and jews - Highlights & Key Points'


Jews Selling Blacks (scan, hosted by some kang site)


If you want something you can watch or listen to, the late Dr. Tony Martin had some good talks on the subject, one of which was introduced by David Irving.



And there's short booklet by Walter White Jr. called "Who Brought the Slaves to America" that John Alan Martinson turned into a documentary.


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6e95b1  No.9180

File: da1d15fbe6abc96⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 6120x5020, 306:251, Library_Jewish_Studies_Sla….jpg)

File: 0ff0e1f06d07869⋯.png (557.01 KB, 800x1836, 200:459, Jewish_Merchants_Slave_Tra….png)

File: 9f8c6e5dd39a5c3⋯.png (755.33 KB, 1228x1002, 614:501, Aaron_Lopez_Slaver_Jew.png)

File: 9f37cc1b6da3157⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1908x992, 477:248, Sins_Of_The_Father_De_Wolf….png)

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6e95b1  No.9181

File: 3405d8968e078c8⋯.png (114.81 KB, 820x1452, 205:363, Poll_Jewish_Responses_Affi….png)

File: 26e5390b8c58f7c⋯.jpg (133.58 KB, 1024x639, 1024:639, Rise_Transgenderism_Jewry.jpg)

File: 91b2f6d02d1f86b⋯.jpg (143.64 KB, 878x1280, 439:640, Jewish_Aid_Group_Funds_Mig….jpg)

File: f984ff00e95629a⋯.png (1.01 MB, 2564x2088, 641:522, Sweden_Jewish_Influence.png)

File: b5f6efbed969425⋯.png (1.34 MB, 824x4293, 824:4293, Scofield_Bible_Zionists_Un….png)

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6e95b1  No.9182

File: ba7e89057ab9102⋯.png (617.96 KB, 564x1940, 141:485, Jean_Pierre_Chevenement_Je….png)

File: e9cbd41d1bf39c1⋯.png (725.56 KB, 1129x1206, 1129:1206, Paul_Ehrlich_Jew_Famine_Bi….png)

File: 9560e471ebfc745⋯.png (2 MB, 1650x928, 825:464, Jews_Feed_Fund_Caravan_Mig….png)

File: fa0b09578a30f67⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1500x1941, 500:647, Jews_Aiding_Migrant_Crisis.png)

File: 23b0fe31714e184⋯.png (937.8 KB, 1740x1668, 145:139, Jew_Contraception_Immigrat….png)

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6e95b1  No.9183

File: e66fb07e94aa6fa⋯.jpg (563.47 KB, 904x1744, 113:218, Collection_Bolshevism_Russ….jpg)

File: 1c16c505201046e⋯.jpg (244.77 KB, 1760x642, 880:321, Bolshevik_Jews_Want_Worldw….jpg)

File: be3e034e8cea3ee⋯.jpg (161.96 KB, 1104x726, 184:121, Bolshevik_Russian_Jews.jpg)

File: 6721f885014f151⋯.png (2.77 MB, 2748x1176, 229:98, Judeo_Bolshevism_Jews.png)

File: b0cefa076074f8f⋯.png (773.05 KB, 2234x820, 1117:410, Jew_Masterminds_Drag_Queen….png)

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6e95b1  No.9184

File: 691f3b6cbdd32c3⋯.png (132.54 KB, 525x930, 35:62, Wahhabism_Muslim_Zionism_S….png)

File: 447911773e01fee⋯.png (150.02 KB, 632x1106, 4:7, Ted_Kennedy_Immigration_Ac….png)

File: 6a469e175ee4c30⋯.jpg (2.43 MB, 1651x4679, 1651:4679, Statistics_Jewish_Overrepr….jpg)

File: 9215a0d68725ba2⋯.png (761.54 KB, 1787x1152, 1787:1152, Our_New_Backers_Are_Jews.png)

File: 1f84eee934a8fd8⋯.jpg (743.59 KB, 1396x2879, 1396:2879, Muslim_Jewish_Garrison_Vs_….jpg)

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6e95b1  No.9186

File: 68bf287bfbd1093⋯.png (304.68 KB, 812x913, 812:913, Segalovitz_Israeli_Art_Stu….png)

File: cc90fb062d3567c⋯.jpg (1.7 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Israeli_World_Organ_Traffi….jpg)

File: 35b764385c54d68⋯.jpg (65.32 KB, 761x603, 761:603, Israeli_Urban_Moving_Syste….jpg)

File: 19da133d26fc6f3⋯.png (2.73 MB, 2944x3316, 736:829, FBI_911_Documents_Israeli_….png)

File: 21e139d742e46c6⋯.png (67.4 KB, 726x487, 726:487, Israeli_Human_Egg_Traffick….png)

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405f99  No.9190

File: 8b7e69d20a49128⋯.jpeg (357.18 KB, 2252x1283, 2252:1283, Grateful.jpeg)

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405f99  No.9191

File: 003139133a557b5⋯.png (151.33 KB, 758x604, 379:302, Chinese Communists.png)

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6e95b1  No.9318

File: e589b8cfb37bd23⋯.jpg (4 MB, 5874x1596, 979:266, Russia_Soviet_Union.jpg)

File: 851e2f0f31ba775⋯.jpg (430.54 KB, 760x1013, 760:1013, Russian_Meddling.jpg)

File: 6debe5687052bb2⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 1677x2235, 559:745, Memorandum_Position_Russia….gif)

File: b1011284697b985⋯.png (529.37 KB, 1544x1926, 772:963, 8Chan_Fedposting_Russian_I….png)

File: 52a8b2c4c16fc25⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1544x840, 193:105, Zionist_Sun_Yatsen_Chinese….png)

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6e95b1  No.9320

File: 52673bada8c42e7⋯.jpg (2.96 MB, 1104x9958, 552:4979, Trump_Jewish_Cabal.jpg)

File: 232a119f4c73f0a⋯.jpg (87.03 KB, 599x405, 599:405, Michael_Glassner_Trump_Cam….jpg)

File: 131a06c0c24058f⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1350x3570, 45:119, US_Israel_Relationship_AIP….png)

File: 210ccedeaa198e3⋯.png (2.82 MB, 3375x5175, 15:23, Jews_USA_Politics.png)

File: 331e80a0a145a0c⋯.png (4.06 MB, 2928x3536, 183:221, Superman_Diversity_Poster_….png)

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000000  No.9322


So all Jews are marxists, and capitalists at the same time? Do you see the logical flaws in hating on a large group of individuals, Jews, whites, muslims, or whomever?

