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File: 42ce12e4097d233⋯.png (105.24 KB, 250x282, 125:141, ClipboardImage.png)

da25e4  No.361830 [Last 50 Posts]

Germar Rudolf receives the Robert Faurisson International Prize 2023!


On 25 January 2023, the Robert Faurisson International Prize (fifth edition) took place once again in Vichy, where globalist tyranny, linked to the phantom "pandemic" and graphene oxide sewage called "anti-Covid 'vaccines'" (made compulsory for anyone wishing to travel), had prevented us from going in person for the previous two years.

The event, which saw the presence of friends of truth, freedom, and justice having made the journey not only from France, Britain, and Italy, as in the past, but also from Holland, Turkey, and even the United States, was a complete success, despite open threats from the city authorities and an official ban(1).

After the heroic Ursula Haverbeck (2019), Vincent Reynouard (2020), Wolfgang Froelich (2021), and the siblings Monika and Alfred Schaefer (2022), this year the award went to another persevering exponent of the revisionist cause, the exiled German chemist Germar Rudolf(2), author of fundamental studies(3), including The Chemistry of Auschwitz-The Technology and Toxicology of Zyklon B and the Gas Chambers - A Crime-Scene Investigation(4).

Here is the inscription that can be read on the plaque dedicated to him:

"to Germar Rudolf, excellent, courageous, and indomitable researcher and militant of the cause of historical revisionism – Vichy, 25 January 2023".

The memory of our beloved Professor and the example of fortitude, dignity, and intelligence that he was able to give with his tireless commitment and life's work are more alive than ever and will remain forever.

For the Robert Faurisson International Prize Committee:

Joe Fallisi


(1) See https://www.lasemainedelallier.fr/lextreme-droite-antisemite-et-revisionniste-nest-pas-la-bienvenue-a-vichy/.

(2) See https://codoh.com/library/categories/revisionist-personalities-rudolf-germar/, http://germarrudolf.com/en/please-read-this-note/, https://castlehill.shop, https://holocausthandbooks.com/.

(3) See https://castlehill.shop/author/castlehillpublisherswp-usa/, https://castlehill.shop/author/castlehillpublisherswp-usa/page/2/.

(4) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UQU6eLMldWkAReto-iYzTr0K_yI6it79/view?usp=share_link.

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000000  No.361832

>graphene oxide

Stopped reading right there. Second wave disinfo designed to bolster the first wave. Graphene oxide is deflect and misdirect.

mRNA transfects targeted cell types.

Ask Colin Powell… oh wait.

Shillbot thread.

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363bfb  No.361833


Honestly never heard of him, but anyone who is fighting to expose the corrupt covid clot shot depop death cult has my respect and has honor no matter who they are or where they live.

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c792a7  No.361846




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c792a7  No.361847


Fuck yourself, you poverty stricken alcoholic mooch

You're destroying your daughter's life

Why don't you have a little bit of self-respect and find your own goddamn place to live?

There's no difference between you and one of these video game adult males who still mooches off their mother

But instead of relying on your mother, you're actually mooching off your own daughter

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c792a7  No.361848




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c792a7  No.361849



But we already know that you received the equivalent of SSI welfare benefits

Which means you are worthless, quite literally worthless

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c792a7  No.361850





obviously SOMEBODY pays for your empty existence

MOMMY !!!!

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c792a7  No.361851


You never get any pussy, don't have a job, and mooch off your mother

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c792a7  No.361852


You never get any pussy, don't have a job, and mooch off government welfare benefits

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c792a7  No.361853


You haven't gotten any pussy in decades, can no longer achieve an erection due to the diabetes, and mooch off your daughter

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c792a7  No.361854


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c792a7  No.361855

You guys remind me of The Three Little Pigs, except even though all three of you are overweight, it's more like the three little lazy mooches

None of you can afford your own bills without mooching off somebody

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c792a7  No.361856


You're also three of the least informed morons I've had the displeasure of seeing in years

and NO… the government welfare fat boy (>>361832) isn't quite as stupid as the other two of you…

… but how intelligent could he truly be, considering the fact that he's settled for the bottom of the dumpster instead of standing up on his own two feet like a man

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c792a7  No.361857


The fact that you settle for welfare benefits clearly demonstrate why nobody ever wanted you working for their corporation

It's because your fat lazy and never complete any projects

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c792a7  No.361858


Speech to text typo, I assure you

Trust me, unlike >>361833 , I'm capable of differentiating between one syllable words

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c792a7  No.361859


You consider yourself to be elite

which is funny, considering that you're lower than a lazy nigger

And you actually wonder why no woman's interested in you?

