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File: 3d716aed7d66565⋯.jpeg (112.24 KB, 985x499, 985:499, E75B4EAF-1911-402D-9995-5….jpeg)

45e072  No.37029[Last 50 Posts]

State of the Union general. Mexico Trade Deal, Chinese Starter Trade Deal, ISIS Victory Declaration? ,Economy Boom. What else will be in store? Hopefully it will be more entertaining than last years unlike his rallies he can’t just get up there and smear people and in lieu of turning this into a /biz/ thread , does anybody anticipate a big Trump bump to the stock market after he beats this impeachment? I got AMD shares I want to dump (kek).

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0cda24  No.37052

>political circle jerk of the union

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5f9f38  No.37058


Ahhhh, you know you’ll be watching and commenting on your Twitter that has #Still4Her on it

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0cda24  No.37064


>a zio-trump MIGA cultist

Imagine being so retarded you haven't noticed state of the union addresses are just circle jerks of each zionist political party. I hope you get red flagged, retard, "take the guns first go through due process second".

>muh 4d chess

Trump cultists are so retarded. If you haven't noticed everything he said on the campaign trail was a lie, there's probably no getting through to you.

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b32c86  No.37078


>there's probably no getting through to you.

They're paid to be here.

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136c43  No.37200

Anybody watching this other than the Blackpill then SAGE! people?

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ba2ba4  No.37203


I'm monitoring this thread but not watching. I just can't stomach this fat zionist.

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9c7cd7  No.37234

Just gave Rush Limbaugh (who was just diagnosed of lung cancer) the medal of freedom by Melania

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9c7cd7  No.37235


We don't need you here, dreidel spinner

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9c24ab  No.37237


>emotional response because he has no argument

>actually watching jewish propaganda

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9c24ab  No.37238


>you’re a jew because you don’t worship jewish puppets


You don’t belong here.

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9c7cd7  No.37242

File: b2756fdea555775⋯.jpg (20.02 KB, 504x415, 504:415, 1579194628142.jpg)

"We just got kavanaugh and gorsech, AND WE HAVE MANY IN THE PIPELINE"

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000000  No.37249


Please, please let him announce the impending death of RBG next! Any shots of RBG nodding off in the audience?

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d74a79  No.37250


The only good thing Limbaugh ever did was get cancer. Truly a disgusting shabbos goy.

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7f534d  No.37267

File: acdb4f2d8b2d008⋯.png (444.86 KB, 659x666, 659:666, acdb4f2d8b2d00818c927a8276….png)

>California has declared its entire state a STANKTUARY

best tongue slip of the night!

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7338b2  No.37273

File: 474bcc0a2439145⋯.jpg (832.26 KB, 1800x1161, 200:129, cdn-media.nationaljournal.….jpg)

The state of the union address should consist of nothing but pointing at the Dems and laughing.

Honestly, they have done nothing but fuck themselves over for the last 4 years.

1. Backing Hillary. It was never going to happen.

2. Focusing so hard on objecting to Trump that they neglect finding/grooming someone to beat him until 6 months ago.

3. The people they want, AOC, Omar, Tlaib, turn out to be unelectable extremists.

4. The impeachment (waste of) effort. Knowing it will go nowhere, they spend the effort and money anyway only to have their asses handed to them because they haven't come up with the most basic of legal evidence.

5. The Iowa caucus. Forcing technology they don't understand (because they are old fuckers) in to play against the advice of the people who designed it, without impartial testing (the people who designed it told them it wasn't going to work, so they went out and hired people who would tell them it would work) they end up screwing the pooch royally, and have NO USABLE DATA following their most important pre-election caucus.

Never before, in the history of the US, has a party so completely demonstrated its lack of ability to function in ANY political capacity beyond marketing and fund-raising.

Can they recover from such a profound display of incompetence? Or will they go the way of the Whigs, disappearing forever into a footnote of poly-sci trivia?

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ba2ba4  No.37280


I'm monitoring this thread but not watching. I just can't stomach this fat zionist.>>37273

>they have done nothing but fuck themselves over for the last 4 years.

Actually, with the ongoing demographic collapse, they're winning anyways.

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ba2ba4  No.37281


Man I fucked that post.

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7f37a6  No.37294


Such gross incompetence from an otherwise monumentally successful party only indicates to me that Trump is meant to win the next election by the true powers that run our country. Trump is just a guy cons can rally around and libs can feel justified in hating. This election is good for nothing.

