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File: fffad021df8bf27⋯.jpg (152.1 KB, 661x383, 661:383, Jeremy Corbyn.jpg)

650335  No.35065[Last 50 Posts]

Islamic immigrant commits terrorist attack in South London on the first day of freedom from the EU

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650335  No.35070

File: 1f8cc5ee06a370d⋯.mp4 (6.11 MB, 406x720, 203:360, Streatham shooting.mp4)

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e3fe01  No.35078


It's not related. The conditions of Brexit make islamic commonwealth immigration a priority, not White people from Eastern Europe with a long tradition of publicly-owned and state-managed strategic industries from ethnically homogeneous countries.

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756fb7  No.35084

File: 6dd222d1946fc17⋯.png (94.4 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1391114790866.png)


Why does literally every habbening video look like it was filmed by a drunk quadriplegic? Maybe film the empty pavement some more retard……

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7d186e  No.35087


You mean a priority for people trying to destroy the UK.

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000000  No.35088







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e3fe01  No.35099


I'm not really sure what you mean. The UK, under Brexit, is aligned with US neoliberalism. It is the nigger/faggot/kike Trump stuff. All nigger all faggot all kike all the time. Capital DEMANDS it. It cannot survive without it.

The Atlanticist privitization bloc with a central focus on Kalergi and asset inflation, is primarily an Anglosphere project. Everywhere in the EU you find resistance to this project – especially in the old Warsaw Pact countries where the NATO puppet governments are struggling, creaking, and cracking. Only in Germany and Italy, under direct US military rule, and France do you see jew/NATO/mutt clinging to legitimacy. And the nigger/faggot/kike Trumpstein puppet show has had to really bring out the big guns on Germany [after all, they are ultimately the real target of Nordstream II sanctions]. As for France, it's no real surprise since they are the most nigged up, the most kiked up, and the mostly closely aligned with the Allied bloc [a deliberate strategy after the population largely sided with Germany]. It's not a coincidence that Trump supported Macron through his assaults on the White working class Yellow Vest protestors.

Most people who chime in on this subject are missing the forest for the trees. A few crates of ammunition tearing through the EU parliament and you eradicate huge layers of the occupation beuracracy's public-facing control team. You're still left with a massive swath of 99% White countries east of the Oder with sensible and adult recognition of the mutual benefit to a sane relationship with Russia for the benefit of the global White race. You don't have any of that in the Anglosphere.

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a46d08  No.35110

'terror related incident'

I love how the Jew York Times and CNN put quotations on it.

When is it enough?

Rape gangs, Terror attacks, Replacement level migration, no-go zones?

I mean seriously not even "Brexit" fixes this (when it happens next year) because of the nondiscrimination articles.

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e3fe01  No.35112


Brexit amplifies it. Brexit is designed to generate more of this because the people behind Brexit see White people with an ethnic cohesion and national identity as the problem.

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49ea7d  No.35122


>the people behind Brexit see White people with an ethnic cohesion and national identity as the problem.

Your nose is showing jew.

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b3b242  No.35127

File: 4aaa031f70dea5e⋯.jpg (45.49 KB, 399x288, 133:96, 4aaa031f70dea5ee8200cddd5e….jpg)




t. knows fuck-all about the EU incentives of the Ukraine revolution, an openly advocates for literal Kalergi plan federalism while pretending to be against it in some other respect

Your gay little union is dying Schulz, get over it. This is only the beginning.

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d4144e  No.35128

File: 83aa4903c480030⋯.jpg (812.41 KB, 1187x4066, 1187:4066, British anarcho-tyranny.jpg)

File: f50366bc2838978⋯.jpg (404.47 KB, 1200x1146, 200:191, British Tyranny .jpg)

File: fe61ce64a24e7cb⋯.png (3.48 MB, 3902x3733, 3902:3733, British dysfunction.png)


Nobody cares about African shitholes.

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e3fe01  No.35129


It's not 2016 anymore. It's not going to work. You're filtered, by the way.

