since the Soviet Union was dissolved on December 31, 1991 its really not much of a "psychic prediction" for ANYBODY to hypothesized on a possible for a long period of time struggle between Russia and ukraine, for all of the historical reasons I won't even waste time explaining…
It's not my fault if you never learned the history of Ukraine and Russia, but let it suffice to say ANYBODY could easily predict eventual conflict. .
And it doesn't have to be George Santos
Because even a school child could have easily predicted what was going to eventually occur
==NOT TO MENTION : the conflict with ukraine wasn't a surprise to anybody (unless they were uneducated, unknowledgeable, uninformed fools like you) because the conflict has been going on full steam ahead for years and years and years.. from the dobass region bombing of Ukrainian citizens by their own government, simply because those people wanted to still be part of Russia like the old days…
Forget Crimea and all of that other stuff, which is huge, but let's just pretend you didn't know anything about Crimea (which you dont)
For the past 8 years, Ukraine has been bombing their own citizens in the donbass region… and Putin has been extremely vocal, outspoken.. he hasn't missed any words, so none of this comes as a surprise to anybody who's been paying attention