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31e3c0  No.361189 [Last 50 Posts]

if the Trojan war actually took place in the Baltic, where did the events of kike and Christian scripture take place?

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dba7f1  No.361190


A: the Bible is fiction

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dba7f1  No.361191



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31e3c0  No.361192


I already know this you fucktarded piece of SHIT

OBVIOUSLY… if I were fully convinced of Christ's accepted origin I'd add "scripture before the birth of Jesus" to the OP…

however, I didn't… which should clue you onto something…

I won't tell you what that is though, I'll let your remaining brain cell do the work…

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dba7f1  No.361193


If you already know that I'm a piece of shit, that pretty much identifies you

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dba7f1  No.361194

Wendy and I just had somebody arrested for animal abuse

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dba7f1  No.361195

We have been working an animal rescue that's overly complicated in many ways, but today we got rid of one of the main complications by having somebody put in handcuffs, into the back of a police car, and driven to the Atlanta Rice Street jail Fulton County

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dba7f1  No.361196


Speaking of vagina :

Exactly WHEN do you intend on finally being able to achieve an erection?

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31e3c0  No.361197

File: 995b9a563592787⋯.jpg (33.88 KB, 550x545, 110:109, cool_story_bro_6.jpg)


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dba7f1  No.361198



ahhh I see

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dba7f1  No.361199

I see you're in the business punctual excuse manufacture

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dba7f1  No.361200

yep….. there's a guy who's probably JUST NOW arriving at the Fulton County Jail on Rice Street


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dba7f1  No.361201

File: 81497198b28ce4b⋯.jpg (2.17 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, Picsart_23_01_29_15_06_52_….jpg)


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dba7f1  No.361202

File: 58f92deb3b742bc⋯.mp4 (904.62 KB, 320x240, 4:3, df3b5759d65f06fe3b1e4931e2….mp4)

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dba7f1  No.361203

File: 3b35e9be783d9a5⋯.jpg (652.87 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20230129_150940….jpg)


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31e3c0  No.361204


you dress like you're about to approach me and ask me for spare change so you can "get the bus fare home"

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dba7f1  No.361205

File: 1807711771a5512⋯.jpg (3.13 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, Picsart_23_01_29_15_12_00_….jpg)


LOL @ not being able to afford $100 or more for a pair of shoes

Let alone $150 each for every other pair of shoes in my closet

Maybe if you got a job? Have you ever considered actually getting a job? You might want to look into it

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dba7f1  No.361206

I suppose you could always ask your mommy to buy you something nice to wear.. the same way she pays for all of your life expenses

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dba7f1  No.361207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dba7f1  No.361208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dba7f1  No.361209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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31e3c0  No.361210

File: e7be21261681388⋯.jpeg (239.93 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, received_853129222045866.jpeg)

File: 22cf8a962be4399⋯.jpeg (197.14 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, received_379742767188979.jpeg)


LOLL these look like shit

I paid £250 for my swastika nike's :)

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dba7f1  No.361211



Nothing but the best for you, right?

(you and every other stupid greasy nigger on earth)

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dba7f1  No.361212

That's kind of like bragging about cooking Chef Boyardee SpaghettiOs

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dba7f1  No.361213

File: 6e45e6c65f9d4e7⋯.jpg (324.64 KB, 876x1066, 438:533, Screenshot_20230129_152311.jpg)

That's like buying a basket full ofgreat value brandgarbage food and considering yourself a gourmet shopper

HINT: never brag about being mediocre

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dba7f1  No.361214


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31e3c0  No.361215

of course, Johnny Neptune would be the kinda guy to buy platformed shoes for men, haha!

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dba7f1  No.361216

lemme guess :

It's Prego spaghetti sauce, Britney Spears music, Walmart jeans and Nike tennis shoes

Nothing but the very best for you

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dba7f1  No.361217


"platformed' ?…..

lol so that's what you call creepers?


Literally, Mr Nike shoes.. absolutely no class whatsoever, no culture, just mediocrity and Nike and a false reassurance of your superiority

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dba7f1  No.361218

I happen to be the most talented illustrator I've ever met in my life

But I don't have any tennis shoes that remind me I'm a better artist than you

I don't have any t-shirts designed to Pat me on the back with a false sense of reassurance, trying to convince myself that I'm a better illustrator than you

Only insecure people need false reassurances

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dba7f1  No.361219


( and actually considers himself to be of superior intellect LOL ouch)

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dba7f1  No.361220

by the way, MR. COMMONSHOES…..

Maybe if you could find even ONE WOMAN who thought you were the best candidate for her.. you wouldn't need empty reassurances from your stupid shoes?