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e3fe01  No.35132


I'm not advocating the exact parameters of current EU federalism. The Ukraine situation was a WASHINGTON project, acquiesced to by ATLANTICISTS within the current EU structure. Support for it was universal in Washington, it was tepid in Europe. It wasn't Germany who sent $400B in heavy weapons to Ukraine. In fact, Germany immediately went to work fast-tracking a pipeline project designed explicitly to circumvent the Trans-Siberian pipeline that Washington captured in Ukraine.

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000000  No.35140


Good images. It shows how much of a shithole Britain has become.

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b3b242  No.35146

File: 0442151a6d414da⋯.png (561.29 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 0442151a6d414dad371b2df489….png)

File: ed3d1a1f1da9341⋯.jpg (149.86 KB, 800x436, 200:109, 022012mc_ss_logo2_800.JPG)

File: 86e46396ce04153⋯.jpg (101.29 KB, 620x413, 620:413, 86e46396ce041535ff364c6655….jpg)

File: bf5f6065eb57175⋯.jpg (199.14 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 6fd7e6d733a3b15fdfc6caeb6e….jpg)

Threadly reminder: divide and conquer against the British people and the annihilation of the distinction between us and our ruling classes is the highest priority of the shill, as the City of London is the beating heart of their empire.

It is necessary that in order to propagate the control of the City and its financial schemes, that the people themselves must also be tarred, feathered and ultimately destroyed in much the same way as those in Whitehall once did to Germany, so as to quell any chance of resistance. But no empire lasts forever.

Should anywhere in Europe be left to fall, then it is inevitable that the rest of us face the same fate. They will do well to convince you that their proto-one-world institutions need to be revered or respected in any capacity, for any duration of time, but their fervour only reveals their own desperation. The West is beginning to awaken to the open destruction of the once-hailed nation state, and they are starting to get pissed. As those who intend to benefit from the new winds of nationalism that blow in our direction, it is imperative that we now work even harder, to swing our way the upending of the prior century of torment that has been thrust unto us.

Their banks will burn. Their people-trafficking networks will burn. Their endless supply of labour will burn. Their directors and shabbos goyim will all burn.

Deus vult, anons.

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e3fe01  No.35148

File: 6e7e97b7ce7e2d2⋯.png (394.09 KB, 827x1266, 827:1266, Screenshot_2020-01-15 VICE….png)

File: 39faefb35955944⋯.png (1.25 MB, 840x8573, 840:8573, Brexit article from Nick G….png)


You seem extremely, extremely confused. Brexit is a City of London project. On second thought, you aren't confused. You're the one shilling here. Nordfront has zero to do with anything coming out of Brexit. Farage, Rees-Mogg, Johnson, the whole gang, make it very clear. They don't bother hiding what they think, because they aren't talking to you. What this shill is doing is the same thing the Trumpniggers did in 2016 – misleading micro-targeted marketing.

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b3b242  No.35150

File: 1f2aa97f9eb7541⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1940x1190, 194:119, the (((european))) union.png)

File: 629974afe30dde8⋯.jpg (199.21 KB, 634x867, 634:867, france and the city.jpg)

File: c80519b4dc665ba⋯.jpg (92.73 KB, 938x1024, 469:512, EU_army.jpg)

File: f3489a6395798c8⋯.jpg (62.57 KB, 330x467, 330:467, ob_18b73b_euro2.jpg)

>b-but Nordfront has nothing to do with nationalism in Europe! *posts an image about Steve Bannon*

Don't concern yourself too much with engaging with these agents, anons. Their dying rhetoric does not need to be heard out, it needs to be stamped out, and with time, will be - along with their precious union.

