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File: 8a3fba89e985011⋯.jpg (290.05 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, Dz_LADWUYAA8Q6d.jpg)

83ef14  No.356904

FBI Dressed as Trump supporters and Proud Boys were in the Capitol.

It had to be done this way.



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900693  No.357050



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900693  No.357051


Because if you tell us you're having sex with a woman, you are lying. Obviously. We already know the truth about you

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900693  No.357052

File: d8aa61825cb8ad6⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB, 640x360, 16:9, pizza.mp4)

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900693  No.357053


the reason you waste your empty life with conspiracy theories:

Because you've never accomplished anything in your shitty little life…

You've never mattered. You've never been important….

And conspiracy theories are your weak failed attempt at pretending like you have special knowledge

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900693  No.357054


If you had special knowledge, you wouldn't need to go to the predictable conspiracy theory websites, copy and paste everybody else's used ideas, and download your stupid conspiracy theory memes

Anybody with an internet connection has the same access to this alleged top secret information

You are quite literally just another nobody. Just another boring fucking loser with an internet connection, and no history of accomplishment in your life

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900693  No.357055


You're one of those losers who always wants to pat yourself on the back, pretending like people rely on you for information, the classic douchebag"you heard it here first"faggot…

Before you joined the recent trend of Internet conspiracy theory morons, you used to walk around telling people the news story you just saw a couple minutes ago…

It wouldn't necessarily happen anything to do with conspiracy theories

Just everyday news stories….

You used to struggle to instantly parrot and repeat the news story you recently saw, trying to seem like you knew about it first

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900693  No.357056

That's the way you convinced yourself people respected you and your opinions

That's the way you convinced yourself you were compensating for your insignificance

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900693  No.357057

But you've never had any access to any Insider knowledge whatsoever

You never even completed High School

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900693  No.357058

You didn't even have what it took to graduate high school, you lazy stupid uneducated menial laborer

You broke ass poverty-stricken blue collar bottom level minimum wage scumbag idiot

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900693  No.357059

You're so uneducated you probably believe in God

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900693  No.357060

You're so uneducated you don't even know how to embed a video in here, you stupid sack of garbage

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900693  No.357061



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900693  No.357062


By the way, this would be the perfect time to remind you that you are a stupid uneducated low class High School dropout, who surrounds himself online with college graduates, and who makes a fool out of himself everyday, demonstrating how low his education level is, while pretending to be smarter than the college graduates

Wherever you go online, only trailer park trash consider you to be their equal

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900693  No.357063



- considers you to be intelligent

- listens to anything you say

- cares about your stupid opinions

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900693  No.357064


Congratulations, dum dum

You've become the new punching bag in here

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