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File: e18aadd58a0be58⋯.jpg (52.35 KB, 393x393, 1:1, Boys can.jpg)

File: de98ead3941359f⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1695x4232, 1695:4232, Boys Can Be Princesses Too….jpg)

5494a3  No.3696[Last 50 Posts]

"The Boys Can Be Princesses, Too Project"

Guess the ethnicity of the person behind it before clicking.

Basically this woman recently made a business out of taking pictures of young boys (ages 3-13) dressed up as princesses. She thinks it is a "necessary" service, because of the pushback she and other participants received for the idea. I suppose those library drag queens aren't creating future fags fast enough, so this will speed up the process?

https://www.facebook.com/BoysCanBePrincessesToo/ https://archive.is/LjxeI

https://www.instagram.com/boyscanbeprincessestoo/ https://archive.is/qTvSP

https://www.boyscanbeprincessestoo.com https://archive.is/cJsA6

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19f0b4  No.3708



Hang yourselves.

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5494a3  No.3711

File: 2f6c60bc68e01f0⋯.jpg (51.88 KB, 678x960, 113:160, yes .jpg)


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8a5683  No.3716

>we're just normal people leading normal lives and we just want to be left alone with our same-sex partners

Then as soon as any modicum of acceptance is achieved some jew starts funding orgs that try to turn as many people as possible into faggots, including castrating children and pumping them full of hormones. That's why you can never show any "tolerance" to degeneracy, you hang them and be done with it.

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6e3e49  No.3722


Of course boys shouldn't be "princesses", but not even little girls should be treated as if they were pricesses. Anyway, it is disgusting to see what those insane women do to children just to feel a little bit more of ideological satisfaction. Nowadays having a child is not about the child anymore, it has become a mere vessel for the consumerist parents' narcissis, just another layer of selfish desires.

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5494a3  No.3724


>man up

"Man up", says the shill that doesn't give a fuck about a jewess feminizing a little boy. Go back to shill school. 0/10

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056f3a  No.3730


Stop being triggered at other people being triggered you salty incel manbaby.

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056f3a  No.3736

File: 5751f55cc0d3c8d⋯.png (202.54 KB, 820x800, 41:40, 456456456456.png)


Nice seething, incel. Almost 50% of the posts in this entire thread are you getting mad that other people disagree with you.

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570a13  No.3741

File: fe5137bbfe69cb4⋯.png (346.15 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, fe5137bbfe69cb4eac388ec4d5….png)

>when women are told to be like men

>go out and get a career, don't bother having kids, girl power!

>when men are told to be like women

>put on a dress and wear panties

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66bbed  No.3782


child abuse should enrage everyone.

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19f0b4  No.3789


I'm glad your kids will be taken away from you.

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0a6de0  No.3790


The next phase, shooting your kid full of HRT and having them sit on a pedo drag queen's dick. Now that's abuse

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24692f  No.3866


cringe shilling hahahahah you guys are insanely bad, how much do u get paid to post this crap?

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55d929  No.3896


But it is. A child should have the right to get the best upbringing possible, and of course that includes raising a boy like a boy.

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f85892  No.3902


Always kill those women. Always kill the faggot and dyke abominations.

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19f0b4  No.3926


>but it is their kid

>They have every right to raise it as they see fit

Kids are not plaything you filthy pedo.

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522d78  No.3939


>There is no universal way to raise a boy.

That's not true, all cultures have a concept of masculinity. Obviously they are not all exactly the same because they come, again, from different cultures, but the underlying principle is the same. And this goes even beyond humans, apes, chimps, africans and other animals have them.

But even if you weren't wrong, what would it matter? Everyone is part of a specific culture and tradition, because you're living in one place, you cannot live in every country at the same time. And of course you should adhere to that culture.

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522d78  No.3943


You had one when you left, you didn't let go of it so it did fall into the Atlantic Ocean, did you?

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522d78  No.3956


Either way, America definitely had a strong enough culture of masculinity a few decades ago. Maybe your culture is built on quicksand and kike lies due to being rootless, but it should be sufficient enough for boys not having to be princesses.

