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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 725192aa1a92cb1⋯.jpg (18.2 KB, 200x134, 100:67, Neo_Nazi_Rally61.jpg)

43f265  No.305279

We might remember: God Nation Family Race! https://www.bitchute.com/video/GDJUYEV8QQfh/

Folks the tyranny will not stop growing unless you stop feeding it your fear.

It feeds on your fear and weakness.

Reject its Death Cult Lies! Diversity is Death! Tolerance is Timidity! Inclusion is INSANITY!

CRT = Color Blindness = MLK = ALL MARXIST BLATHER!

To the News:

Cops aren't White or black, they're blue, they betray

whatever race they are in favor of the system and their

glorious little pension. There is no line they won't cross,

no oath or brotherhood they won't betray in favor of the

system and it's blood money. They will gladly do

anything to you or your family all the while muttering

that "I'm just doing my job" or "I need the money man, I

got kids man". If you are in support of gun rights, or are

against the state grooming your children, you should

hate the police with a passion because they are, and will

be, the people enforcing those policies and will do so

having never once gone against their orders. Their

pension is far too important to give up for petty things

like your rights and the safety of your loved ones.


Jury convicts antisemitic January 6 defendant who

claimed he didn't know Congress met in the US Capitol

A January 6th defendant was found guilty on all counts


The prosecution used comical pictures to point out that

he was an anti semite. They also had his fellow military

servicemen testify that he was critical of jewish power

in government.

California Republican said the

"Jewish community" uses money to "control" U.S.


"That's the problem. Israeli PAC in Washington, they

got money and they control a lot of these politicians.

And the other side, the Palestinians, they don't have the

clout. So these politicians go where the money is,

unfortunately," Raths said. "The Jewish community is

very well organized in the United States and they

control a lot of politicians. That's why the foreign aid is

so large going to Israel. … The Jewish community has

never given me one dime, so I'm not beholden to them

at all."

Jew Geld Checks Out:

RINOs Led by Mitch McConnell Consider Joining

Democrats to Tighten Gun Laws Following Uvalde .. Since the #GOP are traitors.

What Could Go Right?

Davos Elites Warn "Painful Global Transition" Should

Not Be Resisted By Nation-States

National Teachers' Guide Advises Against Use Of

"Parent", "Male", "Female", "Mother", & "Father"

In the guide, titled “Gender-Inclusive Biology: A

framework in action,” the National Science Teachers

Association (NSTA) has called for “gender-inclusive

biology,” which includes the abandonment of terms like

“parent,” “men,” “women,” “mother,” and “father.”

Under the guide, mothers are now referred to as

“persons with ovaries” in reference to reproduction

cycles while fathers are now “persons with testes.”

Additionally, the association declares the move of

various states toward “Sex verification in sports” as an

example of oppression.

Senate Republicans Vow to Shut Down ‘Domestic

Terrorism’ Bill

Report: Biden’s DHS Released Illegal Alien on

‘Terrorism Watch List’ into U.S.

The Great Replacement: Cat Out Of Bag, Democrats


Demographic change is essential to the Democrats’

political mission, but they don’t want the Historic

American Nation to know they are pushing the change.

Thus, Leftists call the Great Replacement a “white

nationalist conspiracy theory” to silence discussion…

The Great Replacement is no longer

an idea consigned to the fringes of the right. It’s part of

the new Republican consensus on border security and

immigration. As well it should be.

Maybe the Historic American Nation stands a chance,

after all.

