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ffef62  No.362247

The Secret World Police China Vietnam Korea Have Officially Lost Their Permission Status

Source, More Info: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=66

I have decide no longer stay in these land to write, talk to the world because their corrupt regime allow many evil entities to do things within that zone.

How can you allow evil beings/entities go to big social media platform to deceive, manipulate people without doing anything (here not only about money but about mind control, deceiving natural Gods).

The police in my current country instead of doing their duty/job, they spend money for football/soccer team to gain their image/title.

The world solution have been delayed for at least few months to several months because I have lost one of my relative and my very close spiritual friend due to the local corrupt government/authority in Vietnam.

For that reason I have decide to abandon that land and will travel to other nations to write new solution/idea.

Thus all the special permission/title/status or any heaven sacred sword/weapon must be completely removed/taken away from the land of China, Vietnam, Korea.

I hope the neutral referees do their job, do their duty or they will gone as well.

Do not trust Vietnam China Korea, the best of best people in these land have nothing to do with the corrupt authorities at all.

Until nations have rules about leaders not belongs to any groups/organization and do not have any connection with any shaman/ritual performer/fortune teller, I don’t see any improvement in term of quality of any nation.

As the author of the divine new world financial system, then that will be the must “condition” for all nation who want to join and use my sacred economy monetary system.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source, More Info: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=66

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