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c618fb  No.3959

File: 9ee6e566dfe106a⋯.png (55.08 KB, 768x768, 1:1, Retard.png)


Why do you even bother posting on the internet when you have such inane and retarded opinions? Shouldn't you just crawl up your own asshole and disappear?

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19f0b4  No.3962


Good goy.


You're the one jacking off to it though, pedo.

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66bbed  No.4021


You may succeed in recreating weimar, right down to the child prostitutes, but it will not last.

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19f0b4  No.4045


>some faggot from woodstock

>he was raised this way goy

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19f0b4  No.4057


I'm not saying that, his parents might have tried but their son still got the commie aids, much like you your rebel.

>it very well might not stick.

In a few cases it might not, sure. But that still doesn't count for all cases. Lot's of strong men got send out to die, leaving only weak men left, the faggot commie in your picture is a result of that.

>Welcome to the good side.

No thanks, I don't want to be a part of your gay pedo weimar cult.

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522d78  No.4091


>In a few cases it might not, sure. But that still doesn't count for all cases.

Right now, those cases are encouraged in their behaviour rather than taught discipline and proper behaviour. Parents are just too permissive and life itself lacks challenges that make a man, let alone proper initiation. Those boomers saying the youth of today need a new vietnam are not wrong.

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522d78  No.4098


Well, David Reimer broke out of it. It didn't help him anymore though.

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19f0b4  No.4106


>Those boomers saying the youth of today need a new vietnam are not wrong.

See I don't disagree, however wars are costly. You'll lose a lot of strong men, WW1, WW2, Vietnam war all took away strong men, leaving behind the weaker ones and also creating kids without a father to raise them.


I also never said that. You're trying to not understand what I'm saying on purpose or you are just trying to justify your own habit of wearing dresses while praising pedophiles.

>but a boy raised to be a macho wife beating douchebag CAN break out of his conditioning and put on dresses?

I like it how you take it to the extreme, thinking raising your own boy to become a man means he will also have to beat women. It's like you never had a father figure, at least not for long


Both brothers killed each other, there is also a reason why trannies off themselves so much. Enables like 355803 would say it's society, he would never admit enabling or forcing is the thing that causes the most damage in the long run.

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19f0b4  No.4113


>and also creating kids without a father to raise them.

Thus creating a weak generation like the woodstock faggot anon posted.

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19f0b4  No.4161


Yes? Doesn't WW2 ring a bell?

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19f0b4  No.4203


Are ... you ... retarded ...

>See I don't disagree, however wars are costly. You'll lose a lot of strong men, WW1, WW2, Vietnam war all took away strong men, leaving behind the weaker ones and also creating kids without a father to raise them.

The boomer generation is a generation mostly made by weak men.

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19f0b4  No.4209


And yet again you are putting words in my mouth. As usual from the "good side".

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522d78  No.4212


More importantly, the 60's is when they became enormously successful in capitalizing on the whole youth rebellion thing, taking adolescents natural desire to rebel and find their own way, amplified it a thousandfold so it could actually alienate the youth from their parents enough to lead them astray with leftist culture, admittedly beautiful music and especially all the drugs. And it was all in good fun until the 70's started and the hippies realized that they couldn't pay for their living with good vibes alone. Many became addicted to heroin as well when they saw they weren't as close to the age of aquarius as they thought.

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19f0b4  No.4216


Jews like you are pushing just as hard.

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19f0b4  No.4218


Don't tell 355803 that, he might cry out as he strikes you.

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19f0b4  No.4247


>he doesnt know about IDs.

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522d78  No.4277


>the parent is the owner of a child until it is grown.

By that point of view, eating your children isn't too problematic either. Hell, why even have children? You could just abort them or sell them to Lybian slavers.

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5494a3  No.4278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Degenerates will have kids and there's nothing anyone can do to stop that.

Never say never.

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be462f  No.4293


>it's cultural

Culture and nature are inter-dependant and have been for thousands of generations.