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3ca3bd  No.305313


shut the fuck up, uneducated blue collar minimum wage white trash…

you're stupid as shit, and found yourself in a board frequented by college graduates…

go clean a toilet, trailer trash peasant

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3ca3bd  No.305314

lol @ you suddenly thinking you're an "influential persuasive speaker" hahahaha

all you did was list cliches…

you're not very creative, are you?

it's a sign of a low IQ

by the way, ALL HUMANS HAVE MUTATED NEGRO DNA, you empty, uneducated, feckless, vapid fool

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3ca3bd  No.305315







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3ca3bd  No.305316


by the way, your attached photo speaks volumes ..

you're a soft weak slob…..

and you're SO powerless….

that you fantasize about white trash ex convicts

you think people are intimidated by your preferences…. hahahahaha

you couldn't run a mile if your life depended on it

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3ca3bd  No.305317



you were never in control of anything

you haven't accomplished anything with your life

it's very important for different perimeter you are weak and irrelevant

white men couldn't hold on to their imaginary control and power…

and now white men are in a downward spiral

a downward spiral that's unrecoverable

thank you for showing us what a crying whining white moron behaves like when he realizes he's on the level of a nigger, and will remain such for the rest of his life

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3ca3bd  No.305318



there's no such thing as God, and only a fucking IDIOT builds his life's belief system around an obvious fairy tale without even requiring a drop of proof

YOUR version of America means nothing… We moved on, and left you in the dust. nobody asked you for your opinions. get to the back of the bus, bum.

Your family are white trash, just like you. Apples don't fall far from the tree, and dignified, intelligent, sophisticated parents don't raise stupid white trash.

RACE ?…… you're an uneducated fucking ape, who has no clue what "race" means…. you actually think Caucasians are a "different race" than other humans…. you're an idiot…

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3ca3bd  No.305319

File: a9eefc8e8ab3f18⋯.mp4 (2.88 MB, 384x480, 4:5, assume_.mp4)

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3ca3bd  No.305320

File: 93e0d8bcd321554⋯.mp4 (2.97 MB, 384x480, 4:5, beware_magian_.mp4)

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3ca3bd  No.305321

File: ef2d3fce7a0256d⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB, 640x360, 16:9, FBI_connections_.mp4)

you might be surprised to discover The Sly Magian made a LOT of connections through his silly little MAGIA ACT over the years…

all kinds of people from all walks of life

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3ca3bd  No.305322

File: 95e491b1b0bb2b8⋯.mp4 (2.6 MB, 640x360, 16:9, guest_speaker_.mp4)

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3ca3bd  No.305323

File: 752bd06a806d385⋯.mp4 (3.06 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 1st_meeting_.mp4)

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654021  No.305325


>Folks the tyranny will not stop growing unless you stop feeding it your fear.

Somewhat true, just keep prepping for hard times ahead and don't give up to the despots in power. If worse comes to worse we will end up a civil war and economic collapse, and those that instigated it will deserve their fate. In the meantime, stay vigilant and prepped, get your shit together, make connections in your local community (not over the internet crawling with spooks and retards). Support your local farmers markets and make contacts with those who supply you with food on the local level. Having those kinds of contacts will become very important in the near future. Sit back and watch the balkanization of the USSA unfold.

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3ca3bd  No.305330

File: 816d90c2a876d64⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB, 640x360, 16:9, sly_magian_.mp4)

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b1d80d  No.305332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Mr. Bridges… Inform the assembly, that is no longer alive, of the following:

There is no violation in the agreement betwixt the chancellor and chairman…

Volodymyr Zelenskyy must die and the Rada burn…

It is the only way… HAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… Now… There can be no majority…

Vladimir Putin… Now… There can be no 'true' Ukraine…

Vladimir Putin… Ukraine exists only in memory…

Vladimir Putin… A figment in the imagination of warring powers…

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b1d80d  No.305334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Empire Earth

… I am coming for Turkey and Germany…

… I desire the lives of 4,000,000,000 in exchange for that which was stolen from me…

… I will not stop…



… Take the words from Mr. Bridges well and know that I am near…

… The same fate that I impressed upon Ukraine shall be imposed upon The untied bates…

… The untied bates shall suffer 'Nuclear Annihilation…'




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ba8a8d  No.305390

File: ada54dd0e50218e⋯.webm (576.28 KB, 886x480, 443:240, oppinion.webm)

>stop feeding the flavour of government I don't like

>rather feed my personal flavour of government

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