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File: 4baf506725607c4⋯.png (367.9 KB,1325x497,1325:497,AMERICANA_WHAT_HAPPENED.png)

a9ee96 No.366263

Because a federal goon spammer is sabotaging real news I'm now archiving it all to re-post later on, whenever I have spare time!

US State Department Funding Secret Disinformation Crusade To Blacklist Real News



Prepare For 10 Years Of Destruction As The Empire Collapses



They're Imploding The Economy For The "Great Reset" As Warned



A Dollar Collapse Is Now In Motion, Saudi Arabia Signals The End Of US Reserve Currency Status



As Predictable, Brazil Government Using Universal Basic Income To Force Routine mRNA Clot Shots



Israeli Government Partnered With Pfizer To Compile Genetic Database Of Population + MY COMMENT



CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY CONFIRMED: Pfizer Knowingly Allowed Dangerous Components In Its Vaccines



Hidden Camera: Pfizer Scientists Admit Covid Vaccine Industry Is Based On Fraud



Brave Hero Doctor Arrested For Saving Lives Of Children By Using Saline Instead Of mRNA Clot Shots



US Military Faces A Suicide Crisis, And The Pentagon Wants To Disarm Soldiers



Big Tech AI Will Be Government Censored Horseshit, Predictable



10th Grade Teacher Tells A Shocking Story About America's Modern "Educational" System



The US Made A Breakthrough Battery Discovery, Then The US Government Gave The Technology To China



Preparing For A Global War But NOT Preparing To Win? Hmmmmm…



Preparing To THRIVE In The Post-collapse Economy: Scavenging, Bartering, Off-grid Food Production and Rescuing Survivors!



Survival Basics: 12 Barter Skills To Learn Before SHTF



SHTF Prepping Tips



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936038 No.366286

File: d2e1d1f754efc13⋯.jpg (5.53 MB,1568x1575,224:225,The_Madness_is_REAL.jpg)


There's no need to stop posting REAL News on 8coon just because a Mentally Ill, AI Controlled Spambot cannot stop lying about everything and everybody, everywhere 'he' goes.

There are other boards that still have moderation and do not tolerate diarrhea hate spam from a permatweaked twat of destruction and deceit.

No you can't compete with 'his' addictions related to this website, nor 'his' dependency issues related to tearing down personas and splattering non-stop diarrhea-lies, but you don't need to. It is obvious that Truth gets under 'his' skin, so don't let up now! Everyone tuned 'him' out a long long time ago anyway; especially after 'he' not only gave 'him'self fully up unto Hate, but he also gave up his creativity to AI. I wonder how long it has been since he played guitar, or wrote a song or an essay, or painted a freehand picture, or actually communed with nature, or meditated, or did any real work, or physical exertion??? Nah, 'he' comes off like an obsessed Junkie of Projection — Projecting the Hatred 'he' feels for 'him'self onto 'Others'.

Did you enjoy the recent board rearrangement? 'He' still doesn't realize how 'he' is being Controlled and Contained! Look where 'he' is! Look how 'he' interacts! Look at his addiction to thread creation, wherein he says nothing and does nothing of value, all day, every day, like the addict that he IS.

He is fighting a losing battle, because 'he' is a Mentally Ill, Drug-Addled Loser, who cannot compete with thinking men who can actually Write.

Neptroon is a girlie-man-boi who cannot take care of 'him'self. Never has been able to. 'He' needs women to take care of him — will always need a Mommy, a pacifier and an 'escape'. 'He' could never hack it in the REAL World, the Here & Now. 'He' is stuck on stupid, sucking on a vaporizer, a joint, and probably a dick too, just like 'his' hero Elvis, totally obsessed with penises, and bungholes, and shit.

Don't let a hypermanic permatweaked permaloser define you or control what you choose to do. Let 'him' contain 'him'self and entertain 'him'self, like the institutionalized and propagandized assclown that 'he' is. 'His' entire worldview will soon be shattered anyway, and 'he' may not even live long enough to witness it, let alone grow up and mature enough to appreciate it.

I wish you well, whatever you choose to do. Keep posting REAL News, if that's what makes you happy, and post it wherever you want. Jewny Nepturd is obviously Miserable, and 'his' misery is on full display, no matter the lies 'he' tells 'him'self and 'Others'. 'He' is being used, but is too stupid to know it. 'He' has gone completely mad.

Mad as a Hatter!

ENJOY This Day!

Interacting with Jewny Neptroon is a waste of time and energy.

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d7e9ee No.366542

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.366888

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000000 No.367849

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368329

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.369563

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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