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dba7f1  No.361221


So tell everybody about your lonely weekend

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dba7f1  No.361222

Everybody wants to hear about the superior nature of your empty lonely weekend

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dba7f1  No.361223

Because the last time I checked, YOU don't get to determine your own superiority

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31e3c0  No.361224

File: 58216abc9adfae5⋯.jpeg (51.42 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, received_902240613991669.jpeg)



not saying I got the most swag but just sayin' I wouldn't wanna be seen looking like you

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dba7f1  No.361225

Last time I checked, if you were even halfway worth of shit, you would have at least one girlfriend sucking your dick right now

But you don't

So apparently you're not quite as impressive as you thought?

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dba7f1  No.361226

File: a9ff4a0e644ffbd⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Scratch_n_Chad_01.mp4)

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31e3c0  No.361227


it's you who's claiming to be superior whilst looking like a bum, your fashion style is a reflection of your poor artistic ability to

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dba7f1  No.361228


You still don't know how to dance, your mother lives in a shithole apartment, and you don't have a job

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dba7f1  No.361229

File: 9481b0d40c4ecf1⋯.mp4 (759.73 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ca7c0774297721c34b29c7aa82….mp4)

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dba7f1  No.361230


congratulations on the "dressing in the same clothes black women wear" accomplishment

The quality almost matches your tattoo

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dba7f1  No.361231

Since you don't have a job, and I've seen your mother's crappy kitchen before, now I understand why you wear cheap hand-me-down thrift store garbage used clothing

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dba7f1  No.361232

File: fd7183dc65d511f⋯.mp4 (5.56 MB, 690x480, 23:16, NTDS_.mp4)

good thread, dude

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dba7f1  No.361233

lol the last time I saw you, it was your demonstration of ABSENCE OF DANCING ABILITY, and you had extinguished a cigarette butt on your mother's shitty disgusting kitchen floor with your crappy common Nike shoe

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dba7f1  No.361234

Kapoa Banda Aderno Trackpants - Black

lol $70 hahaha

so do you wear ANYTHING that's not made for black people?

It's strange how you have white supremacist logos drawn onto your second hand thrift store NEGRO CLOTHES

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dba7f1  No.361235

I suppose there's no harm in stomping out lit cigarettes on your mother's disgusting linoleum kitchen floor

It's not like it's going to make it any less crappy

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dba7f1  No.361236

BY THE WAY : Believe it or not, most adult males don't live with their Mommy anymore, and they have things called JOBS

I'm guessing if you hadn't dropped out of school, you wouldn't be limited to fast food and janitorial services

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dba7f1  No.361237

What brand of cigarettes do you always talk your mother into buying for you?

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dba7f1  No.361238

Judging by your nigger NIKE, KAPPA & BOSS wardrobe, I guess it's pretty obvious that you smokementhol?

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dba7f1  No.361239

Well now we've covered the part about you not having a job and still living with your far-from-wealthy mother….

So your mother bought you a pair of nike? I bet you were overjoyed

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dba7f1  No.361240

File: 5572cac7f7ce00a⋯.jpg (403.63 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, Picsart_23_01_29_15_49_11_….jpg)

What unique taste you have

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a6ba18  No.361241

File: 773a195cfa4fff2⋯.webp (247.02 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, received_1165483684245400.webp)


it's called "blending in with the enemy" idiot

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dba7f1  No.361242

thinks NIKE = quality


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dba7f1  No.361243

So that's what your mother did when she started renting that nasty ghetto tenement apartment?

ending in with niggers? Mexicans?

You're a regular family of chameleons, aren't you?

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dba7f1  No.361244

File: 432efd9dc4e5b90⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1080x1879, 1080:1879, Picsart_22_10_13_13_10_57_….png)

File: a69940dd5547d8e⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1888, 135:236, Picsart_22_10_13_13_28_43_….png)

File: e40a1f199f64a3c⋯.png (998.49 KB, 1080x1654, 540:827, Picsart_22_10_13_13_41_58_….png)

File: 807d713cad762fe⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1387x1960, 1387:1960, Picsart_22_10_13_13_20_58_….png)

File: 0a72ecc449b4edd⋯.png (347.33 KB, 1080x1892, 270:473, Picsart_22_10_13_13_45_05_….png)

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dba7f1  No.361245


as opposed to the other guy in here named CONOR with one N

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a6ba18  No.361246


>you're a regular family of chameleons, aren't you?

could say the same for you, jude

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dba7f1  No.361247

I'm just going to call you Sketch

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dba7f1  No.361248


yep… you COULD…..

In fact, you could say just about anything you'd like, especially considering the fact that I tell everybody all the details of my life, yet you still don't even know the first detail about me

Which is okay.. because not everybody can be informed

Not everybody was meant to be intelligent

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dba7f1  No.361249

So you took a Sharpie marker and Drew a swastika on your tennis shoes?

Did any women see it and want to have sex with you?

no?…. dammit

I suppose it's not that easy finding a woman who's attracted to you, and willing to deal with your mother as she bitches at you for bringing uninvited guests into her apartment

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dba7f1  No.361250

I suppose if I didn't have any talent, a pair of tennis shoes that said "I'm talented" would lift my spirits?

