What the fuck does this even mean, besides that some niggers like you actually use telegram! Are we supposed to give a fuck that idiots are finding each other on telegram?
I mean, yeah, taxpayer dollars should not be spent on hobnobbing with fools, but fools who still pay taxes to a despotic fascist government get what they get! Look how they doubled the size and scope of the IRS overnight, to weaponize it against small businesses and middle-class families!
Besides, did you notice these fools ALL have One Thing In Common —SOCIALISM. They're ALL working toward the same ends. They'reSOCIALISTSwho kinda wannabe Communists. ALL of 'em. The glowtards and the Nazi-fags are ALL working toward the same goals. That's why they ALL hang out together, fondling each other's 'nards on Telesham, like the wannabe Fascists they ALL are — Antifa included. You ALL look the same to regular folk! You're ALL Haters, who want Centralized Control over the behavior of OTHERS. ALL of You! Glowtards, Politicians, Activists, Accelerationists, Nazifags, Pantifa, and Extremists on EVERY Side — You ALL, Without Exception, Need to Learn to FocusWITHIN. Until you do, there will be Nothing But Misery All Around. YOU Are Creating It, by Refusing toLOOK WITHIN. The Enemy Is Already Within the Gates.
> "We have met the enemy and he is us,"