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File: 5bb706c8f1d4549⋯.jpg (123.55 KB, 519x699, 173:233, 5bb706c8f1d454963b1dc8d103….jpg)

a94b72  No.34915[Last 50 Posts]

Was Hitler a Zionist ? I am so fucking confused now, Zog media is everywhere, and my doubts need some clearing.

Please, Is it true that Hitler was funded by the Rothchild and the bank of England ?

Here is 4CUCKS thread where someone claims that Hilter was one of them.

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a94b72  No.34917

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07a6e0  No.34918



Yes and Henry Ford was a zionist, the millions of germans fighting for Nazism were Zionists, the Thule society was Zionist and so on…

Nice try JIDF.

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a94b72  No.34924


I am dead serious, is there any good books on the topic ?

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ff6bce  No.34925

File: bcf18b292563804⋯.jpg (62.32 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, cry.jpg)

Sick of hearing about this guy, tbh.

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a94b72  No.34926


please ? do you have any good sources.

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ff6bce  No.34928


He was funded by the German government, cause, you know, he was the fuher.

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a94b72  No.34935


Ok, do you have books on the topic ?

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cf8828  No.34939


Fuck off JIDF. There are no good sources because it's a jew made lie to confuse people. Stop being such a fucking retarded for just one time.

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a94b72  No.34942


I want to clear my doubt , jesus christ, how do you know that hitler was not a zionist when he spared britian ?

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cf8828  No.34945


Because he wasn't an evil fuck that wanted to kill everything. He never wanted war in the first place you fucking jew.

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05e7eb  No.34948

Jews destroyed Germany cause they were working with Hitler…sure OP.

Do you really think these worthless threads will save you?…Kill yourself nigger

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a94b72  No.34971

File: a9931fb8c76adcf⋯.jpg (103.98 KB, 396x432, 11:12, 4e38ee881a7cfbdea981ff35f3….jpg)



Well, ok I am gonna be more careful next time, when taking zog propaganda


Death to all jews

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82f9e7  No.34976

Hitler was not a Zionist, at least not consciously, but it doesn't mean his decisions didn't advance their agenda. He was a great man just as every man who identifies Zionism as the true enemy but even the greatest has his own flaws and "blindspot" in his level of awareness. Take a look at this document and understand different perspectives on the matter:


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ce19c4  No.34980

File: 9216ec58671cd8d⋯.png (6.39 KB, 300x300, 1:1, bring wood and oil.png)


>he wasn't an evil fuck that wanted to kill everything

OK so if that were true, than at the minimum, he was a stupid fuck, giving angry speeches that made him exactly what the ""British empire establishment"" wanted him to be, which is the reason for all the postwar shit we see. Stalin was far "smarter"; killed millions, but always looked like a nice smiley guy on camera.

Same with Goebbels - always looks like a asshole in every picture. Some "propagandist".

The 1930s German regime was like the CIA - either stupid or complicit in the outcomes. Take your pick. There is NOT a third option.

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10afc6  No.34998


From a non-zionist Brit: get fucked you moronic D&C piece of shit.

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026a9a  No.35001

File: b5067863eda3b54⋯.gif (836.41 KB, 149x181, 149:181, b5067863eda3b54ec93a29411e….gif)


the british and americunts were only showing of hitler what they wanted to ofc. most of the angry speeching was because churchill kept bombing germany, even after hitler had spared the brits at dunkirk.

stalin was a slowpoke piece of shit who realized hitler was right about the jews too late in the game, good old uncle joe, right?

if hitler was a zionist, why was he constantly getting bombed by churchhill (a zionist)? riddle me that one shlomo

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dddc8d  No.35003

File: e74b0b439a48a81⋯.jpg (199.94 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, hitler the mythos.jpg)


Just because you don't speak German nor understand National Socialism,doesn't make your reddit-level gibberish correct. Fuck off and read more. Newfag. Fucking lurk two years you cancer.

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89bcb2  No.35006


are you a full blown retard?

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ce19c4  No.35007

File: 4f317931c2490d8⋯.png (205.6 KB, 1774x820, 887:410, ClipboardImage.png)




Looks like work starts at 10.30 on Sundays

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a94b72  No.35008


wtf is D&C plz ?

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a94b72  No.35010


Because freemasons don think like you cuck, they are willing to wage wars using nations as their leaders, to achieve a bigger goal.

The more I read on freemasonry I start to understand that there are no good guys, and the jews are the ultimate enemy

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dddc8d  No.35020


Because when you post like cancer anons who normally wouldn't reply will treat you like the imageboard cancer you are.

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593e36  No.35023





The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

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780068  No.35026


How can one be so retarded as you are?

