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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
62.66044, 143.66586

File: 9a659c3fcb1ea16⋯.jpeg (230.24 KB, 839x1135, 839:1135, B2A0BC8B_CE0F_43CA_8B8A_F….jpeg)

daf5ea  No.355099

Who’s Johnny Neptune

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541dfa  No.355100


Just another troll who likely bailed this dead-end site because this is the place where no one cares what anyone else has to say and all the attempted federal honeypot entrapment schemes have failed because they glow so hard only the weakest of brain stems could fall for. That, or Johnny finally died from his routine covid clot shots. Since I don't actually hate him, and found him amusing at times, I really hope not the latter but it's entirely possible.

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9aeac7  No.355101

File: 7f7fd928d1d56d8⋯.jpg (58.41 KB, 364x472, 91:118, Babblingly_Beautiful_Morta….jpg)


He did say he was gonna die before the end of October, if I recall.

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b1a7ae  No.355102

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0a4fda  No.355545

why is it purple ? for karl purple anon?

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6c4c5a  No.355648


CLASSIC : instead of "purple" being the prompt for purple, the prompt is "small"


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