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e3fe01  No.35152

File: ccfbe37e01ff22b⋯.png (88.26 KB, 764x1180, 191:295, cliff_notes_kyptonite_for_….png)

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b3b242  No.35153

File: be004baa2d0f9cb⋯.png (81.41 KB, 640x1094, 320:547, _106632326_eu_far_right_ma….png)

File: 7b002d35788a5a5⋯.jpg (73.58 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, EMahH_sWkAEodeo.jpg)

File: 7f52656c4178941⋯.png (93.09 KB, 1529x388, 1529:388, EU-Cracks-Down-On-Democrat….PNG)

File: b831dda69f7bc44⋯.pdf (407.86 KB, Coudenhove-Kalergi-Practic….pdf)

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e3fe01  No.35154

File: 71dc393cc3194f2⋯.jpg (194.7 KB, 850x446, 425:223, ArguingWithJews.jpg)


You'll notice this shill tries a very clever trick. He claims that I said "Nordfront has nothing to do with nationalism in Europe", when what I actually said – that any lurker can read for themselves – is that Nordfront has nothing to do with Brexit or the forces behind Brexit. It's always easier to argue against a strawman – that's why jews love to do it.

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b3b242  No.35155

File: fad2683167d8f97⋯.webm (14.82 MB, 2052x1142, 1026:571, Guy Verhofstadt Tells Lib….webm)

File: 1cbe77b2fc4b369⋯.jpg (120.55 KB, 1381x549, 1381:549, remote stopping vehicles.jpg)

File: 5a9d75f5909f0fb⋯.jpg (724.33 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, eu.jpg)

Oy vey anon, avert your eyes from the armoured cars of the Euro police. Can't you see we're being misrepresented!?

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48a981  No.35156


(((THey))) will not survive the purge.

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e3fe01  No.35159

Of course, the real corollary in Swedish society to Brexit is not Nordfront it is Sweden Democrats. Of course, this part-time college student from Tel Aviv doesn't want to emphasize that here [he would emphasize it on /thedonald/ – that's why it's micro-targeted marketing] because SD is a faggot-ridden neoliberal hive worried that ragheads aren't making the world quite safe enough to supply side economics and judaism.

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b3b242  No.35164

File: face44abcf805f0⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1013x2393, 1013:2393, dcf86fd35594f63b.png)

File: 10ce0034e15d4e3⋯.png (823.69 KB, 976x1057, 976:1057, European 'Democracy'.PNG)

File: af6546eb62d3f64⋯.mp4 (11.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, MatteoSalviniEUparliament2….mp4)


Their Stability Mechanism, their currency union, their state sanctions, the ECB, it will all rightfully return to the dust.

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18fdf9  No.35165


Keep killing jews. Don't ever be distracted of this goal.

There is no future for jews.

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e3fe01  No.35168

File: e9cea437402a6db⋯.png (37.26 KB, 849x266, 849:266, Screenshot_2019-01-17 Ital….png)



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b3b242  No.35170

File: 284946211334d26⋯.pdf (625.36 KB, Law Enforcement Technology….pdf)


The section about 'remote stopping vehicles' is in here by the way - page 9.

>The European Network of Law Enforcement Technology Services will be the leading European platform that strengthens police cooperation and bridges the gap between the users and providers of law enforcement technology.

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b3b242  No.35185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Day in the life of an MEP:

1) Turn up for work, at any time really

2) Pass 'Go', collect 300 EUR (thank you taxpayers)

3) Free champagne

4) Go home

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34fb38  No.35247

File: ad98775df34de71⋯.jpg (226.75 KB, 500x392, 125:98, 1577656643104.jpg)




>conservative Zionist drain

>plan to unite European nationalists […] underneath an obscure Belgian Jew

>known only for his fight against antisemitism in support of Israel

>His plan was to coopt the nationalist movement so Bannon could play gatekeeper

>and marginalize ethnonationalists and anti-semites

>This is what he did with MAGA in the United States

>Only first two paragraphs


I think the clown world is collapsing on itself, guys.

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90fc14  No.35254

File: 4157bcb59602187⋯.jpg (8.72 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download.jpg)


Bullshit. A big chunk of the jihad pricks come from France and Germany.