Like I said, you're not particularly intelligent

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c792a7  No.361861


Strangely enough, even though you are a worthless lazy piece of shit bum mooch.. you're still the only one I respect in here

I don't respect you very much, but the tiny amount of respect I have for you is much much more than I would possibly have for the other two fuckfaces in here

I have absolutely no respect for a coward who's too stupid and lazy to learn, and too much of a chicken shit to admit when he's wrong, and he mooches off his daughter, destroying her marriage, after destroying her childhood with his alcoholism and psychotic schizophrenic paranoia obsession


and YOU ?……

You're literally a closet homosexual with no money to your name, who lives with his mother, has no history with women whatsoever, no job history, and no testicles

You're the opposite of a "man"

You don't even qualify as a child in my opinion.. I lump you in the category of a nine year old girl

Your entire existence revolves around using distraction techniques, trying to mask your own inferiority by pointing your finger at others

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c792a7  No.361862


The way I know you're overweight :


Look how you handle the rest of your existence

You're simply a lazy slob, so of course you're overweight

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c792a7  No.361863


How I can tell you are also overweight:

Because overeating is just another one of your inferior habits

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c792a7  No.361864

File: ea32351ea94fee8⋯.jpg (136.06 KB, 795x800, 159:160, Picsart_22_07_29_17_50_42_….jpg)


How I know that you are STILL overweight:

Although you deny it, you still have diabetes, you stupid piece of shit

You gave yourself diabetes with stupid life choices

You falsely claimed that you CURED your diabetes because you're stupid

You continue making idiotic choices every night drinking yourself to sleep trying to drown your fears in rot gut discount vodka

Alcohol is metabolized into sugar, you stupid sack of shit uneducated moron white trash mooch who has no respect for his daughter's marriage whatsoever

Plus, anybody who looks at the old photograph of you and your former wife sitting in your car can obviously see you became a fat ass

And you still are

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c792a7  No.361865

File: 4f777a08b41e1fc⋯.jpg (694.88 KB, 851x1344, 851:1344, Screenshot_20230130_195334.jpg)

OOOOO, mooching is SO GOOD

right, mooch?

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c792a7  No.361866

It's hilarious how none of you guys can support yourselves

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c792a7  No.361867

It's almost frightening that I'm the only one in here who's not mooching off somebody

I'm a complete fuck up and a piece of shit, so it's absolutely amazing I'm the onlymanon this entire website

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5bdce3  No.361868


>Graphene oxide is deflect and misdirect

Maybe, but there are some who think it may be used as a Bluetooth beacon to keep track of people without the need of using smartphone tracking, for their upcoming, what I'd call "666G" networks, to completely track individuals and movements throughout the world without the need of any electronic use. HONESTLY I HAVE NO IDEA IF THIS IS TRUE, AT LEAST NOT YET AND MAYBE NEVER WILL…. but, I'd say it's worthy of further investigation by some tech-savvy kooks, who knows the advanced bio-metric surveillance systems they have in place today, heck even the WEF'ers are openly bragging they can hack human minds remotely now. Who honesty knows if the mRNA and graphene oxide are both weaponized to that advantage? Remember: Patrick Wood wrote a book back in the 1970s about this very future dystopian agenda!

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c792a7  No.361869


there are some who think it may be BLAH BLAH BLAH

There are also some who think Trump won the election in 2020, who think George Santos is a heterosexual genius, and there's also some who think YOU HAVE A JOB

But you don't have a job

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c792a7  No.361870


Q: exactly HOW LONG do you intend on continuing being a worthless fucking mooch?

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5bdce3  No.361871


I just went to look it up, the name of the book was called "Technocracy Rising" and yes it gets into the whole demonic post-human/ trans-humanist agenda to modify DNA and create an advanced biometric police state on steroids. Note this book is about 40 YEARS OLD.

