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aba7f7 No.360673

The US Made A Breakthrough Battery Discovery, Then The US Government Gave The Technology To China

When a group of engineers and researchers gathered in a warehouse in Mukilteo, Wash., 10 years ago, they knew they were onto something big. They scrounged up tables and chairs, cleared out space in the parking lot for experiments and got to work.

They were building a battery — a vanadium redox flow battery — based on a design created by two dozen U.S. scientists at a government lab. The batteries were about the size of a refrigerator, held enough energy to power a house, and could be used for decades. The engineers pictured people plunking them down next to their air conditioners, attaching solar panels to them, and everyone living happily ever after off the grid.

But that's not what happened. Instead of the batteries becoming the next great American success story, the warehouse is now shuttered and empty. All the employees who worked there were laid off. And more than 5,200 miles away, a Chinese company is hard at work making the batteries in Dalian, China.

The Chinese company didn't steal this technology. It was given to them — by the U.S. Department of Energy. First in 2017, as part of a sublicense, and later, in 2021, as part of a license transfer. An investigation by NPR and the Northwest News Network found the federal agency allowed the technology and jobs to move overseas, violating its own licensing rules while failing to intervene on behalf of U.S. workers in multiple instances.

Now, China has forged ahead, investing millions into the cutting-edge green technology that was supposed to help keep the US and its economy out front.

Department of Energy officials declined NPR's request for an interview to explain how the technology that cost U.S. taxpayers millions of dollars ended up in China. After NPR sent department officials written questions outlining the timeline of events, the federal agency terminated the license with the Chinese company, Dalian Rongke Power Co. Ltd.

Forever Energy, a Bellevue, Wash., based company, is one of several U.S. companies that have been trying to get a license from the Department of Energy to make the batteries. Joanne Skievaski, Forever Energy's chief financial officer, has been trying to get hold of a license for more than a year and called the department's decision to allow foreign manufacturing "mind boggling."

It took six years and more than 15 million taxpayer dollars for the scientists to uncover what they believed was the perfect vanadium battery recipe. Others had made similar batteries with vanadium, but this mix was twice as powerful and did not appear to degrade the way cellphone batteries or even car batteries do. The researchers found the batteries capable of charging and recharging for as long as 30 years.





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735d75 No.360691






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7ac3ca No.360746

anti-slide real news

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8562c3 No.360808

anti-slide real news

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9cfb57 No.360930

bumping factual news

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abe3a7 No.361060

bumping factual dedicated real news

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e913e3 No.362154

bumping actual news

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069a63 No.362326

anti-slide real actual news

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53b6b6 No.362696

Western world is being collapsed by design, no more debating it.

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57b2ad No.362957

ᵃᶮᶡї—ᶳᶩᴵɖᵊ —mß°Ÿa0š

Dt!„Á33ª`ši ûêæ—øßoú÷o}Wýÿuï_×}¿m/ÿÿ

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53b6b6 No.363004

bumping ethical news

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79893c No.363322

bumping factual news

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65b3b8 No.365562

bumping dedicated real news

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c1a6f4 No.365648

You all have been warned what is inevitable and you all choose to ignore reality. You have openly accepted evil and will perish in damnation. You will see your nation destroyed before your very eyes, no one is coming to save you.

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deeec3 No.365714

Bumping true news

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c2cfed No.366421

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.366779

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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79893c No.367495

What are you trying to slide Johnny?

US State Department Funding Secret Disinformation Crusade To Blacklist Real News



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The US Made A Breakthrough Battery Discovery, Then The US Government Gave The Technology To China



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000000 No.367904

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368383

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.369609

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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