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dba7f1  No.361251

Have you ever considered riding the words WOMEN LIKE ME on your next generic pair of common everyday tennis shoes?

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dba7f1  No.361252

How long does the Sharpie marker last on a pair of tennis shoes before you have to draw another swastika on it?

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dba7f1  No.361253

I can't help but laugh because everybody knows self-confidence meansnot having to continually seek false reassurances

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dba7f1  No.361254

Have you ever thought about another neck tattoo?

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dba7f1  No.361255

On the right side of your neck, you could have the same talentless moron permanently destroy your skin again….

with the words "I'M SUPERIOR"

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dba7f1  No.361256

and why not, right?

You've already made the decision that your life is so painfully without value, that your skin can be used as a throwaway sketch pad for people who want to learn how to draw with tattoo needles

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dba7f1  No.361257

It's kind of like your mother's linoleum floor

Why not stomp out lit cigarette butts on the kitchen floor, right?

It's already garbage

So no reason not to get another tattoo on the other side of your neck

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dba7f1  No.361258

btw, I see that your hair is STILL greasy….

Have you ever heard of shampoo?

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dba7f1  No.361259


Soap for hair

that's right!!

It's actually possible to

clean the grease out of hair

And they called the product SHAMPOO

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dba7f1  No.361260

But it might come in handy when you go job hunting

You could Grease the French fry tray with your hair

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dba7f1  No.361261

The last name was easy enough to read, I guess maybe next time you should cover the entire thing?

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a6ba18  No.361262


it was more entertaining watching you go on a schizophrenic tirade

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dba7f1  No.361263


It was more fun watching you not know what schizophrenia is

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dba7f1  No.361264

Because anybody who studied psychology knows how schizophrenic people behave….

and they don't go on tirades

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dba7f1  No.361265

File: fcc8d6566e6efca⋯.jpg (573.8 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, Picsart_23_01_29_16_38_32_….jpg)

Wait a minute here.. hold on a minute

so…. I believe that's one of those old bicycle repair posts if I'm not mistaken.. at least it looks like one…

Whatever it is, the base of it is only three and a half feet tall

Which is 2/3 of your body height


That would make you what? 5 ft 2 in tall?

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a6ba18  No.361266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I don't believe in psychology

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dba7f1  No.361267

what ?….. 5'1"?

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dba7f1  No.361268


Yet you call people schizophrenic

Kind of like you buy expensive fancy shoes, even though you don't have a job, no money, and your shoes are just common run of the mill Nike garbage

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dba7f1  No.361269

5' even?

You couldn't possibly be any taller than 5 ft 2 in

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dba7f1  No.361270

"I don't have a girlfriend, nor do I have a job or money or my own apartment,but I call myself Superior"

"I like to tell people I don't believe in psychology when they call me out for having no psychological training after I use psychological terminology to insult people"

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dba7f1  No.361271

You're just a walking Symphony of contradictions and excuses, aren't you?

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dba7f1  No.361272

"you're schizophrenic"

"you never studied psychology"

"I don't believe in psychology"

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dba7f1  No.361273

"you are 2+2=17"

"you've never studied math"

"I don't believe in math"

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dba7f1  No.361274

"you are a terrible chef"

"you have no culinary training"

"I don't believe in food"

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dba7f1  No.361275

"your indestructible German Creepers are not fashionable like my fancy fashionable Nikes"

"Nike is the MCDONALDS of shoes"

"I don't believe in clothes"

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a6ba18  No.361276

File: 3c614f4f08f1272⋯.jpg (31.18 KB, 500x400, 5:4, s_l500.jpg)


haha just fucking with you I'm on meds for schizophrenia so I know what that is obviously

and I'm wearing platformed shoes in that pic too… your excellent forensic skills didn't spot that one though

why so serious, Johnny boy?

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dba7f1  No.361277


If you bought a pair of creepers, you'd almost be 5 ft 4 in tall

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dba7f1  No.361278


I don't wear platform shoes. These are creepers

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dba7f1  No.361279

CREEPERS as in: the coolest, most comfortable shoes on earth

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a6ba18  No.361280


same difference

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dba7f1  No.361281


not at all

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dba7f1  No.361282

Creepers have a very long interesting history, and they were originated a long long time ago with the French Foreign Legion

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dba7f1  No.361283

They are the shoes rock stars wear

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dba7f1  No.361284

Almost every rock star owns at least a few pairs of creepers, because they are built with amazing quality, constructed so well that they are basically indestructible

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dba7f1  No.361285

When I was in my early twenties, I stole a brand new pair of red crushed velvet creepers from the lead guitarist of the band Faster Pussycat

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dba7f1  No.361286

CREEPERS : named from The Crepe Sole

They feel like you're walking on a cloud. They are so comfortable and they last forever

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dba7f1  No.361287

Back in the early '80s back when there were REAL neonazi skinheads….

