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File: 24a50d117106bcf⋯.png (825.49 KB, 1301x1278, 1301:1278, This_Is_What_REAL_NEWS_Loo….png)

afafd7  No.361622

BREAKING POINT - Episode 1 - Financial Collapse

Episode 1 of the 12-part Breaking Point documentary series from Brighteon.com and Mike Adams. This episode covers financial collapse and features top currency and finance experts. More episodes will be posted at Brighteon.com and other video platforms at the rate of about one each week.


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979ddb  No.361624


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12c42f  No.361630

financial "collapse" like you having to buy vodka instead of whiskey?

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12c42f  No.361631

hahaha good morning

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12c42f  No.361632

lol @ cheap garbage BITCHoot

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12c42f  No.361633

nothing but white trash trailerpark trash @ bitchOOT

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12c42f  No.361634

have you EVER seen anybody who completed high-school on BITCHoot?

I haven't…. they are all white trash

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12c42f  No.361635

idiots with their uneducated COVID CONSPIRACIES hahaha

too stupid to complete highschool

but suddenly, they're DOCTORS

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eb9d2a  No.361639


Glad you enjoy certifiably certified REAL LEGIT news Johnny.

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12c42f  No.361641


Of course I enjoy getting accurate information.. which is exactly why I've never seen anything you've copied and pasted that had any value whatsoever

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12c42f  No.361642

The real thing that jumps out at me is how you seem to think people read what you copy and paste. It's almost as if you think you have readers

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12c42f  No.361643

There's literally three people in here these days


It used to be four or five but now it's dwindled down to only three of us, including you and I

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12c42f  No.361644

And the other dude collects government assistance, so he has no use for your panicky Financial collapse garbage…

Just like jerry, he sits on his ass all day and collects welfare benefits

So what is he supposed to do with your Chicken Little Financial collapse attempts to terrify him?

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12c42f  No.361645

You're aware that I don't even read your posts, at least not the original post.. because it's always the same thing

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12c42f  No.361646

I occasionally read some of the comments when we converse back and forth…

But I'm not interested in the original posts, because I'm not interested in cookie cutter template conspiracy theories. They are boring

It's never anything new

LITERALLY nothing new.. you're simply copying and pasting other people's stupid garbage

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12c42f  No.361647

I've never seen you create original content, and I'm not talking about images

You simply go to other websites with predictable content, which is the only reason why you visit those websites

And predictably, you copy and paste what you see and bring it here like it's supposed to be some kind of amazing revelation

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12c42f  No.361648

In other words, you're not actually serving a purpose. If we were interested in the same cookie cutter conspiracy theories, we could go to those websites ourselves

We wouldn't need somebody to copy and paste for us

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12c42f  No.361649

You couldn't pay me to visit BITCHoot, not unless I was going there to troll one of the stupid white trash idiots by leaving annoying humorous commentary on their worthless videos

If YouTube was McDonald's, then BITCHoot would be like eating out of a dumpster

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12c42f  No.361650

It's like WordPress

It's cheap, and not even second or third rate

its more like 5th or 6th rate

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12c42f  No.361651

I guess you never noticed that nobody cool or interesting uses BITCHoot?

It's just a bunch of broke unemployed High School dropouts creating their imaginary "importance" from inside their single wide trailer

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12c42f  No.361652

BITCHoot only attracts the lowest common denominator.. nobody with class, style, or money ever uses that garbage website

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12c42f  No.361653

BITCHoot is the internet equivalent of a homeless shelter.. Maybe under a bridge would be a better description

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12c42f  No.361654

BITCHoot is the internet equivalent of the bum begging for money on the interstate off-ramp

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eb9d2a  No.361657


>Of course I enjoy getting accurate information

Glad you enjoy reading real news here then.

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f80e0e  No.361682


It's really not surprising you and Jerry go to BITCHoot….

after all, neither of you have any money

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35e9d1  No.361820

bumping absolute true news

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92ae08  No.361840


well what other sites would you recommend besides msm?

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35e9d1  No.361948


Johnny won't listen to anything but State-run media.

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