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File: 61fc5ebf67cbe7b⋯.jpg (744.21 KB, 4000x3000, 4:3, Picsart_22_07_28_14_27_26_….jpg)

bb7801  No.361528 [Last 50 Posts]

Sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) neuralgia is a complex disease characterized bychronic head and neck pain often accompanied by autonomic features.

Although symptoms are highly variable, patients typically experience dull headaches associated with pain in the maxillary arch and teeth.

The exact reason behind sphenopalatine ganglion neuralgia is not known. Doctors think it may be due to abnormal functioning of the part known as thehypothalamusin the brain. Rarely have doctors noticed that sphenopalatine ganglion neuralgia might be genetically passed on from one generation to the next.

The sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) is a collection of nerve cells that is closely associated with the trigeminal nerve, which is the main nerve involved in headache disorders. It contains autonomic nerves and sensory nerves.

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bb7801  No.361530

hey……. don't blame me.. it's not my fault that he's too lazy to learn, andtoo much of a coward to admit when he's wrong, which is pretty much 99.7% of the time…

In fact, although he's going to Harbor animosity towards me,I'M THE ONLY PERSON WHO TRIED TO HELP HIM LEARN SINCE 1966

It's a shame his first grade teacher wasn't as determined as I am, because he would be able to differentiate between the words YOUR and YOU'RE

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bb7801  No.361531

I was MORE THAN COOL about it

I was considerate enough to give him 5 days to Google five basic virology terminologies

I wasn't demanding anything of him that a 6-year-old child couldn't handle

tonight, all across the world, little children are doing their homework, doing orders of magnitude more homework than I requested of Killcen

even in the worst third world shithole Nations, where people live in mud Huts without running water… CHILDREN ARE DOING HOMEWORK TONIGHT!!

( while he struggles with one syllable words, barely able to master the English language, children in God forsaken hell holes like the Congo commonly speak up to 9, 10, maybe even 11 different languages fluently )


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bb7801  No.361532

Learning is infectious.. the more I learn, the more I want to know.. it's not an obligation or an undesirable task..

We were born with brains that are capable of storing information and recalling it at a later point…


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bb7801  No.361533

File: ea32351ea94fee8⋯.jpg (136.06 KB, 795x800, 159:160, Picsart_22_07_29_17_50_42_….jpg)

File: 43068c009b017d9⋯.jpg (761.72 KB, 1080x1312, 135:164, Screenshot_20230130_195308.jpg)

File: 4f777a08b41e1fc⋯.jpg (694.88 KB, 851x1344, 851:1344, Screenshot_20230130_195334.jpg)


(if you don't know what Mr Food looks like, here's a couple pictures of him)

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000000  No.361534



Gonna have to disagree. I believe the corect term would be condition.

Neuralgia is a symptom.

You have describe a known condition where neuralgia is the primary feature.

This condition is likely associated with head and neck cancer is could be associated with fungal malignant otitis externa as primary or secondary sequela.

Just my opinion chief. An ounce of data is worth a thousand pounds of opinion. I'm going to suggest you order some tests.


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bb7801  No.361535


And today he proved he's incapable of learning or remembering details




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bb7801  No.361536


AUTONOMIC : involuntary or unconscious; relating to the autonomic nervous system.

The day you publish papers for the New England Journal of Medicine, regarding your Theory on condition versus disease.. let me know

also you had several grammatically incorrect words in your comment, including but not limited to the questionable insertion of the word CANCER

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bb7801  No.361537


And the primary feature of the disorder, or disease is not the pain..

The autonomic central nervous system is the primary feature of the disease

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bb7801  No.361538



I'm going to give you credit where credit is due.. unlike our resident uneducated virologist and immunologist Killcen, YOU ACTUALLY PAID ATTENTION, DEMONSTRATED CRITICAL THINKING, AND PARTICIPATED

That's more than he's done since 1966, and since he dropped out in the 10th grade without ever mastering lessons from first grade grammar, it's probably more likely 1956

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bb7801  No.361539

So I applaud you!!