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9c24ab  No.37301


>1. Backing Hillary. It was never going to happen.

Imagine falling for this.

>they neglect finding/grooming someone to beat him

They don’t need to. You’ve fallen for it.

>3. The people they want, AOC, Omar, Tlaib, turn out to be unelectable extremists.

Except they have more support than anyone else.

>Never before, in the history of the US, has a party so completely demonstrated its lack of ability to function in ANY political capacity beyond marketing and fund-raising.

Except for the Republicans in 1912, which caused Woodrow Wilson to be elected and was directly responsible for the Federal Reserve and the outcome of every war of the next century.

So maybe, just maybe, this is on purpose. Since it has always been.

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97e545  No.37304

Reminder: Vote for Trump in 2020

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7f534d  No.37324


probably meant for >>37273

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44e45c  No.37356

Muh black unemployment

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ee9b1a  No.37365

File: c670c8125c9f2e8⋯.gif (2.86 MB, 480x530, 48:53, nanciisabitch.gif)

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6e5f3c  No.37374

The Best is yet to come.

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0cda24  No.37378


Yeah, you're probably right. I bet they stare at their TV in a theta brainwave state when the niggerball game is on too.

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927cd1  No.37382

File: 8066335fd5e0890⋯.jpg (161.14 KB, 975x632, 975:632, c50df4aa3029a949c2ff85c82d….jpg)


A friend told me she ripped up the speech and I legit thought he was trolling me.

>mfw it was actually true and not a Babylon Bee article

I wonder if she realizes not only how petty it makes her look, but also the damage it does to the perception of women in places of power - that they're overly emotional and will do childish tantrum shit like this if they're upset. fucking LEL, 2020 has no breaks

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6e5f3c  No.37389


>I wonder if she realizes

The only thing she's thinking about is the US Marines showing up at her office door and escorting her out in cuffs to her coming court martial.

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6e5f3c  No.37391


>Muh black unemployment

when they don't work, you complain. When they do work, you complain.

It seems you are hard to please, anon.

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1bdedf  No.37396

File: 0bb67dcb4901e0e⋯.webm (4.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Bankers on Donald Trump (….webm)

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0d52b1  No.37401

Remember when we all supported then voted Trump in thinking he’d begin the Fourth Reich ?

Oh yeah, me neither.

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955565  No.37540

File: cc034dc5a1cac43⋯.jpg (72.61 KB, 828x810, 46:45, 83006525_2527753070878205_….jpg)

Watching Pelosi squirm… and then tearing up the speech… heh… say what you want about the Zion Don but some things have clearly gone on behind closed doors and the Dems have been totally cut out of the deal. Perhaps it's finally dawning on that demented cunt that she's been playing the wrong hand for a few decades.

Sidenote: Where's the complete data from the Iowa Caucus LMAO

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9da5bf  No.37549


>Where's the complete data from the Iowa Caucus LMAO

Seriously, what the fuck is going on with the Dems?

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000000  No.37564


Current theory is that remaining missing caucusses belong to regions with overrepresentation of Bernie voters. Big if true.

Also only dumbasses use apps.

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c16ae9  No.37568

A third party needs to rise, and fast. The Dems are useless burocrats who can't get anything done, and the Republicans are Zog to the core. We need a new option.

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f7dfc5  No.37577


Nothing that hasn't happened before. In 2012, it took 2 weeks for the Republicans to get full results from Iowa. I don't know why everyone treats every event as though it's never happened before and it's the end of the world.

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f7dfc5  No.37579


>tearing up a speech is petty

>the president refusing to shake her hand is not

Ok Boomer

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3a143f  No.37586


tits or gtfo

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9da5bf  No.37614


I would love to see Bernie get fucked over again. All those berniefags rioting would be glorious.

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addf67  No.37629

File: aa3aa8cd52430e9⋯.jpg (52.11 KB, 920x663, 920:663, 920x920.jpg)


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addf67  No.37633


Hillary's people didn't run the voting machines in 2012, blatant election interference and obvious corruption like this has never happened before.

There should be a full blown FBI investigation because of this.

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0cda24  No.37636

File: 0dfead11db8e499⋯.jpg (10.17 KB, 373x339, 373:339, 93c3c1507fdf9349f5694048e0….jpg)

>this whole stupid fucking thread

The absolute state of 8kun.