I don't believe all whites are atheists, even though there are a ton of them. Likewise, not all Jews are rich, or religious, or work in banking.

Come talk to me once you've actually had significant interactions with multiple Jews, or blacks, or muslims. You will realize they're all individuals with their own fears, aspirations, beliefs, and have way more in common with you than you'd think.

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000000  No.9324



- millions of people died in WWII, jews and non-jews. People had their entire families wiped out, all their possessions stolen, their beliefs in a compassionate God destroyed, and you're waiting for them to praise America? A little self-centered no? Oh, but you're American, makes sense.

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6e95b1  No.9326

File: a294fa348436ac6⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1034x2515, 1034:2515, SAMS_Officers_Mossad_False….png)

File: 34f43209b3cadc2⋯.png (318.91 KB, 816x779, 816:779, Spying_Israel_CIA_Mossad.png)

File: f1a9e2ca946850f⋯.png (796.82 KB, 774x6247, 774:6247, Mossad_911.png)

File: 41d6faaa7b25fac⋯.png (205.79 KB, 772x1350, 386:675, Mossad_Ran_911_Arab_Terror….png)

File: 2de6a9d92207dd2⋯.png (303.33 KB, 550x461, 550:461, JFK_Permindex_Mossad_Rosen….png)

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8c4d04  No.9331

File: a2bc75eed9e8d94⋯.jpg (423.73 KB, 1032x1351, 1032:1351, R41hMak-1.jpg)

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8c4d04  No.9332

File: ed1fbfdd8e047cf⋯.jpg (88.77 KB, 552x394, 276:197, qh7gThl.jpg)

File: 9a9434d00e50ff8⋯.jpg (33.7 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 6WD06pZ-1.jpg)

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8c4d04  No.9335

Here you go pol.



Now grab everything before the Jews watching this board take down both links.

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d948ea  No.9347

File: a819ce2192c12dd⋯.png (43.37 KB, 756x1024, 189:256, pan-europe-jta-fullpage.png)

File: 1badbfeb81ea3be⋯.pdf (812.29 KB, jewish_contribution_to_the….pdf)

File: 35dc615b682d924⋯.png (67.86 KB, 1220x619, 1220:619, 1461503021928.png)

File: ceb66318f88ce74⋯.png (6.28 MB, 1677x2235, 559:745, bolshevism2.png)

File: 0c9e8f946d1aad8⋯.jpg (362.46 KB, 904x1744, 113:218, bolshevism.jpg)

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d948ea  No.9351

File: 8a269f746928b47⋯.png (386.55 KB, 599x801, 599:801, china_jews_usa.png)

File: 5567e101032fb43⋯.jpg (11.01 MB, 5896x8968, 737:1121, Communist_Jews_Kill_Nation….jpg)

File: 0dd7de2822d7065⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1714x1354, 857:677, foreskin_merchant.png)

File: da3295b18e5564a⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1198x1357, 1198:1357, hitler hate the jew.png)

File: e2f769b3b37b290⋯.png (157.21 KB, 828x1413, 92:157, Israeli teen behind 591 bo….png)

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d948ea  No.9355

File: e22fbf537bc1c20⋯.png (726.83 KB, 1230x924, 205:154, Jewish pedos.png)

File: 2d0ed0484dd99ad⋯.png (242.28 KB, 573x3078, 191:1026, Jewish_blackmail_bomb_thre….png)

File: 3d7bfb9cd043eda⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1326x1045, 1326:1045, jewish_slave_trade.jpg)

File: 74cf8ae1917aebf⋯.jpg (691 KB, 1445x1600, 289:320, jewsinchina.jpg)

File: b989697dddf0c79⋯.png (567.05 KB, 1173x1162, 1173:1162, multiculturalism_is_bad_fo….png)

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6fe6d2  No.9359


Isi Leibler has a facejew page. You think he would interact with some open borders for israel jews?


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d948ea  No.9362

File: 91cb0e48910d079⋯.jpg (119.89 KB, 761x532, 761:532, nazi_soap.jpg)

File: 8b3725c55938ffd⋯.png (248.38 KB, 920x785, 184:157, netanyahu_hitler.png)

File: cf8db0adabd2200⋯.png (650.87 KB, 2366x1563, 2366:1563, organs.png)

File: 18897288d26d32e⋯.png (253.59 KB, 2091x1166, 2091:1166, organs2.png)

File: f24906c656d3f81⋯.jpg (732.5 KB, 1488x932, 372:233, Rabbi Avi.jpg)

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d948ea  No.9365

File: 094d62ad46eb163⋯.jpg (162.54 KB, 509x837, 509:837, racism-run-riot.jpg)

File: d608b0a4c406875⋯.jpg (136.07 KB, 560x848, 35:53, Richard_von_Coudenhove-Kal….jpg)

File: 153200e035f2a1c⋯.png (238.27 KB, 888x405, 296:135, The_Chosen.png)

File: b0e39998bcb3a0c⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1000x3000, 1:3, Thoughts on Jews throughou….png)

File: 0a7758ea190dbd6⋯.png (222.4 KB, 705x1450, 141:290, joshua_ryne_goldberg.png)

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cf8482  No.9378


fuck me, this board is so much better than 4shit /pol/

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cf8482  No.9381


anyone knows if these threads get archived? I want to have all these redpills saved but there's just too many to download them one by one

what are my options anons?

