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Anarcho-fascist eco-accelerationism

File: b954ab9e058a9cf⋯.gif (19.34 KB, 220x260, 11:13, PRAISE KEK.gif)

File: 4f6c973f9bbd6ee⋯.png (915.72 KB, 636x899, 636:899, Red anon Kek.png)

File: 7bd8d22bf343aa5⋯.webm (8.73 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Praise Kek casted.webm)

File: f0fb9bc86935251⋯.jpg (670.86 KB, 1749x1575, 583:525, 8chan Kek Shadilay.jpg)

e153d5  No.34059[Last 50 Posts]

Daily reminder that everything went to shit once we stopped worshiping Kek. We had real power in our collective belief.

Why did Kek worship/meme magic and how do you revive it? I swear to god modern /pol/ is filled with joyless perpetually asshurt faggots who cringe at the mere idea of a joke or having fun. When we lost our humor we lost our power.

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0a09c8  No.34061


literally nothing accomplished

I don't know of anyone that is doing better today than when Trumpstein first got elected.

I don't want excuses either, if we have to shed blood to get our way of life back, then so be it, but Trumpstein has done nothing but put more money in rich peoples pockets. There is over 3x's the amount of money in circulation but middle-america is doing no better.

keep your god keep your memes

give us war.

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9564d3  No.34147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>you should have voted for Hillary goy

Whoever ironically thought that Trump would not be kiked was almost as stupid as the accelerationists thinking the alternative would be in any single way better, almost.

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b214c3  No.34148

I know how to revive kek. But I'll need some money. Possibly a lot.

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8f7452  No.34162

Wasn't KEK meant to be a chaos god? Well you got what you wanted.

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9564d3  No.34168


Not enough chaos yet.

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37eacf  No.34181


2020 will be more and more chaotic.

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527ae4  No.34194

File: a964cc954035a61⋯.jpg (161.33 KB, 600x529, 600:529, ADL Pepe.jpg)

File: 5f53c64900652af⋯.png (35.02 KB, 766x428, 383:214, pol gets [OC].PNG)

File: 9e1dac508a48f96⋯.png (319.3 KB, 443x451, 443:451, 9e1dac508a48f96032bebe3b41….png)

File: d949ea7ca03c3ad⋯.png (646.45 KB, 1119x716, 1119:716, 6eb7a15167c0964627ff9720f1….png)

File: bbbbe0972e42bfe⋯.png (770.65 KB, 3088x3087, 3088:3087, kekmit uns.png)




Kek mit uns.

Real reason anon, is that the kikes shilling knew it was a rallying and commonly enjoyed part of culture here, so tried to fracture it with 'the facebook frog' and other shit like that to get anons to stop using it. Remember kikes are so scared of giving power to stuff they deliberately fuck up swastikas and things like that when tagging them.

They often forget that many memes and efforts start with anons like fullchan /pol/. And they spread. Once they spread they are no longer an exclusive thing of anons at /pol/, that's when they try to degrade it and push anons away from it.

>There is no god but that known as Kek, Tet or Osiris and the prophet Pepe is his messenger

<Anyone still have the original Kek star cluster? I have it but can't find it other than partial censored versio.. somewhere in the archives of Kek.

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b454e0  No.34197


>more government surveillance

>more censorship

>more social justice

that's not chaos, that's something like 'lawful evil'

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527ae4  No.34200

>Their messenger

Hequet is technically female.

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743c32  No.34222



No one is ever going to believe you.


Just kill yourself.

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527ae4  No.34223


Wow, I believe you so much now, thank you hasbarafag.

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743c32  No.34228


>you’re a jew because you don’t worship my retarded frog demon that did absolutely nothing for whites and never could have, because it’s literally a fantasy construct

Your ZOG emperor was a hoax. Your frog demon was a hoax. It was always from people flooding in from reddit and being paid by jews to push a fake campaign. The truth of /pol/ doesn’t give a shit about your retarded LARPing. Get the fuck out.

