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File: 0dcf32320ed02b4⋯.jpg (318.42 KB,1170x1131,30:29,clot_shot_bribery.jpg)

78eca0 No.363714 [Last50 Posts]

WEF Insider: Bug Eating Agenda Makes Humans Susceptible to Engineered Viruses


RELATED: >>>/pnd/363709

MY COMMENT: Raise chickens or breed meat rabbits if you can do so and support your local farmers markets and make personal contacts with people who produce real food. When harder times come, people will barter on the local level. Meanwhile take advantage of Sams Club and/or Costco to bulk up on food & supplies while you still can! Needless to say, hunting and fishing will also keep you from having to eat bugs too. So will having a garden or greenhouse. Do it all and you won't need to worry so much. The "goyim" are being culled because they're willfully ignorant, I don't mean to be hateful but that is the honest truth.

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210eb9 No.363730


in your previous boring thread about this same boring topic, you told me you preferred bring called INSANE, rather than STUPID…

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a1e9ec No.363732

Ignore Johnny's UFO bullshit he posted yesterday, I was not even online when he was claimed I was posting shit. Here's the REAL DEAL: The UFO bullshit is just DISTRACTION. All it is is DISTRACTION. The government wants us to look the other way and focus on UFOs WHILE: 1) their communist/fascist agendas are being fully exposed, WHILE 2) their disinfo & Big Tech censorship collaboration operations are being fully exposed, WHILE 3) their Nord Stream terrorism operation against both Russia and Germany is being fully exposed, WHILE 4) their connection to demonic entities and gene-editing mRNA vaxx genocide is being fully exposed in connection to their bio-warfare labs!!! The corruption is all being EXPOSED yet-

>look over here goyim, UFO FUD!!!!

Don't be stupid enough to fall for it!

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a1e9ec No.363733


I never said anything to you since 2 days ago when you were talking to me about drugs and demonic portal connections. I was not even online yesterday.

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210eb9 No.363734

File: 4868d5b49926d09⋯.jpg (3.14 MB,4000x2482,2000:1241,Picsart_23_02_13_07_54_57_….jpg)

when I correctly mentioned the fact that special ice breaker ships are required to reach the remote area in Alaska to retrieve the downed weather balloon, which disproves your idiotic fake photo of an "antigravity craft" ,you told me you'd rather be called INSANE than to be called STUPID

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210eb9 No.363735

LYING to avoid admitting he was WRONG

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210eb9 No.363737

You're SO full of shit !!

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210eb9 No.363738

File: 87ce4785852e1df⋯.jpg (466.38 KB,1080x1837,1080:1837,Picsart_23_02_11_11_25_40_….jpg)

the same way you lied about "not being a wannabe Neo-Nazi "

lying is a cowards technique

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210eb9 No.363741

KILLCEN : THE JEW-HATING WANNABE NEO-NAZI who has never met a jew in his life


that's it… just SAW ONE JEW from a distance


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a1e9ec No.363742


That wasn't me because I wasn't online yesterday. And it wasn't my thread. Notice how I always start my threads? You should be able to tell the difference by now.

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210eb9 No.363743


when are you going to finally admit that you buy food with an EBT Card?

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a1e9ec No.363744


Absolutely untrue.

As for seeing a Jew, the only time I noticed was when that Jew had the long side-burn braids, that was very noticeable and yes, he was awkward. Even walked funny.

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210eb9 No.363745

File: 66aa9672fc7117c⋯.jpg (259 KB,1140x831,380:277,NMAH_AHB2012q09949.jpg)

File: 1f01478fd669386⋯.jpg (429.32 KB,2000x1457,2000:1457,NMAH_AHB2012q09950.jpg)



I'll accept your claim that you didn't create the PSYCHOTIC INSANE THREAD

back to the EBT thing

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a1e9ec No.363746


I don't need handouts, I have plenty of family inheritance and we paid off the mortgage within 2 YEARS after moving.

Hold on…. I'm reporting CP spam!!!!

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a1e9ec No.363747

File: 8dfd024585390bc⋯.png (4.98 KB,335x102,335:102,23521.png)

Mossad-CIA-JTRIG nigger CP psyop disinfo spam global reported!!!!!!

