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File: 47eb341929f21da⋯.jpg (33.28 KB, 500x500, 1:1, iday.jpg)

c3bdc4  No.358846

ATTENTION INCELS: There is a growing number of lonely men and valentine's day is coming up. What better way to make it known then to replace the word Valentine's with incels making it Incels Day. Let's take over the one day incels resent and overthrow valentine's day once and for all!!!!!!

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39e4d3  No.358872

File: fa85136f9ca8814⋯.jpg (112.75 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_22_12_31_22_34_52_….jpg)

there's no such thing as an "incel"


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39e4d3  No.358873

File: 69f9a7aed78010f⋯.jpg (176.34 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_22_12_31_23_02_41_….jpg)


admit it….

if another guy unzipped his pants, you'd let him teabag you…..

just to keep him as a friend

plus, you're desperate

you've got primal desires

and they're only

getting stronger lately

so you'd realize it was likely your only shot at sex, so you'd definitely make a last minute decision :

"uhhh okay, I'll suck your nuts… but only if you promise to hang out and play videogames afterwards"….

see?….. youe in full control

there's nothing "involuntary" about your decisions

You're not an incel

You're simply not attracted to women

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39e4d3  No.358875

File: 798dd34b392cf03⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_22_12_31_23_40_50_….png)

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39e4d3  No.358876

if you had any experience with relationships, you'd realize that NEW YEARS EVE is the important night for couples…

I don't know ANYONE who's in a relationship who "celebrates valentines day"

I mean, sure….

I might make a nice dinner

or give her a peck on the cheek

but Valrntines Day is NOT the fun night

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39e4d3  No.358877

File: a91a03fa5a008a7⋯.jpg (1004.79 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20221231_234703….jpg)


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39e4d3  No.358878

I can't believe you're sitting alone on NEW YEARS EVE

dwelling on VALENTINES DAY????

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f9d3f8  No.359504


This topic needs further attention

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