If you’re crazy enough to think the Biden White House is destroying our country on purpose, you just might be on to something. And no, you’re not crazy. Think of it like The Who, the rock band that while on tour were notorious for trashing luxury hotel rooms as they moved on to the next city. The government takeover didn’t work; so sorry. Most Americans aren’t stupid, thank you.
The Dems realized that the country wasn’t going to “come along peacefully” toward the New Liberal Order. So, rather than allow a full repudiation of “wokeness,” wherein most Americans want to Make America Great Again, the Dems simply want to tear it down, and that means destroying its people as well. How, I ask? Well, with our stockpile of weapons and strategic petroleum reserves being sent overseas, the damage that Joe Biden has inflicted upon U.S. foreign policy all over the globe, the continuing supply chain issues and diminishing diesel oil reserves, and certainly of mention, the wide-open U.S. southern border wherein thousands cross daily and all manner of drugs and criminals flow freely; with such a reckless agenda, it’s clear to see that the Biden administration is intentionally destroying the United States. There can be no other explanation.
The U.S. is deliberately being weakened on the world stage, and in doing so, it is ruining relationships that have endured decades of loyalty. And, if diesel fuel is going to be non-existent, as they say it will be shortly, nothing in this country will move, including all the food and sustenance that fills our grocery stores. Hey! Big rigs burn diesel fuel, don’t they? An overwhelming “many” won’t have even the slightest clue as they go about their daily lives, obliviously tuned-in to social media, entertainment or to whatever their addiction du jour may be. As expansive as the sea, most Americans will be tuned in to their individual “distraction at hand.” It’s so easy to see, that, with “no tears to cry, no feelings left,” as Roger Waters penned, “this species has amused itself to death.” How many will be “amused to death?”
Such are those that will not be prepared for the catastrophe at hand and start to steal from those who have sufficient food for their needs. For those of you not familiar, it’s called emergency preparedness. So, with people frightened at mob violence and desperate to feed themselves, our government will respond as Marie Antoinette once did; with the populace out of food and their options for survival dwindling, conflicts over food supply will begin to erupt and people will be shot. And with our guns and ammunition still in possession, “Marie” will say, “Let them eat bullets.”
And some food for thought; remember when President Trump was impeached for making a phone call to Ukraine asking about Hunter Biden and the Biden crime family’s corruption there? Seems this guy hit the bullseye with one throw of the dart. And with all FJB has done to weaken this nation, isn’t it any wonder they want to destroy it rather than face the rest of their lives in prison? During a time when the United States was stronger, these tyrannists would have been shot to death. Ever wonder why members of congress go into office with meager life savings only to emerge filthy rich only a few years later? Seems these guys always make the best stock investments, even better at Wall Street than Warren Buffet. It’s uncanny how rich the Pelosi’s have become. You should see her stock portfolio. Immaculate.