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210eb9 No.363748


the guy posting the CP is named Xavier Cisneros

although he was also referred to as JAVIER Cisneros in a different article

he made the news a while back by making some threats

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210eb9 No.363749


RE: Mossad-CIA-JTRIG nigger CP psyop disinfo spam

nope…. just a guy named Xavier Cisneros

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210eb9 No.363750

File: bff21eddd829144⋯.jpg (483.64 KB,971x1253,971:1253,Screenshot_20230213_084044.jpg)

it's probably Javier, not Xavier

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210eb9 No.363751

Because he's Latino, and Javier is a Latino name as opposed to Xavier

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e7c2bc No.363752



How do you know these people?

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e7c2bc No.363754

File: fc4ccf5250047fc⋯.jpg (113.76 KB,750x500,3:2,2030.jpg)


By the way, that's exactly why the commies have been pushing hard since Obama was in office to get rid of family inheritance by imposing something called "THE DEATH TAX", which would render future generations broke and unable to inherit wealth in the future, despite their parent's and grandparent's past success! This is also part of their death-by-a-million-cuts "you will own nothing" Great Reset agenda. What they have done to most Europeans they desire to do to America as well!!

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210eb9 No.363757


I don't know him….

I learned who he is

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000000 No.363785


>take the hush money jpg

"Just about every major advance in medicine has come as a result of the work of eccentric, passionate, determined unclubbables who have fought the establishment and who would today almost certainly fail the registration, licensing and revalidation procedures designed to ensure that only doctors who obey every rule of the establishment will be allowed to practice. Advantageous changes to society happen only through the determined work of unreasonable men. Great things happen only when enough unreasonable men care and are brave enough to be unreasonable in public.

… Many great men and women, and almost all original thinkers, are, by their very nature, intrinsically rebellious and therefore especially likely to get into trouble with the authorities. And, after all, no one ever did great things by agreeing with the establishment; no one ever changed things for the better without having original ideas. And original ideas are always, almost by definition, an anathema to the establishment. All great innovations, inventions, ideas and developments come from crazy, neurotic people.

… The doctors who have made the greatest contributions to health care have invariably been attacked, scorned and imprisoned. Things have not got better. Indeed, they are worse today than they have ever been. Today, anyone questioning the establishment is suppressed rather than just ignored. History shows that great and useful medical discoveries are invariably made by outsiders and mavericks; doctors and scientists operating outside the cosy world dominated and controlled by back-scratching establishment flunkeys. But in the past such outsiders did at least have a chance to make their contributions. They were reviled and ignored but (with surprisingly few exceptions) they were not silenced in the way that original thinkers are silenced today.

… Doctors do not have the courage to stand up for their patients because they have lost their independence; they are simply civil servants; they have sold their souls for a fat salary, short working hours and membership of a wonderful pension scheme. They are so beholden to their employers that they dare not even stand up to bullying, they dare not even speak out when they see things happening which they know, in their hearts, are wrong.Their spirits have curdled. Medicine today has become rigid, like other forms of science, and original thinking is as unacceptable today as it was in the days when Semmelweiss was vilified."

Dr. Vernon Coleman in his 2014 book "Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe And Effective Is Lying. Here's The Proof"


The rabbit hole goes deep and the lying is built in to the practice of medicine. They function like a mafia and brutally expell members who break the code of silence. (omerta)

Whistleblower laws are not sufficient to protect whistleblowers in medicine.

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02b6fd No.363788


I assume this is connected to the raft of supposed "suicides" of natural and holistic practitioners over the years. Somewhere on the internet is a documented list of over 300 alternative healthcare practitioners "suicided" since 2012, I believe around the time "Obamacare" was being rolled out. The massive legislation that Congress refused to read (let alone write themselves) before having passed it into law. You can be assured the death panels are up and running for Mass Murder Inc.

LOL at having to re-write this offline over a text editor after my connection suddenly got cut off before posting the original statement! Another "coincidence".