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527ae4  No.34231

File: 8362ca818d79e93⋯.jpg (259.65 KB, 720x686, 360:343, hasbarafag.jpg)


>such TDS

>such fixation

You must be a clopper and a jew.

You suck at shilling, that so far everyone here knows.

>inb4 muh kikey

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df6cac  No.34235

This thread is gay and OP is a fabulous winged faggot extraordinaire, whom should be lobotomised, survived 9 gassings and escaped with a 25cm wooden plank in the anus while connected to a masturbator-killer machine rolling to freedom inside a futball soccer for merryfags while Nazis are raping his mother.


Very gay thread tbh, deserves shitpost.

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df6cac  No.34237



I'm not a nigger, so not a spec in niggerballery, fuck me rigid nonhomo

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527ae4  No.34239



Nice try, ponyfag.


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df6cac  No.34241


Newfag detected.

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713541  No.34245

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Brekeke brekeke brekeke koax koax

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2d70c4  No.34249

gotta wonder why posters give so many shits, if you don't like the kek memes, just move on and don't say anything. that's what I'd do if I didn't give a hoot or a hollar about meme magic.

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527ae4  No.34253


>wut is board culture


Refreshing take on it, cheers anon.

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df6cac  No.34255


>what is sarcasm

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41bfcc  No.34261

File: f41a5dff15b3366⋯.jpg (138.5 KB, 840x627, 280:209, man-knife-slash-own-throat….jpg)



> what is a newfag

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743c32  No.34275

File: da8d5c9e9d95339⋯.png (17.02 KB, 605x397, 605:397, 9KlaIwM.png)


>literally no argument


>worships Trump

>ACTUALLY THINKS he belongs here



>lol just don’t comment goyim

>we get to post anything we want anywhere we want you can’t question us

Fuck off.

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df6cac  No.34276

File: 738a1282cfc72bb⋯.jpeg (4.52 MB, 7952x5304, 994:663, serveimage(11).jpeg)


Idk, you tell me

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54558b  No.34326



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54558b  No.34328


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54558b  No.34329


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703758  No.34363



does anyone remember that tom is the prophet ?

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63f61d  No.34383


Had Hillary won, there wouldn't be people trying to rationalize all her secret pro-White accomplishments with 88D chess theories. Trump castrated the right with a false sense of security the same way Reagan did.

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cb9c39  No.34407


OP is a Jewish fruitcake.

No, the reason (Congress, et al., decided that 8chan/pol/ was too dangerous for the internet) didn't have to do with some worshipping Kek. To say so is trolling 8kun/pnd/ with your typical high Jewish wit.

No, the reason 8/pol/ was 'too dangerous for the internet' was because JEWS decided that they didn't want it around any longer. So they set up the situations that destroyed the image board. Be realistic: that's it, and there's no other reason.

Chill out Jew. Here, have a song.


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65228f  No.34422


back to >>>/cuckchan/

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65228f  No.34424


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45a042  No.34565


Happiness is a disease. Happiness breeds laziness, conformism, dormancy and incompetence. A happy person is a defective being, with a defective brain, and will always be exploited by the parasites. A happy person must be killed along with the jews and other parasites.

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97aba4  No.34573

File: 7e140b6c781e46f⋯.jpg (10.21 KB, 400x266, 200:133, Anubis up in this motherfu….jpg)

File: c80139ec2a6e8da⋯.jpeg (296.76 KB, 850x797, 850:797, Fuck Tulpas.jpeg)

File: ba79013c4143702⋯.png (29.06 KB, 1182x725, 1182:725, 1453783640458.png)

The Egregore was compromised with faggotry and cringe. Thank the HWNDU mongrel crew and the Kekistani memeshitters for that.

The energy you seek still remains, but it must be given a suitable form.

>t. /bmw/

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93859d  No.34621


Is that JonTron?

I haven't seen this one before.

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e153d5  No.34671


Hardly. Everything has become predictable and back to business as usual.