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c792a7  No.361872


Maybe if you had accomplished something with your life, your stupid opinions might matter

But nobody gives a fuck about the opinions of a worthless lazy mooch

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c792a7  No.361873


Nobody gives a fuck


how long do you intend on continuing making transparently false excuses and mooching off innocent people?

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c792a7  No.361874



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c792a7  No.361875


why are you unable to support yourself? Why do you need to mooch off somebody else?

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5bdce3  No.361876


Steve Quayle recently NAILED IT buddy, fallen angels are behind the takeover of the human race and their goal to modify and mutate our human genome, our DNA, just like they did BEFORE the Great Flood occurred!!!

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c792a7  No.361877


FALLEN ANGELS = proof that you are not only uneducated but also completely psychotic

Why are you still avoiding the question? I asked you a question, but you seem to be afraid of answering it

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c792a7  No.361878


I'm not your buddy, because you financially exploit your daughter after you destroyed her childhood with your alcoholic paranoid schizophrenic disregard for her life and happiness

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c792a7  No.361879


You're a worthless fucking nigger.. you are a broke ass nigger bum mooch

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5bdce3  No.361880


You are just making false assumptions about me and my family is all.

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c792a7  No.361881


Your paranoid distractions are not going to work on me..

why are you still financially exploiting your daughter?

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c792a7  No.361882


Absolutely not.. I know for a fact you are an alcoholic paranoid schizophrenic who ran out of money so now you can't even afford whiskey anymore.. so you rely on discount Rotgut vodka

you've admitted all of these things already, so don't try denying them now

If you can no longer afford whiskey, it explains why you had to beg your daughter if she would please let you move in with her

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5bdce3  No.361883


I never did. It was up to all of us to move more rural and we are all glad we did. Much more self-sufficient because of it, plus we have more room to stock what we need to survive SHTF.

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c792a7  No.361884

You victimize your daughter with your pity seeking techniques.. you manipulated her by making her feel sorry for you

But you didn't feel sorry for her while you were destroying her childhood

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c792a7  No.361885



You were the shit, and their lives were the fan

You are such a disrespectful piece of shit that you are destroying their marriage and you literally don't give a fuck about them

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5bdce3  No.361886


>you can't even afford whiskey anymore

Not exactly true. I still get good single malt scotch for special occasions and can stick with Dewars blended scotch most of the time.

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c792a7  No.361887


And you're such a selfish worthless inconsiderate piece of shit, that you couldn't care less whether they are unhappy or not

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c792a7  No.361888


Special occasions like when your daughter loans you $20?

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c792a7  No.361889

The funniest part? You have been a disgusting out of control alcoholic your entire life, but you don't even realizeALL LIQUORS ARE VODKA

You think whiskey is a completely different alcohol than vodka

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5bdce3  No.361890


There's no room for just being happy when SHTF, believe me, we all want to survive the outcome and be able to help restore our small local community the best we can after this country faces mass depopulation and a shift back to the 1800s way of living.

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c792a7  No.361891


100% TRUE :

ALL liquor is vodka

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c792a7  No.361892


" there's no room for being happy when blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah end of the world blah blah blah the sky is falling blah blah blah"

PROOF that you literally don't give a fuck about your daughter's happiness

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5bdce3  No.361894


On the contrary, my daughter and son-in-law would die without the proper support and prepping, so will most everyone else.

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c792a7  No.361895



he's a fucking scumbag

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c792a7  No.361896



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c792a7  No.361897


hahshaha now I understand

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c792a7  No.361898


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5bdce3  No.361899


Nursing homes are used for culling undesirables like myself. So is the corrupted subverted medical industry today!!! DEATH PANELS.

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c792a7  No.361900



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c792a7  No.361901

jeeezus killcen

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c792a7  No.361902


* disdain *

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c792a7  No.361903


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c792a7  No.361904


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c792a7  No.361905



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c792a7  No.361906

okay yeah….


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c792a7  No.361907

whiskey is VODKA that absorbed burned wood

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5bdce3  No.361908


It's true, 100%, the whole depopulation cult has vastly taken over ALL institutions today, including nursing homes and the medical industry. Most doctors are bribed to shut up about it, or get their medical licenses revoked!!

