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File: 323a384526f00f8⋯.jpg (260.72 KB, 737x1499, 737:1499, NAZI.jpg)

233880  No.357152





Did anyone else notice the new #APEC2022 logo unveiled by #KlausSchwab in Bangkok looks a little like another famous symbol? What is the deal with elites and their fascist symbolism? #XiJinping #G20 #APEC


THEONENAZI notseeitself

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6a90f6  No.357370

File: 157d523f3c52a9b⋯.jpg (70.8 KB, 535x645, 107:129, davos.jpg)

kick back and relax /pnd/, we've got /ourguy/'s on the inside handlng this

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842cf4  No.357745

Lucky you! You got to witness the return of Marshmallow Sally….

Sally is 35 years old, lives on welfare just like you, and hides in his mother's spare bedroom all night long, masturbating and fantasizing about being an intimidating all powerful Antichrist.

When Mommy wakes up and goes to work to pay the bills, he hides in his back bedroom until he hears her car drive down the street…

That's when he comes out of his smelly spider hole and starts messing up the kitchen, never cleaning the dishes and never taking out the garbage, the Eternal 7 year old girl Marshmallow Sally has returned to this ubiquitous shit hole

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842cf4  No.357746

I've decided since he's not going to have a female life companion standing next to him through Christmas or New Year's Eve ( and neither will you because you didn't work on this project 6 months ago when you had an opportunity ) and his parents and relatives will be making fun of him once again, I'm going to give him a very special Christmas present this year!!

I have a friend here in Atlanta who would never use the term hacker, not if his life depended on it…

But maybe you would understand the situation more completely if I told you he got in trouble many years ago, and the FBI offered not to press charges if he became a consultant and taught their cybersecurity team how he got away with it….

I'm going to pay my friend to locate Marshmallow Sally, his name, his date of birth, his social security number, and his mother's home address…

Then I'm going to have his welfare benefits terminated, because he's defrauding the US taxpayers

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842cf4  No.357747


Don't you find it a bit peculiar how you're always talking about "YOUR GUY", but you never talk about your girl?

They have a word to describe men like you…..

It starts with an "H", and ends with an "OMOSEXUAL"

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842cf4  No.357748

Let's just be honest here, okay?

You are amongst friends so there's no reason to be embarrassed….

you fantasized about my penis in your mouth before

And now we all know why you're not interested in "YOUR GIRL"

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842cf4  No.357749

Boy you really went on a stretch for that comparison between the logo and the swastica, didn't you?

It would have been easier to have picked a random photograph of sand on the beach…

Why don't you find a woman?

If you had a woman in your life other than your mother, you wouldn't have so much free time on your hands to look like a fool

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842cf4  No.357750

I mean, seriously… you already look like a fool because you don't have a female emotional and sexual companion in your life, but posting garbage about neo-Nazi sissyshow fagboy sans-testicle content seems to take precedent in your life….

So obviously you are reminiscent of a big fat swollen overgrown toddler, desperately trying to appear "intimidating" in an empty chatroom…

In fact, you remind me very much of Marshmallow Sally right now…

But unlike Marshmallow Sally, I have no desire to have your lazy slob welfare benefits terminated

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cd3b58  No.357768


back off kike

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e71514  No.357841

File: d8762bface5e545⋯.png (1.51 KB, 800x800, 1:1, qudrupledigamma.png)

Schwab's father supplied the Nazis, Klaus Schwab tried to arm the South African apartheid regime with nukes:


Bill Gates I. was member of the eugenics society


Bill Gates II. was head of planned parenthood (Margaret Sanger wrote that she wanted to exterminate the "negro race")


Bill Gates III. talks about death panels and population reduction and for decades has been killing/paralyzing millions of people in third world countries.



The corbett documentaries on eugenics, Gates and Rockefellers are pretty gud.

And let's not forget that Skull and Bones (far-right freemasonry with probably German origins) financed and armed Hitler and probably gave the SS their skull and crossbones logo.

The Hindu swastika might also have a not-so-nice occult background, Joseph von Hammer briefly mentioned it in his writings 200 years ago in a footnote in Fundgruben des Orients vol. 6 and noticed that it could be seen as a "quadruplex illud gamma".

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02bb14  No.357851


When are jews going to pay reparations to palestininans?

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ca1983  No.357859


>and probably gave the SS their skull and crossbones logo

Germanic armies have been using that on uniforms since at least the early-mid 18th century, long before the NSDAP.

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