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File: 619626b37744a07⋯.jpg (314.51 KB, 1447x1080, 1447:1080, Picsart_23_02_12_09_26_02_….jpg)

87721c  No.363640

Things are getting really ugly out there.. fast

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87721c  No.363641

File: 7cfce1379222704⋯.jpg (248.62 KB, 1447x1080, 1447:1080, Picsart_23_02_12_09_50_29_….jpg)

INUIT !! ….. I just NUIT!!

Those crafty aliens.. but then again, "When in Rome", right?

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87721c  No.363642

File: ed9b70aa00236cd⋯.jpg (181.87 KB, 1696x1080, 212:135, Picsart_23_02_12_10_34_04_….jpg)

File: 3c59e65b468a7cf⋯.jpg (341.54 KB, 1698x1080, 283:180, Picsart_23_02_12_10_59_36_….jpg)


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87721c  No.363643

File: 60a9791567a2067⋯.jpg (676.09 KB, 1080x2265, 72:151, Screenshot_20230212_113656….jpg)

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87721c  No.363646

File: 29ec3469f542135⋯.jpg (558.38 KB, 1080x2265, 72:151, Screenshot_20230212_114328….jpg)

at only $45, there's no reason to continue pretending like you exercise exacting DEFCON 4 OPSEC "internet security measures"……

with the badass T-MOBILE 5G GATEWAY

There's no reason to be embarrassed that you can't afford real internet, and have been struggling to watch a streaming video with your crappy Missouri dial-up internet connection…

shit, your daughter can afford the $45 easy.. that's nothing compared to the other costs of taking care of you

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