However many anons will never forget what we saw and felt in 2016 and I hope that we utilize our collective power to much greater effect next time.

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d3b90b  No.34701

File: 3f03df5f1c9c8a1⋯.png (868.78 KB, 1097x702, 1097:702, 3f03df5f1c9c8a184b883879c6….png)

File: fdd6227183b1fe0⋯.png (11.64 KB, 547x603, 547:603, He also does things for fr….png)

File: 4e8737f2dff21ff⋯.jpg (31.05 KB, 500x250, 2:1, 4e8737f2dff21ff27d2f59a544….jpg)

File: a79a67ed50b72a3⋯.jpg (83.46 KB, 512x768, 2:3, Fateful Battle Colorized.jpg)

File: 9c218ca257d7b53⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1887x1888, 1887:1888, 9c218ca257d7b531171725483b….png)


>Wrong color anons

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8e90d8  No.35076

File: 1800603966573d2⋯.png (250.64 KB, 550x515, 110:103, 1546397394502.png)

I miss /fringe/

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869ed3  No.35130


Do you have any more on tulpas?

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527ae4  No.35611

File: 682deebb106355b⋯.png (1.22 MB, 707x1225, 101:175, 682deebb106355b994baeb8f90….png)

File: 310c2c394c8d9d5⋯.jpg (101.16 KB, 608x767, 608:767, shadilay.jpg)

File: b560fd398e3ada0⋯.jpg (100.4 KB, 786x715, 786:715, pepe jurrasic.jpg)

File: b3400b76f58b184⋯.png (11.73 MB, 8383x8383, 1:1, Great Meme War layer 7 bla….png)

File: 61698a2c9142a33⋯.png (767.82 KB, 7858x8525, 7858:8525, memetics shadilay kek scie….png)


Thanks anon.

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1b8cc0  No.35618


You are a subhuman keyboard warrior manchild. What did you expect to accomplish with spamming your prefered Internet cult?

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8e1253  No.35644

There is only Mankind.

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93589c  No.35672


to add, the godform is considered to be a demi god I believe. The god head, the toppest of all gods is the actual god thing. But nice chart, seems to be correct.

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f1d5fa  No.35965


Unironically correct. Everything was going /pol/'s way, even Trumpberg's political actions, until the election ended and kikey and the board populous stopped having anything to do with Kek. Trumpowitz's betrayals only happened after Kek was abandoned. The same thing happened with all the "ecelebs" and political figures that were "based" and on /pol/'s side.




Kill yourself kikestian.

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0e3fc2  No.36074


Checked and kek'd

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97aba4  No.36078

File: 05788c7faf34f73⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 264.92 KB, 900x1260, 5:7, 8a263226a0.jpeg)


>The god head, the toppest of all gods is the actual god thing.

Yeah, it was omitted because you don't make those with magic :^)

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97aba4  No.36084

File: 03a5047fd33f8b9⋯.jpg (95.35 KB, 617x692, 617:692, 98a6c867e4a707baf2f9cb5d3b….jpg)


>Do you have any more on tulpas?

What more do you need to know? If I told you not to drink bleach, would you ask me why?

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93589c  No.36087


its funny then because it seems that this chart is pretty much applicable to the entire world. And ALL of the religions. The god heads may be the same god just different flavors of sorts. And the demi gods may actually be different. But one can see slight signs even in the works of Odysseus

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240eb9  No.36099



/x/ 2020-02-03 21:07:56 never Claim (opens email)

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dcb21b  No.36102

Dear anons.

The name. TRUMP. Right there, it was written. How could you expect honesty? Trump has been useful as a way for Whites to feel part of a racial collective again. Trump has also served the most important purpose of demonstrating that nothing will ever be obtained through democracy. What will work is people saying no to laws, organizing locally on uniting causes, even the most mundane such as gun control.

So yes, it is painful, we actually do have to do more than just shitpost and type type type type, we must act IRL.