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ce19c4  No.35029

File: d2998de6686f6d2⋯.png (225.28 KB, 816x464, 51:29, disney makes the fun of th….png)


What you say does not rebuff the "41 vs. 7" but whatever. You may be a true deluded fuck who is stuck in an old psyop, I do appreciate that fact.

The fucking mustache for fuck's sake. Any conscious human being should be woken by the Charlie Chaplin mustache. This is a designed character, like Elvis. Almost any actor could be made to play this character. It's also clearly telling you "shadow of large NOSE", but I'm sure you care not. I'm sure you believe the excuse that the BBC shills for "Hitler's mustache was because of muh gas mask in WW1".

Rommel wanted the fucker dead. Even true psyop'd fucks should appreciate that point. But no. The brain is just not big enough to wrap around this point.

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a0abdd  No.35035


Killing all jews in the current world is a necessity. and it will de done.

There is no future for jews.

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ce19c4  No.35036

File: 51f3d1f87967000⋯.png (331.54 KB, 326x481, 326:481, illuminati card zion.png)


All you would really need is a little historical knowledge, to realize this.

All you would need is to read a little background on WW1, and realize that the British establishment view on Germany (borne of economic reasons) was UNCHANGED between around 1900 and 1945. They hated Germany like dogs for having an alternate economic system in WW1, Churchill LOATHED Germany in 1917 worse than Eisenhower loathed Germany in 1945.

How fucking convenient that they become a group of goosestepping morons. How FUCKING CONVENIENT.

Just watch Churchill's speech of September 1939. He had the UN all planned out ALREADY: "IT MAY WELL BE THAT THE FINAL EXTINCTION…. OF A BALEFUL DOMINATION WILL PAVE THE WAY…. FOR A BROADER…. SOLIDARITY"


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b92862  No.35039


It's possible Hitler could have also been controlled opposition back in the day and "accidentally lost" the war and "died" yes.

The fact is this is all in the past. Hitler is not coming back. Germany lost the war and are sadly in a horrible position today, under communist rule. Unless their citizens start demanding reforms today, striking, tax revolting, maybe taking to the streets (like the Yellow Jackets have done in France) nothing will change for the better.

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dddc8d  No.35041

File: 9a5af316cfdbdcf⋯.jpg (56.21 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Churchill_quote.jpg)


>We Will Force This War Upon Hitler, If He Wants It Or Not

Enough said. Kike shill won't care though. It could be written in the torah itself and they'd ignore it for the sake of D&C.

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593e36  No.35042


You don’t have a citation for either of your “quotes”, so anyone is going to ignore them. You find me an official transcript, book citation, or audio recording and then we can talk. As it stands, there are plenty of REAL Churchill quotes to use without resorting to hoaxes.

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cb6653  No.35057

This is just recycled postwar propaganda from the British.

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026a9a  No.35060

File: 3b850c76d4912fb⋯.jpg (85.04 KB, 640x819, 640:819, TBR-JulyAug-04-ASP-HitlerP….jpg)


obviously hitler was connected on the world stage, he was an influential man with a message. he actually outlawed open secret societies after being elected in the interest of protecting society from bolsheivism. after turning around the opinions of those communist-minded germans, why would he allow them to remain after securing leadership? I'll remind you that most of the people who shape your modern understanding if the world were freemasons or otherwise connected to the greater structure of thought. copernicus, gallileo, charles darwin, issac newton, albert einstein, the list goes on. looking at the life, works, and character of adolf hitler I can only say that the man seems far more down to earth than they would have you think. he was a normal guy concerned about where his country was going, read mein kampf(ford translation). or don't, shill


concerning his image, hitler considered that a leader ought to be like a symbol to the people, something never seen to change. that's the main reason for the stache, boots, funny trousers. like the pharoes of old, they should be seen not to change, to be the symbol expected by the people. almost every famous figure who was ever influential from leaders to great thinkers, has a cartoon aspect to them. einstein (jew) acted autistic while being taken seriously, the british queen, always trying to seem the same, ghandi with the nappy, (guy commonly wore a business suit), Churchill with the bowler hat and cane (he looks like the fat controller off thomas). trump's thing is his orange skin and combover. obama was the first gay nigger president, and bush's feature was his supposed outstanding stupidity. tony blair appeared to be bush's poodle, and it's no coincidence that boris Johnson looks a little bit like trump. see? thats because most people are cartoon-minded. honk honk.

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10afc6  No.35061

File: 90c8149567a0873⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1500x6000, 1:4, B_but_the_jews_said_hitler….jpg)


1) Learn how time zones work

2) Drink bleach imminently, along with everyone helping to bump this retarded slide thread

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22551f  No.35064

he didn't actually kill the kikes when he had years worth of chances during which to do it

what do you think?

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f59c43  No.35066



Ford's a shit, if you are going to read a translation let it be the "Stalag", which is the only official one, printed in the 3rd Reich.