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186ddb  No.9383


>Netanyahu: Hitler Didn't Want to Exterminate the Jews

This kike gets it. There were strong links between National Socialists and Zionists and both were working together to get the Jews out of Germany and into Israel but, as usual, kike infighting caused it to all go to shit.

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186ddb  No.9385


Fuck off you commie faggot. Repeating something does not make it true. Post evidence or leave.

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186ddb  No.9386



>dancing israelis

Post evidence you FBI nigger faggot boy loving Satanist.


>Are you a Jan Irvin fan or something? The dancing Israelis appeared on Israeli TV, and some heavily redacted photos were released after a recent FOIA request. You can even find some of them on faceberg.

So why haven't you posted them in this thread, Agent Smith? Could it be that you are covering up the role of your master, Robert Mueller, who took agents off the case of a suspicious Muslim who was learning to fly but not land, and use them against the FBI's eternal enemy, straight white Christian men?

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186ddb  No.9388

Here is a redpill. There is no video of dancing Israelis because if there were such a video it would be spammed in every forum for the last 18 years and would be spammed in this thread.

That it does not exist says that the FBI is a terrorist organization whose mission is to destroy white communities and let Muslims enslave America.

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d948ea  No.9396


Just done the same with DownThemAll! addon for Firefox.

1) After clicking on DownThemAll! button, select (images, documents, videos) as a mask. This will select all pictures (jpeg, gif. png), PDFs and mp4/webms.

2) Sort by the URL and unselect all links that aren't from https://media.8kun.top*/file_dl/*. The other links are thumbnails and renamed files (e.g. "094d62ad46eb163884e466dd2d83461c00f233cc8a0456f8dcc996870fe847c7.jpg" instead of "racism-run-riot.jpg")

3) Then sort by "Description" and unselect those that have description "u" and "h" (links right next to the filename in a post).

4) You should end up only with links that link to files with their original names

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cf8482  No.9448


don't have firefox fml.. do you have a zip of the files you could upload? that'd be sweet.

Thanks for the mini tutorial anyways anon

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6e95b1  No.9451

File: 8a9647c36db9b46⋯.png (903.87 KB, 722x3173, 38:167, Rahm_Emanuel_Jew_Father_Te….png)

File: f00739b8e586e33⋯.jpg (2.13 MB, 1268x2915, 1268:2915, Rivka_Yoselewska_Jew_Zombi….jpg)

File: 4deb562d11d77fd⋯.jpg (364.65 KB, 1000x1174, 500:587, Mass_Immigration_Jews_West….jpg)

File: bab8993916b7481⋯.png (262.67 KB, 725x1103, 725:1103, Judith_Perlaki_Jew_Auschwi….png)

File: 13d22e3d1008a39⋯.jpg (352.03 KB, 488x2224, 61:278, Jews_Gun_Control_Legislati….jpg)

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36a8fe  No.9502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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8c4d04  No.9516


The organ trafficking is interesting. Are.

Jews so genetically diseased they can't survive without goyim blood and organs? I'm curious if transplant rates are higher among Jews.

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1235a1  No.9568

File: 636d0a52aadc04f⋯.pdf (1.88 MB, Culture of Critique.pdf)

This book documents jewish influence in the West in great detail with a billion references and citations. It's not a light read, but very informative.

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c4930d  No.9569

File: d064d114a64642a⋯.png (1.2 MB, 631x2798, 631:2798, jewish genetic diseases.png)


There's a theory that jewish ritual murder has something to do with them taking the blood to treat taysachs.

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fb285b  No.9575

File: 05e50bb298639dd⋯.jpg (63.9 KB, 640x512, 5:4, ethnocentrism jews religio….jpg)

File: 7a4f31138f20519⋯.jpg (2.07 MB, 1277x5191, 1277:5191, 70% percent of israeli jew….jpg)

File: 34b846cdedfde9d⋯.jpg (572.6 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1560715177753.jpg)

File: 1dcb7724104d8d9⋯.jpg (80.08 KB, 1024x638, 512:319, 1557039457531v.jpg)

File: 28ffd216f20debc⋯.jpg (209.26 KB, 1255x808, 1255:808, 1560720451898.jpg)

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fb285b  No.9576

File: db1994fdcdd75d6⋯.png (3.72 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, verified hatred 2.png)

File: 16daac351e19bdc⋯.png (3.98 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, verified hatred 1.png)

File: 61387322f630e17⋯.png (1.93 MB, 3195x3398, 3195:3398, Verified Hatred 3.png)

File: 03a6e4ad995359c⋯.png (119.86 KB, 618x810, 103:135, 1555346657541.png)

File: db2377bd4c3a27b⋯.png (133.67 KB, 570x495, 38:33, 1555346863752.png)

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fb285b  No.9577

File: ad44d57a9afa068⋯.png (43.2 KB, 640x380, 32:19, affrmactbyrace.png)

File: 30a128ed68fc857⋯.png (64.2 KB, 1480x1022, 740:511, South Africa.png)

File: b2aadb28351f187⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 3052x2448, 763:612, South Africa Apartheid Jew….jpg)

File: 42171fd8c46a181⋯.jpg (472.28 KB, 1347x1207, 1347:1207, south africa.jpg)

File: bc2048b49bf18cb⋯.jpg (184.82 KB, 963x768, 321:256, netflix series.jpg)

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c4930d  No.9579

File: 3504106a386de40⋯.png (658.54 KB, 1024x527, 1024:527, Bataclan Kike.png)

File: 91f276ac98504c9⋯.png (279.23 KB, 600x767, 600:767, Jewish owners recently sol….png)


>third image

The kikes who owned the Bataclan, and sold it on 9/11/15, liked that rabbi on faceberg.