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347d44 No.363806

File: 77ee71f372c3c5a⋯.mp4 (8.38 MB,1280x720,16:9,Qtards_Banned_720p.mp4)







"Xavier"'s CP Spam is one reason I've kept my own board low-profile. (You) are another. The Q-bot and Q-tards represent even more reasons; and the timing, as it relates to the powers-that-ought-not-be also contributes to the reasoning behind maintaining a low-profile, not to mention my limited time availabe to take responsibility for posts such as diarrhea hate-spam or other idiotic interactions that steal the time, energy, space and reach of those, like me, who are busy creating alternative systems within which to live and flourish — alternatives to the prison-like structures that most seem rather content to wallow around in. Exhibiting regressive behaviors that do nothing to build anyone up, and are not open, rather destructive and pathetically negative, even authoritative and elitist, do no good for anybody, least of all the poor individuals exhibiting those behaviours. The 'Divide & Conquer' Stance is all too common nowadays, and I prefer not to participate in that process, or to assist those who choose to take that stance in implementing their destructive objectives. Being attentive and mindful of all that one does, or does not do, is a healthy practice, and one which we could all benefit from. Working together toward common goals can also prove positively fulfilling, whereas being at odds with all that is tends toward a hollow shell-like existence thinly veneering over the depths of expansive authentic conscious experience. Of course, mere babbling is not much better, so on that note I will end this post.

tl;dr If you don't have something positive to say or do, you might be better off not saying or doing anything — and you certainly have no reason to complain when "Others" take it upon themselves to accept responsibility for cleaning up your shit for you.

> Yes, the last screenshot in vidrel was in reference to /pnd/ and (You), JN.

lol @ phonefags trying to see anything clearly!

More related content near here: >>>/freedomzine/38717

> inb4 cp & diarrhea hate spam

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f4722b No.363807


>Bug Eating Agenda Makes Humans Susceptible to Engineered Viruses

bitin' chitins

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000000 No.363812

The "invisible enemy" is not a virus. When the lid blows off of this pot be ready for anything.

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460d5e No.363816


High hopes but the corruption will continue until it destroys the world and the people living in it. No one can stop this Titanic from sinking but you can catch yourself a life raft before it sinks and swim away hoping to find a small island to recoup and survive. No one says this will be easy though.

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ce3daf No.363919

File: c89cdff5f15e6d1⋯.webm (3.24 MB,270x270,1:1,1618808816058.webm)


There is no"thing" but frequency; vibration, electromagnetic wave-forms, sound, light…ALL FREQUENCY

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57f965 No.363972

bumping crucial news

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866516 No.364195

bumping true news

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000000 No.364227


Yes and apparently there are some little known functions that permit certain adepts to glimpse the future. It is rumored that some of them have already committed sudoku because what they had seen was unacceptable and they chose to remove themselves from that future by ending their own existence in it.

Quantum mechanics kinda things.

Careful analysis of news, current events and statistics seems to indicate that something wicked this way comes.

Adept is synonymous historically with angel, prophet, seer, witch, magus and the like. The idea that magic, foreknowledge and even past knowledge are simply little known functions of the electromagnetic spectrum and time space continuums seems highly likely. It's a shame that people who know how to utilize such functions can't seem to find ways to prevent catastrophe and are probably in many instances fomenting it.

Cool webm btw.

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d05f00 No.364266


If the corrupt parasite rats get their way I wouldn't desire living in this world either honestly, but the future itself does not yet exist, there is no possible way to see or witness outcomes that do not yet exist. However, there is a way to predict or conclude outcomes from past and current history to make theological guesses.

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d144a0 No.364274


>to make theological guesses

*theoretical guesses

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be8473 No.364278



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000000 No.364478


"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby many have entertained angels unawares"

I remember when I thought, felt and believed exactly as what you have stated here and told it authoritatively, as you have just done.

I was certain of what was possible and not possible.

Then I learned a little more. see also: Availability Heuristic

When you learn to recognize what scripture calls "the tongues of angels" I can promise you that their communication will not be as you might have imagined or been taught by well meaning teachers.

We form our beliefs based upon available information from our 5 senses. If I said to you that you could be observed 100 years before you were born you'd call me crazy. Sobeit. Im crazy.

I'll leave you one of my personal observations on the subject matter: The plight of man and angels is very much the same in that the more they learn, the more they don't want to know.

