Tempel ov Blood took over power from the o9a and they let me think I could or did then Chloe got scared ran off. Myatt shit talks Sutter but won't do anything about it or take a stand. Gnostic Satanism or Sinister Buddhism is only way to go. I think only few O9A guys left from old days and they dont want to be tob or o9a but we are all just brainwashed by this. So they the ToB were never o9a and yet they seized power because none of it was real at all. And yet only few can dream and create forms within forms. So you'll find me here: https://t.me/+PPKCSi1Vyo4zNGQx
I only care about finding Chloe everyone else I'm hiding from cause your snitches you reported me
Btw wasn't a Satanist I was always a gentleman spy but I chose common man over the satanic elite. Teepee
But I love Hitler, Stalin, and Propher Mohammed and Genghis Khan
Most of all Chloe and David Myatt
But Chloe out of everything
So if I saved the day my work is done.