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cf8482  No.9594

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000000  No.9640


if jews hadn't faced thousands of years of persecution, forced emigration, and genocide, by christian and muslim dominant societies, they never would have ended up spread out over the world, adopting dozens of local cultures and inevitably intermarrying with other ethnic groups. Ironically, modern day anti-semites have their forebearers to blame for spreading judaism around the world.

At the root of it, Jews had developped such a good belief system that every other western religion has used it as a bluepprint, building on to it further beliefs, traditions and prophets, and then immaturely bullying the originals to take full credit for their new deviations on the faith.>>9564

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548444  No.9655


White people are the only group of people who have ever been persecuted in human history.

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3d246f  No.9660

File: 8c6106371ca6fcb⋯.jpg (42.46 KB, 248x400, 31:50, Why Do They Persecute Me S….jpg)


Jews have faced prosecution, not persecution. Everything that ever happened to them - and that thing that unfortunately didn't - was justified, and 100% the result of their jewing.

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787199  No.9700

File: 509f30201707f8e⋯.jpg (76.92 KB, 580x345, 116:69, menorah-White-house.jweb-s….jpg)

Happy Hanukkah pol! Remember to do what Judah Maccabee would do! Kill an interracial couple!

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e65121  No.9701

File: 50d4b7910fcdc6b⋯.png (362.49 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 50d4b7910fcdc6b9fba2b77d5f….png)


Don't kill anyone you dumbshit until we have more political power.

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938787  No.9720


Now thats what I call bait. 10/10

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b6331d  No.9745

File: 782df28dd82e6e5⋯.jpg (4.69 KB, 224x225, 224:225, (you).jpg)


Every single nigger who posts the fake articles deserves to burn in hell. Last one is fake. This is a machiavellian tactic - infiltrate the enemy camp, make a verifiably false statement, then the other enemy statements will be seen as false simply by association. Fuck off

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b6331d  No.9746

It just gets worse and worse the deeper you dive

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caac1f  No.9750

File: b3b6427119ccd4c⋯.jpg (211.46 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Hitler vs churchill on bom….jpg)

File: 990bb4ea0f9c5a1⋯.png (40.42 KB, 1874x261, 1874:261, post this and the pic to c….png)

File: 90c8149567a0873⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1500x6000, 1:4, Hitler was never jewish.jpg)

File: ae2da4be412696a⋯.jpg (99.65 KB, 960x757, 960:757, churchill wants to destroy….jpg)

File: 59f83d2cabd1aeb⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 2500x1564, 625:391, Scars of Honor.jpg)


Reminder a bunch of libtards are currently attempting to defile the knowledge that speaks good of the NSDAP and Hitler by spreading fake quotes on social media since (((they))) have nearly spent 3 years throwing away all of their resources trying to beat President Trump. Also some fags in social media started using obvious disinfo that's basically 'hitler = socialist puppet' and 'nazis are just communists can't you see the socialist part of national socialism? :^)' semantic bullshit for the past few weeks as well.

Try to keep an eye out for disinfo material quietly being spread amongst conservatives and friendly non-NatSoc hubs still out of the loop on how to out shills; one clear example that I have witnessed on social media would be an image that depicts what Goebbels 'supposedly' said being framed by shills pretending to be 'conservatives', 'fellow nazis', and 'patriots' in such a way that it seemed Goebbels himself said so down to the letter when it's actually fake news with no real solid source other than (((revisions))) of the original speech he made at the 1934 Nuremberg Rally purely just so the context can fit perfectly into whatever literary crap they're writing at the time, and everytime you out their fake posting a dozen other (((users))) started spamming you and others with the same pic just to fuck with you in a disgusting display of demonic hubris.

>The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing.


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3d246f  No.9753



>President Trump

MIGApedos are the worst perpetrators of spreading fake Hitler/Goebbels quotes, including the unbelievably retarded "accuse the other side of that which you are guilty".

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000000  No.9821

(((America))) was funded by Jews


(((America))) has the most Jews outside Israel


(((America))) has the biggest synagogues outside Israel


(((America))) is the least White "White" nation on earth


(((America))) has its politicians openly sucking jewish dick

(((America))) gives more aid to Israelis than what it gives to its citizen per capita

>Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

Amerimutts are the most pozzed goyim on the earth and need to be removed if we are to win the fight against the Jews


>Oy vey why won't the goyim share his IP address?

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1235a1  No.9901

At some point I started noticing that there's almost ceaselessly something about nazis or the holocaust on the reddit front page. It could be any sub, even something like OldSchoolCool. Right now this is the thread being pushed (and it apparently is reposted constantly):


I'm sure it's all organic and not part of any coordinated effort.

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577337  No.9982

File: 49eab8866c934f2⋯.png (727.13 KB, 1290x868, 645:434, undercover shill spreading….png)



<hurr muh drumpf muh gimagadepes


<gimapedos are the worst perpetrators of spreading fake Hitler/Goebbels quotes,

The pilpul level of this sentence is extraordinary

<including the unbelievably retarded "accuse the other side of that which you are guilty"

This too is also equally extraordinary in it's level of bullshit nonsense

I'm sure (((you))) have a lot of great time honing your bullshiting skills on cuckchan since that cesspool became a laboratory for your pilpul research and testing

Your pilpul posting is rubbish.


shill cunt on pic related is also doing that lowkey 'spam but don't reply' procedure typical of shills pretending to be a 'patriot' or a 'fellow nazi'

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1b1fb4  No.9983


His signature, is a baseline for another signature.

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1b1fb4  No.9984


I want to lay my fingers in his moldes of his signature.

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4b8f1e  No.9991

File: eb74364806ee824⋯.jpeg (192.39 KB, 960x723, 320:241, Fred Trump - Talmud Torah.jpeg)


What are you even saying, nigger? If you just randomly look at twatter accounts that reply to the ZOG Emperor, you'll see brainless Qcumbers who lover Israel posting fake quotes to "prove" the democrats are the real Nazis.