The next phase is IRL. It is scary, it's tiring, there are enemies, it's much less anonymous, but it has to happen like in the ancient times.

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dcb21b  No.36108


>that's not chaos, that's something like 'lawful evil'

Only sane Chaos can topple a corrupt Order.

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dcb21b  No.36115

Still, it is impressive how honest anons haven't figured out how it is possible to manipulate the seizing of precious gets on ibs.

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743c32  No.36118

Spam thread still up.

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97aba4  No.36123

File: 107327097d1df42⋯.jpg (33.47 KB, 408x612, 2:3, spee found a way.jpg)


>anons haven't figured out how it is possible to manipulate the seizing of precious gets on ibs.

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9ea6c0  No.38480


Of course if she did gain power in the last election, we the people would still be under martial law and over half of our congressmen would be dead in the streets. Just sayin

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240eb9  No.38519



Getball is the greatest thing to ever happen to ibs.

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b03520  No.39430


>Daily reminder that everything went to shit once we stopped worshiping Kek

Reminder memetic shills were literally all CIAniggers that managed to trick /pol/ into worshipping a kike puppet.

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26934c  No.39441

People think they’re being defiant by abusing lawful souls, but they’re actually just being easily manipulated. True defiance is about peacefully busting the cages that hold people. Organize to expose the evils of this world: the cultural figures who live in submission to corruption, the scientists who are secretly criminals, the liars enslaved to the sense of power they get for lying.

Tear down those who dedicate their lives to manipulating others, or do as I do by making them dance humiliatingly. The people who want to make others act like puppets on a string are slaves by reciprocal; if they weren’t accepting of slavery, they wouldn’t try to enforce it. To avoid hypocrisy, I’ve found that I can use pure passive enforcement, chaining people by their own voluntary submission, and making a flaming scourge of the need to control others itself. Anyone under my “control” could walk away.

The warriors who submit to violence are not needed in a liberated society. As man must not submit, the reciprocal position of least submission is both to reject controls and to reject the need to enforce them. Iterate reductively. We cannot go instantly to zero violence; if only for aesthetic reasons, we may not even wish to. Yet to minimize abuses in our society we must use violence contra violence; we must make peaceful disuse of buildups; we must make bluffs and tolerate them.

I talk about this here rather than on high because the integrity of my pacifism got me marked for lifelong abuse. Our leaders have no tolerance for governing philosophy in the world today; they are absorbed in petty play-acting of life-narratives as though demeaning the world to the status of the masked sociopath in theatre classes represented an advance in our society. What we need instead is specialization, as it has always been, and the specialization of governance looks like “just talk” to those who don’t understand it. The true specialization of leadership is in observing the flow of data across the world and mastering the art of the necessary courier who connects ideas to those who can use them.

The greater joy is resilient; laughter is a crack-up state which can be borne of or lead into great instability. People sometimes laugh as they discard their own potentials in short-sighted acts. As well, if none of this makes sense, be at ease; the world turns onward, and know that people are often doing their best even in dark places. Most peoples’ specialties lie outside of politics, and lolitics is not always a better use of their time.

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998a41  No.39804


Simple, it was sabotaged, and there was no organized effort to fight back. Kikes spent millions spamming the "Retarded Pepe" meme everywhere for a couple months, then millions more renting a legion of shills to "organically" complain about "facebook frog" everywhere. Presto: social engineered to oblivion, threat neutralized. No real cost to them since they print the global reserve currency.

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e1d36d  No.39865

File: ac64241e248e2b6⋯.jpg (120.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, guns and bibles.jpg)

KEK is a false god. Grow up and do as your grand fathers did. Get married to hot girl, and worship Jesus. That is what made America great! Buy an ar15 and keep her safe. This KEK larping will only keep you single and fat living in your moms basement.

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b454e9  No.39872

spam thread still up

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f9c9ba  No.39886


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c5dd65  No.39919


Your post makes too much sense

You need to stop right now before someone calls you a Jew

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46eccf  No.39921


Of course it is, meanwhile stuff on false flag shootings get bumplocked.