Date either where Doc Marten boots or creepers.. one of the two

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dba7f1  No.361288


THEYD EITHER WEAR*Doc Martin boots or creeper shoes, one of the two

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dba7f1  No.361289


The only legitimate creeper Company still in business

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a6ba18  No.361290


I'm wearing yeezy's in them pics the new unofficial shoes of the Aryan race

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dba7f1  No.361291


what "Aryan race"?

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dba7f1  No.361292


oh, that's right….. I forgot

High School Dropout..

yeah, well OBVIOUSLY you must have missed the day when they taught the other students there's no such thing as an Aryan race

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a6ba18  No.361293



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dba7f1  No.361294



you think that's a RACE ?

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dba7f1  No.361295

But you're not even vaguely Germanic

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dba7f1  No.361296

I guess you think FRENCH is also a race?

how about the AMERICAN RACE

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dba7f1  No.361297

youAREaware that you're a MUTATED NEGRO, right?

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dba7f1  No.361298

we ALL are…… even black people are

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dba7f1  No.361299

today's black people are MUTATED NEGROES

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dba7f1  No.361300

today's white people are also MUTATED NEGROES

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dba7f1  No.361301



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dba7f1  No.361302

every human being is a MUTATED NEGRO

the end

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dba7f1  No.361303


sorry, but it's a fact

and also a MUTATED NEGRO

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dba7f1  No.361304



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dba7f1  No.361305

ALL HUMAN BEINGS : mutated from our original base NEGRO DNA

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dba7f1  No.361306

I don't believe you have schizophrenia

I really don't.. I simply don't believe it

(notice that Ididn't say " I don't believe you were diagnosed with it " )

I didn't stutter..

I said I don't believe you have schizophrenia

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dba7f1  No.361307

If you were indeed diagnosed with schizophrenia, I would strongly suggest you get a second opinion and even a third opinion

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dba7f1  No.361308

Because you do not present with the symptomology of schizophrenia

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a6ba18  No.361309


French form a substratum of the greater Indo-Germanic racial spectrum, Americans are more of an "anti-race", one prophetasised to be ruled over by the jews in their holy texts

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dba7f1  No.361310

however, I wouldn't be surprised if you actuallydidhave a mild case of manic depression

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dba7f1  No.361311


Ah thank you for explaining why no woman wants to have sex with you

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dba7f1  No.361312

because youDOoccasionally present with mild manic symptomology

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dba7f1  No.361313

but if you TRULY had schizophrenia, you'd show it in your face

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dba7f1  No.361314

Are you aware that psychiatrists can diagnose schizophrenia simply by looking at your face?

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dba7f1  No.361315

Schizophrenic people have a general lack of facial affect

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dba7f1  No.361316


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dba7f1  No.361317

that's right !!! 100% true…….

A good psychiatrist can make a differential diagnosis of schizophrenia over bipolar disorder simply guy looking at your face.. at your facial expressions

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a6ba18  No.361318

I just know too much so the government had to label me as such to prevent the truth getting out

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dba7f1  No.361319

File: b81ae64f61ccebb⋯.jpg (128.01 KB, 720x1017, 80:113, Picsart_22_07_29_20_54_03_….jpg)


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dba7f1  No.361320



nope…. it was just a state-funded idiot psychiatrist

And the only reason he's getting paid by the state is because he wasn't good enough to run a private practice

But for some reason I'm thinking it was a SHE…. not a HE

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dba7f1  No.361321

File: 0a0ea069ea932bd⋯.jpg (483.54 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20230129_172015….jpg)


LACK OF AFFECT : this is Ashley Schneider's version of a big smile, because she has schizophrenia and a lack of facial affect

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dba7f1  No.361322


you know SO MUCH…………………

Yet you didn't realize that you are a mutated negro?

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dba7f1  No.361323

File: 9c2d80c75c18c70⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 9c2d80c75c18c706fa26478ea5….jpg)

SCHIZOPHRENIA : the belief that one's life is secretly being controlled by an invisible external entity

LACK OF FACIAL AFFECT: the organic psychiatric disorder can be diagnosed simply by looking at the patient's facial expressions

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dba7f1  No.361325

(and Ashley Schneider f"rantically chopping off all her hair without even looking at what she was doing, because she thought the external entity was entering her soul through her hair" was also a bit of a dead giveaway regarding her schizophrenic situation)

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a6ba18  No.361326

File: b2fdebc5742dee4⋯.jpg (95.03 KB, 640x577, 640:577, GXfI_YhZxh19F1esx4V2TpS17r….jpg)


>he actually believes that


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dba7f1  No.361327

no, Sketch……….

If they actually diagnosed you with schizophrenia, I would strongly recommend you go to a second psychiatrist and get a better opinion.

OH… WAIT…… .