I'm very proud of you..

it's too bad that Killcentries to laugh off his INABILITY TO LEARN

It's okay to be dumb. That's not a crime.. but giving medical advice when you don't even understand the most basic high school level of internal medicine, that's a different subject..

Not only is it irresponsible, but it's a guaranteed recipe for embarrassment

It's like having a three-year-old child give you Automotive mechanical advice, suggesting you put a Crayola crayon in the gas tank

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bb7801  No.361540


I am not being unfair with him. I am not asking him to do anything I haven't done myself…

I'm not ridiculing him for dropping out of school…

Some of the greatest thinkers throughout history never got a high school diploma


I definitely am ridiculing him for being too lazy to continue self-educating every day of his life

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000000  No.361541


Thank you! Keep 'em coming chief. I take gnosis wherever I can find it.

Pterygopalatine ganglion - Wikipedia

The pterygopalatine ganglion (aka Meckel's ganglion, nasal ganglion, or sphenopalatine ganglion) is a parasympathetic ganglion found in the pterygopalatine fossa.It is largely innervated by the greater petrosal nerve (a branch of the facial nerve); and its postsinaptic axons project to the lacrimal glands and nasal mucosa. The flow of blood to the nasal mucosa, in particular the venous plexus …

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bb7801  No.361542

When I was 13 years old, I went over to my friend's house to hang out, and within moments of entering his mother's house, I began to feel really strange

Yes, I was suddenly itching everywhere, but it was much much worse than just itching

It's really hard to explain with words, because I immediately began having bizarre internal symptoms I had never experienced before

If I was going to try to describe it, it wouldn't even make sense.. it felt like all of my internal organs had been set on fire and like a giant vacuum hose had sucked the life force out of my entire body.. there was a pain but it was more than just pain.. it's as if the entire world turned inside out on me…

Within a minute, my entire face swelled up the size of a basketball

Little did I realize I had gone into anaphylaxis

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bb7801  No.361543


I was just a 13-year-old kid, and had no idea what was happening to me.

Fortunately, I was rushed to the emergency room immediately, and I could barely see because my face was swelled up around my nose and my eyes had become slits, itching like fire ants were under my eyelids…

AGAIN : just a 13-year-old kid, with no clue what was happening to me

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000000  No.361544


Should be OTC epi pens available and one in every medicine cabinet for this reason. The literature suggests it has been discussed and considered.

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bb7801  No.361545

Dr Robert Derek was a smooth operator, that's for sure.. I couldn't even see him, but I could hear in his voice a certain easygoing, calm and steady, relaxed demeanor as he told the nurse to administer a medication via syringe.

And this is going to sound corny, but just like deflating a balloon, my facial swelling went down.. just that fast..

Suddenly my throat was no longer swelling, and all of the weird itchy pain and internal organ discomfort vanished

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bb7801  No.361546



Now I could see Dr Derek, and I said to him, " what the fuck just happened to me?"

"anaphylactic shock.. if you had waited much longer, your heart would have stopped. You're lucky you got here in time"

me: "whoa… whoa… hold on…. WHAT?"


me: "anna who ?… spell it for me"

"A, N, A, P, H, Y, L, A, C, T, I, C…. the state of anaphylaxis"

me: "Ana Phylactic…. Ana Phylaxis"


me: " and what was the medicine you gave me?"


me: "nor… epi… nephrine"

Dr Derek taught me the association between norepinephrine and adrenaline


that near-death experience was all that was required for me to have a new nuclear furnace passion for learning the syllables that had previously seemed like an obstacle between me and understanding Internal Medicine

I wanted to know everything.. I began obtaining Collegiate Medical journals, and studying Internal Medicine extensively…

The fundamental excitement of learning is not something temporary.. my entire life, I have always gone out of my way to ask questions, to insist doctors explained things fully, down to the mechanism of action, both regarding physiology and pharmacology…

Soon I had an equal passion for learning about medications.. the scientific art of pharmacology is fascinating, and the more you learn, the more excited you become about learning even MORE!!

That led to my education in psychology, also another passion of mine..


