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I can't believe Hotwheels became a /leftyfur/ troon
No I cannot ban the schizo bot he has unlimited VPNs

File: 61138faff2e7657⋯.gif (2.35 MB, 220x391, 220:391, old_man_no.gif)

43ce2b  No.352770

The reason he's stupid is because he has a learning disability, which is exactly why he struggles with one syllable words.

The reason hes a mooch is because he drank all of his money away, Then he had to beg his daughter to please let him move in with her.

The reason his daughter hates him is obvious : He's got no respect for anybody, and he broke his promise that he would stop his insane disruptive behavior if she let him mooch off her.

he quite literally destroyed the quality of her childhood, with absolutely no regard for her well being whatsoever, and after he drank all of his money away in cheap liquor, he had the audacity to beg her for help, THEN BEGIN DESTROYING HER MARRIAGE !!

When he married his wife decades ago, I wonder if he would have been cool with his wife's insane paranoid schizophrenic alcoholic father moving in with them…

fuck no, he wouldnt….

But hes got no problem destroying his daughter's marriage

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04bef8  No.352771


wow what a piece of shit! I had no idea he did'nt love his daughter. he needs to show some respect, and move into a Salvation Army.

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ba6527  No.352832

>>352770 is that really him in the video? sounds like he needs to go find his own place and let his daughter have her life back.

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f2e238  No.352833

Damn it, I must have been pretty drunk that night!!

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