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b3b242  No.35262


He also seems to imply that 'white' is an ethnicity, and the EU is a 'nation'. The idiots they send here get worse by the day.

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e3fe01  No.35267


>A big chunk o the jihad pricks come from France and Germany.

Already addressed those two countries in a subsequent post. Read the thread. Germany is under direct US military rule. The importation of Turks and Arabs into Germany was imposed by the military government. France is also the blackest, jewiest country in the EU with demographics far closer to the Anglosphere. It's not a coincidence that Trump backed up Macron against the Yellow Vest protestors.

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13ffe3  No.35268

Daily reminder that anglos are cucks and are still proud of helping the USSR defeating the Nazis and would rather get upset at a retarded sport than go ape shit Viking/Anglo Saxon on mudslimes and liberals/communists

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e3fe01  No.35273


The EU is not a nation – it is a collection of nations that serves as a collective civilizational bloc. One that has been identified as a threat by the Anglo-Zionist bloc. For all the whinging you're doing about European nationalism, you sure seem to be going out of your way to ignore the Nick Griffin editorial that's been posted. He comes to the exact same conclusions I do because that's where the obvious evidence leads.

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bd0bdf  No.35276


What is Russia?


>threat to zionists

Way to misconstrue the article. It basically said out of the fryer and into the pan.

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e3fe01  No.35280


>What is Russia?

ZOG lets you know what something is by the way they treat it. They don't sanction people in the fold.

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bd0bdf  No.35297


>jewish oligarchs, bootlicking, and zionist faggotry is still strong among russian fed leadership

>country contains rothschild banks and runs on global financial system

>growing number of non-Whites (chinese from east are an important example) in addition to existing ethnic minorities and largest population of moslems in europe

>russia prolongs Syrian conflict by deliberately weapons training for new equipment delaying or seriously responding to Israeli aggression

Russia is East-ZOG kill yourself cuckservative.

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e3fe01  No.35298


We better kill the Russians and the Europeans, fellow White man. That will solve this.

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bd0bdf  No.35299



Filtered kike.

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e3fe01  No.35301

You're filtered, so don't feel obligated to shit up the thread.

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b3b242  No.35302

File: 14b279c06b8df5f⋯.mp4 (2.7 MB, 204x360, 17:30, Man Rams Takeaway Shop Mus….mp4)


That already happens, and just isn't reported (gee I wonder why?).

Tell me what country you live in anon, and when the last time was that you lynched some invaders.

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e460d1  No.35307

File: eaccd3585190c75⋯.jpg (145.39 KB, 1200x798, 200:133, Slovenska_pospolitost_.jpg)

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84dc5a  No.35312


>defending the EU

>defending the Kalergi Plan, that downright states White Genocide as its primary intent


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84dc5a  No.35314

File: 9aab33e1698c079⋯.jpg (66.09 KB, 485x662, 485:662, are you fucking retarded.jpg)



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e3fe01  No.35320


Boy, you just get that IP switching and come right back with the same talking points.


These guys aren't Brexit or associated with Brexit. Your Brexit nexus is your AfDs, your PiSs, your SDs, your FPOs. Of course, micro-targeted marketers want to confuse the issue and try to associate Brexit and Trump with these images. They wouldn't dare do so at /thedonald/.


The actual article screen-capped is from Occidental Dissent. You're filtered again [so get swap your IP].

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510ef8  No.35323

File: 07fb56e7819f2fe⋯.jpg (8.42 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images.jpg)


What kind of niggerspeak is being yelled in that video? Abo?

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b3b242  No.35333

File: bb7d48b5737d55d⋯.jpg (143.22 KB, 960x640, 3:2, Rzb8Au7.jpg)

File: 7bbb3037e8442ec⋯.jpg (136.91 KB, 993x570, 331:190, National-Action-e148154625….jpg)


Snazzy uniforms. I'll ensure that any such movement here is similarly well-suited.