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ce19c4  No.35073

File: 8bc7018269269b7⋯.png (204.37 KB, 818x474, 409:237, disney makes the fun of th….png)


> most people are cartoon-minded. honk honk

Agree. We agree that hitler's appearance was cartoonish, designed to fit in the childish nether regions of the mind. Couldn't agree more. Treating the people like cartoon-watching children is the antithesis of nationalism. A man who truly loves his nation would not reduce the reality of his people that way. He would speak to the top, not condescend to the bottom.

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10afc6  No.35092

File: 08227f3a82afb50⋯.png (42 KB, 743x321, 743:321, wwii.png)

ID:ce19c4 is an agent who would probably have you believe that the Hollywood caricatures of Germany and her people have any bearing in reality - or even that the Holocaust had taken place at all.

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32728d  No.35102

File: a5b03bb0a841fab⋯.png (717.84 KB, 1024x676, 256:169, Hitler on Israel Zionism.png)



The Red Symphony was a hoax concocted by Knupffer.

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30e10b  No.35109


I recommend the Stalag Edition over the Ford edition. Knowing German myself, the Stalag edition comes the most close. The Stalag edition is also the only official English translation ever.

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ce19c4  No.35116

File: cd045e7188bac99⋯.png (12.55 KB, 536x454, 268:227, anfrank.png)




Think about it a little bit more. And look up "Embrace Extend Extinguish" while you're at it.

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450230  No.35144

No? That was Churchill.


He saw English people as Germanic and also there is that whole English channel in the way. And no he didn't "spare" English, that was a logistical issue those tanks had just pushed through Belgium and the infantry was catching up.


Fuck off kike.

What are you even going on about?

>oy vey we ruined your country

<but don't be angry!!

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ce19c4  No.35149

File: b813c30a1500c61⋯.png (492.59 KB, 1092x870, 182:145, master propagandist.png)


>don't be angry

"being" and "acting" are 2 different things. Of course, that's the core of the problem. The naive childish mind can't distinguish the actions of rulers from the people.

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450230  No.35183


Honestly, fuck off. There is nothing wrong with being angry, and the masses love it. "The masses are inately feminine" They like a strong leader, there is nothing wrong with that. Not to mention have you even listened to a Hitler speech?

Most of his speeches are passionate not "angry". You've been watching to much holohoaxt docos.

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ce19c4  No.35193


>The masses are inately feminine

If you hate your Nation so much that you define them as inhuman objects "the masses", go ahead and spread your feminine legs because you can expect to get fucked a lot more. They're looking for the final death blow soon.

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450230  No.35195


Yeah because realizing that people aren't equal and some must be lead by the state away from the exiction they overwhelmingly support means I hate them?

Huh, it's like a father. The father that raises his son up right is a thousand times better than the one that doesn't raise him at all.

Because children can't raise themselves and people can't lead themselves.

It's up to the born leaders of a nation to do that through superior intellect and drive. The majority of people aren't born to be leaders, it's just how it works.

We need those types of people for a functioning society anyways, just this one isn't functioning so they have to be slapped awake.

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07a6e0  No.35196


You don't even sound like a human. Try harder next time schlomo.

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10afc6  No.35200


>dude just think about it lmao

I have a better idea:


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ce19c4  No.35201

File: 0e3f8bf865561cc⋯.jpg (38.73 KB, 474x355, 474:355, prescott bush.jpg)


>07a6e0 returns after 10 hours, and just happens to be 90 seconds after another post

No, Ford wasn't a zionist. The bush family however, have done many things most people would call zionist

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32728d  No.35213

File: ac701739be8fa10⋯.png (206.69 KB, 650x693, 650:693, Prescott.png)

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cb6653  No.35218


Bingo. The whole woven tale is bullshit.

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32728d  No.35222

File: 7af1f067fb85607⋯.png (427.17 KB, 1192x2073, 1192:2073, Bush-Hitler.png)



Meant to post this too.

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ce19c4  No.35230

File: 99e24e0369d49ea⋯.jpg (44.02 KB, 608x480, 19:15, aprescottike.jpg)


Can't see the image (only top 20% of it will load), but looks like some Wikipedia-tier debunkery against conspiracy theories involving the bushes. Muh "vastly nonsensical theories". Wew lad.

Bush was the driving force behind the Eisenhower admin. And also funded the 30s German regime. No reasonable person denies these points.

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32728d  No.35236




It's from an article Kerry Bolton wrote for CODOH's Inconvenient History, but I'm sure Jonestein's mythology and faceberg memes for boomers are more scholarly…



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2881c9  No.35318


> Was Hitler a Zionist ?

Hitler was a bastard Rothschild. His real last name is Shekelgrabbler.

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1c7747  No.35322


Rommel never expressed any sort of lethal intent towards Hitler. Even with the coup he was supposedly tied to because he had information that wasn't passed along to the other leadership.