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8bca4e  No.4368

And… it really is nothing. A lot of mothers do this to their boys

In fact (as embarrasing as it is), my mother dressed me up as a girl when i was younger and i neither grew up as gay or a tranny. shes christian too btw

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b57ee3  No.4398


It is their creation. You can't do as you please with your creation when you live in a society, because there are rules and standards we must abide by. As you can see with fags and trannies and women in power the rules and structure are become less and less stable, BUT, in the world outside of your petty human morality, you CAN do as you please with your creation. In the wild, animals will eat their young if they find they can't survive. Well humans tend to give reason for their actions outside of natural instinct, so humans will have odd reasons for how they decide to raise their Spawn.

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8f1269  No.4411


t. alt kike subtly stating cp should be legal

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34d26c  No.4418


Eugenicists are the ones promoting this gay shit. Try actually looking into the people behind these movements instead of latching onto whatever seems "cool"

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5494a3  No.4419


You're thinking of dysgenicists.

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8e7fd3  No.4537

File: 992b5a67991fa3f⋯.png (820.11 KB, 1016x766, 508:383, 029.png)


You look at your own message and notice the shill got banned. Feels good to be back, God bless 8chan and God bless my brothers.

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a327bf  No.5569

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130dde  No.5606

File: c710ab232c645da⋯.jpg (106.29 KB, 850x1202, 425:601, ismellacommiekikenigger.jpg)


>kike steals the first post

Every fucking time....

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3aae85  No.5737

This is what happens when you let the British rule the world. It seems that each week, British people and degeneracy go hand in hand.

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a327bf  No.5744

File: cca3f1e58bd84ad⋯.png (14.87 KB, 537x83, 537:83, Kitty Wolf 5 Star Review f….png)

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af1e19  No.5765

File: 9d5c07511ab361e⋯.jpg (144.02 KB, 541x561, 541:561, gaysandsuicide.jpg)

Today I will remind them.

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a327bf  No.5928

File: 8c1ba3e7afef847⋯.png (172.01 KB, 1206x1078, 603:539, Collaborate.png)


>as long as you keep it out of my yard, out of the news, out of my family's view, and out of any other inappropriate environment.

The jewess is specifically doing the opposite of that. She wants to make this a global project, infecting as many minds as possible.

<The more photos of boys playing princess we put out there, the more people will see them and the more normal it will become!


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0b24f3  No.5940

File: 330ecfc1784ce92⋯.jpg (22.53 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 05b57d9442a4d9ea48c8b0b522….jpg)


>haha do you get upset at the sight of children being sexually molested?

Go on. Keep stepping over the line. See where this ends.

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0b24f3  No.5941

File: 2e8f8752c6c04ff⋯.mp4 (9.45 MB, 640x640, 1:1, kpop facts.mp4)

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7c6969  No.5987

File: 66279240a45ad6c⋯.png (62.31 KB, 676x394, 338:197, A great feature.png)

Thank God we still have pic related

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8e7fd3  No.5988

File: ba0708ff89b9813⋯.jpg (161.77 KB, 1600x752, 100:47, bame-labour-1024x768-1600x….jpg)


i dont see the harm, its not like theyre changing the kids gender

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a327bf  No.6016

File: ebccf6f5fb8d0c8⋯.png (808.92 KB, 740x1024, 185:256, christian mom.png)


>this time will be different

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199b06  No.6046


>clothing is sexual assault

Are you one of those womyn who cry rape whenever a man makes eye contact with you?


Do ID filters work in the age of unlimited free VPNs?

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7c6969  No.6101


>Do ID filters work in the age of unlimited free VPNs?

The faggot I filtered had a standard ID like yours is, if you have all 0's for a ID it is a vpn. If you filter that ID (all 0's) then you filter all the vpn posters. So instead you can just, hide post, hide post + which filters all replies to that post.

The thing that will never happen I fear is that anons will never figure out


There has been volumes of instructions posted on this subject, including step by step analysis of how to identify and deal with the various and sundry interlopers that plague us

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35297e  No.6139


The all 0 ID is exclusively for Tor users. A VPN gives you a standard ID.

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092d92  No.6140



Gee … if only someone would have told others to "not feed the trolls" before!

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0b24f3  No.6151

File: 776ed97f0420b8a⋯.jpg (105.87 KB, 700x540, 35:27, 1569820557492.jpg)


>It's just a piece of cloth lol

You are grooming prepubescent boys into transexual catamites. You are grooming a child for a sexual role. There is zero ambiguity to this. This is abuse. Any half-sane society would react to this with swift and draconian correction.