That would mean they terminate your SSI benefits

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dba7f1  No.361329

File: 9d6d2f23222e143⋯.jpg (409.62 KB, 1198x1080, 599:540, Picsart_23_01_29_17_33_34_….jpg)


Because that would mean you'd need to get a job

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dba7f1  No.361330

File: 4e1e930b67464b2⋯.jpg (409.42 KB, 1198x1080, 599:540, Picsart_23_01_29_17_35_19_….jpg)

……so, NO……

You were happy when you got the diagnosis, because it meant you didn't have to go out there and get a job like everybody else

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dba7f1  No.361331

File: 2610dc563a4dd71⋯.jpg (355.95 KB, 1198x1080, 599:540, Picsart_23_01_29_17_36_47_….jpg)

you decided "I'm lazy like a nigger"

so you collect welfare like one

got it

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dba7f1  No.361332

File: 273a3f6bb175e0a⋯.jpg (355.27 KB, 1198x1080, 599:540, Picsart_23_01_29_17_39_27_….jpg)

So I'm guessing collecting welfare benefits is another one of your secret agent techniques of blending in with the enemy?

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dba7f1  No.361333

File: 1b26ccece7a6e96⋯.jpg (288.22 KB, 1198x1080, 599:540, Picsart_23_01_29_17_43_21_….jpg)

don't tell me……….

you didn't know SSI wasWELFARE??

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dba7f1  No.361334

File: 9b0248509a76940⋯.jpg (328.8 KB, 1198x1080, 599:540, Picsart_23_01_29_17_47_25_….jpg)


it's WELFARE…..


It's one of the Telltale signatures of niggers :

Collecting government welfare, while wearing clothes with BOSS on it

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dba7f1  No.361335

I'mNOTjudging you…..

I swear to god, you've probably think I'm insulting you or judging you.. but I swear to God I'm not

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dba7f1  No.361336

Because remember, I'm the one who says that I don't think you have schizophrenia.. I'm actually on your side.. I'm not judging you or being mean.. I'm actually trying to help you.. I say you were incorrectly diagnosed with schizophrenia, if it's even true in the first place….

I think it's much more likely you were diagnosed with a mild case of mania

But either way, that's the Surefire technique to collect SSI disability benefits, instead of having to find a job like normal people

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dba7f1  No.361337

But then again, these days, everything has gone to hell so badly, that it's hard to find a decent psychiatrist anymore

The education system has dropped so low, that people are graduating college, unable to spell on the 4th grade level…

And these days, Pharmaceutical Representatives are the ones in control, being the deciding factor in literally millions of incorrect psychiatric diagnoses

So there's definitely a slim possibility that you actually were diagnosed with schizophrenia, even though obviously it's not correct. If you had schizophrenia, I would have noticed it immediately

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dba7f1  No.361338

If I'm not mistaken you have a Samsung phone

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dba7f1  No.361339

Am I correct in my assumption that you have a Samsung phone?

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dba7f1  No.361340

And depending on your carrier, you either got the Samsung in a promotional rebate for switching carriers.. or you spent more than half of an entire month SSI benefits on the phone

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dba7f1  No.361341

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume you got the Samsung in a rebate promotional offer, basically paying nothing for the phone

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dba7f1  No.361342

That way you can blend in with the Enemy better, right?

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dba7f1  No.361343

( I hate to say it, but your wardrobe coordinator is the Real Enemy )

But I don't have you pegged as a Verizon or AT&T type of customer

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dba7f1  No.361344

But then again, you still live with your mother, so there's always a very strong likelihood that she simply put you on a family plan, and it was cheaper than having to pay for your own separate line, the way she used to do before you applied for SSI

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dba7f1  No.361345

But then again, you have an Irish name

So I guess you're just trying to blend in with the ariens?

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dba7f1  No.361346

You were given an Irish name at birth, and that's not exactlyAryan

So you're just trying to blend in with them?

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dba7f1  No.361347

You've got an Irish name, red hair, and you wear negro clothes..

I guess you really DO need to blend in with the imaginary Aryan "race", huh?

Because there's nothing even vaguely Germanic about you

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4b6541  No.361348

File: 1fdae61c3415ac6⋯.jpg (44.22 KB, 720x538, 360:269, _20230129_231348.JPG)

well obviously I don't exhibit symptoms of schizophrenia because I'm on meds dumdum, you know one major symptom you show though?

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dba7f1  No.361349

I'm actually German, as in my family's actually from Germany….


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dba7f1  No.361350


No.. that's not true.. obviously, you don't understand the mechanism of action regarding a typical antipsychotics, or their effect on the patient's affect

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dba7f1  No.361351


Not actually effective against organic psychiatric disorders at all.. don't do anything to eliminate the organic disorder, or even subdue the symptoms.

in fact, even the pharmaceutical manufacturers have no idea exactly how atyypical antipsychotics work, or even more frightening, IF they work at all….

But they don't really care if it works or not, because atypical antipsychotics are designed to CHANGE CORE PERSONALITY….