And speaking of pilpulling, I wonder how much literal pipulling the Trump family is responsible for, both at Fred Trump's "Talmud Torah" and their donations to Chabad.

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cf8482  No.12235

File: 72e8a01329d5cd1⋯.jpg (104.08 KB, 640x483, 640:483, 1577321799019.jpg)

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cf8482  No.12271


google blood libel, VPN faggot

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156584  No.17119

File: a6b5c88bdc7b908⋯.pdf (438.31 KB, 00. Diaspora Peoples - Pre….pdf)

File: f066ef4314938b8⋯.pdf (11.87 MB, 01. A People That Shall Dw….pdf)

File: 7f011615366d6a7⋯.pdf (1.37 MB, 02. Separation and Its Dis….pdf)


posting rest of the trilogy

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4a3120  No.17170

File: 0b0e89c8cb49fe8⋯.png (2.02 MB, 2856x2561, 2856:2561, Don't remember the 11 mill….png)

File: 1c521af84838208⋯.jpg (151.47 KB, 885x758, 885:758, German precision engineeri….jpg)

File: 6acae46db90d753⋯.png (128.07 KB, 812x597, 812:597, Germany Must Perish.png)

File: 222d1d940b14eb1⋯.jpg (144.5 KB, 1122x846, 187:141, Iran wants to destroy the ….jpg)

File: fbdb4928d7e2653⋯.png (512.15 KB, 663x607, 663:607, Keeping lies alive.png)

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4a3120  No.17171

File: eed94f9e8ef5114⋯.jpg (203.31 KB, 600x785, 120:157, No proof.jpg)

File: 262cd9cb008e489⋯.jpg (276.69 KB, 1277x639, 1277:639, Remember it is a Jew-eat-J….jpg)

File: 7f77bb09105db0b⋯.png (94.36 KB, 677x519, 677:519, Remember the electric show….png)

File: ae6891ce1cfaf31⋯.jpg (161.56 KB, 713x757, 713:757, Remember the electrical co….jpg)

File: 3e3d22a724697a4⋯.png (90.24 KB, 780x509, 780:509, Remember the fat sausage.png)

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4a3120  No.17173

File: bc55d452c169bd7⋯.jpg (116.22 KB, 428x325, 428:325, Remember the fire brigade ….jpg)

File: f9334cb3ab06269⋯.png (75.62 KB, 818x362, 409:181, Remember the gas chambers ….png)

File: c2d0ce60ccd66b1⋯.jpg (213.51 KB, 1278x1012, 639:506, Remember the Holocoaster.jpg)

File: 7cfad9c1a525ed7⋯.png (203.98 KB, 366x546, 61:91, Remember the hospitals.png)

File: 9240ccf24db21e1⋯.jpg (80.6 KB, 960x719, 960:719, Remember the masturbation ….jpg)

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4a3120  No.17175

File: b275096669908f7⋯.png (88.98 KB, 872x505, 872:505, Remember the non-existant ….png)

File: dcb30834e3ab276⋯.jpg (394.02 KB, 799x918, 47:54, Remember the repeated gass….jpg)

File: 6db41b3262997a6⋯.jpg (130.76 KB, 659x909, 659:909, Remember the short gas sup….jpg)

File: cf43b0790b4f863⋯.png (34.02 KB, 981x297, 109:33, Remember turning 360 degre….png)

File: f334cd583703db0⋯.jpg (124.98 KB, 1024x538, 512:269, Six million 1897.jpg)

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4a3120  No.17176

File: 1dce052bc7da289⋯.jpg (357.55 KB, 1278x953, 1278:953, Six million Russian Jews.jpg)

File: 39e9ae42e3035b5⋯.jpg (631 KB, 1271x1279, 1271:1279, Six million.jpg)

File: 9f5293053515086⋯.jpg (64.86 KB, 720x895, 144:179, Survived eight death camps.jpg)

File: 29091b48798731a⋯.jpg (94.46 KB, 795x779, 795:779, The only genocide that mat….jpg)

File: 6652eebe63ff885⋯.jpg (486.8 KB, 605x694, 605:694, Trial without evidence.jpg)

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4a3120  No.17177

File: ab7b423e0a9187e⋯.jpg (355.71 KB, 801x939, 267:313, Fuck off, gaschamber's ful….jpg)

File: acd217dc18fc04a⋯.jpg (36.81 KB, 714x662, 357:331, Gassed upon birth.jpg)

File: 3abfcf234d015b4⋯.png (781.02 KB, 1215x887, 1215:887, Jewish agenda.png)

File: a022cc705e6d144⋯.jpg (325.73 KB, 502x579, 502:579, Never forget doesn't mean ….jpg)

File: 2cc9836a009bcbe⋯.jpg (140.95 KB, 532x792, 133:198, Remember the baby fuel.jpg)

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4a3120  No.17178

File: 8bb43c46d8722ee⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1101x1917, 367:639, Remember the bear and eagl….png)

File: 50f71f70c1796cb⋯.jpg (79.85 KB, 999x557, 999:557, Remember the bestiality se….jpg)

File: 2ace7eaf161fb9d⋯.jpg (123.8 KB, 466x654, 233:327, Remember the chocolate bar….jpg)

File: 7a787c045cb6f9f⋯.jpg (101.26 KB, 605x537, 605:537, Remember the dental plans.jpg)

File: 487509d71d6c6fc⋯.jpg (303.68 KB, 1029x760, 1029:760, Remember the electric chai….jpg)

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4a3120  No.17180

File: 90aa12e88dcddfe⋯.jpg (65.51 KB, 680x646, 20:19, Remember the footballs.jpg)

File: 7199c2ded80fb87⋯.png (875.72 KB, 729x864, 27:32, Remember the free shotguns.png)

