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File: 82eaf8529299a6e⋯.jpg (111.56 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, 1675270530320255_1_.jpg)

ceb582  No.364045

Sorry polCHUDs

You WILL watch the hit Netflix original series “Wednesday”

You WILL take the Miércoles pill

You WILL take interest in Brown women & interracially mingling

You WILL be enthralled by her cute dance moves

You WILL date a qt-3.141596 goth Latina gf

You WILL marry The qt Latina in a beautiful (Catholic) wedding ceremony

You WILL eat her spicy jalepeno-flavored taco until she yells out “¡Ay, Dios mío, Gringo!"

You WILL pump your Anglo genes directly into the woman's tight brown body

You WILL perpetuate & aide the glorious future of Lá Raza Cosmica

You WILL raise your mixed Cosmic children with the brown qt


The Political Implications? Racists?

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a4bea1  No.364046


This is not now, nor has it ever been, /pol/. gb2 4chan, fgt.

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acac5c  No.364049


fuck you Fed

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c7556c  No.364052


the effeminate, lonely, unemployed, pseudo-educated, flat broke BUM who stays awake all night getting banned from 4chan, thinking his idiotic fagshow comments are somehow "clever"

dude…. you WILL drink sperm

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c7556c  No.364053


hint: go away

we don't accept applications from unemployed sissies

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a80b6c  No.364055

I guess it's not coincidental that OP is a male who gravitated towards WEDNESDAY, a show specifically targeted to GIRLS

it's like CHARMED….

hahahahaha what a fucking FAGGOT

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a80b6c  No.364056

File: cbcc57da3826c6b⋯.jpg (70.78 KB, 610x458, 305:229, 6970d5477b5a4e429c5b170a7b….jpg)

I'd imagine that since you stay awake all night fixating on topics only preteen girls care about, like Ryan Gosling, gay Hercules Shows, Gay Girly WEDNESDAY on Netflix….

You're probably also all up in arms about the new Barney design?

It seems like the new Barney would keep you up at night….

Same way that Ryan Gosling and other Hannah Montana type "girly topics" keep you awake all night long every night instead of going out and finding a job and paying your own way

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a80b6c  No.364057

File: 14ca714ed725a58⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1536x1536, 1:1, Picsart_23_02_16_10_04_11_….png)

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a80b6c  No.364058

File: f6d9d181b3dd661⋯.jpg (532.34 KB, 1080x1676, 270:419, Screenshot_20230216_094932.jpg)

File: 732532b8a692d47⋯.jpg (909.38 KB, 1080x1408, 135:176, Screenshot_20230216_095034.jpg)

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a80b6c  No.364059

File: 40eb452b40196b9⋯.png (2.84 MB, 1536x1536, 1:1, Picsart_23_02_16_10_08_44_….png)

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a80b6c  No.364060

File: f8942607fa3ef61⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1536x1536, 1:1, Picsart_23_02_16_10_16_26_….png)

dude…. how old ARE you?…. 12?…

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a80b6c  No.364061

File: 41fa4d762535349⋯.jpg (321.83 KB, 1000x1487, 1000:1487, The_Suite_Life_of_Zack_Cod….jpg)

File: 3864c646ba50515⋯.jpg (113.92 KB, 522x517, 522:517, FaceApp_1676468316209.jpg)

File: b0b9f880a80bb62⋯.webp (106.96 KB, 840x1086, 140:181, downloadfile.webp)

File: c625ce14d1ea68d⋯.jpg (130.95 KB, 700x902, 350:451, longform_original_9993_144….jpg)


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a80b6c  No.364062

File: 08311e34bd7a82a⋯.jpg (702.92 KB, 1080x1098, 60:61, Screenshot_20230216_102603.jpg)

You're SO effeminate, dude

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a80b6c  No.364063

File: 7b55e9d527b8b2c⋯.jpg (944.32 KB, 1080x1449, 120:161, Screenshot_20230216_102539.jpg)

Obviously, since you stay awake all night long during weekday evenings, instead of having a regular schedule and a job, it's safe to assume you're living in mommy's spare bedroom

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a80b6c  No.364064

File: 49086e762c4f148⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 1080x1414, 540:707, Screenshot_20230216_102506.jpg)

And since you are compelled to post every irrelevant thought that runs through your head while staying awake, masturbating, and watching cheesy television shows targeted at preteen girls…. then OBVIOUSLY you don't have anybody to share your boring existence with in real life….

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a80b6c  No.364065


lemme guess :

tonight, it's going to be KPOP & touching yourself until Thursday mornings sunrise?

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65535d  No.364068


Sorry, but I cut off TV service over a decade ago and will only watch older shows that are on DVD box sets, you know, when TV was actually good! I think I'll stick to watching 77 Sunset Strip.

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acac5c  No.364249

File: 594b032db3de642⋯.jpg (73.82 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 1676692752241258m.jpg)


shut the fuck up, boomer

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