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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 53a49874b62c884⋯.jpg (422.58 KB, 1500x1250, 6:5, Picsart_22_06_02_17_30_14_….jpg)

56f8a5  No.304890


A: a traveling wildlife exhibit charged criminally in the death of two illegally obtained lions

B: a trucking company in Pixelia, Mississippi where for reasons not understood by physicists, all cameras take harshly pixelated photographs, no matter the make or model of the camera

C: proof that you are in one of the most embarrassing, empty, worthless and irrelevant websites on the entire internet, with such low numbers and questionable character of users, that nobody on planet Earth is willing to spend $1 on advertising, not even one single person or company has ever spent a penny purchasing advertising space here, because advertising dollars are not flushed down the toilet, but instead are spent targeting demographic audiences, and this website is so fucking pathetic, with such pathetic users and losers, people like you and me, complete fucking losers, that we don't represent anything, let alone a demographic target audience. Jim Watkins is a horrible businessman, never having had a successful idea in his life that didn't involve hijacking or stealing somebody else's idea, and then driving it into the ground with continual bad business decisions. he's such a worthless businessman, that he actually has to fill the empty advertising sections with his own content, totally unauthorized by anybody, and even going as far as to breach the law in posting some of his content in these otherwise empty advertising sections. 8kun is in fact, the "cracked, feces encrusted, yellowing porcelain toilet in the cobwebbed men's room of the abandoned 60s truck stop along the long forgotten highway leading to nowhere" of the internet..

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56f8a5  No.304891

File: 303bf9620dccba1⋯.png (792.9 KB, 1080x1810, 108:181, Picsart_22_06_02_18_35_28_….png)

get your shit together admin


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07b4e2  No.305050


First day on an imageboard?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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