Compared to me, Killcen is MORE EDUCATED….

Because although he dropped out in the 10th grade, I never even made it to high school…

With the assistant of my middle school principal, who "pulled some strings", as he said, I was actually allowed to drop out of school one year before I was legally able to drop out…

( in all fairness, my principal began the conversation by mentioning the fact I was making more money than him with my art business, and he said " I normally would never say this, but quite honestly, school has nothing to offer you at this point" )

So although there's no way for me to prove to you that what I'm about to tell you is actually 100% true….

I'm confident you are intelligent enough to determine whether or not I am lying:

TWO TIMES : I have had doctors surprised to discover I was a patient, because they told me, "oh, I thought you were a doctor. Sorry, I was confused"

Simply because I could discuss internal medicine on their level

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bb7801  No.361547


And yes, of course that same day, I learned all about epi pens

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bb7801  No.361548


I think it's mind-boggling that everybodyhasn'tbeen taught to recognize anaphylactic shock immediately, and no how to respond..

I think it's just as important as CPR

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bb7801  No.361549


Sorry, that was a speech to text typo

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bb7801  No.361550

Killcen always claims thatHE CURED HIS DIABETES!!!

That's a very bold statement.. particularly when you stop to consider the fact that he didn't cure a God damn thing….


Not the same as a cure..

He had two more years of education than I did, so I'm not expecting anything of him that I wouldn't expect of myself

If somebody thinks knowledge is so unimportant that there's no reason to lift a finger learning anything.. who the fuck are THEY to give MEDICAL ADVICE???

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bb7801  No.361551

so….. yeah……

On that faithful day I shall never forget, I went to my friend's house, just your average 13-year-old kid, thinking about 13-year-old things..

I went to my friend's house, the average 13-year-old kid who shied away from complicated Medical information, because I found the syllables to be overly intimidating for some reason…


Because I came home from the hospitalA RAVENOUS MEDICAL BUFF

With a nuclear furnace under my ass, feverishly impassioned by my desire to learn more

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bb7801  No.361552

So if I accomplished more in the emergency room at the age of 13 regarding self-education in Internal Medicine than Killcen has accomplished in 72 years, apparently he's too lazy to learn…

Apparently, he's not just afraid of admitting when he's wrong (which is why he has ZERO CREDIBILITY, having proven he is incapable of admitting when he makes a mistake, devaluing anything he says to the level of tapeworm infested dog diarrhea

He's scared of much more than admitting that he's always wrong

Based upon my own experiences, I think it's safe to assume he is also afraid of the multicellavic nature of medical terminology…

If my fear of overly complicated syllables acted as an obstacle between me and Medical knowledge, then I guess it's safe to assume he shares that same fear of complicated syllables..


I don't give a fuck what he's afraid of

He's not my daughter

He's a grown ass man


Nobody's putting a gun to his head and forcing him to pretend that he understands internal medicine, virology, Immunology or epidemiology…


And today I gave him every opportunity to step up to the plate and prove he has some integrity

For the past 5 days, I have been continually reminding him there was apop quiztoday…

I wasn't hiding anything or planning any surprises..

I told him EXACTLY WHICH TOPICS I would quiz him on….

I made it very clear that I wouldNOTbe asking him any needlessly overly Collegiate questions..

I made it very clear that even a simple cursory basic understanding of the topics BACTERIOPHAGES, PROPHAGES, ZYGOTIC INDUCTION, VIRIONS, CAPSIDS & SPIKE PROTEINS would be perfectly acceptable…

I made it very clear that all I was requesting was him to demonstrate a willingness to learn about the topics he continually PRETENDS TO UNDERSTAND

Quite honestly? Today's test had nothing to do with how much he learned,and everything to do with how little effort he put into learning in general

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bb7801  No.361553

fateful *

not faithful

Just like a doctor, I'm always using speech to text

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bb7801  No.361554

Although most of my physician friends use Dragon dictate

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bb7801  No.361555

TODAYS TEST was NOT about Killcen understanding virology

today's test was all about KILLCEN PROVING THAT HE REFUSES TO LEARN!!!