Thank god you won't ever have children, mongrel pederast. Bog yourself.

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a31f18  No.6156


If your pee-pee tingles because of the fabric wrapped around a little boy, that's entirely your fault. Good job outing yourself as a pedo.

>you won't ever have children

I have 3 children, nigger. White children. You're the one fapping to anime and screaming into the void about thots and cloth.

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0b24f3  No.6329

File: eb4a480208ec3c7⋯.jpg (14.74 KB, 256x256, 1:1, 1414270140899.jpg)


>Good job outing yourself as a pedo.

Irony is truly not your strong suit, is it.

But anyway, if this is the hill you really want to die on, people will be more than happy to kill you on it.

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0b24f3  No.6330

File: 4016c94d7cf1df2⋯.jpg (58.38 KB, 632x594, 316:297, 4016c94d7cf1df262686e3dce9….jpg)



>I have 3 children, nigger. White children

lmao I was too busy soaking in the idoicy of the first half of your post that I glossed over this at first.

Big fucking doubt. The child slaves you had CPS funnel to you and your glownigger buddies funnel to you do not count as biological offspring.

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5af4a1  No.6383

The boys can be princesses.

Well,It's the ideology of Khazarian Mafia, to destroy the family and the sovernigty of the Nations!!

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d094b0  No.6385


>The jewess is specifically doing the opposite of that. She wants to make this a global project, infecting as many minds as possible.

And this is exactly the problem with granting faggots and degenerates more rights. They will want even more rights. Not only because it is human nature to want more, but people like this are especially "hungry". Just look at the crossdressing attentionwhore nanotech if you need an example for that. And they want to make their way of life the new mainstream, to a point at which you can now walk through a city and see larger-than-life posters of two men kissing, a point at which people think homos are better people, a point where parents wished their child was gay so they could virtue signal more. I would have no problem with it if they kept it behind closed doors, but most of them don't even want to do that, they want to go out and show everyone what a fag they are, asking everybody to join. This is why some repression is needed, because this is actually what makes them keep it behind closed doors.

And then obviously the whole feminist and anti-natalist crowd plays into that too. They don't want white people to have children and want to deconstruct western tradition, so for them it's a huge plus if someone is gay. They are pushing for doctrine of hyper-individualism, abusing the freedom loving faustian spirit of the west which makes people become consume machines that confuse the illusion of choice, rootlessness and and egoism for what would be enlightened individualism that would make everyone to strive to become his best self in alignment with his people, to advance both his own goals and those of his people, because in a healthy society those would not contradict each other.

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a327bf  No.6392

File: 04436cc55a518b6⋯.jpg (549.19 KB, 1704x929, 1704:929, And then one day-.jpg)

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8428e1  No.6394

File: 725fe3946597a2d⋯.png (194.71 KB, 632x351, 632:351, salesforce's furry team.png)

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a327bf  No.6481

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a327bf  No.6712

File: 113896139370ca6⋯.png (34.84 KB, 467x233, 467:233, ClipboardImage.png)

(((Kitty Wolf))):

>it's ok, subverting your son's masculinity now won't have any repercussions in the future

>the proof is right here in this article by (((Dr. Allan Schwartz)))


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63b407  No.6713


When i was 6 i wanted a faggy glitter toy pony, it was more faggy than a gay parade. But then again at the same i age i wanted to cut off tits.

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45531b  No.6730

>"The Boys Can Be Princesses, Too Project"


never mind physiology and biology goyim

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a327bf  No.6748

File: eddc396a8416e71⋯.jpg (592.86 KB, 1381x2745, 1381:2745, Liam Lilo.jpg)

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e3e522  No.7105

File: f4f098cf9c18226⋯.gif (1.61 MB, 350x196, 25:14, 1z21rx4.gif)

>Guess the ethnicity of the person behind it before clicking.


lol I WIN

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a327bf  No.9361

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c41392  No.9403


/pol/ never dies. Cunt.

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02eeaa  No.13067

File: 46ade84556fd639⋯.png (533.16 KB, 585x945, 13:21, Screenshot from 2019-12-31….png)

>people in the dominant society



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6680a3  No.14430

They're just bringing back a long standing Western tradition.


