lol wow.
For someone this desperate to find friends you'd think you'd care enough to post your matrix room (you are probably unaware that there are other clients besides element for getting to the matrix, but surely you're aware there's rooms, right?) You didn't post the name of the room.
Now, while I have your attention, let me explain something else you may be unaware of. Did you know that 8kun has a room? Or that 8kun/pnd/ actually has a room on Matrix (or Element, or FluffyChat, or a whole host of other Matrix clients?)
> Yes, Element has a Room Search function…
Do you know how much traffic those rooms get, or how many people have ever posted there? I do.
Just sayin'…
Good luck with all that.
You'd probably feel more comfortable on the /bmw/ board (Bureau of Memetic Warfare). That actually used to be a decent board a few years ago, but it seems like a lot of your kind rolled in and completely destroyed the entire Matrix. I moved on from there a couple years ago myself. Like every platform, once normies roll in, the party is over.
And yes, you're a normie.
You're kinda as normie and conformist as they get! The extent of your education has been what you gleaned in public school and from all those countless hours on 4chan/pol/ with other intellectually lazy, angry toddlers, lashing out, and filled with Blame.
I hate to break it to you like that, but it's true. Form another little splintered group if you feel you must; or branch out, educate yourself, and find some new and exciting interests that you might find more fulfilling than looking around for other like-minded dispossed youth to commiserate with.