File: c29d2c85df43544⋯.jpg (304.34 KB, 1080x1593, 40:59, Remember the gaschamber wa….jpg)

File: 1bbf7e436469dc7⋯.png (359.17 KB, 841x1005, 841:1005, Remember the genetic PTSD.png)

File: c15df3f97a4d8b4⋯.jpg (267.61 KB, 600x914, 300:457, Remember the Hitler visits.jpg)

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4a3120  No.17181

File: 0064f205e142c8c⋯.jpg (239.23 KB, 994x1053, 994:1053, Remember the hollacoaster.jpg)

File: 4be970b83baa79b⋯.jpg (40.92 KB, 500x517, 500:517, Remember the Holohoaxes.jpg)

File: 34d75f3f7bfea7b⋯.png (955.25 KB, 1021x729, 1021:729, Remember the inflation por….png)

File: 52260285ae7b250⋯.jpg (112.24 KB, 696x783, 8:9, Remember the knife chamber.jpg)

File: fdc10d090b7f91b⋯.jpg (229.16 KB, 471x813, 157:271, Remember the machine beati….jpg)

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4a3120  No.17182

File: e180cb558cdb1d9⋯.png (97.82 KB, 800x802, 400:401, Remember the musical dogs.png)

File: 326a439355ea265⋯.jpg (178.58 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Remember the personal stak….jpg)

File: bcfa5d01d1d8123⋯.jpg (183.21 KB, 628x860, 157:215, Remember the plastic surge….jpg)

File: ff753151505c7ed⋯.jpg (156.79 KB, 813x1200, 271:400, Remember the post-treatmen….jpg)

File: f274d54466f4fbd⋯.png (363.07 KB, 648x755, 648:755, Remember the PTSD, my chil….png)

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4a3120  No.17183

File: b455a0c81eb62f5⋯.jpg (194.17 KB, 899x649, 899:649, Remember the sixty year-ol….jpg)

File: d11ca9ef425ec58⋯.jpg (209.84 KB, 2000x1500, 4:3, Remember the soap.jpg)

File: f6f8b8cffd45adc⋯.jpg (189.54 KB, 719x641, 719:641, War in the Middle East.jpg)

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563654  No.19938


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4ec72a  No.19946


>second image

Hoax. It doesn’t exist in any book.

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0908da  No.19950

File: d6310eb37053e98⋯.webm (11.21 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Emmaly Reed, Holocaust Su….webm)

File: a23b2e8b705e07e⋯.png (360.63 KB, 1088x712, 136:89, Emmaly Reed.png)


>Emmaly Reed

I didn't bother highlighting it, but in the image, it says she told the students how she knew Corrie ten Boom, the author of the Holohoax memoir they read, despite she having been in Dachau, and ten Boom in Ravensbrück.

The demonic kikess told such a blatant lie, yet nobody, not the students, not the teachers, said a thing about it. Imagine if someone speaking at a school about any other supposed historical event made a claim that was so obviously false…

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4c1582  No.19992


I don't get this, so her story is she arrived in Auschwitz in May 1944 where on arrival she was immediately separated from her father and 2 older sisters while she held onto her mother with her twin (she never saw father/2 older sisters again then), where then 2 nazi men noticed she was a twin and then they pulled her mother away (who she never saw again) and brought her and her twin to Josef Mengele where 3 days a week (monday, wednesday,friday) for 8 hours they would measure her naked with her twin sister and other twins bodily features etc and then compare it to a chart, and on the alternate days (tuesday. thursday, saturday) they would bring her to a blood lab , tie her arms to restrict her bloodflow, take a lot of blood from her left arm, give 5+ injections of unknown substances into her right arm and this was repeated for all of June and July until some week in august where one injection day made her ill with a high fever, swollen limbs , was trembling as the august sun was burning her skin, huge red spots covering her body. She did a next visit to the blood lab and then they didnt give her any injections and just measured her fever and she was then taken to a hospital. It was filled with people who looked more dead than alive. Next morning, Mengele came in with 4 other doctors and looked at her fever chart without checking up on her and said too bad she's so young, she has only 2 weeks to live. She then only remembers crawling on the barrack floor for over 2 weeks and that is her only memory as she could also no longer walk. She was fading in and out of consciousness during this period. After 2 weeks, the fever was gone and she felt better. It took her another 3 weeks until she was fever free. She asked her twin what happened they both agreed to not speak about Auschwitz to 1985. She said her twin later then said during those 2 weeks she was under nazi supervision 24/7 and then after the 2 weeks she was taken to the lab given more injections that made her feel very sick. She later after the war in Israel had troubles with her first pregnancy due to an infection in her kidney that couldnt be killed by antibiotics? (still had the child though) She then had a second pregnancy with more kidney problems and Israeli doctors then scanned her kidneys and saw they never grew larger than that of a 10 year old child. (why didnt they scan it the 1st time years ago?) She then said to her twin to stop trying to have children as anytime she tried led to these kidney issues. She ignored this and had a 3 child and after this her kidneys deteriorated and then later they failed. She then donated her kidney to her twin and then her twin got cancer. Doctors asked for Auschwitz files, never got them and her twin later died. This then she is presuming that the unknown injections caused her kidneys to never grow and thus killed her in later life. Later in life, she then got to meet a Nazi doctor in Germany, Hans Münch, who then gave her a statement saying yes Jews were gassed and he would watch through a peephole to give a thumbs when he saw everyone had died. She says then 9:50 if i ever met a revisionist then that says the holocaust didnt happen, i could shove this document in their face. She wrote him a letter of forgiveness and blah blah

but what in the fuck was this story, it makes no fucking sense

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4c1582  No.19997


Why would Mengele do all these injections and measurements just to leave her in hospital to die?

Why was there a need for a hospital in a death camp?