>the low-grade EU shill is saging the thread and accusing everyone of being me now


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e3fe01  No.35337


Once again, we see the neoliberal economic order shill and racial jew present images of national socialist groups who are explicitly rebuked, repudiated, and persecuted under the Brexit umbrella. The goal is make you associate national socialism with the plan-trusting neoliberalism that's actually going to be delivered to you. This is the only place where they'll use this tactic. That's why it's called micro-targeted marketing. When they go to /thedonald/, they'll spam trannypede memes with Ayn Rand quotes. When they go to GLP, they'll spam remote viewing and blessings for israel.

This is trumpism 101: bamboozle the wignats we have zero intellectual respect for and then triple down on neo-liberalism.

Remember lurkers – this is the exact same bill of goods you were sold in 2016. The exact same one, by the exact same people. You can see quite clearly what you've gotten for your trouble.

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b3b242  No.35341

File: 1b82ecc08d7f803⋯.jpg (49 KB, 1024x742, 512:371, 1542216482758.jpg)


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64eda3  No.35368

✔️ part

✔️ parcel

✔️ delivered

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15481d  No.35442


Remeber that brexit wasn't to remove the paki curryniggers. But to remove the polish man going to work on the construction site who isn't building mosques on every corner and stabbing English girls.

English chose pakis over the polish.

You made your bed, now lay in it.

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15481d  No.35447



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84dc5a  No.35454

File: f945b446743aa36⋯.jpg (2.72 MB, 3200x1950, 64:39, kalergi plan.jpg)



Get bent, kike.

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000000  No.35616

(((America))) was funded by Jews


(((America))) has the most Jews outside Israel


(((America))) has the biggest synagogues outside Israel


(((America))) is the least White "White" nation on earth


(((America))) has its politicians openly sucking jewish dick

(((America))) gives more aid to Israelis than what it gives to its citizens per capita

>Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

Amerimutts are the most pozzed goyim on the earth and need to be removed if we are to win the fight against the Jews

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164131  No.35625

Armed under cover police (?) were following him. They were waiting for him to make his move - however, we do not know if he indeed harmed an innocent or if the actual stabbing was/is fake news.

And just like the London Bridge farce, this seemed to be a failed mission, in that someone knew or knows of (((their))) plan - have you noticed how inept these attacks have been lately?

'The swift response of these officers has almost certainly saved lives but there will be inevitable questions about the operation.

It has not been confirmed they were specifically following the man but they appear to have reacted fast when he started attacking people with a knife.'

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5ed329  No.35633


>Why does literally every habbening video look like it was filmed by a drunk quadriplegic?

Average normalfag can't handle stressful situations, not to mention the average person in a city is often nigger IQ level to be there in the first place.

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5464ce  No.35649


Eh, the West as a whole is a giant filthy jew-enabler.

In fact, it's the biggest in human history. You can't say it doesn't deserve what it's going through right now.

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0ea3e0  No.35674

Jews brought this shit to the west so who cares, kikes are a far bigger problem

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897192  No.35855

File: 37edb67781e1982⋯.jpg (229.01 KB, 620x387, 620:387, barbara-roche_3584101b.jpg)


>If (((we))) are to win

This faggoty D&C will never not be incredibly obvious.


As always.

Who is Barbara Roche?

Who is Peter Mandelson?

Who is Jack Straw?

Who is David Miliband?

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6d7bb1  No.36175



>america is the least white nation when in fact it is actually the most white nation in numbers alone per White country

Atrocious, no (You) for you faggot.

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3323bb  No.36251

File: 02e97536fa56e87⋯.jpg (295.41 KB, 785x731, 785:731, 02e97536fa56e87ba86acd5dbc….jpg)

File: 011c4107606f1c5⋯.jpg (226.9 KB, 371x594, 371:594, 011c4107606f1c5452a2f048c7….jpg)

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3df432  No.53288

>Leave eu

>niggers still behave like niggers

Seems like that wasn't planned well britbongs?

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fa5ee3  No.53349


Goddamn she’s hot.

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61397a  No.64078











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