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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: cd47bdf9cf5ffea⋯.jpg (63.36 KB, 640x648, 80:81, gigachad_4.jpg)

88b7ff  No.305420

I have created an element.io chat for us. Let's create a social media, information center, "intelligence agency", study group, self-help group that is safe from shilling.

If you want to join, please create an element.io account or login into one and send the @ or the community.


1- Will there be shills and feds and glowies?

Answer: I don't know. There is no need to worry about them as long as you will not do anything illegal. Also, the feds and glowies likely already have access to your device, so there's no need to set up a place so to get access to people's devices. The shills use the fear of people being feds and communities being honeypots as a mean of avoiding people from making groups themselves and uniting. The chat will not be anything secret initially, however, I will filter the shills with time and create groups for the good members

2- What is the chat about?

Answer: You can discuss anything as long as it is not illegal and it is not wrong. This group is aimed at good individuals. Endorsing National Socialism and Hitler will be forbidden, and speaking against Jews and Israel will also likely be forbidden as my intention is to give a specific temper to the group that goes in a opposite direction to the people who tend to endorse National Socialism, Hitler, and speak against Jews and Israel. Other than that, you will be allowed to speak the truth there and "alt-right" stuff; the group isn't supposed to be a controlled narrative

3- Is it a grooming nest or a honeypot?

Answer: No. Even if it was, you wouldn't be obliged to be groomed and you just step out of the boat. Also, the worry about honeypots is irrational as the feds and glowies don't need to set a honeypot to hack and spy people devices as they can do that from 4chan. This worry about places being honeypot is used by shills so that people will not be inclined towards forming community and being open to new experiences in the internet

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2d6319  No.305446

File: 4a457a6b5b3e611⋯.jpg (221.15 KB, 800x533, 800:533, visage_de_chat_l_arri_re_p….jpg)


lol wow.

For someone this desperate to find friends you'd think you'd care enough to post your matrix room (you are probably unaware that there are other clients besides element for getting to the matrix, but surely you're aware there's rooms, right?) You didn't post the name of the room.

Now, while I have your attention, let me explain something else you may be unaware of. Did you know that 8kun has a room? Or that 8kun/pnd/ actually has a room on Matrix (or Element, or FluffyChat, or a whole host of other Matrix clients?)

> Yes, Element has a Room Search function…

Do you know how much traffic those rooms get, or how many people have ever posted there? I do.

Just sayin'…

Good luck with all that.

You'd probably feel more comfortable on the /bmw/ board (Bureau of Memetic Warfare). That actually used to be a decent board a few years ago, but it seems like a lot of your kind rolled in and completely destroyed the entire Matrix. I moved on from there a couple years ago myself. Like every platform, once normies roll in, the party is over.

And yes, you're a normie.

You're kinda as normie and conformist as they get! The extent of your education has been what you gleaned in public school and from all those countless hours on 4chan/pol/ with other intellectually lazy, angry toddlers, lashing out, and filled with Blame.

I hate to break it to you like that, but it's true. Form another little splintered group if you feel you must; or branch out, educate yourself, and find some new and exciting interests that you might find more fulfilling than looking around for other like-minded dispossed youth to commiserate with.

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c88206  No.305452


Holy crap, you mean there are other mirrored boards like this one I don't even see and other users and comments I don't see? I don't know anything about element or matrix. Is it similar to Tor onion sites? Are they p2p (node to node)? What kinds of operating systems will they function on? (I have older reverse engineered operating systems and an older linux that cannot install newer software, tried Utopia and it messed with my TAP driver for example). Anyhoot, sounds really interdasting. Hope the appreciate the REAL NEWS over there!

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2d6319  No.305482

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88b7ff  No.305491


You can use it on Browser or download it.

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de3a1b  No.305493


You still didn't mention the room name or provide a chat-link, ya dork!

How do you expect "Johnny" to spam you?

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9ea75c  No.305499


>hey guise come to my gay discord server or whatever the fuck is trendy these days

why people do this

you have here all the infrastructure necessary to post forum entries dont even need an account etc.

why do we need 3rd party sites when we have slim jim

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