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5945b6  No.355135

This may wake you (((Nazis))), and once for all I do not care about all the fucking philosophy you have. Hitler only was connected to a line of people who were also Jewish if friends or family of course. I am simply arguing because of this ravaged (((coolness))) or (((being based))), I simply do not care. This 'purity' you call is a simpleton to yourself, and yourself is a mistake at living because you made the decision and there is no way coming back. This thread is probably a shill but keep track of me, society is a spook. Politics is just a parasite created by humans for humans, and this will latch on to the (((latest generation)))

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271442  No.355137


There are no Nazis here. Newfags always come here thinking this is /pol/. gb2 4chan.

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5945b6  No.355138


I get that I didn't realize that this wasn't /pol/, in a modern sense you said that there wasn't any Nazis. I was completely wrong or to sob story the tenders of flesh that imbodies the human body

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