But angels have the advantage because they are not constrained by a zero point present orientation in time. But they do live in it as men do. They are just not constrained by it as is the novice or uninitiated. It is even possible that you yourself may join their ranks and see and know as they do.

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f031ef No.364507


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fbf1c5 No.364573

bumping crucial news

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f9e60d No.365929

File: fb4aff696e68354⋯.mp4 (6.07 MB,854x480,427:240,Rollin_Home_to_You.mp4)


> certain adepts… it is rumored that some of them have already committed sudoku

Beware of false adepts, false reflections of love (love is all there is ~ good, bad & ugly), and false courage.

==Practice Love.=

Practice Compassion.

Practice Recognizing the Emptiness in All Things Including Emptiness.

>>363919 says


which means All is Interdependent, hence EMPTY.

Subjects & Objects are Illusion.

Too Much Thinging is the Real Problem.


> finding ways to prevent catastrophe

is not always the best path which encourages the most spiritual growth for all; although

> fomenting it

like some "Progressive" Accelerationist also often misses the mark.

Recognition of the Perfection inherent in every moment leads to a more Accepting and Abundant Outcome for All ~ reveling in the Boundless Emptiness…

Practice, Practice, Practice!

Love is All There IS.

Do That; Consciously, Authentically, With Attentiveness.

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72d315 No.365999



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72d315 No.366145




neptroon & wendy?

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745956 No.366535

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b2e5f4 No.366676


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000000 No.366915

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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02b6fd No.367081

‰!¤d´ Œ¸8£Æ(©³ÔÜò[šÓ)íå.ºôÜÍ¥xlߌýü[@û1:R˜

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734557 No.367148

¾¶“ÿ W¿iÿ ðP?ˆ¾ðâj_ôëÛ¾í¿ÙÙ.¿»»Í*Íÿ ùkäÈþ3éŸeyJÔþØ©û¸¼µØíþÓgÿ e¯)ñ³«ø¿R7º’GþÇËÿ uV ¼?áçž¿ýþµû7è7—Í÷¦†ñv°íÿ .ôWçûiïÛ¾ãþü°¢¬ ºê<9ðÏÅþ0м+¬jÉýë e_Ì)®ö_Ú‹ÅKäø{Fð¿„}ßì]

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734557 No.367185

$ùeOö±»XrPdt±Üj|‰qköy÷ýï#ÿ A«zÿ Ûn rýŸí?àf®.µmuvŠÔÁ,zçïyŒ­@ ,“ç›O÷-ÿ ÄTx*~{1}J2*ÜG÷|͍÷~þµ$wrÆ~Y$ð: ¿ZÊŸ/ú)ÿ ®ŸãV!ûjVA$ÇûßkQYŸli?Ö™$ÿ ¶”!Lóíÿ õ… ]’KKy?uaæÛÆÿ åWþSäѤ®ê¥§ÅÕÜ6î‚Ñ$}pK|ŸíÐñ‡5¿ j÷Z>¤²[Þ[„-~ú•WŽAýåed`ßÝ Gþ‘óËa$în_äµ$–öçËWŽHÄ¿<~|íó¯N>ZÅÿ Nþä•ôìýà¾3éZ¯âxÇŒí£m[ÃJñïûkƹº±û¿yâW‘?ڏoñÐàO‡qk· þ‰þóùŒÈŸš×¾üøâ¿Ú'ijè? 4Û{="ż½OÇ:”mö[fþ$qûÉ?º¿úüõÌXø/Zñ÷‹üð‡ÃÓ%®³âé•/nü¿øö·ÜÛÉ^>UXæfOúg_¸_

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734557 No.367197


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734557 No.367199


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734557 No.367245

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c8f94b No.367710


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000000 No.367958

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368433

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000000 No.368457

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000000 No.368818

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000000 No.369654

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000000 No.369730



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965d9e No.370322

bumping intellectual news

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953eb5 No.370876

bumping intellectual news

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1cb140 No.371580

bumping appreciated news

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153e43 No.373031

bumping common sense news

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f031ef No.374582

anti-slide 92342154

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02b6fd No.375773

bumping real American news

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902331 No.377036

bumping popular legit news

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62a7fe No.378284

bumping inspirational news

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02b6fd No.380481

bumping third world news

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