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4fb722 No.392068

So Much For Democracy! Germany Using Armed SWAT Teams To Shut Down Journalism

Only the sane would think that the same leadership who constantly gripes about going to war to "save our democracy" would be the kind of leaders who would wish to protect civil rights, a free press and the right of the people to hold their own opinions. Unfortunately we live in upside down clown world, and our leaders are being exposed as war mongering compulsive liars.

In an unprecedented move the likes of which has not been seen since World War II, Germany has banned Compact Magazine and raided the publisher's home in defiance of free speech protections for the press:


More than 200 masked, armed and armored-up law enforcement officers stormed the home of Jürgen Elsässer, who heads up Compact Magazine, as well as the homes of several of his employees and financial backers. During the raid, which commenced at 6:00 am, police officers confiscated hard drives and other assets in order to shut down the magazine's operations.

The private homes of employees living in Brandenburg, Hesse, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, including the home of Elsässer in Falkensee near Berlin, were all raided as part of the sweep, as was the Nöbeditz manor of former AfD politician André Poggenburg in Stößen near Naumburg.

Compact Magazine has a large readership in Germany. Its YouTube channel boasted more than 300,000 subscribers and millions of views as of last count. As of now, however, Compact Magazine's website and social media presence is gone.

Redical-leftist German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser celebrated the raid and shutdown on X, admitting to the world that she ordered it to occur, which most agree was an Unconstitutional and totalitarian move.

Faeser added in a follow-up statement that Germany under her watch "will not allow ethnic definitions of who belongs to Germany and who does not." Right now, Germany is facing a systemic rise in violent crime due to third world migration being promoted and allowed to flood into their country by their horrible political leaders. No doubt the same "leaders" who wish for their victims to fight their wars for their radical ideological causes.

So much for "democracy" in Europe. Shut up with that propaganda already because it clearly does not exist.


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4fb722 No.392071


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4fb722 No.392098


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c3668b No.392124

What a shitty government.

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3a3fe5 No.392158

Very undemocratic.

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74c3e8 No.395071

hey, you seem based, and only based people join


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ebffd6 No.396087


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50b21d No.396141

Prepping 101

The Step-by-Step Guide to Surviving Global Chaos


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50b21d No.396180

No one is going to fight their forever wars anymore, we the people are abandoning ship.

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