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4785d9  No.39927



why cant you just fucking leave

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c5dd65  No.39935

File: de1d95651c5b502⋯.gif (1.72 MB, 602x250, 301:125, FrayedCircularCattle-size_….gif)

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9cd5bc  No.39943

File: 4f2b2c5e124b920⋯.jpg (40.24 KB, 500x545, 100:109, american millenials.jpg)


stupid children never knew anything

i told you niggers trump was a con and voting is useless but you wanted to provide that orange nigger free advertising, because you refused to listen to YOUR ELDERS. and then you pimped yang and tulsi? SAD

you have to form local groups and build your own businesses, get out of the cities. become mayor, sheriff, DA, nothing else matters

the white house is a plantation (has been since day 1) and you are the nigger. for all the research you faggots do, you never research the history of the federal government. stupid kids.

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56f2b7  No.40284


Anyone shilling for Yang or Tulsi is obviously either ironic or a shill. They're obviously not /our guys/. Trump might be a zionist shill, but he definitely managed to seem at least somewhat based.

That being said, you are absolutely right. Don't ever expect to make a change theough the ballot box (not saying you shouldn't vote, just don't expect it to lead anywhere). Achieving change this way would only be possible in a a fully direct democracy (which is in a modern state the size of the US completely impossible).

So you have to start bottom up. Organize and make the change happen bottom up. National organizations sre also good but much more prone to get subverted and much less effective.

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876889  No.40291


Voting for Trump was worth it, just because it gave us more time to prepare for civil war/SHTF and postponed some terrible policies. He's not a savior and may be a total con artist but it was fun to see the commie party expose their true agendas (which does happen to appall most working class Americans). So give or take, the vote did something. It made commies and defeatists scream, whine and cry. It drove the political left to the brink of utter insanity. It gave us more time to prepare. It gave us some entertainment to laugh and scoff at too. Worth it.

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b454e9  No.40295


No one prepared. No one did anything. The white population decreased and jews expanded their control.

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c77047  No.40306


Talk for yourself, not others.

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e153d5  No.40321

File: 446cdb554c54cb1⋯.jpg (63.86 KB, 526x526, 1:1, 446cdb554c54cb1c28d2d8e441….jpg)

Jesus christ this thread proves the anons from 8/pol/ of 2014/2015 that could handle a fucking joke and saw the utility in fun and memes are fucking gone and replaced by anally retentive spirtual boomers that are repulsed by anything coming close to a positive emotion.

Did the oldfags go to Julay or something because what the fuck happened.

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b454e9  No.40334


Too bad, kike. You were proven wrong. No one did anything. White numbers decreased. Jewish control increased.

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b454e9  No.40336


>three years of imkikey banning anything that doesn’t suck trump cock and worship jews

>another year of Jim banning any moderator who banned paid shills from posting, because muh freeze peach

<lol where everyone go

The fuck do you think, faggot.

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97aba4  No.40551

File: d014f3981a9449d⋯.jpeg (99.55 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, d014f3981a9449d11a4279bf7….jpeg)


>Did the oldfags go to Julay or something

Seems that most of the ones that remain have. The rest have either quit the internet to train two years or have been so heavily balkanized into obscure shitbunkers that they may as well be gone.

Megu/pol/ was my bunker back when Imkikey made /pol/ unusable, but that got infested by trannies(literal) and eventually deleted by coward admins.

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e153d5  No.40592


Honestly the state of 8/pol/ is proof that the idea of 8chan is fundamentally flawed(just like the treasonous cripple that created it). Every time mods fag up a board users can migrate but it always damages and divides the community and nobody wants to abandon legacy board names because names have meaning and actually do matter(anyone who knows anything about the occult/psychology knows the power of names).

Instead we need a system where everyone can be a mod and every anon can choose what mods to subscribe to. Unless power is distributed as sparsely as possible and we become an antifragile community we're always going to get dunked on by tptb that seek to constrain our power.