Without eliminating the organic psychiatric disorder, these medications simply CHANGEYOU


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dba7f1  No.361352



They figure if they can make you lose touch with yourself, you'll become less of an annoyance to society

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dba7f1  No.361353

Basically chemical straitjackets

They work by making you no longer even realize who you are

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dba7f1  No.361354

They're not designed to cure your brain chemistry

They are designed to ruin your brain chemistry even worse than it already was

To modify and eventually eliminate your sense of self

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dba7f1  No.361355


I realize you chat room culture video game guys like to repeat the same Trend following cheesy unoriginal trendy catch phrases that got worn out 10 years ago

The same old tired catch phrases like ROASTIE, CHAD, STACY, NORMIE

and AUTISM…..

or SPERG….

You talk about roasties, actually believing women's labia was created by having too much sex.. because you guys have never seen a vagina in real life

You talk about normies, actually thinking there's something wrong with people who learned how to fit in with society, how to secure a beautiful girlfriend, how to pay their own bills and live like an adult

(unaware that you're ABNORMIES)

And you like to toss around psychological terminology, like schizo and autism and Aspergers…

But if you didn't drop out of school, and you had proceeded on to college, and studied psychology on a Collegiate level like I have, you would be well aware ASPERGER'S and AUTISM areCOMMUNICATION DISORDERS

And yes, I'm well aware the DSM-5 included autism spectrum into its organic psychiatric disorder category…

But I'm 100% confident that will be changed by the publication of the dsm-7

because autism and Asperger's disorder are not psychiatric disorders, and are actually nothing more than AN INABILITY TO CONNECT, a COMMUNICATION DISORDER

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dba7f1  No.361356

File: fa751f0726e6213⋯.jpg (132.63 KB, 1080x1424, 135:178, Picsart_23_01_04_22_38_40_….jpg)

I'm a piece of shit, and that's not a secret…

in fact, I began including the term PIECE OF SHIT into my logo 30 years ago

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dba7f1  No.361357

File: 70f7da18f9b7db7⋯.jpg (92.61 KB, 1411x1411, 1:1, Picsart_23_01_04_23_09_32_….jpg)

This was my logo for my art business since I was 18.. about 30 years ago, I updated it by including the term "PIECE OF SHIT"..

That way, nobody could accuse me of trying to hide the truth

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dba7f1  No.361358

File: ae0ef45b040b82d⋯.jpg (101.69 KB, 1056x886, 528:443, PicsArt_10_12_06_04_52.jpg)

The same way I proudly tell people about my arrest for extortion charges

I've got nothing to hide

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dba7f1  No.361359

File: d8823e0f456301f⋯.jpg (148.26 KB, 1080x1344, 45:56, i_get_more_pussy_than_you.jpg)


an inability to CONNECT with people

Exactly what about me seems like I have a problem connecting with people or communicating?

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dba7f1  No.361360

File: 459eb4e12b9241c⋯.jpg (167.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PicsArt_08_07_06_57_57.jpg)


That's been one of my greatest strengths since I was 12 years old, and I finally decided to just be myself, and stop trying to fit in with people who weren't even worthy of my time

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dba7f1  No.361361

File: d5f900170165e48⋯.jpg (66.16 KB, 476x366, 238:183, d5f900170165e48c7f7463ac6d….jpg)


Another one of my strong points

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dba7f1  No.361362

File: 5c6c9181c854dbe⋯.jpg (69.05 KB, 689x505, 689:505, Picsart_23_01_29_18_41_10_….jpg)

I know what you've been wondering all this time.. trust me, I'm well aware of what you've been wondering about…

"was that aREALSecret Service Shirt Neptune was wearing when his wife came home with his newborn son?"

YES….. yes it WAS….

Believe it or not, I knew a cocaine dealer in Memphis Tennessee, and although I think cocaine is the stupidest drug available, one of my friends most loyal customers was a US secret service agent

and my friend owed me some money, so I told him, " just give me the Secret Service shirt and we'll call it even"

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dba7f1  No.361363

File: e47fdc74f55e778⋯.jpg (296.91 KB, 958x1024, 479:512, Picsart_23_01_29_18_35_53_….jpg)

I'm definitely apiece of shit

But this piece of shit has no problem connecting with people, no problem instantly connecting with complete strangers, being able to read people really well, and adapt my behavior so I can fit into basically any group at any time…

I'm just as comfortable fitting in with millionaires at fancy restaurants as I am comfortable fitting in with complete fucking losers in a Georgia Department of Corrections prison…

And I've never been accused of not being able to communicate very well

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dba7f1  No.361364

File: 4b8126f84c48c1d⋯.jpg (591.59 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Picsart_23_01_29_18_38_28_….jpg)


That's how I got my job as a nightclub doorman at the age of 15

Even though I looked older than 15, it was my ability to connect with others that led to getting hired as the doorman had a nightclub, even though I was 3 years too young to be in the nightclub in the first place…