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c792a7  No.361909

RUM is vodka

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c792a7  No.361910


RE: 100% TRUE

I know… Wendy is a registered nurse


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c792a7  No.361911

GIN is vodka

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c792a7  No.361912

ALL liquor is VODKA

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c792a7  No.361913


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c792a7  No.361914



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c792a7  No.361915

GIN = vodka destroyed with juniper

WHISKEY = vodka destroyed with Burnt Oak

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5bdce3  No.361916


Many nurses have not yet caught on to it, some have though and often remain silent and scared. Ask Wendy about it. Ask her about all the HIPAA privacy violations and death panels! Ask her about the ventilators used to kill off all the "covid patients".

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c792a7  No.361917

RUM = vodka destroyed with sugar

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c792a7  No.361918


shut it, mooch

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5bdce3  No.361919


That's nice but I prefer Vodka, blended whiskey and scotch on occasion.

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c792a7  No.361920


and only today did you learn that all liquor is actually nothing more than vodka, adulterated with other garbage

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5bdce3  No.361921


SOMETIMES bourbon too although the better ends, like Woodford Reserve, are a bit pricey. Yet I still get it sometimes, on occasion.

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c792a7  No.361922

I knew that when I was 15

that was 44 years ago

Glad I could help teach you

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c792a7  No.361923


BOURBON = vodka

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5bdce3  No.361924


It don't taste like Vodka.

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c792a7  No.361925



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5bdce3  No.361926


Why does that even matter?

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c792a7  No.361927


"itdoesn't taste like vodka"


I just got done explaining the adulterate the flavor with juniper, or Burnt Oak barrels, or molasses, or whatever

Nothing Gets By you, does it?

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c792a7  No.361928



The fact that you've managed to survive 73 years and learn basically nothing

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c792a7  No.361929

File: 43068c009b017d9⋯.jpg (761.72 KB, 1080x1312, 135:164, Screenshot_20230130_195308.jpg)

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c792a7  No.361930

Shouldn't you be mooching off your daughter right now?

oh, that's right…. you ARE

She's at work and you're sitting here pretending to be knowledgeable

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c792a7  No.361931

Your daughter has a job.. your son-in-law has a job

And you can no longer afford whiskey

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c792a7  No.361932

That must be nice to be born royalty

Where you don't have to financially participate in your own existence, and you have other people wipe your ass for you while you sit in an empty chat room saving the world like Noah, in an empty chat room

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5bdce3  No.361933


>And you can no longer afford whiskey

What makes you think that? Because I have vodka stashed away too?

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c792a7  No.361934


Until she just explained nursing homes to me, I didn't understand why you had to financially exploit your daughter and son-in-law, destroying their marriage, and refusing to stop the behavior that destroyed her childhood

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c792a7  No.361935



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5bdce3  No.361936


nursing homes = for-profit depopulation centers.

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c792a7  No.361937


since you can't afford an assisted living nursing home, maybeyour paranoid schizophrenia would qualify you for a nice safe cot in an insane asylum?

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5bdce3  No.361938


Nursing homes = no freedom, ripe with abuse and fraud, and medical culling and euthanasia!

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c792a7  No.361939


your daughter's home = for a mooch

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c792a7  No.361940


your daughter's home = for a MOOCH

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c792a7  No.361941


dude….. I have lost ALL respect for you

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c792a7  No.361942

fuck you, mooch

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5bdce3  No.361943


It's not her home, it's half mine and half her & her son-in-law, by the mortgage contract.

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c792a7  No.361944

I'm about to fuck Wendy


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c792a7  No.361945

"ladies and gentlemen, LOLvis has left the building"

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5bdce3  No.361946



It's a family homestead, and we all agreed when I die, they get the whole home and private property as legal beneficiaries.

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5bdce3  No.361947


Assisted living nursing home are insane asylums, they are treated the same way, culled like animals.

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c792a7  No.361956


ahhhh there's something refreshing

about fucking your wife in the ass

in the afternoon

how's everybody doing?

by the way




I'm simply doing my famous


creating conflict

in your head

sure, what I say is based on

a lot of TRUTH

I simply twist the perspective

and make people squirm

. I'm ADDICTED to it

I always have been

I do this in real life, too

I'm addicted to confrontational performance art

it's NOT personal

I do it to everyone

I can't help myself

I've tried stopping

but I can't

I'm beyond help



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