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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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872616  No.318940

Marlena Stell recently spoke to CNN about her "gut-wrenching" miscarriage and how she was forced to carry her zombie fetus for two weeks after a doctor refused to provide medical intervention due to a Texas anti-abortion law.

Stell, a beauty YouTuber and founder of cosmetics companyMakeup Geek, initially explained in a video last year that she and her husband were thrilled to learn of her pregnancy, noting that an ultrasound at around 7 weeks showed that everything with her baby was normal.

However, another ultrasound two weeks later revealed Stell suffered a pregnancy loss. "[The DR] said there is no heartbeat. It's a zombie fetus," she told the outlet.

Following the news, Stell asked her doctor to use a procedure that is used to abort a living fetus, in order to avoid infection or long-term health issues.

He was afraid.


Again the conservative mindset, risk the woman's life, for a dead baby.

Execute a mentally disable man, but save the dead baby's life.

Truly this is the U asS of A.

When will these morons secede, so that we in the civilized parts of the country not be dragged down to Taliban

level primitiveness?

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6d0f2e  No.318945

File: f202442c4f06ab2⋯.jpg (44.71 KB, 429x500, 429:500, 5d70305e6dd46_image.jpg)


>watches CNN

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6d0f2e  No.318946


>thinks fucking 20 women is "impressive"

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6d0f2e  No.318947


Perhaps you wouldn't have so much free time on your hands to watch CNN and create completely irrelevant threads about superfluous nonsenseIF YOU GOT A GOD DAMN JOB AT MCDONALD'S

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6d0f2e  No.318950


Exactly HOW is this thread supposed to help your mother pay for your internet bill?

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c13374  No.319065


Is it possible to sell your aborted baby fetus? Why are only disgusting kikes allowed to make money on it?

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804172  No.319084


Local obituaries skyrocketing due to clot shot deaths (we warned you this would happen!): https://rense.com/general96/local-obituaries.php

The unproductive class is doing its best to ruin the global economy. This class is made up of politicians, bureaucrats and central bankers that have been enabled by a global administrative state expanding at an ever-increasing pace since the end of World War II. Those individuals who make up the unproductive class do not produce anything of value for the world despite what they would like you to think, which is that they are an essential part of order in the world. In fact, the unproductive class should probably be more aptly described as the counterproductive class as everything they do seems to create friction for those who actually bring valuable productive skills and expertise to the world: https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/ignore-unproductive-central-planners-and-use-bitcoin

Suicidal, insolvent, incompetent, corrupted Western nations beg Russia to NUKE them: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-19-incompetent-western-nations-invoke-doomsday-retaliation-from-russia.html

The well prepared will survive the horrors that are being unleashed against humanity. Even as the oblivious, unprepared masses are exterminated by the billions, there will also be billions who survive the carnage, and those people will be among the most resilient and prepared — people who saw what was coming, planned ahead and took action to navigate the chaos: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-18-trust-yourself-preparedness-actions-will-save-you-from-collapse.html

Biden Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg Brags How High Gas Prices Will Force Americans To Accept "Green" Communist Tyranny: https://summit.news/2022/07/20/biden-transport-secretary-again-says-pain-of-high-gas-prices-is-a-benefit/

Govt-Manufactured Food Crisis Continues As Frozen Foods To Skyrocket In Price: https://montanadailygazette.com/2022/07/18/breaking-billings-mt-walmart-employee-calculates-massive-food-price-increase-were-those-recent-defrosts-really-by-accident/

Max Igan points out the agenda behind the manufactured collapse of the Western world, how corrupt governmental control freaks will benefit at our demise: https://www.bitchute.com/video/dry1BZWYE51n/

Putin Says Russia Will Honor Gas Commitment But Flows Will Drop As Much As 20% Of Capacity: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/putin-says-russia-will-honor-gas-commitment-flows-will-drop-much-20-capacity

Ukraine's official holdings of gold collapse as they sell gold for goods: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/price-liberation-ukraine-dumping-its-gold-again

Top Western media outlet deletes video critical of Ukraine: https://archive.ph/x5SNm

New UK Hub To Develop Anti-Drone Laser Weapons As Ukraine War Fuels Demand: https://www.zerohedge.com/military/new-uk-hub-develop-anti-drone-laser-weapons-ukraine-war-fuels-demand

Law Enforcement Is Collapsing In Ukraine: https://southfront.org/law-enforcement-collapsed-in-ukraine/

Russian special military operation in Ukraine continues. Massive strikes of Russian missiles are pounding military are strategic infrastructure facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, especially in response to shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU): https://southfront.org/overview-of-russian-strikes-on-afu-positions-in-ukraine-on-july-19-2022/

On July 19, the Ukrainian military inflicted damage on several command posts of the Russian occupiers, control stations, and logistic support bases on the southern front. In total, the enemy lost 41 soldiers and 12 equipment units: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3532859-ukrainian-troops-strike-enemy-tank-platoon-command-posts-in-south.html

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