Today, without even participating, and more specifically, byrefusingto participate, Killcen forever PROVED HE HAS ZERO CREDIBILITY!!!

And so from now on, I have earned the right to tear him to shreds every time he tries pretending to have special knowledge about viruses or vaccines or 5G or any other topic.. because he has absolutely no education in any of these topics, meaning he is not in a position to be offering advice

Today he proved that his conspiracy theories are all unoriginal copied and pasted content, other people's ideas, and he is incapable of understanding The Words he's copying and pasting

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bb7801  No.361556

JANUARY 30TH, 2023 :

the day Killcen lost ALL credibility, and proved that he is less knowledgeable than the average Elementary School child

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bb7801  No.361557

JANUARY 31ST, 2023:

the day I stopped handling him with kid gloves, and now the gloves come off

I bent over backwards to give him an opportunity to salvage his laughable reputation as conspiracy theory schizophrenic lunatic who thinks College students perceive him as a knowledgeable walking encyclopedia

instead of being intelligent enough to recognize this magical opportunity I was creating for him, he tried the same techniques he used back in high school, sitting in the back of the class, unable to differentiate between YOUR and YOU'RE, trying to shrug it off, to laugh it off, hoping nobody would notice that he refuses to learn

THAT simple Act of creating silly threads about the roper's, pretending as if he was in a cavalier mood, laughing off the opportunity to prove he's capable of learning?

well………. to be succinct….



beginning tomorrow, my normal jovial happy-go-lucky personality is going to metamorphosize into his worst nightmare

beginning January 31st 2023, I am going to relentlessly tear him to shreds, pointing out his inability to learn, his defiant indignant refusal to learn, his embarrassing belief that he doesn't need to understand the medical advice he's giving people….

in only 3 hours, His grace period will have run out, AND I INTEND ON HUMILIATING HIM BACK TO ENDCHAN

If he wants to continue his embarrassing uneducated fagshow of "idiotic unknowledgeable uninformed medical advice", TAKE IT TO ENDCHAN

Because I'm not going to allow it in here anymore, not without making a fool out of him

( by pointing out the fact that he made a fool out of himself, beginning in the first grade, and he hasn't stopped yet )

No More Mr Nice Guy

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bb7801  No.361558

it's motherfucking OFFICIAL !!!

Today, he finally demonstrated how stupid he wants to be

He went out of his way to make sure everybody saw documentation of his stupidity and ignorant refusal to learn or admit when he's wrong

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bb7801  No.361559


Congratulations, Killcen!!!

You have proven yourself to be a stupid fucking coward once and for all, and now there's no turning back

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bb7801  No.361560


kids, it's important you know that KILLCEN WAS WRONG when he told you the covid vaccine creates Spike proteins on coronaviruses, and tens of millions of people are dying from mad cow disease brought upon them with the vaccine!!


That's like saying paper napkins create hamburgers

It's one of the most embarrassingly STUPID statements I've ever seen

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bb7801  No.361561

Killcen Doesn't understand RADIO

He's incapable of explaining radio in technical terms..

He's incapable of giving a technical description about how cathode ray tube television sets worked

He is incapable of explaining how quartz crystal watches work and keep time effectively


he doesn't understand 4G or LTE

he is incapable of understanding microwave technology, and he certainly doesn't know a goddamn fucking thing about 5G

he knows nothing about chemistry, and is completely incapable of explaining airplane contrails on a basic scientific level, even though it's nothing more than ice crystals

so OF COURSE nothing he says about "chemtrails" has any validity whatsoever

His brain struggles to memorize one or two words here and there, let alone the definition of those words

So he considers himself "knowledgeable" after memorizing catch phrases like CHEMTRAILS…

He hopes we perceive him as being intellectual if he uses cheap trendy catch phrases like CLOT SHOTS…

( he's not intelligent enough to realize using the term CLOT SHOT simply makes him look even more stupid )

He thinks he's impressing people when he manages to memorize the term "SPIKE PROTEIN", even though he uses the term incorrectly every time, making it painfully obvious he doesn't understand what Spike proteins are

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bb7801  No.361562

Recently, the common run of the milk cookie cutter template conspiracy theory morons have all been copying and pasting somebody else's idiotic assertion that "tens of millions of vaccinated people are now dying of mad cow disease"..