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5248aa  No.14550

Well, with a surname like "Wolf," it's a no brainer.

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116a9a  No.14554

>"The Boys Can Be Princesses, Too Project"

i lost hard

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2b9f28  No.14587


A black transphobe? ReeeEEeEeeE

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794a01  No.14611

File: f0878a7c496319c⋯.png (147.95 KB, 289x356, 289:356, f0878a7c496319cc3f0696227b….png)


Fucking wasted!

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17df75  No.14760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In this clip that I happened to come across recently, a Japanese voice actress talks about how when she was little she thought of herself as a boy, didn't wear skirts, had very short hair and referred to herself with the masculine pronoun "boku." But it was just a phase she went through. It's like children can have all kinds of weird ideas that shouldn't be taken too seriously, but now we have children not old enough to attend elementary school who are already being prepped for "transitioning." Won't be long until you can legally have sex with them if you just coach them into saying that they consent to sex.

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21c1dd  No.17059


Look at his haunted fucking eyes. It reminds me of that Comet Pizza picture of the girl duct-taped to the table and she had hooker eyes.

What are they doing to these children?

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4170bc  No.17067

These things happen because we let them, just saying. You don't have to let them ;^)

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b1981f  No.17580




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68d136  No.17675



You know why 8ch started sucking for a long time? Retards like these weren't banned.

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d089ba  No.18461


there's nothing wrong with boys wearing dresses you fucking retard

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aad171  No.18581

File: 5b97d57c56b4daa⋯.jpg (47.82 KB, 398x517, 398:517, 5b97d57c56b4daa675a5f89ce6….jpg)


Eat shit and die sodomite.

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8cc277  No.18775

File: ee447e6ae6fe2cf⋯.jpg (1.7 MB, 2833x1877, 2833:1877, ee447e6ae6fe2cf5ba53abbfbf….jpg)


>Homosexual pedophile justifying his abuse with 'hurt feelings' shortly before the reckoning, 2020 (colorised)

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739202  No.36150

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355803  No.36181



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def3ea  No.36456

File: 7b6992c38d65c20⋯.png (854.16 KB, 997x1273, 997:1273, gay husbands abuse 8 kids.png)

File: b2fed4ac2f33084⋯.png (366.98 KB, 1020x725, 204:145, gay indoctrination.png)

File: 84c0d0650811469⋯.jpg (53.61 KB, 584x486, 292:243, gay lesbian parents forcin….jpg)

File: 362df37886c03d7⋯.png (369.7 KB, 629x357, 37:21, gayparentingcruella.png)

File: b7d4909a552f57c⋯.png (567.06 KB, 800x790, 80:79, gays dripping with gender ….png)

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def3ea  No.36457

File: 7825a5766473410⋯.jpg (133.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, baittalkingheads.jpg)

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f68874  No.36486

File: 2639f904b282fdf⋯.jpg (14.6 KB, 390x236, 195:118, photo_2017-11-29_14-46-39.jpg)

File: 0437e310f52bd18⋯.jpg (55.58 KB, 580x614, 290:307, photo_2019-03-18_20-43-51.jpg)

File: ae19ca8acaa9296⋯.jpg (64.85 KB, 704x1024, 11:16, photo_2019-04-28_23-20-35.jpg)

File: 9b46b0a5ef4bd7f⋯.jpg (121.59 KB, 750x977, 750:977, photo_2019-04-14_22-32-24.jpg)

File: caae3c22039fd87⋯.jpg (137.56 KB, 1028x764, 257:191, photo_2019-04-24_21-17-34.jpg)

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f68874  No.36489

File: 8a19793250176a3⋯.jpg (104.96 KB, 562x554, 281:277, 8a19793250176a3a3164750da8….jpg)

File: 1d9e23a09d0e2b9⋯.jpg (48.54 KB, 1024x669, 1024:669, photo_2019-04-24_22-17-45.jpg)

File: 5cb31da5da186ee⋯.jpg (58.66 KB, 618x931, 618:931, 1555649769548.jpg)

File: 35df0f1b8523e40⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 1416x2066, 708:1033, 1555648247136.jpg)