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7f534d  No.37648


>I wonder if she realizes

women have a hard time understanding the consequences of their actions


>not understanding Law of Power #36

Ok Retard

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55118d  No.37669


Go back to Q.

Learn how to reply to a post on an image board without fucking it up.

Take your meds.

Then come back and lurk for 6 months before posting again.

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55118d  No.37670


See that red X in the upper right corner of your screen? Press it one time and you will never have to be butthurt by how shitty this place is again.

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f7dfc5  No.37689


3 separate, but equal, branches of government. President, Speaker of the House, and the Chief Justice are equal in power. Trump refusing Pelosi's hand is a sign of his manbaby pettiness.

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9c24ab  No.37695


No, kill yourself for falling for jewish theater.

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7f534d  No.37696

File: a113ebb2d8d6b70⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 500x364, 125:91, a113ebb2d8d6b704915b59c866….gif)


didn't realize you were going for an AOC LARP. well played

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9c24ab  No.37699


Yes, you’re right. Fuck Jim and his shitty site.


>you’re a Q-LARPer because you don’t worship the ZOG emperor

Reported for spam.

>take your meds

Reported for admitting to being paid to post here.

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eea0f0  No.37701

File: 88426b2af46324d⋯.jpg (46.65 KB, 680x383, 680:383, sotiresome.jpg)


so tiresome

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9c24ab  No.37703


Same spam every day and no one does a goddamn thing about it. No shit it’s tiresome.

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f7dfc5  No.37707


It's not a LARP. It's called the "separation of powers". The president isn't a King.

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f7dfc5  No.37708


>Same spam every day

Yep. In every thread on every page, you're sitting there spamming reports and crying about paid shills - even screaming sometimes about how it's illegal - and anyone who calls you out is "advocating white genocide". You're getting tiresome, but they won't do anything to get rid of you either; so we're stuck here together.

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7f534d  No.37725


>The president isn't a King.


>President, Speaker of the House, and the Chief Justice are equal in power.

First time I've heard this. They are all top positions in their respective branches, but to say they are equal in power is nonsense. Enumerate the president's powers for me and identify the equivalents for the other two branch heads, please.

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f7dfc5  No.37738


Separate powers, but equal in power. For example, the President can appoint judges; but Congress has to approve them. Congress can pass a law, but the President can veto it. The Supreme Court can declare a law unconstitutional, but Congress can amend the constitution. And so on. They're all accountable to each other equally.

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7f534d  No.37752


You're not wrong, but you didn't answer my question.

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e16b34  No.37877


Show me the military arms of the judicial and legislative branch, then I'll believe you.

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f7dfc5  No.37894


The Judicial Branch has the Federal Marshals and Congress has the National Guard. Further, while the President is Commander-in-Chief, he does not have the power to declare war.


Then I'm not sure what you're asking for …

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ac0a32  No.37986


in the nigh impossible event of both the president and VP get assassinated, the house of reps speaker becomes president.

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9c24ab  No.37997


>oy vey goy paid shills don’t post here

>oy veyyyyyyyyyyy stop exposing my spam

Kill yourself, then. You’re not worth anyone’s time.

>oy vey being paid to shill without announcing the payment totally isn’t illegal

Kill yourself. Go back to your containment board.


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f7dfc5  No.38042


The only time paid shilling is illegal in the US is when it causes an uninformed group to lose material gain. So, which are you? The uninformed or have you lost money? Or perhaps you're both uninformed and cheated out of money by a paid shill?

That's the law, kid. Someone being paid to post here to make you and your ilk look stupid isn't illegal no matter what.

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9c24ab  No.38044


>The only time paid shilling is illegal in the US is when it causes an uninformed group to lose material gain.

So always.

>So, which are you?

The one who’s not literally defending the JIDF.

>That's the law, kid.

JIDF confirmed.

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f7dfc5  No.38050


Uh, no, not always. If you KNOW it's a paid shill, then it is literally impossible for you to be uninformed or lose material gain. Every time you post that you know someone is a paid shill, you have given them a defense in court.

None of this matters anyway since nobody's trying to sell you something and you're not trying to use this website to sell your wares. An example of illegal shilling is when someone uses an audience plant to help sell an inferior product. Someone disagreeing with your opinions on the internet - EVEN IF THEY ARE PAID TO DO SO - is not illegal anywhere in the United States.