That might explain my beautiful absolutely brilliant genius registered nurse 36-year-old girlfriend when I was 16 years old…

And it would explain my presence at frat parties in athens, UGA when I was only 13 years old.. and I fit in splendidly.. nobody ever complained about having a 13 year old kid hanging out with them, because I communicated with them on their level

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dba7f1  No.361365

File: 26bb2c2c94f5515⋯.jpg (105.21 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Picsart_23_01_29_18_36_27_….jpg)

Yes.. the DSM-5 felt somewhat pressured, and they included autism and Asperger's in the DSM-5 along with other organic psychiatric disorders…

But I am 100% confident within a few years, they are going to reevaluate the status of organic psychiatric disorder, and realize autism does not belong in this category

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dba7f1  No.361366

The last honest legitimate version of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders was theDSM-IV, which was published in 1994…

19 years later, in the year 2013, they published theDAM-V, in which they bowed to political correct wokeness pressure, and included autism and OCD as psychiatric disorders.. which obviously, they aren't….


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dba7f1  No.361367

File: d892a9742165000⋯.jpg (324.54 KB, 1127x2048, 1127:2048, Picsart_23_01_29_18_57_51_….jpg)

The DSM is a pretty thick book, and surprisingly enough.. very little of the book contains organic psychiatric disorders…

In fact, I've taken the liberty of creating an orange area in this photograph, as an illustrative tool to help you understand how small the section about organic psychiatric disorders is…

( and to be quite honest with you, I made the orange section A little bit larger than it actually should be )

Because only a tiny little section of that big old book discusses organic psychiatric disorders….

the rest of the book is about


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dba7f1  No.361368

File: 4d720597f80c239⋯.jpg (70.26 KB, 1080x523, 1080:523, Picsart_23_01_29_19_11_36_….jpg)


If this book was the DSM (it's not)

the BLUE SECTION would be larger than the DSM section aboutorganic psychiatric disorders

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dba7f1  No.361369

File: 308d420109336d0⋯.jpg (240.02 KB, 2230x1080, 223:108, Picsart_23_01_29_19_16_41_….jpg)

if this was the DSM (it's not)

the PURPLE SECTION would represent the sections about BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS

Behavioral disorders areNOTpsychiatric disorders…..

They are simply behaviors.. people behaving in weird ways

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dba7f1  No.361377


Unlike psychiatric disorders, behavioral disorders are completely voluntary, simply doing weird behaviors..

like OCD… obsessive compulsive disorder isnota psychiatric disorder…

It's simply a behavioral disorder, and has nothing to do with mental illness…

Certain people don't have the intelligence or coping skills too resolve issues in their life, so these weirdos tend to bottle things up inside, and let it slowly tear away at them…

Instead of confronting the unresolved issue add-on, and finally putting it behind them, these people end up manifesting bizarre behaviors, like turning light switches on and off over and over and over again…

or washing their hands 37 times in a row…

This is their way of exerting control over external situations, instead of learning to embrace the fact that they had no control over certain situations in their childhood…

There is no medication to TRULY treat Behavioral disorders, because they are not actual psychiatric illnesses… So they will often prescribe medicines to treat other conditions, like anxiety, depression, or simply give you an SSRI, because why not? That's what the pharmaceutical reps are urging psychiatrists to sell…

anxiolytics, antidepressants & SSRIs will not make somebody stop repeating a behavior they have become fixated on, but psychiatrists will still prescribe these medicines, because stupid people might be dumb enough to think they are cured after taking them…

The cure for behavioral disorders is


Quite literally.. you can pay therapists to follow you around and tell you "stop flicking the light switch" or "stop washing your hands"…

Just simply STOP doing that behavior….

Stop repeatedly engaging in that bizarre behavior, and you are cured.. because behavioral disorders are not legitimate psychiatric disorders

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dba7f1  No.361379


When a person suddenly forgets who they are, and winds up in some strange location, engaging in bizarre behavior, oftentimes calling themselves a different name…


A man from Chicago named Daryl Hamilton might suddenly "wake up" standing in a bar in Toledo, after hours of introducing himself as 'Sam Davison', flat broke after buying rounds of drinks for the entire bar…

suddenly, Daryl will "snap out of it" realize he's not supposed to be there, realize he's not Sam Davidson, realize he's spent all his money, and he will jump in his car and drive back to Chicago….

insane, right ?


Even dissociative fugue is nothing more than abehavioral disorder

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dba7f1  No.361380

You might say you don't believe in psychology, but that's not true..

Of course you believe in psychology

People who always claim not to prescribe to psychology, who claim they don't believe in psychology.. those are the people who are terrified someone might look under the hood and realize how fucked up they are in their head…

Those are people who have never even bothered to lift a finger and glean even the most basic primal understanding of psychology…

They are afraid of it.. they are afraid of what they don't understand about it, and they are terrified somebody with training might detect a mental illness in them…

If they actually took out the time to research psychology a little bit, they would be surprised to learn it's actually all quite valid…


that's it…….

that's all…..