After those 2 weeks and then 3 weeks since she says august sun, it would have been latest near end of October/start of November when she was then in the camps, Mengele didnt leave until Jan 17th 1945, would he have not noticed her in the barracks that she survived and conducted more experiments? Again why do all those experiments just to leave her? If she was injected with similar substances, how come she never developed any health problems later in life? How can one tell it was those injections that caused kindeys problems about 15 years later in life and not some other cause i.e. why presume it was muh injections? She says a lot of blood was taken out of her left arm with no exact amount, doing this 3 days a week for what 2 months seems pretty unreasonable too and just doesn't make sense. I swear anytime you listen to their actual stories you can just tell how bullshit they are

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4c1582  No.20003


okay so as is always the case these people always have terrible english so ill correct last part

Later in life, Eva suffered numerous miscarriages as a result of her treatment in the camp. When she did have a child, she developed cancer. She also developed tuberculosis. Miriam had kidney problems because her kidneys never fully developed. Eva gave one of her kidneys to Miriam, saying: "I have one sister and two kidneys". Miriam died in 1993 of kidney cancer.

still though, how does this relate in anyway to what happened in the camp? how can one correlate it? it could have been anything why just assume it was muh injection? problems happen with pregnancy

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563654  No.31166


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7840b7  No.46527

File: 25bc4b6e3616a31⋯.png (86.13 KB, 603x625, 603:625, 1547297553217.png)

File: fb083369829b2cc⋯.jpg (113.79 KB, 580x638, 10:11, 1559817085854.jpg)

File: 5fd23f0eed2a6b5⋯.jpg (62.37 KB, 853x560, 853:560, 1547303318386.jpg)

File: 3e34f6ff75a136c⋯.png (402.2 KB, 640x951, 640:951, 1525946168393.png)

File: 9291e2088724d4e⋯.webm (2.02 MB, 320x240, 4:3, antisemitism-a-trick-we-u….webm)

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fe8aa1  No.46591


that middle pic. they think they have it easy and can fufil military service by shit posting.

can't wait for the day when the palestinian shock troops go pouring over the wall and they weak wristed shit posters gun a helmet and a gun and are sent out to die for greater israel.

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000000  No.47102


It may happen sooner than you think. The Soleimani assassination woke up all the Shi'as, and Deal of the Century brought the Sunni (Muslim Brotherhood) on board. IRGC is moving now to get real weapons into the hands of Hamas and PIJ rather than incendiary kites and homemade sugar rockets.

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3c7472  No.78201


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182fc5  No.81483

File: 2970cfed04fb8b2⋯.png (677.86 KB, 939x1078, 939:1078, Lakewood.png)

Coronavirus in NJ: Lakewood tops list of COVID-19 cases at Shore; Here's a town-by-town breakdown

> In New Jersey, 935 newly reported positive COVID-19 tests sent the state's overall count to 2,844, state officials reported Monday.

> At the Jersey Shore, the case count continued to rise as well, something officails have attributed mostly to an increase in the number of people getting tested.

> Ocean County

> Ocean County's total cases stood at 149 Monday afternoon.

> Here's the town-by-town breakdown in Ocean County as of Monday evening, along with the latest population estimates from U.S. Census Bureau.

> Barnegat: 3 (23,167)

> Barnegat Light: 0 (588)

> Bay Head: 1 (977)

> Beach Haven: 0 (1,191)

> Beachwood: 0 (11,270)

> Berkeley: 3 (41,676)

> Brick: 5 (75,188)

> Eagleswood: 0 (1,605)

> Harvey Cedars: 0 (342)

> Island Heights: 0 (1,667)

> Jackson: 18 (56,501)

> Lacey: 4 (28,444)

> Lakehurst: 0 (2,6970

> Lakewood: 69 (102,682)

> Lavallette: 0 (1,849)

> Little Egg Harbor: 2 (20,695)

> Long Beach Township: 2 (3,040)

> Manchester: 6 (43,418)

> Mantoloking: 0 (257)

> Ocean Gate: 0 (2,021)

> Ocean Twp.: (Waretown) 0 (9,049)

> Pine Beach: 0 (2,168)

> Plumsted: 1 (8,543)

> Point Pleasant Beach: 0 (4,544)

> Point Pleasant Borough: 7 (18,651)

> Seaside Heights: 0 (2,903)

> Seaside Park: 1 (1,549)

> Ship Bottom: 1 (1,143)

> South Toms River: 0 (3,772)

> Surf City: 1 (1,187)

> Stafford: 4 (27,012)

> Toms River: 21 (91,415)

> Tuckerton: 0 (3,372)

> Source: Ocean County Health Department

Source: https://www.app.com/story/news/health/2020/03/23/lakewood-tops-list-ocean-county-cases-covid-19/2902729001/

Archive: https://archive.ph/PSfwT


Remember the thread that was on 8/pol a few years ago, the Lakewood, NJ Welfare Fraud Cases?

Some background on that:

Article 1 -



Article 2 -



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e9d15b  No.81504

File: 70aa3376dff4d11⋯.png (500.34 KB, 930x731, 930:731, 70aa3376dff4d1104b9b80d67f….png)

File: 18cc28eb78a4dea⋯.jpg (53.09 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 90524342_209692767040140_8….jpg)

File: bce2d06dbb30f2f⋯.jpg (23.53 KB, 720x414, 40:23, 90428363_206448990617045_3….jpg)

File: ad198d8930ca1c0⋯.jpg (9.23 KB, 240x240, 1:1, FB_IMG_1584840679355.jpg)





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20b028  No.82465


that first pic is fucking wild

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b9fed5  No.82498

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b9fed5  No.82502


Sorry, I forgot to add this was sent to US congress lol

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321813  No.84339

File: 45e88143df92fb1⋯.jpg (98.71 KB, 681x1024, 681:1024, 1585325673136m.jpg)

File: c19bf4fb5272f55⋯.jpg (8.93 KB, 250x178, 125:89, 1585325339780s.jpg)