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2aedf4  No.40667

File: 8d7e6fabc56fe7b⋯.jpg (538.41 KB, 912x772, 228:193, Kecronomicon.jpg)

File: 513b04c306feb8a⋯.png (79.57 KB, 720x804, 60:67, Rare Brahman pepe.png)

File: cd4e6a1d83152eb⋯.png (870.27 KB, 567x960, 189:320, Rare comfy pepe.png)


This is a spiritual war.

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54219b  No.41758


Banon and friends weren't even that covert about their plan to steer young chaners towards Trump.

However, the amount of synchronicities and other odd links to material created several decades ago was fascinating. I am not sure they controlled everything here and overall the election of Trump was useful in some ways, showing the whites were united, that a lot of people had enough with the pcness, and finally with the blackpill, that all is rigged by kikes and democracy is not the solution.

If Trump is reelected, it will only confirm this and provide even more useful revealing data for us.


Don't be that stupid. Kek (and the overall Ogdoad) has far more legitimacy than your synthetic dead kike on a stick.

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54219b  No.41762


>Instead we need a system where everyone can be a mod and every anon can choose what mods to subscribe to. Unless power is distributed as sparsely as possible and we become an antifragile community we're always going to get dunked on by tptb that seek to constrain our power.

<I want democracy

Sorry, that's not the way it works.

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fd4cc3  No.41799

File: 71f3272c18148e5⋯.jpg (75.53 KB, 700x405, 140:81, Pope-kissing-feet.jpg)

File: a6be451dd930d61⋯.jpg (37.43 KB, 1696x860, 424:215, KEK CONSTELLATION.jpg)


If your kike deity wants worship he better start raining some brimstone on fucking degenerates. The only paranormal phenomeno that could be vaguely attributed to your God was the 9/11 lightning strike in Mekka. The fucking zog emperor himself have more meme magic miracles on his back than your literally niggerfeet washing cuckoldry.

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12cd40  No.41801


>If your kike deity wants worship he better start raining some brimstone on fucking degenerates. The only paranormal phenomeno that could be vaguely attributed to your God was the 9/11 lightning strike in Mekka. The fucking zog emperor himself have more meme magic miracles on his back than your literally niggerfeet washing cuckoldry.

The irony of this post is that you actually sound like the biggest kike of all.

In St. Paul's words, "Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom.." - 1 Cor 1:22

What he means is that they always had a proclivity of putting God to the test and demanding petty displays of power and materialism (while Greeks were the rationalists, who enjoyed mental masturbation and debate). This is what you're doing now. And you're just going to end up like them if you keep it up.

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fd4cc3  No.41857


>Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom

Wise people demand evidence while self-proclaimed sheep stick to their kiked faith even when it's obviously driving them off a cliff. When you demonstrate how sticking up to two books written by kikes represents "wisdom" in any way we might have something to discuss.

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264894  No.42009

I strongly disagree. Ancient egypt was essentially a giant semetic testing ground for slave ideologies. Which is precisely the reason why we have christianity and islam today. It just copied egyptian heiroglyphs and slapped some new paint on them.

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e0cd35  No.42047


I don't know OP, I think more anons "worship" kek than you think. Every decent repeating digits get, gets at least a kek mention. He is still among us

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058b76  No.42402

Not yet, we need really big dubs but the problem is the 8ch is reset, the post #s are stil too short

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058b76  No.42410


>being unable to have historical repeating digits ever

>muh ibs gets are rigged



>wants another shooting that will criminalize 8kun

>muh gun control

Found the CIA mkultra victim, poor you.

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462e69  No.43557


Please at least try to differentiate between the different periods.

Kek belongs to a very ancient group. Could be pre-flood for all we know.


Correct, they need to be longer.


I think he meant it's actually possible to grab the gets through code-based and heavy board monitoring (((methods))). Logically, it is.

