HUGE: How did I miss this? The British pound is falling like a rock!
The pound may soon, for the first time in history, be valued below the US dollar. If that happens all hell is going to break loose in Britain, and this strongly implies that the "money changers" have favored the United States over Britain, and probably Europe as well. They'll probably base themselves in the U.S. rather than Brussels as I once suspected they would.
The headlines on Drudge strongly imply the steal in America is still on. The scheme is to blackball Trump and Repulbicans so much that it gives a "plausible reason" for America to suddenly swing left right when needed. In the end, the stories about Trump will fade away and everyone will accept yet another round of vote fraud.
A brit lays it all out: We are getting scammed. Britain is energy independent, Britain does not get any gas from Russia or America, Britain gets it from the North Sea, and gas is not even the big contributor to British energy, over 50 percent of Britsh energy comes from wind and nuclear, and then there's hydroeletric also. The war in Ukraine did not affect Britain in any way. Absolutely nothing changed on the British energy scene other than high level scammers arbitrarily jacking up prices in a great big "blame Russia" con job.
China is still up in the air. We have now learned that China is genociding an entire city in an effort to purge Muslims out. More on this down the page a ways, either Xi was saying NO, and his party did not agree, or he was saying YES and his party did not agree, there's probably trouble in China in one form or another and we now at least know there's a genocide underway.
See this Youtube video, it really is happening:
Italy's new conservative (normal) Prime Minister says it like it is and will probably get whacked:
Italy's new prime minister Giorgia Meloni says it like it is: The entire purpose of the attacks on family, gender, and country are to remove our self identity. She lays it all out perfectly. There are two possible ways she got into power: 1. She's a trojan horse or 2. The Jews were too afraid to steal this election in Italy because the heat is on too much right now, when it comes to election theft the gig is up worldwide, everyone knows it, nothing is hidden and stealing elections nowadays basically amounts to calculating whether or not there will be enough outrage from the people to actually threaten the local synagogue. Italy probably passed that mark, Giorgia does not look fake.
If you are going to run a perfect slave state, people cannot self identify even down to the word "I". "I" cannot exist. "I AM" a boy. "I AM" a girl. That has to be stripped, because if it is not stripped, it could evolve into "I AM worth more than this". Self must be expunged down to "what is today's assignment? Same as yesterday? OK.