>It's also clearly telling you "shadow of large NOSE"

This is word magic autism-tier, except without any even remotely tangible links.


>being so autistic and normalfag new trash that he doesn't know where this is from, doesn't know this quote is used by the most ardent revisionists

>he can't into AZquotes


>it's childish because I have an image of government mandated vintage disney ww2 propaganda in my mind

I'm sure you do Shlomo.


90% of people are cattle, period. You will never overcome the fact that most are and will continue to be lemmings forever.

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43f8b2  No.35381


kek, no nigger. You're confused because that the point of shilling this theory, to confuse you. Listen to you gut, does it sound like made up jewish bs? It probably is.

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593e36  No.35465


You are paid by jews to post here.

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973116  No.35475

File: bdb45b0c56c6734⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1500x6000, 1:4, bdb45b0c56c6734f6c291643fd….jpg)

File: 8b76b595cab855f⋯.jpg (56.22 KB, 640x368, 40:23, DkwbgWvW0AA2WQQ.jpg large.jpg)

File: 7f0f31c0e3425a2⋯.png (187.02 KB, 1193x403, 1193:403, muh hitler is a rothschild….png)

File: 20119108ab4295b⋯.png (208.93 KB, 900x604, 225:151, hitler-not-a-jew1.png)

File: 535bd48b4f8a730⋯.webm (6.97 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Hitler was NOT a jewish p….webm)

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f9136e  No.35604

These bait threads should be nuked on sight. How does this retarded yahoo or quora tier shit get any replies. Kill your nigger jew self op.

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dddc8d  No.35610

File: e494d3e098eea0b⋯.gif (2.71 MB, 500x688, 125:172, do_not_waste.gif)


Agreed. As much as I'm for free speech, shit like this is newfaggotry and or derailing/catalogue shitting.

I sort of miss the more heavy-handed moderation /pol/ had in this regard, but also don't like it for other reasons.

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cad462  No.35805

No, he was a pedophile. The last pedophile world leader.

Pizzagate itself was a creek o’ shit run by zero-integrity people who were pedophiles themselves, pissed off by the destruction of their subculture that leftism was threatening to inflict. There hasn’t been a pedophile world leader since Hitler. The resultant death count is too high.

World leaders lose enough autonomy from their basic jobs. They don’t also chain themselves with pedophilia.

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77907b  No.35847


Going back to this would be far more preferable imo. Had we some more decent or active mods, they would go trace the IP of this faggot >>35805 throughout the board and ban him from each thread or every thread accordingly.

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da9782  No.35849


Bullshit the document was first published in 1952 in Spain, there has been nearly 10 editions of it, and the content is solid and provable, Hitler wasn't even the main subject, the USSR and The Rothschilds are.

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eaf986  No.35857

File: 085493bc17b4f91⋯.png (20.08 KB, 578x148, 289:74, this is what awaits you in….png)

File: ae35bafa7f4e5d0⋯.mp4 (6.41 MB, 640x360, 16:9, TempleOS Hymn Risen remix.mp4)


<last pedophile world leader

>what is ZOG

>what is hollyweird

>what is half of the european government

>who is drumpf

>who is kushner

>who is netanyahu

>who is soros

What now, faggot? You will also say that the NSDAP, instructors of Hitlerjugend and inner circles of the SS etc., were all kiddy-diddling fucks, as you're programmed to do, correct? You won't even post any sources to backup your claims. Well, of course what else can be expected from retards such as yourself. Why won't you go back to cuckchan and shill your garbage there in hopes that some niggercattle actually buys your shit. You always project your own mental illnesses on others. You aids ridden golems never change.

White House is going down soon, sweetie, whether you like it or not. There will be nothing left of your shithole. Drumpfy-Glumpfy-Blumpfy won't become king of pissrael, he will be brutally assraped by Tyrone for not providing him with enough gibs and then lay in his bed, dying a slow painful death. How does it feel, glowie? How does it feel being part of something, which will collapse in a year? I might as well say weeks, because your fucking system is pants-on-head retarded, like your masters.

Imagine actually trying to chip half of the human population and thinking that they will get away with it. This is pure comedy.

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5499ed  No.35932


>multiple people think I'm retarded


Kill the fuck out of yourself you miserable schizophrenic subhuman fucking boomer.

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02f91e  No.53290

Maybe american intelligence planted him in WW1 and then promoted him to "Leader" to destroy europe?

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f1c8d1  No.53313


Maybe bumping a month old jewish hoax thread with more jewish hoaxes was a bad idea.

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1f25aa  No.56830

File: 73a191347f10be4⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 500x278, 250:139, varying levels of revulsio….gif)


>hiltertouchedthewall.jpeg the thread

Is there no limits to the lows you shills will stoop to?

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