I saw a sudden wave of idiots talking about prions and mad cow disease, claiming it was now being caused by the vaccination..

They weren't talking about prions or mad cow last month, and it popped up out of nowhere, with lots of uneducated idiots dropping the term "PRION", thinking they sounded knowledgeable, although obviously none of them even knows what a prion is….

so of course I wasn't surprised when suddenly, out of nowhere, Killcen added the word "PRION" to his two-word virological vocabulary

it's been 3 years since covid, and he somehow magically learned to memorize ONLYTWO WORDS:"SPIKE PROTEIN"….

he never bothered to invest 10 seconds into self educating about Spike proteins, so he could hold an intelligent conversation about the topic

when, in year three, he suddenly added "PRIONS" to his previous two word vocabulary, which in all fairness, is a 50% improval ratio, now being THREE WORDS he somehow managed to memorize in only 3 years

(and he STILL doesn't know what Spike proteins or prions are, because knowledge is irrelevant to him, as long as he thinks he's dazzling people by mentioning the same three words over and over and over again)

It's been 3 years since covid, and everybody has already moved on from that bullshit

There are no more mandates and no more attempts at brainwashing anybody

Nobody's wearing masks and nobody's urging anybody to get a vaccination anymore…

The rest of the world has moved on, and we are all keeping our eyes on upcoming problems, with no desire to continue wallowing in the controversy over vaccines or masks…

I haven't seen anybody urging me to get a vaccination either on TV or in person in well over a year now.. so why is he still stuck on stupid?

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bb7801  No.361563

…..and DUUHHHH…. of course I wasn't surprised when he suddenly included the word "PRION" to his limited sticks and stones virological vocabulary…

… because all of the uneducated uninformed lazy brain conspiracy theorists are suddenly using the word "PRION"…..

Because they copy and paste the same cookie cutter conspiracy template garbage.. it's all unoriginal, they don't understand the terminology they are using, and they have no desire to learn.


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bb7801  No.361564

I'm not going to sit here and watch a 3-year-old child tell people they can fix their car by putting Crayola crayons in the gas tank

And I'm certainly not going to sit back and allow a defiant intentionally uneducated uninformed moron schizophrenic alcoholic idiot give INSANE, ERRONEOUS, DANGEROUS MEDICAL ADVICE….


that ended TODAY

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bb7801  No.361565

FROM NOW ON, if he wants to give MEDICAL ADVICE, he might want to research it first.. because I'm going to vivisect every word

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bb7801  No.361566



Because I didn't say I'm going to dissect every word

And believe it or not, syllables are very important

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bb7801  No.361567

File: 1a0cff7d057cd8b⋯.jpg (215.2 KB, 1296x1080, 6:5, Picsart_23_01_30_21_55_50_….jpg)

Because I'm done giving you another chance, after another chance, after another chance, after another, after another, like a little child…

You're a BIG BOY !!

And today was your final opportunity to demonstrate your ability to assume accountability, your passion for learning, and courage regarding simply admitting when you are wrong…..

From now on, it's going to be full contact UFC in here as far as I'm concerned

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bb7801  No.361568

introducing the new improved Johnny Neptune, Now featuring more vivisection and less looking the other way

Beginning tomorrow, I'm going to dissect every word while it's still alive, before you have a chance to type the next word…

So you might want to Bone up on your virological research… because every time you put your foot in your mouth, IM GOING TO KICK MY FOOT IN THERE, TOO!!

I'm going to become SO frustrating and impossible to deal with for you…

Because today you disrespected me, you disrespected everyone else, but most importantly.. you disrespected YOURSELF!!!

You did yourself a great Injustice today, when you decided you could laugh it off, hoping I was going to move on to the next subject….

