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File: a692415275a51e2⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1024x681, 1024:681, ClipboardImage.png)

3aff1a  No.359024


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f56c96  No.359085

File: 1607e4028a4a5a8⋯.jpg (463.69 KB, 2048x1080, 256:135, Picsart_22_11_20_11_24_58_….jpg)

Congratulations! You finally figured out where I lived, after I've posted it a thousand times !!!

You're not exactly the best detective on earth, are you?

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f56c96  No.359086

File: 3520d82a746b743⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1686x1080, 281:180, Picsart_22_11_20_11_22_47_….png)

Imagine being so stupid that it took you this long to figure out where I live, after I have publicly posted my address a thousand times…

oh… that's right….

You don't have to imagine it

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f56c96  No.359087

And you posted a photograph from before we had the house painted.

That's not the way it looks anymore, you stupid fucking idiot

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f56c96  No.359088


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f56c96  No.359131


why can't you show my backyard and the swimming pool?

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ee806a  No.359135


Why would you paint a brick house? D:

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