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f05091  No.359852

and I have no sex drive… I'm basically a eunuch…


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f05091  No.359853

I am a life failure


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f05091  No.359854

together, Ashley and I will mooch off her mother And spend our days pretending we are important while riding free library wifi

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f05091  No.359855

I am 42 years old, and I never learned how to wipe my own ass

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f05091  No.359856

I don't even BATHE

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f05091  No.359857

Ashley Schneider doesn't bathe either

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f05091  No.359858

Ashley and I both stink up local libraries

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f05091  No.359859

I smell like stale sour sebum & feces

Ashley smells like perspiration and yeast infection

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f05091  No.359860

we are perfect for eachother

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f05091  No.359861

Ashley Schneider lacks the essence of my feces

and I lack the essence of her vaginal yeast infection

together we can accomplish ANYTHING

as long as it doesn't require a job or money

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f05091  No.359862

I am eager to begin mooching off Ashley's mother

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f05091  No.359863

I am going to MOOCH a Greyhound ticket to FOND DU LAC WISCONSIN

and appear at500 ALLEN STREETunannounced

and begin MOOCHING off Darcey L Klotzbach

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f05091  No.359864

the same way ASHLEY NICOLE SCHNEIDER mooches cigarettes from her mother

I intend on mooching ELF BARS


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