Do you smell that burning smell?

do you?…. sniff sniff

That's the smell of yesterday

I torched yesterday for you….

From now on, it's going to be a frightening Brave New World

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bb7801  No.361569

I realize you actually dropped out due to embarrassment, and not because of any logical reasoning on your part..

Kindergarten, first grade, and part of second grade were easy enough for you..

Because nobody really noticed you weren't learning like the other children

By the time you reached third grade, your teacher realized you still couldn't differentiate between YOUR and YOU'RE

In the fifth grade, the other children had already begun ostracizing you, pointing fingers and snickering behind your back

In the 7th grade, the girls were using you as the butt of their jokes as you walked down the hallway in school

The ninth grade was high school, and now the difference in knowledge base had become even more pronounced

By the 10th grade, you could no longer stand the humiliation of being known as "the dumb guy who struggles with one syllable words"….

While the other students were building and refining compound and complex sentences, writing essays to compare the presentation of ideas across genres, expressing the arrangement of electrons of atoms using electron configurations, reading and drawing structural formulas of organic compounds, analyzing the short- and long-term causes of the collapse of the Roman Empire, etc etc etc '''YOU were struggling to remember if it's YOUR or YOU'RE…..


So you dropped out because you had grown tired of being publicly humiliated

100% obvious

You didn't have the courage to openly admit that you had a problem learning, and ask for help..

( that would have demonstrated accountability and CREDIBILITY)

You didn't have the fortitude required to Simply stop and focus and finally learn the difference between similar sounding one syllable words..

(that would have created a lifelong habit of tackling problems head on, instead of running away like a coward)

instead, you took the cowards way out, and decided to Simply stop going to school

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bb7801  No.361570

And by dropping out like a coward, focusing on the immediate desire to stop the ridicule from the other students, you reinforced your lifelong belief that you could somehow manage to squeak by without anybody noticing thatyou absolutely refuse to learn

And look where it got you

You spend your days pretending to be smarter than college students, giving laughable transparently false medical advice, hoping nobody ever calls you out on it…

And after a hard day of pretending to be knowledgeable, every single night you return to that bottle of garbage vodka

You drown your fears and Broken Dreams in disgusting repugnant alcohol every single night

You are a ubiquitous addict, with absolutely NO self control over your disgusting addiction…. who drank himself into Oblivion, to the point where he had to beg his daughter to please let him move into her house and sleep on her sofa.. waking up on her kitchen floor every morning, sometimes in a puddle of urine, sometimes in a puddle of vomit, the uncontrolled addict drowning his fears and Shattered Dreams

Dreams that you shattered for yourself

With idiotic life choices, foolish decisions that couldn't possibly result in anything good…

Giving college students life advice

Giving people medical advice

The shattered man and his uninformed High School Dropout medical advice

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bb7801  No.361571

Back when you still had a little bit of money, you had your own place, and you drowned your fears withwhiskeyevery night…

But the man who gives life advice drank all of his money away..

No longer able to support yourself, you had to stoop to the level of begging your daughter for help

the same daughter you neglected for decades, while you drank yourself to sleep and focused on Paranoid schizophrenic conspiracy theories, leaving her basically abandoned by her own father while he's still remained in the house

You literally destroyed your wife's life, and as if that wasn't already bad enough, you destroyed your daughter's life as well…

And after treating your daughter like shit for decades, suddenly you had the unmitigated audacity to actually ASK HER TO FEEL SORRY FOR YOU, begging her to let you move in with her….

Now you can no longer afford whiskey, so you rely on cheap discount rot gut vodka…

And have you changed your ways?

NO !!!……

In fact, you repaid your daughter for her kindness by INCREASING YOUR PARANOID CONSPIRACY FAGSHOW !!

If anything, you are destroying her life MORE NOW than ever before…

You've got a lot of nerve

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bb7801  No.361572

And you justify the continuing destruction of the quality of your daughter's life with the false assertion that you are somehow "helping people" with your idiotic paranoid predictable WARNINGS and dangerous uneducated amateurish medical advice….

Can you imagine being married and having your wife's insane alcoholic idiot father ruining your lives?

