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2c2848  No.360695


What Most People DON'T KNOW About Surviving A Nuclear War


Electric cars Will Be USELESS PAPER WEIGHT Once Global Commodity Supply Chains Collapse



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edb50b  No.360707


whatyoudon't know about reality:

a lot…. A LOT

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edb50b  No.360712



You are so fucking stupid, that you actually assumed "everybody else" is equally as stupid as you?

you stupidly assumed that PEOPLE DONT KNOW ABOUT EMPs????

hahahahahahaha you stupid fucking idiot


and your idiotic thread would seem to suggest that electric cars are more vulnerable than old-fashioned gas models, when that's simply not true !!



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edb50b  No.360713


there's SO MUCH you don't know, that it would be easier to list the things you DO know….

what you DO know :

3 words

It's been 3 years since covid, and you're still sitting here out of touch and out of time, like a broken record repeating your same Mantra from 3 years ago

that's 1,095 DAYS

1,095 NIGHTS

That you could have been

learning about virology

26,280 HOURS

That you could

have been self-educating

1,576,800 MINUTES

That you could have been

Researching Immunology

Teaching yourself

Learning medical facts

Giving yourself credibility

Minimizing the foot in your mouth

but you didn't want to learn


Pretending to have knowledge is a lot easier than actually learning something, I'll give you that much..

And as always, you took the easy way out again.. in 1,095 days since covid, you only learnedTHREE WORDS


that's it…. justthreewords….

For the past 2 years and 7 months, it was onlytwowords

"spike protein" "spike protein"

"spike protein" "spike protein"

And it was obvious you didn't understand what spike proteins were, and you were simply repeating the words to make it sound like you had knowledge about viruses.

only recently did you suddenly add PRION to your vocabulary, making ita THREE WORD MEDICAL VOCABULARY

( but when you only have two words in your vocabulary, adding one more is a 50% improval so not bad….. well played, sir. Well played )

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edb50b  No.360714


It's been 1,095 days and you could oy memorize THREE WORDS?


THREE WORDS….. in 1,095 days….

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edb50b  No.360715


It's a shame you've never learned how to teach yourself how to learn

Seriously.. I find it frightening that an adult would have survived all these decades without ever teaching himself how to learn

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edb50b  No.360716

Because you owe it to yourself to take a break from "pretending to have knowledge", and invest a little time into ACTUALLY LEARNING….

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edb50b  No.360717


I have an assignment for you:

Over the weekend, I want you to research the term BACTERIOPHAGE


im actually going to help you through this… I'm going to hold your hand and walk you through the process of teaching yourself how to learn

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edb50b  No.360718

you'll have Thursday, Friday, Saturday ( and it's not like you've got any vagina scheduled over the weekend, so you'll have plenty of time) AND Sunday…

so you might want to get started right now.. because Monday we will have a little pop quiz

so I want you to be able to hold a coherent conversation about Bacteriophages, as opposed to Prophages, okay?

it's really not as complicated as you seem to think

and you'll catch on quickly…..

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edb50b  No.360719




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edb50b  No.360720


"Electric cars Will Be USELESS PAPER WEIGHT Once Global Commodity Supply Chains Collapse"

a useless paperweight like YOU?

like a BEANBAG, when thrown on the floor, it just LAYS THERE…… right beanbag?

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edb50b  No.360721


and to think…..

Your failures had nothing to do with any global commodity supply chain collapse

You've been dead weight for decades

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d14d50  No.360725


Since every electronic device is susceptible to emps from nuclear blast or even directed EMP weapons.. everything from toasters to microwave ovens to cell phones to fuel pumps to credit card readers… EVERY electronic device would go down, I find it kind of strange that you picked electric vehicles

That just goes to proof you are biased, you chose electric vehicles because you think that represents the leftists that you claim to hate so much

You're such a pathetic fucking loser that you thought you could present a symbol of leftist ideals, the electric vehicle.. and use it as some kind of Leverage in your idiotic argument

Who cares about electric vehicles when people should really be worried about their radio not working? You won't be able to pump gas in a pickup truck when the fuel pumps don't work

Your pickup truck won't even start.. nothing will work. So why did you exclusively mention electric vehicles?

A: because you are an uneducated small-minded little man who clings to the Past, and always waste people's time with your complaints and fabricated psychic abilities.. you like to picture yourself as the town crier, Nostradamus who warned everybody about the future…. because you're terrified of the future



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d14d50  No.360726


For many many many many years now.. you have lived in fear of today…

youpretendto be afraid of tomorrow

but that's all an act…..


You're afraid of TODAY

because you're not part of it

the world moved Beyond You a long time ago, and you're still stuck in that same place, terrified of today, because you are no longer part of today

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d14d50  No.360727

I'm sorry you live in fear, too afraid to move forward, terrified of your ever-increasing irrelevance and soon you will be gone and forgotten…

But if anybody was unlucky enough to actually remember you, all of their memories would involve aterrified man

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d14d50  No.360728

a terrified man

Clinging to the Past

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d14d50  No.360730

translation :


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a22279  No.360745

anti-slide bump

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a22279  No.360755


#1: An EMP event would only fry anything plugged into the electrical grid and anything online.

#2: If an electronic is in "cold storage" (meaning not plugged in or in use) it will be safe from the EMP as long as it is a far enough distance from the actual EMP event.

#3 We preppers have faraday cages! This is when you box up important electronics and cover those boxes in conductive material. In the event of an EMP, the pulse will go around the conductive material while protecting the electronics inside the faraday cage.

#4 There is something known as whole-house EMP surge protectors, which are commonly used by military and government agencies too. They also sell them for residential use and you can hook one up to your fuse box, or have an electrician install one for you. (These are NOT regular surge protectors sold in stores, you must buy these specially from certified companies and they do cost a pretty penny! Average price today is around $450) This protects the main bus bars (or "phases") from massive voltage spikes that would normally fry everything you have plugged into the power grid.

#5 There are such things as "low tech" and "no tech" off-grid utilities you can use to survive after an EMP. An example of "low tech" would be having a propane generator you could utilize with extra propane storage, "no tech" would be like having a wood burning stove to heat your home during the winter. There are plenty of "low tech" and "no tech" solutions on the market to help you prepare for these kinds of events!

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a22279  No.360756


WRONG. A prepared man who is ready to survive what is coming and willing to defend his family and private property at any and all cost. Are you?

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c8a31b  No.360809

true n



s bumparoo

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1f08f4  No.360926


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