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File: b730f52e63828a5⋯.png (369.92 KB, 1145x1430, 229:286, 819D4EDA_3C1A_4126_8D2B_10….png)

916eea  No.359427

my first ever post here.

ive been doing some heavy countersemitic posting on 4chan in the past few months, suddenly 2 days ago ive been blocked from completing the captcha by cloudflare.

now /pol/ is just a load of threads written by trannys calling everyone chuds and promoting ukraine along with a few /r9k/ type demoralisation.

everyone based has now been excluded from posting by cloudflare.

oh well. i guess this is my website now. hello niggers

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e1d387  No.359429


We don't want you here either, faggot. Go play in traffic. This is an ANTIFA board.

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bde92a  No.359432

File: 7f0ce015d7a9e01⋯.png (201.95 KB, 1145x1430, 229:286, Picsart_23_01_06_17_14_18_….png)


You've been doing some heavy counter-semitism, huh ?

For a couple months now?

That's fascinating.


because you don't have a job

And everybody knows unemployed men can't support themselves

You've been sitting on your lazy week unemployed ass for a couple months focusing your energy on sissy boy 4chan….

so you live with your mommy, and she pays your way through life, because her little baby sissy Hitler can't support himself?

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bde92a  No.359433

File: 441c1d1fce0b6d5⋯.png (361.15 KB, 1145x1430, 229:286, Picsart_23_01_06_17_21_06_….png)

Let me make sure I understand this, Adolf….

It was the middle of a work day, and you're sitting there butt hurt about getting banned like a bitch from SISSYBOY 4CHAN….

And you openly admit you've been wasting your existence like this per months…….


The inferior unemployed white supremacist who still lives with his mommy and refuses to get a job? Do I understand it so far?

Have you considered filing for SSI disability to prove exactly how Superior you are?

I know the ladies get very turned on by the superiority of welfare benefits

I I bet your mother has hinted more than once that you need to get your ass down to the welfare office and apply for benefits

But you've probably refused because YOURE AUPERIOR !!

There's no way you're going to stoop to the level of becoming a welfare bum, right?

HINT: so you simply turned your mother into the welfare agency instead, isn't that right little boy? boy?

It doesn't matter who's wiping your ass, as long as you are mooching off somebody, you are a welfare bum

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bde92a  No.359434

File: 46d2a8603549291⋯.png (84.64 KB, 1145x1430, 229:286, Picsart_23_01_06_15_04_21_….png)

My name is Johnny.. this isn't my first time posting here.. this is my fucking board, and it has been ever since the day I stumbled in here and scared everybody else away

This board was perfect for me, because it used to be a pseudo imitation of /pol/ (the embarrassing effeminate daycare center for introverted lonely sexual failures that sent you packing recently)

And since little boys like you have never accomplished that goddamn thing with your lives, never seen a vagina in real life, never one or lost a fist fight in your life, and you don't even have the balls to look a woman in the eyes and introduce yourself…. OF COURSE you thought pretending like you were Superior to other people was "good enough"…

I'm aware back at your little 4chan fagshow, the other social and sexual Misfits played along, everybody circle jerking each other….

Everybody pointing a finger at some other category of human, and insisting you were better than them

see… I don't give a fuck if you point your finger at blacks or at Jews or at Mexicans or at women or at gays or at Democrats or Dolly Parton for that matter

Because that's your distraction technique, and it means nothing to me

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bde92a  No.359435

File: fe78cf14f9df131⋯.png (267.34 KB, 1145x1430, 229:286, Picsart_23_01_06_15_14_08_….png)

Because this is not your little Safe Haven from 4chan

When I found this dead shit hole of a board, I was a bit of a buzzard.. I scavenged the cadaver of the former board known as /pnd/

All the insides have been gutted out, and now it's just an empty shell matter of bones with a little bit of fur stretched around the frame

And the Buzzard crawled inside the cadaver, waiting for unsuspecting idiots to come stumbling in here after being banned from /pol/

lol boy did you ever stumble into the wrong board, bitch

Because I'm not going anywhere


You've been doing some HARD imaginary superiority bullshit huh?…

guess what, Adolf ?