Do you have ANY idea how much they secretly hope you'll die soon?

You put your daughter between a rock and a hard place, painted her into an uncomfortable corner, seeking her pity, then refusing to improve your neurotic incessant annoying obsession with pretending you are a hero…

Even though she hates you for destroying her entire childhood with your selfish addiction and lack of involvement… she still loves you because you are her father

And you are an opportunist, who is taking advantage of her weakness

You don't give a fuck about her

You're simply using her

She's nothing more than a convenience for you

And you have absolutely no compunction about destroying the quality of their lives, and cramping their marriage with your irritating presence in their house…

What a disrespectful father you are!

You are so fucking selfish, that you literally don't care if you destroy their lives or not

As long as you get to continue your disgusting addictions….

As long as you get to continue pretending to be important, while drowning your disgusting shame with rot got Vodka every night…

Just like a scumbag under a bridge, as long as you can continue destroying your own life with alcohol and fear, you don't give a flying fuck if you destroy other people's lives in the process…

You lie about your intention, claiming you have devoted your life to saving the world, comparing yourself to Noah and his ark


So apparently you're the stupidest Noah in history

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bb7801  No.361573

They don't want you to die.. because even your son-in-law kind of almost partially Maybe kind of pseudo quasi almost likes you

But that would be the easiest thing for them

Because with every day that passes, you are making their lives more and more unhappy

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bb7801  No.361574

Of course you always exaggerate, and claim that your daughter is also a psychotic predictable cookie cutter template conspiracy theory moron like you


She's dealt with your Insanity her entire life

She's suffered through your alcoholism

In all actuality, she is reluctant to mention ANYTHING, even the most simplistic things, like telling you about her day….

because she ALREADY KNOWS that no matter what she says, you are going to pretend to be smart and throw your crazy conspiracy fixation into the mix

It got old decades ago.. it's no longer cute or charming or even vaguely interesting at this point

Could you imagine having an alcoholic chimpanzee in your house that continually screams and screeches the same noise all day long, every day, every night, always the exact same thing?

that's YOU

No matter what your daughter or her husband want to discuss, they know you are going to take it back to your selfish conspiracy garbage, completely disregarding their wishes and showing an absolute lack of respect for their independent lives

You literally force yourself on people

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bb7801  No.361575

And although she would never admit it to you.. more than once, she has woken up in the morning to discover you unconscious on her kitchen floor, with an empty bottle laying next to you…

And for one brief moment, she actually thought maybe you had stopped breathing

More than once she became elated that she was finally free from your neurotic incessant fagshow….

But, you always woke up

Have you considered showing a little respect to that married couple and finding a nice nursing home somewhere?

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bb7801  No.361576

I realize they won't let you continue behaving this way in a nursing home, so maybe under a bridge somewhere?

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bb7801  No.361577

Or maybe a psychiatric unit..

Maybe you could find yourself in the role of RP McMurphy, and create your own little Cuckoo's Nest at a local state-run psychiatric unit?

You could be the Big Man on Campus, telling all of the other lunatics about vaccinations creating Spike proteins, and thousands of billions of people dying

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bb7801  No.361578


If you plan on saving the world, you might want to start with more than just two people, Noah….

I'm afraid the world cannot be saved in this empty chat room

So take your lazy disrespectful opportunist alcoholic ass somewhere else

Because there's a new sheriff in town


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bb7801  No.361579



* slaps your horse on the ass with barbed wire, making it bolt off into the distance, with a trail of dust behind it, while you scream for help, hands tied behind your back, blindfolded, with a "PUNCH ME IN THE BACK OF MY HEAD" sign safety pinned on your back, through your skin and shirt *

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bb7801  No.361580


Go save the world with your vaccine knowledge

Go save the world with your 5G genius

Go save the world with your chemtrail stories

And stop destroying our world

Because your medical advice is not requested here

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bb7801  No.361581

Go and press a first grade class at an elementary school with your amazing knowledge

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bb7801  No.361582


Don't be surprised if the six-year-old students know more about virology than you do

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