you wallow in the wasted effort of fantasy, pretending as if you have some imaginary level of importance on this planet
the schizophrenia is a dissociative disorder, which only exacerbates your weird fantastical fabulous far-fetched delusions of importance
you look like a hairball a cat coughed up 20 years ago and a dog ate it and shit it back out
you literally smell like stale sebum and feces
you are absolutely disgusting, because you don't even exercise the most basic levels of hygiene
you think you're intelligent, but most schizophrenics entertain the delusion of an imaginary intelligence state cannot demonstrate in real life
if you were even vaguely intelligent, you would have a roof over your head, a woman who loves you, a source of income, and the ability to take a bath without waiting for the next homeless nigger to get out of the Salvation Army shower stall
you are obviously a fucking idiot