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File: ecdf5a14cbb4107⋯.png (114.91 KB, 1329x646, 1329:646, 325423354.png)

c46a86  No.360698


George Soros Predicted Russia-Ukraine War In 1993, Desired To Use Europeans As Cannon Fodder

As the war in Ukraine rages on, there is little doubt that the human cost has been enormous for Ukraine, including what is likely more than 100,000 soldiers who have died in combat operations: https://rmx.news/russia/us-military-general-estimates-over-100000-russians-killed-or-wounded-in-ukraine/

However, there was one man who predicted much of what has come to pass in the battle in the east of Europe: George Soros.

The billionaire oligarch financier, often portrayed as a humanist, promoted a hard-nosed geopolitical strategy in his 1993 piece entitled “Toward a New World Order: The Future of NATO.”: https://www.georgesoros.com/1993/11/01/toward-a-new-world-order-the-future-of-nato/

In the piece, he outlines how Eastern Europeans could be used as the “manpower” in coming conflicts in an effort to reduce the number of deaths in Western countries, which Soros argues the West would not politically tolerate, unlike the east of Europe.

“The United States would not be called upon to act as the policeman of the world. When it acts, it would act in conjunction with others. Incidentally, the combination of manpower from Eastern Europe with the technical capabilities of NATO would greatly enhance the military potential of the Partnership because it would reduce the risk of body bags for NATO countries, which is the main constraint on their willingness to act. This is a viable alternative to the looming world disorder,” wrote Soros in the article.

Soros acknowledges that the NATO countries have no appetite for “body bags,” but his statement implicitly indicates that Eastern Europeans can fill this role.

What Soros described appears to be unfolding exactly as he predicted regarding the war in Ukraine. Armed with high-end NATO weapons, Ukrainian soldiers are actively countering Russia, which Soros had already feared would become a nationalist nation opposed to the global order he was promoting in 1993. The powerful Western countries have the necessary weapons, and Ukraine has the manpower. Given that Soros already saw the potential of what this symbiotic match could produce on the battlefield decades in advance will likely bolster his reputation as a calculating — and perhaps ruthless — strategic thinker.


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c46a86  No.360699


As Soros predicted, Ukrainian society appears to be tolerating the high death toll in its current conflict with Russia. During the Vietnam War, the U.S. lost 58,220 over the course of approximately 10 years, and yet, the war saw strong opposition from the American public. Despite a far higher death toll in a far shorter period of time, Ukrainian society has seen little in terms of protests.

The lack of protest in Ukraine may also be helped by the fact that Ukraine has suspended most of civil society, banned opposition parties and media, and even outlawed the Russian Orthodox Church. Another key factor in society’s perspective on the conflict is that the war is taking place on Ukrainian soil, which is a highly motivating factor for Ukrainian soldiers.

All those Ukrainian bodies, of course, have come with a major price tag for Russia, with the country’s cemeteries also filling up as quickly or even more so. Exact figures on casualties for either side remain unofficial and are likely inexact, but the war is costing both nations dearly in terms of life.

In the same article, Soros called for a “new world order.” The term is often derided in establishment media as a conspiracy theory, but Soros openly uses it. In addition, in the piece, the new world order he calls for is remarkably globalist and centralized. In other words, exactly the type of new world order critics of his, such as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, have been warning about for over a decade.

“Therefore, the only basis for action is collective security. And that is where the problem lies. The collapse of the Soviet empire has created a collective security problem of the utmost gravity. Without a new world order, there will be disorder; that much is clear. But who will act as the world’s policeman? That is the question that needs to be answered,” Soros wrote.

Soros outlines a number of his theories in the piece, referring to open and closed societies as well as the “theory of revolutionary change,” which he said he had also applied to financial markets. The billionaire describes how the dissolution of the Soviet Union presented new global security challenges but also "opportunities" $$$$$$$$$$.


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1d5133  No.360701

File: 994a4fd99b7ec78⋯.png (432.63 KB, 680x412, 170:103, FnML7NJWQAU_CgM.png)


George Soros was a drag queen

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1d5133  No.360702

File: 267914da5291bca⋯.jpg (78.07 KB, 860x768, 215:192, Picsart_23_01_24_23_54_37_….jpg)

After Lisa Marie killed herself, George Soros realized he was the only remaining child of Elvis Presley.

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1d5133  No.360703

File: 3de031944be1f73⋯.jpg (110.52 KB, 1059x651, 353:217, Picsart_23_01_24_23_52_55_….jpg)

George Soros predicted he'd be the first man on the moon, and he was right

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71933d  No.360722

File: b932772aab5416c⋯.jpg (354.56 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, Picsart_23_01_25_11_17_27_….jpg)

George Soros was Elvis

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b9c352  No.360734


since the Soviet Union was dissolved on December 31, 1991 its really not much of a "psychic prediction" for ANYBODY to hypothesized on a possible for a long period of time struggle between Russia and ukraine, for all of the historical reasons I won't even waste time explaining…

It's not my fault if you never learned the history of Ukraine and Russia, but let it suffice to say ANYBODY could easily predict eventual conflict. .

And it doesn't have to be George Santos

Because even a school child could have easily predicted what was going to eventually occur

==NOT TO MENTION : the conflict with ukraine wasn't a surprise to anybody (unless they were uneducated, unknowledgeable, uninformed fools like you) because the conflict has been going on full steam ahead for years and years and years.. from the dobass region bombing of Ukrainian citizens by their own government, simply because those people wanted to still be part of Russia like the old days…

Forget Crimea and all of that other stuff, which is huge, but let's just pretend you didn't know anything about Crimea (which you dont)

For the past 8 years, Ukraine has been bombing their own citizens in the donbass region… and Putin has been extremely vocal, outspoken.. he hasn't missed any words, so none of this comes as a surprise to anybody who's been paying attention

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b9c352  No.360735

Ukraine is corrupt as hell

It's not a secret.. the entire world's political and intelligence community has long accepted the fact that Ukraine is plagued with corruption, always has been, and unless something changed, would have always remained corrupt

And Putin kept warning them he wasn't going to be patient forever.. he was overly diplomatic and straightforward, making it very clear that his patients was wearing thin

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b9c352  No.360736

But the Donbass bombings are only the past EIGHT years…..

The corruption and injustices and war crimes and payoffs have been occurring for decades

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b9c352  No.360737

It's not like any of this just appeared out of the blue.. unless you're an uninformed idiot, of course

Something tells meyouare one of those uninformed idiots

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b9c352  No.360738


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b9c352  No.360739

You seem to think George Santos was psychic back in 1993

Which is really weird, because he wasn't even born back then

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