I've been doing some HARDFUCKING THE EVER LIVING DOGSHIT out of my wife's throat, snatch and asshole

And I promise not in that order.. I always blow a load in her shit hole before I make her give me deep throat for a couple hours while I smoke cigarettes and listen to hardcore underground European trance

I bet all the ladies get turned on by your superiority replay, don't they ?

You don't have a fucking job

And even if you DID have a part time job

you STILL couldn't afford to support yourself

men who spend their weekdays crying about being crying about being banned from the world's embarrassing effeminate chatroom then developing a master plan of migrating to /pnd/CANNOT PAY RENT OR UTILITIES

Is there a girl you have a secret crush on? Of course you don't have balls to tell her how you feel, but I'm certain there's probably a girl that works at GameStop or something, and you probably go home and masturbate hoping your mother doesn't hear the floor squeak at night

What's her name? Give me her phone number cuz my wife and I want to fuck her.. it's not like you're going to, so we might as well

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bde92a  No.359436

File: 782f587059ba5a5⋯.png (512.59 KB, 1080x1024, 135:128, BackgroundEraser_20230106_….png)


==Q: since you never learned how to 'fit in' when you were a kid, and you fell into the predictable video game sissy Behavior, isolating while the other children learned how to be happy and normal and get what they want out of life….

And since you never learned how to interact with girls at school, and you became the predictable weird kid all the other children laughed at in the hallway…

And of course since you were a coward, and instead of facing the problem you had created for yourself, you instead thank even deeper into your isolation and awkward misfit behavior….

And since your mother actually enabled you, allowing you to continue sitting in front of that video game like a little girl, role-playing and fantasizing about being a tough guy…

and since the only real life experience you have in life involved cheat codes and fantasies of enchanted forests and magical elves……

it goes without saying that you have ZERO real life experience or first hand knowledge about Jews…. or blacks… or Mexicans…. or WOMEN…..

Which negates any of your

predictable Trend following image board COUNTER-SEMITISM

Or any of your empty worthless mimicked opinions about blacks or Mexicans or women


If someone has never seen the movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", then nobody gives a flying fuck about his critique of the film

You are an inexperienced effeminate little child

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bde92a  No.359437

File: 59a596e034346fe⋯.jpg (38.42 KB, 426x470, 213:235, mother_and_child_gg6021018….jpg)

You can't fuck.. you can't fight.. and you're too much of a coward to stop disrespecting your mother and go find a goddamn job like a man, you fucking sniveling little mooch

Your mother is not obligated to keep nursing you, little boy

If you stay here long enough, I promise I will end up on the telephone with your mother eventually, and I'm going to convince her to kick your ass out on the street

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bde92a  No.359438

It's another lonely Friday night for you, isn't it adolf?

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bde92a  No.359439

The big badass intimidating Superior neo-Nazi and his lonely humiliating Friday nights, playing video games, role playing in chat rooms, then playing with his little penis just like every Friday night

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9d5891  No.359442

File: 999139c4b148ea1⋯.webm (5.05 MB, 972x720, 27:20, rav_touitou_subtitles.webm)


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916eea  No.359443


>several schizo projectorial replies from the same jew

phone posting allows me to post about the kikes on the move, during work, on the train, at the park, and while im bored. you stupid smelly jewish incel

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42e691  No.359458

File: b954b4159c7d84b⋯.webm (1.38 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 1670232663343423.webm)


>my first ever post here.

>ive been doing some heavy countersemitic posting on 4chan in the past few months, suddenly 2 days ago ive been blocked from completing the captcha by cloudflare.

>now /pol/ is just a load of threads written by trannys calling everyone chuds and promoting ukraine along with a few /r9k/ type demoralisation.

>everyone based has now been excluded from posting by cloudflare.

>oh well. i guess this is my website now. hello niggers

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277501  No.359530



completely incapable of supporting himself

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277501  No.359531


……according to FOUR BILLION WOMEN you areinferior as fuck

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277501  No.359532


…..the diminutive penis pale mutated neuro so uneducated that he thinks there's such a thing as "white people"

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277501  No.359533

…..the diminutive penis palemutated NEGRO*so uneducated that he thinks there's such a thing as "white people"

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