That's why the section about psychiatric disorders is so small in the DSM…

There are only TWO authentic organic psychiatric disorders :

- schizophrenia

- manic depression

that's all….. the other 95% of the DSM is about behavioral disorders

(again: I refuse to play the politically correct woke game, so I do not agree with the inclusion of autism spectrum disorder)

It's schizophrenia and bipolar.. that's it

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dba7f1  No.361382

Schizophrenia is a dissociative disorder

in which one dissociates from themself.

So why isn't dissociative fugue a psychiatric disorder?

Because the person with dissociative fugue is simply behaving "crazy"….

They do not have schizophrenia

They do not have bipolar disorder

They simply have unresolved issues from their past, and they deal with it by BEHAVING "crazy"….

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dba7f1  No.361383

File: f2841ca52be523a⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1080x1486, 540:743, Picsart_23_01_29_21_21_35_….png)


I realize you don't want to lose your monthly benefits….

You've grown comfortable with them, and the last thing on earth you want to do is to GO GET A JOB

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dba7f1  No.361384


I realize you don't want to lose your monthly benefits….

You've grown comfortable with them, and the last thing on earth you want to do is to GO GET A JOB….

So you have no desire to see a qualified psychiatrist and get a better diagnosis.

I'm sure you are worried they might tell you "you're totally sane!! You don't have a psychiatric disorder after all!"

Because that would mean the end of your disability benefits, and the beginning of a life of clocking in at a job, busting your ass, and getting paid by the hour, paying taxes, etc etc

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dba7f1  No.361385

File: 1d1665d7d6d3437⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1910x1080, 191:108, Picsart_23_01_29_19_51_26_….png)


Although I don't think you have schizophrenia, or schizoaffective disorder.. I am 90% sure you actually do have a mild form of manic depression.

Just like autism spectrum, schizophrenia and manic depression also arespectrums

There's a wide range of symptoms and manifestations.. it's not a cookie cutter diagnosis…

I've seen you dance.. I've watched you engage in slightly manic, pseudo enthusiastic flights of creative ideas…

But you never finish them….

You will get fast streaming ideas in your head, and you will envision a way to execute these creative ideas.. but generally speaking, you lose Steam early on and never end up completing them

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dba7f1  No.361386

And I believe that's because you have a dual diagnosis, both a mild case of manic depression, and also a mild case of attention deficit disorder

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dba7f1  No.361387

And now you have a legitimate diagnosis

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dba7f1  No.361388

You could still receive your SSI disability benefits, even with the correct diagnosis

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dba7f1  No.361389

File: fb5e4231fa948b6⋯.png (2.77 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, PicsArt_05_12_06_30_13.png)

But understanding your psychiatric disorder is important, because that's the way you can learn to take control of your situationwithout medication

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dba7f1  No.361390

Bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression) is generally associated with intelligence…

People with legitimate bipolar disorder are generally smarter than other people, and have an ability to "jump into tasks" and master them with no training whatsoever….


Schizophrenia is generally associated with a lack of intelligence, the total opposite of bipolar people, schizophrenics do not have the ability to jump into tasks and master them without training.. generally speaking, people with schizophrenia are stupid….


and YOU areNOTstupid

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dba7f1  No.361391


You're not nearly as intelligent as you should be, (simply because you have not been exposed to the right things, and the concepts that appeal to you are immature) but you're definitely not stupid…

The way you respond in your comments does not indicate the flat line stupidity of schizophrenia.

There is occasionally "fire" in your thoughts & words….

enthusiasm….. energy….. drive….

That's exactly why I don't think you have schizophrenia

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dba7f1  No.361392


if you would stop gravitating to immature childish trendy fads and cliches, and start hanging out with a higher caliber of friends, and start gravitating towards Artistic Endeavors


Because you're not stupid

You simply behave stupid, but you are not stupid

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dba7f1  No.361393


for example :


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dba7f1  No.361394


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dba7f1  No.361395

ALESANA = the polar opposite of COOL

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dba7f1  No.361396

ALESANA = a confused fashion trend

Alesana is confused whether they are emo, screamo, post-hardcore, or simply gay

it's CRAP

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dba7f1  No.361397



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dba7f1  No.361398

ALESANA : appeals to immature, angry, pity-seeking, confused, self-loathing misfits

Of course they are misfits

Only a misfit would listen to garbage bullshit fake fashion trend music

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dba7f1  No.361399

ALESANA = music for people who still haven't discovered their taste in music

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dba7f1  No.361400

ALESANA = childish immature embarrassing fashion trend for angry Misfits

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dba7f1  No.361401

Can you guess which song by Alesana I actually like?…..

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dba7f1  No.361402

there ISN'T one

Their music is a garbage fashion trend

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