The people who have given motor skills have cast a spell of fear unlike anything ever known. A true bona fide vulgar display of power. It has affected everything. Because if you want that first class ticket to the Resurrection you have to allow these people to continue these human rights violations unfettered.
This is why the DOJ is DOA.
This is why Congress acts so fucking crazy.
And after 911 when you force them to co-sign your big lie they will certainly force you to co-sign theirs and every other little lie that comes along.
"I tell you in advance whom ye shall fear" Jesus gave a clear warning. Instead of heeding the warning and keeping that shit on a short leash, they build these crazy motherfuckers club houses, cook them lunch everyday and say "do what you want we know nothing of it".
It's all filed under the heading of murders thefts and multitudes of sorceries. The Bible contains some stunning descriptors if the time stamps on the original manuscripts are legit. I'm beginning to have doubts. I didn't deny Jesus or the resurrection, God forbid!
But everything else and I mean everything is subjects to scrutiny and reevaluation at this point in time.
If we don't get this right your children of light haven't a prayer and your nation and it's Constitution is already lost.
My name is Tolden Caufield and believe it or not every word in this post is true and based on 100% factual accounts.
You've got Angels, real ones who'd blow their own cover if the goddamn DOJ would just do its job for God's sake.
It is impossible to describe how bad this all is and the gubmint will silence any whistleblower patriotic Prosecutor by any means.
Any. Means.
It's bad people.