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05fedb  No.38081


The executive branch is in charge of all our alphabet agencies. For the legislative branch to regain any real authority it would have to have the same protections the president has from investigations and being intimidated by the vast network of bureaucrats. Whenever a Congressman speaks up against the military industrial complex, advocates for Julian Assange or evening mentions Seth Rich they were investigated for campaign finance violations (a telephone book size of regulations), tax evasion, signatures on their petition to run for office or had were publicly smeared for marital infidelity and if there is no dirt on them then they go after their spouse and extended family.

If you’d really want something that resembles a democratic republic back in the US, then the legislature would have to immunize itself from Federal Investigations without the approval of their own in house committees. I’m sure this would receive bipartisan approval.

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74800f  No.38082


>disappearing forever into a footnote of poly-sci trivia?

I don't think so, the Democrat Party was the party of Jackson and other momentous presidents and have been around for almost 200 years. They definitely will collapse and reform though, probably into the Democratic-Socialist Party.

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f418fe  No.38085

(polite sage)

you know, I didn't even know:

1.) he was aquitted of the impeachment charges, and,

2.) there was a state of the union today

until I turned on the ZOG news and all the channels were talking about it.

fuck it

I knew it wasn't going to get past the senate

Mitt Romney is going to catch hell.

he might as well change his party at this point

that's the problem with this two-party system

I got to watch a few minutes of Hardball with Chris Matthews about a half-hour or so ago, and it was horrible.

I got to watch a few minutes of fox jews and she (being a progressive liberal) had former press secretary crooked face talking (forget her name - sanders?) and it was horrible.

these two parties constantly at each others' throat.

A, and the pelosi ripping.

what theater.

so pathetic.

Our government is a pathetic joke.

If Trump is re-elected, it will be so bad in 2025 after the next president is inaugurated, that our government will be a shambles - an empty shell of it's former self.

I am so saddened by the division of the country.

The "Democrat" side has pushed divisiveness so hard, the "Republican" side (not counting the in betweens and the far right/left) in pushing back only distances itself further from the Democrats.

This controlled opposition needs to be exposed.

We know its the Juden playing their games

but the average NPC out there doesn't understand, and when they see or hear something negative about the Juden, they automatically go into repulsive shrieking mode.

same thing with anything racial. - automatic repulsive shrieking mode.

You can't get through to them

its ridiculous.

its hopeless.

we need coronavirus in the US badly.

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4e3939  No.38092

File: f2a6b6ff3c41cf6⋯.gif (1.84 MB, 436x529, 436:529, Pelosi_tear.gif)

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f7dfc5  No.38107


Um … you do realize that congressmen can't be impeached, right? To remove a sitting congressman, the voters of their district have to hold a recall election. They are immune.

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f7dfc5  No.38109


>Trumps crappy little speech = the Constitution

Ok Boomer

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6ac9a4  No.38120


10 thousand keks

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610015  No.38161


I actually loved just about everything he said.

Here's where the despair faggots fall short of logic. They would have you believe that this "theater" (which it is, but follow along) it is somehow playing against the interest of the average American. So, NOT saying pro-American things works against the betterment of American "AND" SAYING things pro-American works against the betterment of America.

Do you fucking understand that you can either say things that benefit America or are a detriment to America and Trump has chosen to say things that are a benefit to America. EVEN IF HE STANDS FIRMLY AGAINST WHAT HE IS SAYING, what he is saying would then be counter to his stance because creating hope, pride and momentum in a population you are trying to somehow subvert, would work counter to what you are trying to do.

Now, with that said. Any sane person could look at the big Elephant in the room, the JQ and LOGIC would dictate that those interested in remaining on this earth who occupy former Palestine would want their defense force (USA) to be as strong as possible, even have a sense of national pride. Remember, a better America = A greater Israel. We are tied at the fucking hip, for better or worse!

Now, you fucking kike fucks! HANG BIBI BY HIS FUCKING NECK! We will NOT forget 9/11!

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a01c7d  No.38185


Did you read the whole post, you don’t need to impeach the Congressman when you can just have him arrested. Then you can smear the Congressman with allegations from the investigations and ruin his chances at reelection even if found not guilty.

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4e3939  No.39036


Liberal confirmed for retard.

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3a878c  No.39052


this is painful to read.

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e85256  No.81584


France is burning right now, much like your seething ass..

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