It very well may have been a case of arson, and you can guarantee authorities will get to the bottom of it.
But right now, they still can't even go into the hundreds and hundreds of houses and businesses, to search for bodies or even the unlikely possibility of survivors.
All in good time, they will determine the source of the fire, although were plenty of lightning strikes beforehand.
Perhaps you would be better served by simply cross referencing everything, before posting it?
For example, I didn't need to invest much effort into a simple reverse image search to determine the photograph was circulated in 2018 regarding another unproven conspiracy theory about a meteorite in Michigan.
Certainly, you can invest a few seconds reverse image searching photographs, and cross-referencing claims made by over enthusiastic conspiracy theorists…
REGARDLESS : I am very, very impressed with your integrity today. This is the first time I have seen you admit you are a human who is capable of making mistakes
I have made tons of mistakes, and I'm going to continue making even more mistakes in the future.. I lose nothing by admitting when I am wrong, and I actually gain a lot of credibility, because at least people realize they can count on me to admit if I get something wrong
E X A M P L E :
I was wrong to joke around about you being a child molester
I wasn't being serious, I was simply using hyperbole to get under your skin
But it was wrong of me, because pissing you off is a lot of fun, but I made a mistake by going too far
I know you are NOT a child molester…
you're actually just a good old fashioned flaming homosexual who has repeatedly engaged in intercourse with farm animals, and your grandmother