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2926e0  No.43707

File: 5bfdd0132e0d612⋯.jpg (405.68 KB, 587x471, 587:471, 88.jpg)

Stop what you're doing and look at 'em.

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f9c8a8  No.43726

File: 609c004b7d2ce1d⋯.jpg (87.18 KB, 555x609, 185:203, Vril-black-sun-Thule.jpg)


Ultimately kek was a failure but an interesting one. Movements without strong foundations and even ones made in jest are weak. Worshipping chaos is not the aryan way, our people were children of the sun, of pure logos, order, stern masculinity. We should worship the solar while seeding chaos among our enemies, with we who dissent having to oppose all of society today we must then promote chaos everywhere we go except within our own ranks.

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97aba4  No.43934


Kek was/is a manifestation of the trickster archetype, which will always, always re-emerge, and has always been apart of western mythology in one mask or another.

Now whether or not you want to make that archetype the focus of your piety is another question altogether.

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97aba4  No.43937

File: 0d21079bada0c0f⋯.jpg (14.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Esoteric Shitposting.jpg)


>8coom ate my image again.

I really hate this shitty government friendly rebrand by the way. Feels like I'm playing "Weekend at Bernie's" with the corpse of 8chan.

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000000  No.43938



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990920  No.44010

Cringe, back to reddit

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997aec  No.53213

The magic knows no bounds.

The frog: It is the supreme irritation. And nothing can resist it.

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997aec  No.53218

Is it possible to automate the kek-machine using modern ai?

Can it be done for the sake of KEK?

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6a9f18  No.53470

File: 2764cec41a58127⋯.webm (7.34 MB, 439x539, 439:539, meme and mind.webm)

File: f3fb9ce48ddbf92⋯.jpg (267.35 KB, 1236x753, 412:251, 1410692089878.jpg)

File: 6e641ee088aaddb⋯.jpg (86.89 KB, 800x800, 1:1, thule group.jpg)


I wouldn't say that "everything went to shit"

But you are right to point out a trend

When earnest Kek worship fell off, so too did we lose our momentum. It certainly did help that kekistani plebs were poisoning the well.

Things have been simmering, not really getting worse, but also not really improving

I think the recent corona virus outbreak is actually a good thing. It's already reconnecting anons with the esoteric roots that were laid down back when when we had /ebola/.

An important concept in mysticism is the notion of a prime attractor, that there is something in the future which draws us towards it. The things we experience now are in service towards that goal. This naturally includes setbacks and failures. The malaise of the recent years may seem redundant all things considered, but, as the saying goes, "the lesson repeats as needed."

So let's look back at the last point of primacy. We were caught up in the ecstasy of the moment. We were engaged in near constant effort towards a goal. We can do those things again, and perhaps this is the right time to resume the great work.

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b9731a  No.55936

File: 841f83e2bdd715e⋯.jpg (9.27 KB, 300x300, 1:1, spacekek.jpg)


<Anyone still have the original Kek star cluster?

Here you go bruv

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f2de95  No.55946

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2b5a15  No.55975

File: 7215730d227e81c⋯.png (165.91 KB, 500x532, 125:133, its-afraid-11026993.png)


Thanks but we need more context for our newtomodachis, like how anon first discovered it by finding a censored point in google sky.

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d9d750  No.55997

File: 452d127ec8cd67f⋯.jpeg (601.34 KB, 1834x1432, 917:716, ADAF3BCE-2646-4C7F-9D4B-B….jpeg)

File: 5d5c2d9bad14319⋯.jpeg (5.42 KB, 149x174, 149:174, 923A8BA9-C644-4DB3-B635-F….jpeg)

We wielded meme magik and foisted it upon the power elite. Scared the shit out of them.

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d9d750  No.56055

Holy shit this thread fell fast

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cf6de6  No.56071

File: a9f7164452cb017⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 995.41 KB, 917x613, 917:613, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 885851419189de9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 4.22 MB, 1360x1360, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Daily reminder that everything went to shit once we stopped worshiping Kek

Blame that on low energy boomers and jews LARPing as doomers to create an illusion of "hivemind" Nu8chan, I'm sorry, 8kun is full of a bunch of complacent niggers who wouldn't lift a finger if it wasn't to derail threads about progress and strategy.