File: bc268a66187c770⋯.jpeg (13.81 KB, 162x310, 81:155, images.jpeg)

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317581  No.84419

File: 4e7c5db97103ae6⋯.png (552.27 KB, 1700x5488, 425:1372, Jewish_ritual_murder.png)

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912d4e  No.84652

File: 9a5af316cfdbdcf⋯.jpg (56.21 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 9a5af316cfdbdcf9ea3a83a7cb….jpg)

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3c7472  No.107325


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0ff4f2  No.107351

File: 1165fc92c8c0057⋯.jpg (306.38 KB, 944x452, 236:113, nbc.JPG)

File: cb97c0a6e0648d5⋯.webm (597.77 KB, 290x232, 5:4, cremations.webm)


Besides 2000 years of usury and their excellence at scheming and dirty tricks, the remainder of their power stems from sympathy for "The Holocaust". To wit persons capable of objective thought quickly realize is a complete fraud. For the rest of you, the cremation crisis in the midst of the current pandemic should throw up some flags.

hope springs eternal

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599714  No.107500


Another fake "controlled opposition" infograph (Or whatever you want to call it) is the one about deaf girl and her ballpoint pen. This one is easily debunked and only serves to counter argue those who post it

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5b7e8a  No.107865

File: f2d598702ec2b11⋯.png (401.71 KB, 582x640, 291:320, _sigmund_freud_.png)

Dissident Eastern European Psychoanalysts - D.E.E.P analysts.

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f4cffa  No.121581

File: b3509a8722797aa⋯.jpg (30.52 KB, 690x713, 30:31, 103705077_2518501248460002….jpg)

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d4b2f7  No.130390

File: 5b99b78a49b01ff⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Maria_Farmer_Interview_cut.mp4)

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703e9c  No.130576

File: 7e9e8118766eb15⋯.jpg (78.8 KB, 442x640, 221:320, ahmadinejad.jpg)


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3c7472  No.143150

This thread will never die.

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c6cd0d  No.143159

File: 48b945e212fd7a1⋯.jpg (2.55 MB, 1340x9233, 1340:9233, jews_accept_that_deamons_a….jpg)

File: 7ec0a7eeef57941⋯.jpg (64.23 KB, 766x561, 766:561, friend_with_jon_stewart_an….jpg)


let's make sure of that

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c6cd0d  No.143160

File: 0450531e8f81ba8⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 1338x8535, 446:2845, jews_stealing_yemenite_bab….jpg)

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c6cd0d  No.143161

File: f245053a7467e06⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 1341x10537, 1341:10537, jews_stealing_yemenite_bab….jpg)

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c6cd0d  No.143162

File: 7c56cda39519768⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1349x4303, 1349:4303, jews_really_are_satanic.jpg)

File: 3dac617674e07fb⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1349x7083, 1349:7083, jews_kabala_satanic_and_de….jpg)

File: ebc550191b5786d⋯.jpg (151.44 KB, 1342x568, 671:284, about_the_jews_and_their_f….jpg)

File: 4170583edb23412⋯.jpg (146.36 KB, 770x665, 22:19, french_jews_in_california_….jpg)



it's from al jazeera

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c6cd0d  No.143163

File: 81f5674f628b4c2⋯.jpg (95.89 KB, 813x624, 271:208, pre_UN_kikes.jpg)

File: 89b1b8ea48c1e83⋯.jpg (201.28 KB, 1256x613, 1256:613, a_little_ww2_story_about_k….jpg)

File: 488bbbf52265240⋯.jpg (567.71 KB, 1356x3775, 1356:3775, a_kike_s_a_kike_all_right_….jpg)

File: aac8487fb2deb65⋯.jpg (27.56 KB, 409x452, 409:452, donmeh_and_other_secret_ki….jpg)

File: cb6a940ba31862b⋯.webm (2.38 MB, 852x480, 71:40, don_t_diss_the_kikes.webm)

some various things

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c6cd0d  No.143164

File: f05ee6e15602444⋯.png (3.79 MB, 944x5760, 59:360, antifa_kikes_1.png)

File: 7445000c5352718⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1256x7456, 157:932, antifa_kikes_2.png)

File: 76d2cb2c9a98db2⋯.png (3.94 MB, 1248x5168, 78:323, antifa_kikes.png)

antifa is kikery

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c6cd0d  No.143165

File: 7fe1312022fb136⋯.png (3.28 MB, 1191x7635, 397:2545, jewish_crimes_in_europe.png)

File: c4057810710a913⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 1791x3756, 597:1252, modern_jewish_dancing.jpg)

File: 256f5de5cc35a29⋯.jpg (34.25 KB, 533x397, 533:397, memri_arabs_know_about_jew….jpg)

File: 7d57c7871e69054⋯.jpg (115.42 KB, 1125x901, 1125:901, black_nazis_vs_kikes.jpg)


wait a second there, are the McCabe deep state bloodlines crypto jews Maccabee????

Fucking hell, so many things are lining up!

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c5c4cc  No.144495

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cd3903  No.148967

Jewish influence in U.S media and movies is quite evident.

Does anyone have statistics for the same being true in Europe / Australia / Canada?

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57c5db  No.149054

File: a8b1b39cec747c9⋯.jpg (38.08 KB, 614x460, 307:230, _abraham_is_the_same_word_….jpg)



Yes. They are very blatant about these things. They think no one else is smart enough to read the words in front of their face.

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c53557  No.150382

File: 0939c2ebff7d4da⋯.jpeg (197.6 KB, 1200x610, 120:61, 85F99C4B_3147_44AE_9CB7_E….jpeg)

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e6339a  No.150384


Their game is to tell people what they are going to do, but only through their outlets, and if you don't participate in it, they tell everybody you're a lover.

Also, the Russians are niggers.

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084d0d  No.150485

Bakunin quote is best quote.

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