File: 90acb7a4fd9b4c8⋯.jpg (262.38 KB, 1030x1003, 1030:1003, dsh48tjfr87342.jpg)

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f68874  No.36491

File: 7eb68d523fe3b4c⋯.png (710.7 KB, 719x1076, 719:1076, 1555650369919.png)

File: 7089f1a6fde0b61⋯.png (672.05 KB, 681x1177, 681:1177, 1555650456817.png)

File: 60c9e9b94006ebe⋯.jpg (107.49 KB, 648x588, 54:49, 1554624153698.jpg)

File: 45fa7663fd15767⋯.jpg (157.43 KB, 621x797, 621:797, 1554323912103.jpg)

File: 1d63a2e4371f12e⋯.png (701.06 KB, 1302x1255, 1302:1255, 1554321571108.png)

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504483  No.59737

gross and disturbing

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920b68  No.59846

Between this and elsagate/jaystation videos, the upcoming generation is going to be fucked six ways from sunday.

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525376  No.60233

any1 have kitty's personal facebook page? i searched for it and couldnt find it anywhere, only her photography page. thx!

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062e13  No.60406

File: 5e527bf33c902e9⋯.jpg (102.74 KB, 322x465, 322:465, kike ship.jpg)


>that beak

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6e818d  No.60495

File: 8f41f0973b258cf⋯.jpg (16.44 KB, 181x255, 181:255, 699a35a6a7065b20942fc4c54b….jpg)


Have 88 upvotes, Anon. Well said.

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dffb0a  No.60523



Only idiots would describe this current state as "hyper individualism". When you attempt to mass indoctrinate whole generations of youth on the platform of inclusivity, that's a hive mind at work. Gosh, invest in a fucking dictionary you fucking 100IQ baboons.

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9affa5  No.60612

File: 73d767e68d7861d⋯.png (116.41 KB, 720x1011, 240:337, 20200303_132926.png)


You can argue that (((they))) want the hive-minded goyim, thoroughly programmed - absolutely. Yet the avenue chosen to do this is via Hyperindividualism, and I'll include a link to a dictionary…bc who needs to give shekels to the kike publisher.

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9affa5  No.60619

File: 814aca7ceefc1c9⋯.jpg (21.02 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d5c6422637bc6907bf7adf74e3….jpg)


And wtf are these kikes doing but getting people to behave as they wany, regardless of society. Our fucking society, that these fucks have degenerated to a pale fucking shadow.

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dffb0a  No.60636


Yeah, read the definition you provided and think twice. Globalism is about hyper-altruism and cooperation, the exact opposite of individuality. LGBT and pedos? Collective movements working for the agenda of their group. This is just collectives against collectives, as always.


Idiot, they're behaving to the moral standard of their society, not your society. There is no our society, fool.

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6e818d  No.60690

File: a47718f16b2b344⋯.jpg (163.77 KB, 772x1024, 193:256, 4153783693_590b23c3c4_b.jpg)


No, there absolutely was something of "ours" within the early days of expansion and even in America. We haven't always been kiked. Ours is unique and truly generative. There is a reason we call them parasites, bc once we were much healthier. But maybe I'm assuming too much that I am speaking to another North European descendant. You sound blackpilled as fuck. If there's no standard to be had, what are we striving for?

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dffb0a  No.60734


I'm not "blackpilled"; that's queer, effeminate rhetoric, nor does it apply to me in any degree. I'm a mix of Western, Eastern and Southern European blood, so, no, you're not talking to a Nord.

Society is a confederation of collectives, not a singular, indistinguishable bloc, and I didn't say there are no standards to set. Stop building an off-topic strawman and realize we are in a collective war, not an individualist one (an impossibility). I don't identify with America or any political nations, I identify by race and race alone. Therefore, there is no "our" society from someone with my ethnic background, especially with how much my fellow Europeans (of all periods) fail to deliver warrant for admiration.

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defa3a  No.60984



Took me a while to find it a few months back. Pro-tip of the day: IIRC, I think I found her by checking who shared posts or liked posts from one of her pages. One of the sharers was her.

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000000  No.62188


The look of suffering in that poor kid's eyes says it all.

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