There was some real power behind dubs magic and memes eventually coming true. I mean hell, look at what's happened to Cripplekike. We eventually memed that into reality, albeit inadvertently.

I've been looking at my post for about 5 minutes seeing if there's anything else I wanted to add, and there is. I think a lot of it has to do with the neckbeard "kekistan" cringe that was associated with pepe and kek worship. Eventually people didn't want to become associated with that and I think that's another reason it died out

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cf6de6  No.56074

File: a52e1ebaa5819af⋯.png (156.52 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c67ac5a9b0ad946⋯.png (412.59 KB, 1132x826, 566:413, ClipboardImage.png)


In addition to the spoiler, Pepe the Frog survived Kekistan's extinction, but has since then been associated with "incels" as opposed to "alt-right".

And there's been a bit of a tug of war involving Pepe between the chans. 8chan initially rejected Pepe because he was too much of a normalfag meme used by 4channers. Then he became a symbol of white supremacy, and suddenly everybody loved him and started posted rare pepes. Then it gets too popular and eventually becomes a "cuckchan" meme once more.

Everything that was associated with the whole Kek worship, truth in repeating digits culture was fazed out because of cringe culture dismantling the small elements of it one by one. Like a frog in boiling water, we didn't realize it until it was too late.

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19405b  No.59452

Occultism is gay and stupid. You may see results that may amaze you, but be warned, whatever you worship will take your soul.

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db6d8f  No.59485

File: f6dfe9d734b038b⋯.jpg (187.24 KB, 900x762, 150:127, PicsArt_05-22-07.16.32.jpg)


>8kun is gay and stupid. You may see results that may amaze you, but be warned, whatever you worship will take your soul.

Take a chill pill, Killcen.

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db6d8f  No.59502

File: 3a031725650d4f6⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1005.2 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, PicsArt_07-15-12.59.26.gif)



Cum NAO!

Lettuce Wereship 2gethah!

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db6d8f  No.59515

File: 16ab6f698e53887⋯.jpg (61.14 KB, 736x736, 1:1, I-Found-Killcen.jpg)



Feelin' pretty worshipful over on >>>/freedomzine/ actually!

>sage for old time's sake

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8b5eda  No.59535


I replied to your blog.

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a716b4  No.59549

File: f31fcb4e73604b4⋯.gif (712.47 KB, 720x780, 12:13, praise kek.gif)


Praise Kek. Praise chaos. Praise the void.

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154559  No.59621


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e5568b  No.62286


Look at the qualities of these things. So much more effect. Something has been missing…

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88a7fb  No.62346

File: c6ed852e8fa197a⋯.jpeg (106.85 KB, 750x569, 750:569, 3B45B35B-1881-4316-A739-2….jpeg)

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f31812  No.62350


>I think the recent corona virus outbreak is actually a good thing. It's already reconnecting anons with the esoteric roots that were laid down back when when we had /ebola/.

>An important concept in mysticism is the notion of a prime attractor, that there is something in the future which draws us towards it. The things we experience now are in service towards that goal. This naturally includes setbacks and failures. The malaise of the recent years may seem redundant all things considered, but, as the saying goes, "the lesson repeats as needed."

Yes, the Coronian cult is doing some strong work here. I do miss watching the sausage get made like we did with Ebota-chan and Winter-chan, tho. This may end up being the ultimate year for /comfy/ posting.

>So let's look back at the last point of primacy. We were caught up in the ecstasy of the moment. We were engaged in near constant effort towards a goal. We can do those things again, and perhaps this is the right time to resume the great work.

Plenty of us have been doing the Work this entire time. There has been a waning, of needs. The waxing has begun anew.

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000000  No.100725

Praise Kek

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